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Nero sighed as he finished another job and walked out of the building. He had just finished cleaning out a den of demons for a guy who was planning to turn a place into a nightclub and just got paid. He had parked his ride not too far away from here, in case he was forced outside of the building. Fights could be unpredictable messes and it was impossible to fully predict what might happen next in them. All the fights he had been in, usually ended up with something either being broken or being somewhere completely different before it ended and he didn’t want to put his bike at risk. Sometimes they even ended in both, despite how hard he tried to stop it from happening. And unlike Dante, at least he was able to keep the destruction of property to a minimum.

The young man stopped when he saw a large silver harley bike with red sections on the fuel tank. It had a large silver skull on the fuel tank that didn’t seem out of place on the bike. It had large silver mufflers which curled upward. The whole bike looked like it had just been polished with how clean it looked and how the street light shined off it. He stepped closer to get a better look at it and whistled in appreciation. It wasn’t like one of those overly gaudy bikes where a person was trying to get attention. He imagined himself driving down the road and smiled at the thought.

He blinked when he saw the keys for it were inside the ignition and looked around for the owner. He was the only person around as far as he could see and this didn’t look like a trustworthy neighborhood at all, especially with how old and uncared for the buildings looked. Not to mention how dirty some of the people around here were and how their clothes were filled with holes. The fact demons had been hiding out around here only added to it.

“Jeez, what kind of idiot would leave the keys for a beauty like this in them. The owner’s practically begging for it to be stolen,” Nero remarked as he placed his human hand on one of the handlebars. Anyone who wanted it would be able to take it without any problems. He squeezed the handlebar and it felt perfect in his hand.

A small light entered the skull’s eyes as a glazed look suddenly formed in Nero’s eyes and he slowly moved, almost robotically, and sat on the seat. The bike’s engine came to life and roared as fire formed the exhaust pipes. The young man placed his feet on the footrests. The moment his feet were fully on it, the bike moved onto the street and gained speed as it deftly moved on the road, avoiding cars. It stopped at a red light and patiently waited for it to turn red. When it turned green, the engine came to life as if Nero floored it, and the bike speeded down the road.

The noise made Nero blink and brought him out of his trance. He looked around, wondering where he was. He looked down and blinked when he saw that he was on the motorcycle he was admiring moments ago. The sound coming from the bike’s engine was smooth and clean, as it was brand new, but he hardly noticed that fact since another thought came to the forefront.

“What the fuck! When did I get on? When did I start this thing!” Nero exclaimed. He growled and tried to take his hands off of the handles, but it was as if his hands had been glued to the bars of the bike. He tried to hit the brakes and stop it, but it didn’t slow at all. He pulled down harder on the breaks, but they refused to work. Instead, the bike sped up as his other hand unintentionally moved the throttle down.

“You got on after you grabbed my handlebars man,” a distorted male-sounding voice said. It sounded like it was speaking through an old speaker with static.

“What the hell?” Nero muttered and looked around to see if he could find where it was coming from. There was no way an ordinary human would be able to keep up with the speed he was going on this thing. Which meant it had to be demonic in origin or a form of magic. With how fast they were speeding down the highway it had to be a demon of some kind watching him or something. There was no way that an ordinary person would have gotten him on this thing without him knowing.

“I’m down here,” the voice said.

Nero looked down and saw the silver skull on the gas tank of the bike was glowing. The eyes on it were glowing a bright purple. He narrowed his eyes and saw the mouth now giving off the vague feeling of it smiling at him.

“Sonuvabitch nothing can ever be easy,” Nero groaned.

“I think things can be easy, it just depends on what you're doing. I've been wanting to talk to you ever since I saw the way you cleaned house fighting those demons earlier. Name’s Matador kid and I would like to be your new partner.”

“Like I would consider being partners with you if this is how you decided to talk to me,” Nero spat. “This isn’t exactly the best way to approach someone when you want to make a deal with them. Now listen here you piece of junk, you have five seconds to pull over and I might make what happens to you quick.”

“Hey, I know we might have gotten off on the wrong foot, but trust me when I say we can really help each other out! I want to help you crush, slice, and kill every demon you see, myself excluded, of course.”

“Well you’re doing a terrible job of that,” Nero snarked.

“Look I know a great place we can go, relax, have some fun, and along the way we can get this sorted out. By the way, my name is Matador,” the motorcycle said. “By the time we get there, I’m sure we both will be happy with our new partnership!”

The bike started to speed up even more down the road, and Nero’s coat started to flutter as it did. The young man’s hair blew back as the roar of the engine sped up. The silver-haired demon hunter tried to break free of the bike’s power, but he couldn’t. The young man looked at the speedometer and saw it was past the ’60s and climbing steadily higher.

“Don’t worry, you’ll like the place...I think you will at least. You honestly look like you kinda belong there already with the way you’re dressed up already.”

“What the hell do you mean by that?” Nero demanded, narrowing his eyes at the skull. If his arms weren’t stuck where they were he would have gone to punch through the skull of the bike already and pull out whatever was on the other side, consequences be damned. “And where the hell are you taking me?”

“You’ll understand what you mean when we get there, until then why don’t you just relax and enjoy the ride killer,” the bike said.

Matador continued down the road, turning where he needed to as Nero continued to try and escape and cursed at it. Soon they came upon an open road and were making their way to the city limits. The cars started to get less numerous and the buildings even more so. The bike seemed to be humming a cheery tune as it did, and ignored the young man’s attempts to get off. The young man breathed heavily through his nose as he looked around at the cleaner and sparse houses and wondered how much longer it would take to reach its destination.

"Now that we're on the road it's time to really get this partnership sorted out!" The distorted voice coming from the motorcycle declared as it sped faster down the road.

"Fuck you, you piece of shit! You better let me go right now before I turn you to scrap!" Nero said.

"Well, that's not very nice. Don't worry, I'm sure your attitude will change after we spend some more time together and get to know each other! So what do you think we should change first: your clothes or your body?" The magical machine asked, the last word bringing out a giggle of excitement.

“You’re not going to change anything about me you stupid piece of shit!” Nero cried and turned the handlebars to the right, aiming to ram it into a wall. He was sure he would have been able to survive whatever might have happened to him afterward and then deal with this troublesome bike.

For a moment the bike turned and did as he wanted. The bike veered to the side as Nero pulled harder on the accelerator, speeding it up, however, the handlebars quickly moved to get back onto the road. Nero grunted as he futilely tried to stop them, but they wouldn’t budge. Soon they were back on the road, and Nero tried harder to push them in either direction, but he couldn’t.

“Well, that could have ended badly, but thank god I’m the fastest bike in the world. You know the more I think about it, let’s start with the clothes. If you're going to be changing on me, I really want to see your curves come in and with the clothes you're wearing that ain’t going to happen,” the bike stated.

“The hell are you...” Nero started, only to shudder as a cold chill went down his spine as if he had fallen into a frozen lake. His upper body shook and his toes twitched. His fingers gripped tighter on the handlebars as if he was bracing himself for something.

The flapping of his coat was getting quieter, he looked over his shoulder and saw the end of his coat was getting smaller. It continued to shrink and soon it no longer flew out in the wind behind him. He shivered and saw the sleeves of his coat hug his arms tighter as they started to shrink and rip, exposing his forearms. Black wristbands formed where his coat sleeves had been moments ago. When it finished changing, he was left in a small black leather jacket which left very little of his body for others to see.

The remains of his jacket merged with his shirt, making him wince as if he had been pinched and wonder what was happening to him now. He looked down and saw the bottom of his shirt was starting to rise as it turned black. Just like how his jacket tightened across his body, his shirt did as well. The fabric around his shoulders started to thin down and get smaller until there were only two small straps that connected the front to the back. The fabric changed from soft cotton into a tight leather that made his muscles very easy for all to see. A small rip formed at the top of his chest and grew larger until it rested slightly above his nipples. It finished changing when it became a black leather small top with threads on the side, similar to the corsets Trish wear’s and showed off his chest and the bottom of his abs.

Underneath his pants, he could feel his underwear starting to change. He could feel the boxer briefs he wore get smaller as if it was folding in on itself as it got tighter. They rode higher up his legs as they started to move tighter. The back of his boxers dug between his cheeks, making him spasm. The front of his changing underwear changed and formed into a black triangle and pressed down on his masculinity, making it uncomfortable for him. He could feel his underwear stop changing when it felt like he was now wearing a black thong that showed off his hard masculine ass.

Nero could feel his black pants start tightening against his body, the fabric slowly changing as it did so. He gulped as the fabric started to squeak as it got tighter and hugged his body. His pockets got smaller as if the top of them were being sewed shut and after a few seconds there wasn’t a trace of them. The back of his pants dug deeper into his butt, so much so he could feel it form and frame his strong masculine cheeks until it ripped, making him blush as the fabric moved and went into his pants legs. The top of his pants legs hardened and formed straps that attached to his belt around his waist. After a few more agonizing seconds, his jeans finished turning into tight black spandex chaps, which showed off his muscular masculine legs.

The same sensation overcame his feet and he looked down to see his boots change. They started to get smaller from the bike’s power and squeeze tighter on his feet. As they did, small faint shiny black streaks appeared on them and were slowly getting larger. The streaks continued to get larger and brighter as if a painter was polishing them until they were a reflective dark black. His boots gained a slight heel in the back of them that pushed the back of his foot up until it was several inches long. Small studs and straps appeared on them as the top of them started rising higher, as if it was being stretched out. His boots finished changing into dark black women's boots, with the top of them reaching just under her knees.

“What the fuck!” Nero blushed in embarrassment, discomfort, and rage. He looked over his clothes and the more he studied them the more his emotions swelled. He couldn’t help but be reminded of Trish’s attire with how similar it looked, almost as if he had stolen them from her wardrobe, especially with how tight they were. The new clothes tightly hugged his body and showed off his body. If it was on a woman, but on a man it looked wrong, it looked like he had lost a bet with someone. It showed off his chest, and his midriff and could feel the thong dig and show off his strong butt. He could even see the outline of his masculinity. He was just grateful no one he knew saw him in this situation, Dante, Lady, and Trish would be laughing their butts off if they saw him.

“Now that is a nice outfit, hope you like it. I got to admit, it doesn’t suit you currently because you know you're a guy and all, but it will look good when we get to your body,” Matador said. “It will really show off your curves!”

“I’m going to take you apart piece by piece the moment I get off you!” Nero roared and again tried to move off the bike, or make it change course, but to no avail.

“Oh relax, you should sit back and enjoy the ride. It's not every day someone gets to ride a motorcycle like me, without having to worry about driving. I know what might cheer you up,” the machine giggled.

“Like I’m going to let you do whatever you please,” Nero said, his mind scrambling until an idea came to him. He slammed his feet down into the ground to try and jump up into the air, but his timing was off and instead of a jump it was more of a hop. The bike landed perfectly on the ground and continued unimpeded. The young man tried again and this time managed to get him and the bike flying up into the air. Nero adjusted his body’s weight, making the bike spin in the air as the engine roared. He grinned, hoping it would either make him slip off or damage the bike so he could get off. He frowned when he noticed it, his butt remained where it was and his hands didn’t feel any looser as the bike spun. It spun faster as if it was leaning into the power he used and adjusted itself when it landed on the ground and continued down the road at a steady pace before his attempted escape.

“That was nice, and you could do that as many times as you want with me. You wouldn’t have to worry about my shocks or the wheels on me,” Matador cackled.

“I’m going to get you yet,” Nero vowed. “And when I do, your head is going to mount my wall!”

“Then I wouldn’t get to see any of the wonderful sights and feel the wind over my hair and the rest of the wonderful sensations, or feel those perfect legs, especially those thicc sexy thighs of yours against me!”

Nero shuddered as the boots that he wore became more comfortable, as his feet changed. He was painfully aware as his toes got smaller in his boots and wiggled of their own will. He rolled his angles as best as he could as the changes continued up his legs. His bones let out a small cracking noise that made a cool pleasure course through him that combined with what he was feeling.

The chaps that he wore tightened as his legs got longer and thinned down, making him growl and shiver as a small electric pleasure went through his body. The heat rolling off of the engine only made it worse for him as a small layer of sweat came off of him, making the chaps stick tighter to his body as they squeaked from his movement. He wanted to tear these damn things off and then punch the bike from whatever it was doing, even if he might get in trouble with the cops for public indecency.

The changes reached his thighs and they blew up as if the lost fat and muscle was returning there. He gulped as they grew larger, small bits of pleasure going through his body as the spandex tightened on his thighs. The silver-haired hunter winced as his thickening thighs were crushing his dick between him.

“Damn it all!” Nero cried and squirmed in place. The uncomfortableness of his thighs against his shaft felt like someone was softly massaging his wood and the more he shimmied in place the faster the person seemed to do it. It didn’t help that the bikini bottom was riding higher up his thighs, feeling like someone was gently gliding their fingers against his legs, exciting him further. It was making an erection form despite his best efforts to stop it. There was no way that he could move his new thick sexy thighs without rubbing against his wood.

“These are my thighs, damn it!” Nero told himself, hoping that it would make it stop.

“Sex appeal is unstoppable no matter what babe and your rocking a magnificent set. Now let's fill that trunk with some junk and give you that lovely dump truck!" The motorcycle declared ignoring what he just said.

"The fuck do you meeeeaaaan!" Nero started only to start squealing as his butt suddenly started growing, causing his bikini bottom to tighten. He could feel his butt starting to grow larger against its spandex prison. They squeaked as his butt pushed out and continued to squeak as it did. The young man looked over his shoulder as best he could, panting heavily, and saw his cheeks rounding out, making him rise higher in his seat. His pants hugged his butt tighter as it grew larger, and the thong he wore now to ride higher. He whimpered as thoughts of someone roughly playing it and squeezing as it grew larger clouded his mind. His buttocks finally finished growing when he was left with a massive volleyball-sized behind.

"Now that's an ass that's going to earn you plenty of extra tips! God I love the feeling of your new ghetto booty on my seat already!"

“You...You!” Nero growled, his mind a blur as he shimmied in his seat, blushing profusely from the immense cushion his butt provided him now. The movement of his lower body made his butt clench as foreign pleasing sensations shot up his spine. He tried to sit still, but he couldn’t deny just how much more comfortable and enjoyable the extra cushion he had down below was. Every little motion sent a jolt of pleasure through him that made his face burn brighter. Not to mention how the slight bumps would make him bounce in his seat, and the slight turns would make him lean on one side of his butt more than the other.

“Might as well continue down below for now and give you the hips to go with them. It would be a crime not to do them after giving you such a booty,” the magical cycle declared.

Nero jumped in his seat as if someone had suddenly grabbed his hips and started to expertly massage them. The young man couldn’t help but roll his hips in tandem with them, despite how weird it was. There was nothing that could be done. He tried to pry himself off the seat but was met with the same failure. It got harder for him to keep his face straight and bite down on the moans that wanted to come out. A small moan left his mouth as the cushion from his now rounded ass spread out, making the seat even more comfortable. The moment the massage stopped he looked down and growled at the sight of wide childbearing hips that would complement his new ass the moment he got off of it.

“Now those are some lovely hips, wouldn't you agree?” Matador chuckled. “They really show off that trunk you packing.”

“Fuck off, you piece of crap!” Nero cursed.

“You’re a feisty one, aren’t ya? That’s what I like about ya, kid; you’ve got spunk! But hold on, because it’s going to be a bumpy ride as when I change out your engine to match your bodywork.”

Nero growled. He tried to summon the ethereal demonic appendage, he might not have the best of movement but he was sure that he would be able to figure out something with it. His arm glowed and the demonic spectral limb appeared right above his own.

“Whoa Better deal with that arm first! Can’t have that special arm of yours going wild,” Matador remarked. “Last thing we need is to go through an accident because someone got a little quick to jump the gun.”

Nero shuddered as he could feel the bike’s demonic power affect his body again and the scales and blue lines on his arm glowed. His arm felt off as if warm water was brushing against it instead of the cold pounding wind. The concentration that he had to summon it was broken and the demonic ghostly limb disappeared. The young man braced himself and tried to summon it again, only to feel like something was forcibly cutting him off from it,

The young hunter gasped in shock when he saw that his clawed reptilian arm was starting to morph. Human nails replaced demonic claws and the scales started to brighten. They took on a pinkish shade as they changed. The demonic scales lost some of their natural roughness as they seemingly softened. The change continued down his fingers and it was at that moment that he realized that the demonic skin was being replaced with normal human-looking skin.

He couldn't turn away and he wasn't sure that he wanted to even if he could. The demonic appendage didn’t bother him as much as it did when it first came, but he still had to take precautions when he went out because of it. Some people could only stop and stare and some clients first thought that he might be a demon because of it. Whenever he went out he made sure to hide the arm best he could so people wouldn't look. He might not care what people think when they look at him, but he would rather not deal with that hassle.

The change continued down his hand and the rest of his forearm morphed to match his changed hand. His wrist looked normal and the wind brushed against it, feeling the same as it did against his human arm. The human skin continued to overcome the demonic flesh, looking more normal by the second. The bone-like appendage that stuck out of his elbow disappeared as if it was never there and then stopped, the changes finished.

For a single moment, all of the rage, embarrassment, and mix of emotions that he felt from the changes were gone. He could only stare at the now human limb. It had been so long since it had been a normal arm that he was wondering if it was real. He could still feel the power that he had, but it was as if it was blocked off for now, but that was secondary on his mind right now. If he could, he would have moved his arm to fully look it over and see the palm of his hand. It didn’t seem real despite all that had happened.

“Now that pesky arm is out of the way we can get back to that bodywork and work on that frame of yours. Since we got it started, we might as well change that engine of yours into something much better!” Matador laughed.

Nero could only squirm as the heat that he felt from his crotch exploded as if someone had started to rub his hotrod in tandem with his thighs. For a moment, he could feel his third leg somehow get even larger before it started to get smaller like a deflating balloon. He looked down again and could only grow further flustered as the sensations attacking his crotch blossomed further. Every centimeter of his manhood that was lost was noticed by the young man and made him squirm more. He would have crossed his legs if they weren’t stuck in place, the desire to run his hands what was happening to him becoming more demanding.

He screamed as the tip of his dick entered his body and new fluids form down there. Seconds later, he felt a new moistness down there that made him. The poor devil hunter didn’t have a moment's respite before he felt his balls move upwards. Even as they began their one-way journey, the spandex bikini bottom still cupping and gently tracing them like a teasing lover’s caress.

“Stop!” Nero screamed a voice laced with ecstasy and desperation.

As if saying farewell, they stopped right at the entrance to his new hole before moving slowly into it. Nero was desperate for release and could only pant, whimper, and moan as his balls moved past the point of no return. In a futile crude check against reality, Nero pitifully brought his thighs as closely together as he could. He couldn’t feel his missing sword, but he became keenly aware of the pink rosebud that had blossomed from its withering.

The heat and pleasure of embarrassment and arousal centered itself in the gap between Nero’s thickened thighs, making the new woman mewl. She wanted to attend to herself, hoping that it would make what she felt go away. The new horny woman was desperate for release and would welcome anything that would help deal with it. To her dismay, the bikini bottom that she wore was now far more comfortable and fitting now that her manhood was gone. She rubbed her legs against the bike unwillingly, her horniess demanding attention. The warmth of the bike and the way her new bikini bottom rubbed against her moist crotch, only made what she was feeling down there even worse.

“Looks like someone’s engines really are running on full cylinders. Now then let's make sure that face of yours truly matches what’s down below. After all, we don’t want people to think that you're a guy…or might have been in your case,” Matador remarked. “Especially with the body, you'll have when we’re done.”

Nero groaned, unable to form a coherent response after losing her masculinity in such an arousing manner. She wanted to rage at the comment that he made, but the sea of lust in her mind had grown, and the sudden gender change drained her of the strength that she had. All of the words that she had were jumbled together and twisted around, making them little more than gibberish in her mind.

The roaring wind beat harder against her face as the bike sped up and she breathed out as some semblance of self came back to her. She wondered what this damn twisted bike would decide to change about her next. The young woman struggled to think straight. Her mind went through all the stuff that had been changed about her and what had yet to be done. A part of her screamed in glee at what could happen to her, and how hot it would make her. She shook her head. There was no reason to be horny or happy about what was happening to her. No matter how good it felt and hot it made her body to the point that she wanted more.

She could feel her face morph as the wind battered against her face, her short shaggy hair blowing out in the wind. Her face felt off as if small bits of hot sand and pebbles were hitting her. A low popping noise left her mouth and she breathed harshly out her nose. Her face scrunched as the changes assaulted her nose as if someone had decided to shove their fingers up it. A cute downward nose that would have made the beautiful womanly features and heart-shaped face that she had all the more apparent.

A slight tinge of pain came from her lips as if someone had pinched on them and pulled. A cute growl erupted from her as she bit her lips, however, all this served to do was make the growing of her lips all the more noticeable as the bud of pleasures bloomed as if she was kissing Kyrie herself. She puckered her lips and a wet pop went out that made her shudder. Even if she couldn't see or touch them she could tell from the way that she was biting them that they were nice and plump, just like Kyrie’s own.

Nero breathed haphazardly as she looked at herself in the mirror. The former boy flinched as if she had just seen some horrible crash instead of her reflection. She looked like a goddess had come down to earth, or if her arm was anything to go by, a succubus that had risen from the demon world.

“Now then let’s continue to bring those curves of yours in!” Matador laughed. “We’ve made so much progress that it would be criminal to stop now!”

The young woman groaned as her waist suddenly ached as if she was pulled into a bear hug and her stomach churned as if she was about to throw up. She looked down her gut, readying herself for the next change and what it might be like. She continued to breathe, trying to keep calm as she could feel it continue to get tighter as if they were trying to knock her out.

Nero’s waist got smaller as if a corset had been wrapped around her and tightened as much as they could. The tight top made it clear for her to see what was happening to her gut. She winced despite trying not to flinch from the change of it all as again more pleasure went through her that made her need for release all the stronger. She watched as inches centimeters disappeared from her body. The invisible tube around her waist continued to get tighter and more uncomfortable for her, and the young woman wondered how much longer it would be before the changes finally stopped. Her grip loosened on the bike but didn’t leave the handles.

The more her waist change, the more pronounced the change to her stomach was. The hard abs that she had gained from years of training became less prominent. They thinned and got smaller, less pronounced as if they were fading away into her body. The young woman wanted to turn away, to focus on anything else, but she couldn’t bring herself to. It was just like when she was losing her manhood. The changes finally stopped when she had a slim sexy waist flat hard stomach.

Nero moved her arms as best she could to feel her side and was just barely able to brush her elbows against them. She shivered in disgust. It was so off-putting, so wrong to have a waist like this. It made all of the changes that had happened to her lower body stand out more, even though she was sitting down. She had no doubt that if she stood up her body would be attracting guys left and right.

The quarter-demon woman could barely think straight, after all, that had happened to her, her mind was drowned in a horny lustful mess. She imagined all of the looks that she would get from men, all of them eying her figure, eye-fucking her, groping her body, some even fucking her in a variety of situations. It was like one continuous cycle. If she could she would reach down and finger herself right now. So many parts of her demanded her attention. Her hips, crotch, her perfect phat ass, her lips, everything demanded some form of attention in one way or another.

All of the little bumps of the road only made it worse. The momentary jump only to land back on the ground made her ass and thighs ripple as if she was shaking it for some handsome stud or crowd. It only made another sexual thrill go through her that stimulated her further. She needed to do something or else she was going to be driven insane by the lack of release.

“Looking awfully jittery there? Getting a little frisky from how bumpy this ride is?” The demonic bike chuckled.

“Fuck!” Nero cried, and couldn’t help but push down her aching womanhood on the seat in a feeble attempt to gain some measure of release. No matter how small it was, she would gladly take it if it would do something about this unbearable heat. She started bouncing up and down in her seat, her ass sending stronger pulses of pleasures through her that made her moan. Despite gaining some measure of release it wasn’t enough and her mind continued to fall deeper into the lust-filled sea that was engulfing her mind.

The bike stopped outside of a bar and the unwilling rider narrowed her eyes at the place, managing for a moment to think straight. There was no way that this was just a bar. Not if this stupid demonic piece of metal wanted to bring her here. There had to be someone here, something that would make what was happening to her worse.

“Alright then, why don’t you go inside and get a drink or two? Meet a special someone that would get your engine go even faster than it already was.”

Nero groaned at the thought of meeting anyone there as another new batch of heat assaulted her. The mere thought of meeting someone in there that would be able to do something about this was looking all the more appealing. She shook her head again, trying to dispel those fantasies, with no effect. Why did this damn bike have to leave her hungry and needing so much damn release?

Suddenly the seemingly invisible restraints that were on her body loosened and she could tell that she could move with a freedom that she didn’t have before ever since she got on this damn bike. For the first time, the new woman felt like she could move freely and didn’t have to worry about being restrained. She slowly moved her hands off of the bike handles, as if she would be bitten if she moved too fast. She moved her legs off where they were positioned and was met with the same results.

“Or I can take you for another mile or two if you would like,” Matador offered, and even though the skull didn’t show it, she could feel the eager smirk coming from it.

Nero quickly got off the bike and stumbled the moment her feet touched the ground, her center of gravity was completely thrown off from what she was used to. Everything about her body was thrown out of whack. The stride of her legs, her equilibrium, the weight of her phat ass. It was all so different from what she was used to, and yet at the same time so painstakingly. It was almost as if she had weights wrapped around her body that threw her entire sense of balance out of order. She cupped her wonderful ass, biting her lips at what shot down her spine.

“Hope you enjoy the last gift when it comes in,” Matador called out as she stepped inside the bar.

The young woman stopped, the horny and lustful part of her mind was eager for when it would come in, no matter what it might be. The diminishing male part of her mind wanted to demand from him what might happen, but she quickly figured it out with everything else that had happened to her. She wanted to be angry, but the horny feelings that were dominating her mind and body overwhelmed them.

Instead, the Devil Hunter stepped inside the bar, wondering what she would find in there and if she could get a phone. She looked around and saw a bunch of similarly dressed people like her in a variety of leather biker-style outfits. She wouldn’t have stuck out too much at all if it wasn’t for her silver hair. Her eyes roamed over the women here. All of the women here looked like they could have been models with how curvaceous all of them were. Just like her, they all wore biker clothes that showed off their curvaceous sexy bodies. A sense of belonging came over her the more she looked around and could easily see herself sharing a beer with any of them even if she knew next to nothing about them.

Though none of the women here compared quite as well to Nero, except in the breast department and her heart fell. The former man placed her hands on her flat chest and frowned. The fact that they hadn’t grown at all meant they had to be huge when they finally came in, ad with Matador’s words it had be happening soon. The horny womanly part of her altered mind wished that they would come in already and make her a true woman.

A small bud of pleasure went through her nipples, which seemed slightly larger. She rubbed them and bit her lips bolts of energy went through her body that made her legs quiver in aroused glee. An eager grin came over. There was no doubt in her mind that her tits were going to feel just as good as when her ass came in. Then she could go wild and see just how good they could make her feel, probably more than her shrimp dick ever could.

“What the hell?” Nero muttered in terror as clarity overcame the horny thoughts that were creeping on her mind still. The young woman shook her head, as the daze returned with more strength. She blinked and rubbed her forehead, breathing out, trying to keep her head on straight. She needed to find a phone and call for help. Dante, Lady, or Trish might be able to help her if she could just call them.

Her toes curled again and her mind rocked from another sudden burst that made her weak in the knees. If this kept up she wasn't sure how much longer she would be able to remain standing. The young woman looked for a place where she would be able to relax without any prying eyes on her. She saw a space by the bar and slowly walked through it, listening to the music. Despite all that had happened she couldn't help but feel calmed down by it all.

Nero desperately, carefully went to the bar, hoping that she would have a moment to herself and think. That’s what she needed. A moment to think and sort through her fantasies and body. There were so many conflicting emotions and desires that she wasn’t sure what to do. She carefully sat down and on the stool, her ass on full display, and leaned over the counter, looking down as she crossed her legs. She ran a hand over her face and tried to focus and clear her mind. She shimmied a little in her seat, her ass sending sensations through her body she couldn’t ignore. It wasn’t as pleasant as when she was riding Matador, but the fact she didn’t have to deal with the bumps on the road was something that she was grateful about beyond measure right now.

Nero’s thinking was disturbed when a shock went through her and her body warmed again. Her hand went down between her legs and her thighs quivered again at what she was doing. She forced her hand away and it ached as if someone had slapped it or done something unnatural. The young woman gulped and tried to resist the final assault to come to her mind that would further down her in the roar of desire.

Her nipples sharpened underneath her top and she gasped as the cold leather sent more excitement through her that made them erect. The leather made it plain to feel their growth and an uneven moan came out of her mouth. She could feel the areola expanding larger underneath as if following her nips example and stopped when they became decently sized. Nero braced herself as best she could and balled her hands into fists as she looked at the bottles of booze behind the bar. This was only the first step in their growth that was just about to happen to her.

Nero moaned raunchily as her chest started to grow and push outwards, making the dazed woman look down at her chest again with new excited fear. Just like with her pants, her top tightened as her breasts grew. She breathed in and out heavily as more pleasure shot through her body as her top pushed down on her boobs. The roundness of her bust became more prominent as they grew, and the pleasure with them. She shook her upper body as lewd moans left her mouth, her fingers erratically opening and closing. The slight ripple of her ballooning bosom made her bite her lips as her lower rosebud burned. Her boobs pushed against the table, making the addicting pleasure she felt explode as if someone was fondling her chest. She moaned and pushed her chest a little more out, enjoying the way that she was feeling. Her breasts finally finished growing when they became perfect F-cups that were larger than her head.

The young woman looked down at her new immense bosom, which felt as if it was on fire. Surprisingly, her skimpy top managed to keep her nipples hidden despite the growth of her tits, even though it did absolutely nothing to hide how large her boobs were. Her massive breasts pulled on her upper body and her hands ached to squeeze them. The desire to play with her tits as if they were stress balls, and to pull and twist her nipples as if they were toys burned with such intensity that she almost gave in to it, consequences be damned. Her hand rose and brushed against her bust and shivered as if they were just grabbed. Her boobs bounced ever so slightly in her top and she moaned. She moved her chest side to side and adored the way that the spandex rubbed against her bust.

A thrill went through her as her body warmed again, her pussy demanding attention once more and she eagerly shimmied again in her set. There was nothing she could do to stop herself from acting the way she was. All sense of control that she might have had was destroyed, the lust that she felt taking over.

“Hello there,” a man’s voice said, cutting through her mind like her sword through demons.

Nero turned to the man, wondering who would be speaking to her, ready to brush them off. She turned and her mouth instantly drooled at the impeccable man before her. The feeling in between her legs grew and any sense of her old self felt like it was drowned out as the lust that went through her became a world seemingly without end.

He had dark black hair that was brushed to the side and covered one of his eyes. He wore a tight black shirt and had a leather jacket with studs, but she could see plainly through the jacket and shirt that he had a jacked body. The blue jeans that he wore weren’t of the skinny variety, but even then she knew from the rest of his body that he had strong legs that were filled with muscle and had a belt around his waist and black boots.

Nero could only stare at him as if he was a fantasy made real. All of the fantasies that she had entered her mind morphed and put him in them. She hoped that the real deal would be just as pleasing as the one that was in her dreams.

“What can I help you with?” Nero asked, her voice oozing with sex and eagerness as she stood up.

“I just wanted to talk and get to know a wonderful beauty like you,” the man said. “My name is Jason. You willing to tell me your’s beautiful?”

A giggle escaped Nero’s lips as another delightful thrill went through her from the compliment. “You can call me Nero handsome.”

She leaned down, giving him and everyone else a perfect shot of her cleavage. She smiled at him and put one of her arms behind her head. The new woman winked at him flirtatiously, knowing that he would be pleased by the cleavage she was packing.

The new biker babe felt a spike of glee and satisfaction go through her when he saw him smile. She could see and feel his eyes resting on her full bust and glee went through her at the attention that she was getting. With her rocking bod, she knew that she would be able to get anyone that she wanted with ease.

The man stepped forward his erection standing proud right against her crotch, giving her an idea of just how big he was down there and making her eager. She bit her lip imagining his sword plunged right into her demanding rosebush and how good it would be. If there were any worries that she had about him being not able to live up to her hopes then they were long gone now. With what he was packing down there it could only be a good time.

The fantasies of the two of them returned with greater force and there was nothing that she could do to stop them. A new goal entered her mind that she couldn’t ignore, discarding the notion of trying to figure out a way to change back. Instead, the plan would be for him to help deal with the lust that went through her being and make all of the naughty ideas that she had come true. As skilled as she was, she knew there was no way that she would be able to deal with this on her own with her new frame. With all the wrestling experience that she had, she was sure that a few of the moves she knew would be good for the bedroom too. They just needed a little work, and she was more than willing to put that into it.

“Why don’t the two of us go back to my place for some fun,” Jason asked, his hand resting on her ass and massaging it.

“I was hoping that you would ask that handsome,” Nero smirked and kissed him on the cheek.

The two went outside and She went over to Matador. The young woman hesitated for a moment and then got on. She smiled in anticipation, feeling far more comfortable than she did on the way over.

“Better hold on tight handsome,” Nero winked.

“Sorry babe, but I got my own wheels,” Jason responded, making her laugh.

"So I take it now that you’re down for the partnership?” Matador questioned.

“I’m on you right now aren’t I? That should tell you enough you stupid hot rod,” Nero responded. knew that she should care since this was the bike that started all of this, but with how she was feeling, the young woman didn’t care. God she couldn’t wait to see what he would do to her.

He pulled up in front of her and she admired the that he was positioned, imagining her sitting behind him for a moment or him behind her. It was a little disappointing, but oh well. It would make when they finally did reach his place and have their all the sweeter and more fulfilling.

“Better not fall too far behind stud,” Nero remarked.

“Should be saying that to you, babe,” Jason responded playfully and then took off, Matador, chasing right after him.

The two sped down the road, Nero giggling the whole way. He better be ready for a wild night without any rest. If not then he was going to be taken by surprise when she rocked his world until the morning sun came up. Though with how hungry she was and her stamina, perhaps even longer than that.


insert name here

Glad to see this one complete! Love the updated end.


Thanks, and happy you love it so much. I had so much trouble trying to think of what to do with it until it finally hit me. This one shows of more of the new Nero's personality while making some more sense. I prefer this one much more to the one from before.