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Chris sighed as he entered his room, tired after a long day at work. Work had been crazy with so much stuff needing to get done and many more errands that he wasn’t sure. If he was an alcoholic he might have gone down to the bar or something and got wasted. He had never gotten drunk and never would if he had anything to say about it. He didn’t care for the stuff and wouldn’t for the rest of his life.

Right now he just wanted to lay down on his bed in his apartment, go to bed, and relax, but he had to print some stuff out. Then after he did that and filled out his paperwork he would be able to relax as he pleased in his apartment. Until he had to go in the next day which he hoped would be better than today.

He started his computer and went to the website online to get what he needed from it. A yawn came out and he forced himself to stay awake. The moment he fell asleep was the moment he was done for the day and he knew it. Then he would have to rush and get everything that he needed done and that would be it. It would all be forgotten in his rush and then he would get in trouble for it.

Chris sighed as he filled out the form online. The words blurred to him as he read more of the stuff. It was starting to look the same and he wanted this to be done already. He ran his hand through his hair as he kept working. He didn’t know how much his time had passed when he finally finished the damn thing. He looked it over again and made sure that he got it all done. The last thing he wanted was to find out that he had did it all only to get some important sections of it wrong.

Chris let out a happy smile when he saw that it was perfect. He hit the print button and turned as he waited for it to come out of the printer. The young man breathed as he waited for it come out. Suddenly it beeped making him stop. He looked at the printer and saw on the screen that it said that was out of ink.

“You got to be fucking kidding me,” Chris said as he opened the printer and pulled out the empty cartridge. He placed it down and wondered he had put the other spare cartridges that he kept.

He went through his drawers looking for a replacement that he could use. There had to be some more ink around here somewhere he was sure of it. He didn’t want to go out hunting for the stuff when he didn’t have to. Every moment counted now that he was off and he intended to take full advantage of his time now that he was free.

A sloshing noise made him stop and ruffle through the contents of the drawer until he found it. It was a black ink bottle that would fit in his hand without issue.  He picked it up and gently tossed it up and down, making sure that it wouldn’t drop on the floor. The last thing he needed was to clean up this sort of mess.

“Where the hell did this come from?” Chris muttered he looked at the bottle. He tried to remember where he might have gotten it, but it was all one big blank to him. He didn’t know why he had gotten it when a cartridge would have been so much simpler. His eyes wandered over to the cartridge again and he groaned as he slouched in his head.

“How the hell am I supposed to put this in?” Chris said as he tried to think of what he could do. If he had a funnel then he could probably pour it in there. He wasn’t sure if he would be able to keep it in there after he did, but it was worth a shot. After all, it was better than he tried and failed now.

Chri pulled out the empty ink cartridge and studied it in his hands. He looked at the cartridge and frowned. He didn’t see it going well, but who knows maybe it would work. He opened the cartridge and breathed, wondering if he was doing the right thing. He slowly poured the bottle of ink, but he jerked and the ink he was trying to pour got onto his shirt.

“Fuck!” Chris cried as he looked at the ink on his shirt and trailing down his pants. This was one of the few good shirts that he had, and he wasn’t going to let this one go to waste. Thinking quickly he ran into the kitchen and grabbed the roll of paper towels that he had. He brought it down on his stomach and wiped it down. He brought it quickly up and down and frowned when he saw inky splotches form on his hands. He pulled his hands away and saw that the ink stain on his shirt was even larger.

“Mother fucker!” Chris cried as he pinched the brow of his nose.

Well, that was the perfect way to top this day. Maybe if he put it in the washer then he would be able to get it all out and it would be good. He hoped so it would suck if he had to get a new one, as if he didn’t have enough to pay off and all.

He went over to the trash can rolling up the paper towel in his hands. He tossed it in the trash can and ran his hand down his face, desperately wanting to bash his head through a wall. This day was just one big mess after another. He reached down to unbutton his white shirt and stopped when he saw red spots forming in the previously black ink spots.

“The hell?” Chris muttered, wondering if the stress was finally getting to his head. It had to be considering what he was seeing. It was the only thing that he could think of that made sense. He ran his hands over the red spots on it, and they seemed to get larger as he did.

“Please don’t tell me this is some weird magic ink or something,” Chris said. That was the last thing that he needed to deal with. Things were already awkward enough with what was happening to him. The last thing he wanted was for his white shirt to suddenly end up being pink or something because of it.

He grabbed another towel and was about to wipe them again, but stopped when the red smudges were even larger. He looked at it closer and saw that they indeed larger. Something was off about them,

Chris frowned when he saw something peculiar about it. The wrinkles that were on his shirt were gone as if it had just been pressed and ironed. He looked closer and there didn’t seem to be any sign of them at all. In fact it looked like the shirt had lost some of the detail that it had on it.

“The hell?” Chris muttered, wondering if what he was seeing was true. There was no way that his shirt could just lose detail like that. To his shock, he saw that it had. It was as if he was some sort of cartoon character or something and did their best to knock out the finer points. Even now he could see the wrinkles that were on them were getting smaller and getting a crisper look. It unnerved the young man and made his heart beat in his chest like a prisoner trying to break out of its cage.

Despite that, he didn’t act in a frenzy. Instead, he looked down at his black pants and saw his pants had the same sort of red spots on his body that his shirt did.

“The hell?” Chris muttered again. His mind scrambled trying to think of anything that he might have had that would explain the sudden redness that he had on his body. There was no way that it was

He pulled back, his spine shuddering, and his stomach churned, even more, when he saw that the ink was traveling up his body as if it was being poured higher on him.

“What the fuck is this stuff?” Chris said.

His clothes felt like they were shrinking and getting tighter across his frame. He pulled at different sections and tore at it as much as he could. His thin arms were able to make small tear form in the nice shirt, and he could tell that the fabric was different, as if he was touching a different piece of clothing then what he was sued to. This was all to insane and he needed some more professional help if he was going to stop whatever this was.

Chris went to pull his phone pocket where his phone was, but the pocket that it had been in seemed to have been sewn shut. He grabbed his phone and tried to rip it out, but it was like he was trying to pull it out of a rubber case.

He ran to his kitchen and pulled out a knife, thinking that it would be the only way that he would be able to get it out, an ominous feeling in his gut. This would be dangerous and a little close considering how tight his clothes were getting, but he had to get this stuff off as soon as possible before it got worse. He slowly and carefully poked himself with the knife.

“The fuck!” Chris yelled. He tried again, but the knife bounced off of it without issue.

This time he tried with all of his strength behind it, but he was met with the same failure. He put the knife down and tried to think of something with all his brainpower about what he could do. It was clear-cutting it wasn’t going to work and he doubted that he would be able to use his hands to do it.

He moaned as a sudden tightness enveloped his waist as if a belt had been wrapped around him. It continued to get tighter and he could feel it get smaller. Chris held his waist and tried to keep his eyes on them and with the urge to pull away.

The young man could only gaze upon his altered waist and stomach as if it was some object out of space. It was impossibly thin and he couldn’t quite make the connection that it was his. It was simply to small, too dainty. There was no way that a person could have it this thin without having surgery done or something, even then there was no way that it would be able to support his upper body, and yet that wasn’t the case. It supported his upper body just fine as if it had always been like this.

The cold feeling spread through his body and he squirmed. It reminded him of what was happening to his body and he gulped as he thought about his situation again in a new light. He looked at the ink again, wondering what it was and how it was capable of doing this.

The ink went further up his body and he gulped. He tried to wipe it down as if that would stop it, but much to his horror it didn’t stop at all. It continued to travel up and down his body as if someone was pouring the body that had caused this whole mess.

The bottom of his chest felt weird and he could feel his shirt’s fabric morph and change like the bottom section. It was becoming the same tight red sparkly fabric that left nothing of his morphing body to the imagination. He wondered what was about to happen to him now and hoped that it wouldn’t affect him the same way that it did his stomach. If it did he wasn’t sure how his body would be able to stay standing or alive depending.

The moment it touched Chris’s nippled he shuddered as if someone had pulled and twisted them around. They burned with a sensitivity that they never had before and he could only mewl. He placed his hands over them and gasped as if he had just zapped. The sensitivity that he felt from them was unlike anything that he had been through before. He could tell they were getting larger and yet they seemed to be getting smaller. Soon the fine points were completely hidden as if he was wearing multiple layer of shirts instead of a tight cloth.

The top of his shirt melted as the ink continued to run its course on his body making him shudder as it did. There was nothing he could do as the cloth around his shoulders became little more than mush to the rest of his body and shrunk into the lower segment of the clothes on his chest.

The moment it was over, the hair was that was on his upper chest was disappearing as the ink consumed it like a tsunami. Just like with his dick it was losing some of the finer details that he had as it also gained the same cartoony look that the dress had. He gulped as he went over to the sink and tried to wash it off, but it did nothing at all.

Moments later, Chris's chest grew larger, swelling out as if it was a pair of balloons that had been shoved down his shirt and still being inflated from the water that was filling them. Chris tried with a renewed effort to make it stop, but they just continued to expand get larger. They quickly became the size of oranges, apples, and even small melons and yet they still swelled. They brushed against his fast-paced moving arms, and he groaned as small buds of pleasure went through him that made him further uncomfortable and desperate to get the stuff off of him. By the time they had finished growing they were cartoonishly large, and with the way his skin looked there now they might as well have been.

When they finished their growth, Chris stopped and studied them. He couldn’t see past them. The huge massive tits that he was now sporting were so big. He brought his hands up and tried to move them but they just wouldn’t go away. He pushed down on them and he grinned when he saw them start to get smaller as if they were shrinking down into nothing. He groaned as he pushed down, ignoring the cold feeling going down his stomach and up his body. His hands slipped and his jugs bounced with a vigor that made his brow twitch. It was almost as if they were mocking him for even thinking that he could attempt something like that.

A sudden cool sensation came over his privates that made him spasm as if cold water had been shoved down it. He squirmed around not sure what was going on. He opened the front of his pants, ignoring the inky feeling that came over his digits to see what was happening, and saw that his manhood was losing detail as well. The finer points and hair that was there were disappearing, leaving no sign that it was there. The morphing young man couldn’t bring himself to watch and closed his pants, shuddering at how his pants snapped into place.

The red segments on his pants grew larger and tighter around his body, making him uncomfortable, especially as the outline of his dick became more visible. The zipper of them melded into his pants. Just like with his phone earlier he could feel the mound that was his dick and balls getting smaller, shrinking as if it was retreating into his body. Chris yelped as the feeling of rushing water made him moan and groan and something new form between his legs that made him blush immensely.

Chris with all of his willpower looked down at where his boys should have been. There was nothing there, that indicated that he had been a man. Instead, all he felt was a pair of lips down there that made his head spin and his heart go faint. He leaned against the wall for support, his mind still reeling about what happened to him and the realization that he was now a woman.

It made Chris’s mind stall and blank out. Fear gripped her heart and squeezed it in such a grip that she wasn’t sure if she was still breathing or not. She unconsciously placed her hand on her heart and felt it pound in her, ignoring the slight pleasure that she felt from doing so and the way her luscious tits moved.

The young woman felt something off on her thigh and noticed the lump that represented her phone was getting smaller as more seconds passed as if it was being buried in a hole now or something. It was as if it was getting rolled up into a ball. She grabbed it harder and struggled to pull it out with all of his might, but even so, it wouldn’t come out as it shrunk. Her hands slipped and the tiny marble-sized orb that had been her phone was gone.

In the seconds that had passed since the change, she slowly put her hand down there and rubbed it up and down as if she was getting a feel for it. She couldn’t feel any sign that it had been there. Instead all she felt was soft smooth skin and a plush thigh that would have made her go crazy.

“What happened to my stuff? Did that damn ink get rid of it?” Chris said aloud in a panic. It didn’t make sense. The fundamental aspects of the universe running through her mind as if they were on the forefront, but now they just couldn’t seem to apply. Not with the sudden loss of her manhood and the massive tits that she was sporting. She needed to see what was going on with her body and there was no way that she was going to be able to see it with these jumbo tits in her face.

Chris went to the bathroom, the one room that he knew would have a mirror large enough for her to see what was happening to her body. Again the bounce of her new bust unnerved him and knew that if her body hadn’t changed as much as it did then the hooters that she was sporting now would have made the walk to the bathroom much worse.

“Whoa!” Chris cried as a sudden shift in her lower body made her stumble. She could feel her hips widening and growing larger as if they were being forced farther apart. The brunette moaned and squealed as they got farther, the lower portions of her pants that had yet to be touched by the ink struggled in vain to try and keep her dignity, while the upper portions that had been adjusted without issue and were perfectly.

Every little inch of her widening hips made her nervous about what they would look like at the end, especially with how big her knockers were. If her tits had reached such size then that had to mean that the rest of her body would change to compare. The torn broken fragments of her pants were repaired as the ink touched them and started to wrap around her thighs in their entirety. The moment it fully passed her hips and reached her thighs, the growth in her lower body was coming to close and she had huge wide hips that added to her figure.

Chris moaned as she placed her hand down them and squeezed, shuddering at the pleasing feeling that went through her body. With how wide her hips were now she truly looked like she could have been used as the reference model for an hourglass figure. It was a far cry from her formerly masculine build and made her want to cry. Still, she knew that she needed to see in the bathroom to see what was becoming the rest of her body and how far along this crap was.

Again she tried to get back to walking, but the way her hips sashayed made her stop moments after as if she had just been slapped on the butt. She took another step forward and all but throughout her hip as if she was putting on a show. She took another step and the same thing happened again. It was as if she was being forced to keep that pose.

The former young man forced whatever embarrassment that he might have and rushed to the bathroom as fast as she could. However with the sudden change of her hips and the way that she was forcing her bust out as if she was trying to smack someone with them. Still she refused to let that stop her and marched forward. She groaned as she tried to keep herself steady, but with the way her lower body was now, she might as well have been trying to walk on stilts. The former young man stumbled forward and brought her hands up as she closed her eyes and braced herself for the pain that she was sure that she was about to feel.


Chris slammed onto the floor, the breasts acting like cushions that made it so she hardly felt a thing at all. She blinked and looked down at her mushed boobs, which had acted like airbags. She knew that it wouldn’t have been too painful, maybe a bruise at worst but was glad to avoid any pain.

Still, there was no way that she was going to be grateful for these things. Not with all the weirdness that came from their appearance. The first moment she could get them off she would. There was no way that she was going to walk around and go anywhere with hooters that rivaled volleyballs.


Another sound of air hose going off made Chris pale and knew what it had to be. She looked over her shoulder and saw much to her horror her butt growing out at the same rate as her chest did. She placed her hands on her butt and squeezed as another bolt of pleasure went through her that made it impossible for her to focus. Her hands unconsciously moved on their won and she swayed her hips from side to side as she continued to squeeze. She couldn’t help but fondle her developing rear, biting her lips as she did. The pleasurable sensations coming from her fingers were so pleasing, clouding her mind, and making her want more.

The young woman continued to please herself as the growth of her lower pillow slowed. The moment her ass finished growing it stood out like a shelf behind her. Just like with her tits it would be impossible to hide this from view of people if they saw it. She adjusted herself so she could get a better look at her ass and knew that this would be attracting all sorts of attention from anyone that had even a drop of warm blood in them.

She could feel the in travel down legs and braced herself for the next part, knowing that it would be just as shocking as when her tits and ass came in.

Chris stood up a slit formed on the side of her pants that exposed her legs, giving her some relief so it didn't feel like her lower body was trying to suffocate her. The slit continued to grow longer the further it went and the young woman decided to take a little advance action so she wouldn’t have to deal with any future problems. She tore the fabric of her pants as best she could, wondering if this truly was her life now and not some sort of fantasy her overworked brain came up with.

They grew larger, swelling up, as if they were loaves of red growing in the oven. They kept getting bigger, swelling larger as if they were seeing if they could rival the growth that had happened to her already. The growth started to come to a close far faster then her breasts and butt had. They finished growing when they became huge thick thighs that looked like they would have been able to break a watermelon with erase.

Chris poked and examined her thighs as she thought about the transformation. It didn’t last long as long like her breasts and bottom her ass swelled out, but they were still just as impressive. With how big they were, there was little doubt in her mind that if she still had her dick it would have been crushed between these two thick womanly thighs in seconds.

Chris ignored her first instinct to get up and start running to the bathroom. Instead, she laid there for a moment and waited for the change to her legs to finish, before she tried anything again. There was no way that she was going to risk falling over or something. She didn’t need a concussion or something added onto whatever was happening to her already.

The wet feeling on her hands grew and she gulped as she braced herself, even if it wouldn’t compare. To what she had already gone through with the top and bottoms curves that she was packing now.

She looked down at her hands saw them thinning down, the hair that she had on her body getting smaller and disappearing as the seconds passed. They gained an inhuman look to them just like the rest of her body had and her heart pounded, wondering what she should do.

To her shock, she saw the sleeves of her had small bits of shiny purple spots on it. The purple specks grew just like the red had, and her fingers seemed as they grew longer and gained a more feminine appearance. The calluses that they had from years of workouts and manual labor disappeared and became soft fingers and palms that would make a person that she hadn’t done a bit of hard labor in her life. The purple bits went over her fingers and, eliminating any imperfection that they might have had. They gave him the vague appearance of gloves, and that appearance grew more certain as they changed. They gained a similar sparkle as his dress, though it was less shiny. It still brought attention to the slim arms that he had now.

He swore he could see a black line appear at the end of his gloves as if he was a character in a cartoon series rather than a person in the real world. Chris couldn’t help but look at them in distaste. With everything else that had happened so far, every little piece that she had lost was like losing a piece of a precious diamond.

She shook her head, forcing those thoughts away. Right now she had to focus and had a job to do. Getting to the bathroom and seeing what had happened to the rest of her body would be the start.

The cartoonish woman rushed to the bathroom as fast as she could as the ink finally reached her feet and shoes. She shuddered again, as she tried not to let it get to her. Her toenails cleaned up as if he was trimming them with pair of clippers. What hair and dirt that they had cleaned off as well in the process not that he noticed.

Chris could feel her shoes hardening and gulping as the ends of them became more pointed. The sides of them hardening and making him further uncomfortable and knowing this would get worse in a moment. Her steps became more even and unstable as she walked, and could feel the back of her feet rise. Even if she couldn’t see what was going on down there, she could tell that her dress shoes were becoming a pair of heels.

The lack of experience walking in them slowed her down and again the struggle returned. She refused to let it stop her and marched forth. Every step she took was measured just like when her hips came in, however, unlike then she refused to slow down. She marched forward, her steps resounding through the apartment as if someone was pounding a cane on the floor.

The cartoon-looking young woman stopped when she entered the bathroom and saw the new her looking back at her. Her eyes roamed over her immense cartoonish curves, her heart dropping as she did. It was impossible there was no way that this could be the real her. It was just insane to look at, as if she had become some crazy hyper-sexualized cartoon character. Her hands went over them again and she shuddered as they did. Her body rippled, sending a pleasing feeling as she did. She wasn’t even trying to make her body bounce, and yet it did.

The ink crawled up Chris’s neck and she closed her eyes as it did. She could feel her adam’s apple getting smaller and groaned. The voice that came out was higher, huskier, and oozed sexual ability that he lacked. It tightened around there and she could feel it slim down and change until all that were coming out of female moans and grunts that would have made his mind burn and throw sexual fantasy after fantasy at him if it wasn't his own.

It crawled further up her body and she could feel it morph and change her face. Her chin softened and rounded out as the ink continued to rise The more the ink rose, the higher her cheekbones became and morphed. They took on a more feminine and appealing shape. The mole that she had on the side of her face vanished and disappeared, melding into her body as it was always like that. Her lips puckered and grew larger into plump kissable mounds that would. Her nose got smaller and went into her body and for a single moment, she couldn’t breathe. It quickly passed and her nostrils and the bridge of her nose let out a crunch as it shrunk. It passed over her eyes and she could feel them morph and struggled to keep a straight face.

Chris blinked when it passed and looked at her morphed face again, ready for whatever she might find now that it was done. She had long since braced herself for the worst, especially since she already had the tits.

The moment she looked at her face, the woman froze, her whole mind coming to a stop. The only thing that she could think as she eyed her transformed visage was that it was perfect. She ran her hand down her cheek, and even through the glove, admiring the perfect curve that it had as if a sculpture had dedicated their lives to make sure it was as perfect as possible.

The frown that she had melted and was replaced by a happy grin. A giggle came out and she winked at the mirror, imagining the hordes of men and some women who would go nuts for her and her perfect curvaceous body. Warmth build up in her nether regions at the thought. She puckered a her lips and blew a kiss out, already imagining how some would go crazy for her. The only thing that was holding her back was the boring plain head of black hair.

As if responding to her sorrow, her black hair darkened and billowed out behind her like wave. The shades of red that were in her hair brightened the longer it got and she couldn’t help but giggle as it did. Her hair tickled as it traveled down her body, making her giggle as it did as if she was being blushed. Her bangs covered her eyes and she laughed as she did, finding no reason at all to be annoyed now that she was getting the perfect hair to go with it. When it finished growing, she whipped the new long mane of bright red hair. Most of it moved behind her, but good portion of it remained in front of her face and covered one of her eyes. She winked at the camera and blew a kiss at it, feeling pure elation at her new perfect body.

Now that the transformation was finished she could say with absolute certainty who she had become. She was now the perfect curvaceous Jessica Rabbit that would have men and women wish that they could be with her. She sauntered into her small office and picked up the ink. She turned it from side to side in her hand, studying it intently as if it was a diamond.

“I don’t know where you came from, but I have to thank you for bringing out the new me,” Jessica said.

An idea came to her that made a smile come to her face. One that she was sure would make her living arrangements much more appealing and fitting for someone of her beauty. The toon woman looked a the ink in her hand and thought for sure it would work. She went over to the sink and poured its contents down the drain as if she was trying to get rid of it all. She watched the sink ripple and eagerly waited as it gained the same aesthetic as her.

The rest of the room visibly shuddered as if it was a pond and someone had dipped their finger in it. The room grew larger, some of the furniture molding and changing into a seating area. The area by the tv making a ledge that quickly became a stage for a wonderful singer like herself to stand and entertain an audience. The room changed and morphed into the perfect stage area where she could charm and entertain numerous guests of all shapes and sizes.

Jessica could hear the rest of the people in the building scream in shock, but she wasn’t worried. She was sure that they would all see how good it was soon enough. All that needed to happen was a little bit of time and then they would all see how good it was to be a toon. Then they could open for business.


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