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Hiros sighed as he lounged on his bed, happiness and pride filling him. He had managed to get his story before the deadline and wondered who would be the final winner in the end. He wasn’t actually sure if he could make it in time, but thanks to Nagisa and Warden’s help his entry in the writing competition was secured. He hoped he won. If he did, then that would mean that he could ask Warden for a story. He would need to think it over about what to get, since he had a few ideas he would like to see.

Hiros looked at Warden’s status to see if he was awake. He saw a green dot that said that he was online but he remembered the time and wondered if he just forgot to turn it off or something. More than a few times he had woken up and saw the green light only to not get a response at all until much later. For all, he knew his friend might be celebrating a Halloween party with how big it is in the states.

Hiros had never celebrated Halloween. Sure had heard and read the stories about it, but had never done any big major research. Since it wasn’t a big holiday in his country it never had much of an impact on his life. The only thing that it did was shape some of the movies he had seen due to their setting and what happened in them. It would certainly be an interesting experience to celebrate the holiday with a group if he could. Watching scary movies, seeing all of the costumes, and getting some delicious candy. He was getting lost in thoughts and what-ifs, but that gave him an idea. The only way he would know if he was awake or not was if he sent a message to his friend.

“Hey, can you talk?” Hiros asked.

He waited patiently wondering if he would get a response. He went back and browsed the web to pass the time. A ping got his attention and he saw that he did get a response from Warden.

“Yeah I can,” Warden responded. “Want to chat chat and have video?”

“Sure,” Hiros responded. After a moment he got a video call and saw Warden on the other end.

“Nice to see you again, I was wondering: do you have any plans for Halloween?”

“Nah not really, all of my friends are working tonight or busy for one reason or another. Which sucks, but not much else I can do,” Warden responded. “So just going to chill and relax.”

“Damn, that sucks. so if you don’t have any parties to go to, what’s relaxing going to look like?,” Hiros questioned.

“Just plan to watch some horror movies, maybe see if I could actually get some candy if I go trick or treat,” Warden responded.

“Aren't You a little old for that?” Hiros said, chuckling a little at the thought of his friend going out trick or treating. He had no idea what Warden’s costume would be but he was sure it wouldn’t be anything too scary.

“Hey, free candy is worth the shot isn’t it?” Warden shrugged. “I don’t have to say how old I am, just keep the mask on and People might not care.”

Hiros couldn't really fight that point. Free stuff was always good. Though he couldn’t speak from experience, having never done Trick or treating before.

“Still sorry you have to spend the holiday all by your lonesome,” Hiros sent, but was surprised when Warden almost immediately replied with.

“Who said I’m spending it alone?”

Back in Warden’s home, the young man pulled out a small idol that Nagisa had given to him for this day. A few days prior, the goddess of darkness had paid him a visit to ask him about his plans for Halloween. Knowing that lying to someone like her could be nothing short of earning him the Darvin Award, he admitted that he really didn’t have any plans for that day, surprisingly much to her glee.

“Here, take this little idol. Use it on one of your friends and I guarantee you, no matter how far you are apart, neither of you will be alone that Halloween. Consider it a gift from a good meaning goddess~“ The words she spoke still rang through his head as clearly as when she first said them. Time to make use of his special gift.

The small statue suddenly glowed and Warden could feel the power coursing through it. He wasn’t worried despite the mysterious nature that Nagisa had; she wasn’t a malevolent deity. Mischievous she might be, but she wouldn’t do something like turn him into an animal, thought animal girl wasn’t completely off the table.

Hiros suddenly felt off, as all of a sudden popping noises filled the room. His spine shifted as his body grew longer. The young man groaned as everything that he wore started to feel tight on his body. For some reason, he couldn't say they started to dig into his body. Everything that he wore tightened around his body as if some shrinking powder was being used on them.

“Warden... What did you...My clothes!” Hiros cried as his clothes continued to get tighter. For some reason, he was sure that Warden was involved, even if he was half a world away. After all, it was possible that he got some outside help.

“Sorry, can't explain to you. We have a tight schedule after all,” Warden said. With Halloween only happening once a year, every moment counted and he intended to make the most of it and spend it with him. Or her as the case would be.

Hiros shimmied and pulled at his clothes, as they continued to tighten on his body, desperately trying to get comfortable as his mind spun. The tight clothes almost seemed to comfort him and reinforce them, like a familiar piece of jewelry that one wore every day for good luck. Warden’s words bounced in his head and became stronger as if he had looped them.

As the clothes dug even deeper into his new body, which now felt strange as the body hair that was on it was starting to disappear below his eyebrows. Every little speck on his arms, which once had a decent amount of hair, were picked clean. The hair on his chest and gut was gone as if it had been waxed off his body in one quick move. His legs were just as clean, not even leaving a small trace that the hair there had existed. Every little bit of body hair was destroyed until his skin was smooth as velvet. And he still continued to grow larger and larger.

“Huh? Schedule? Oh right. I guess I should pack my stuff and get ready to move out with you...No, that can't be right... I know tomorrow is my free day. How could I be on a busy schedule...?” Hiros said. New information filled Hiros’s head, memories that were growing stronger by the second. The memories of him as a oni, and his human form seemed real to him and it was impossible to tell which ones were the ones to suddenly form by what was happening to him.

“Oh, you know, what with the training to stay in shape, the matches, and us hanging out. Every moment counts, Hiros, especially for a holiday like Halloween,” Warden said. “A day where there are plenty of spooky scary skeletons and monsters that send shivers down your spine. That’s why I need someone powerful like you.”

Hiros’s pants tore as his legs got curvier, filling with strong muscles. They seemingly grew longer as they thickened. Despite the change in muscle, his legs became more feminine looking despite the strong muscles that would be in them. There was a visible power there, even in their relaxed state. The changes reached his thighs and what remained of his pants quickly tore away as developed muscles filled them. The tears quickly got bigger as the strength and mass in his thighs grew. Soon his thighs had grown to the point that they could crush a watermelon with ease, and would feel like hard pillows perfect for napping.

“Kyaaa~ Not again! Damn it, maybe you’re right and I should train more. I'm sorry to say, but I might have just ripped another pair of pants again. How am I getting fat, even though I'm trying so hard to stay fit?!?”

“Oh don't worry, you’re not getting fat. Could just be Nagisa keeping you on your toes. You know how she is.”

Hiros’s arms bulked up as they filled with the same sort of muscles as his legs as they changed. They got thinner, the nails cleaning as they grew slightly even and longer. Despite that Hiros’s arms became more feminine looking and have a sleekness that was becoming more prominent. The skin there hardened as the muscles in them grew stronger and more pronounced, maintaining a femininity that wasn’t there before. They finished changing when Hiros had powerful womanly arms that had a slenderness many female bodybuilders would kill to have.

“Grr... Nagisa!!! She should really know better than to make a pro-wrestler fat. That is just... Wait. Wasn't I a tutor...?” Hiros questioned.

“You were if I remember right, but when you're as big as you and look like you can break a person in half people tend to not take you as...seriously,” Warden commented.

Now well over 6'6 feet tall and still growing larger, Hiros’s shirt continued to struggle as it rose and expose more of his core which started to change. His stomach hardened and filled with strong muscle. His waist pinched inward and got smaller, making the change in her upper and lower body planer to see. A powerful defined six-pack formed and became more visible as it hardened, making his shirt rise as well as accentuating his thin waist even further. In moments he had a new hard-toned stomach that was on perfect display and a small waist that only complimented it further.

"I can’t help it that this size is normal for my species. Still thanks for not running off and being scared of me.”

“You put up with me and my crazy so it's the least I can do, especially with how nervous I was since you were a beautiful girl,” Warden said.

Hiros’s face became more womanly and beautiful. His lips plumped in size and became large and kissable. His nose crunched as it got smaller, becoming a soft button nose that belonged more to a young woman rather than a young man. The altered features looked off with the general shape of his skull, looking like someone had tried to edit the pictures but didn’t do a particularly great job, however that didn’t last long. The shape of his face changed as his skull morphed. His cheekbones rose higher and his jaw softened, making the overall shape of his head change and make the features that he had looked more womanly. A horn popped out of his head and grew larger by the second until he had a decently sized horn on the top of his head that curved upward.

“Oh I uhh,” Hiros trailed off, as his face darkened. He wasn't used to being complimented. The oni cleared his throat and forced himself to regain some composure. “I think that was mostly because you had never seen an oni before... or a person over 7 feet. Could be both really. Or you were just enjoying staring at my butt and too shy to admit it. That's also a possibility, since as you know my flat chest really doesn't attract many eyes.”

“Sadly,” Hiros said as what remained of his clothes continued to tighten and strain against his frame. Another tear formed on his shirt and continued to grow larger, exposing his upper body, as the remains of his top fell to the ground.

“Someone is being modest now There's nothing about your figure that is modest. Even among other Oni's you got a sexy bod. And it’s not like I can help it. You might not be a goddess, but you have the lower figure of one,” Warden remarked.

Not long after he said that, his hips and butt grew larger as his manhood slithered into his body, arousing Hiros like never before. His underwear dug tightly into his body, wetting from the juices being released as it all came out from the pleasure he felt. Tears appeared in the undergarments as his thighs and butt grew. In less than a minute, the remains of his underwear fall to the ground, exposing his whole body.

The transitioning young man unconsciously reached down and moaned when his hand brushed against his shrinking lump. His breathing hitched as it became even harder than it ever had been before in his life. The tip of his rod entered his form and he gasped as a fresh wave of juices went down his thick thighs. His balls quickly entered his body, completing the change of his lower form into that of a full woman, finishing the change to her frame as his pants tore apart and fell to the floor. To many young men and women, her lower half was nothing short of stunning. With her massive wide hips, huge bubble butt begging to be spanked, and moist nether regions she looked like she could have been in a porno.

Hiros sighed and rubbed her body, feeling better than she had in a long time. Her lower form was hot, especially her crotch which demanded attention. The young oni studied her body, the warmth from her aching crotch demanding attention, and she struggled not to give into her basic instincts. Especially after the compliment she received from him.

“Warden! Don't flatter me like that out of nowhere! Ah~ Damn it. Now my pants are completely gone. Why does no store have clothes in my size? There are only like the training suit you gave me that fits me and everything else is a timebomb, waiting to explode on my body!”

“Can't believe how flustered you are even though we've been dating for a while, everything I say is true. And you know why, because Nagisa refuses to give you casual clothes. Since well...you know how she likes to tease you. The only other outfits she has are swimsuits, your wrestling outfit, and some bunny suits.”

Her short brown hair gained small bright strands of blonde as it suddenly grew longer, as if it was getting a new life. It brushed against her naked form and she shuddered as it did. Her hair brightened and the golden locks that she had continued to take over more parts of her hair. Her hair soon became a bright golden blonde that shined brighter to rival the sun. Her hair finished growing when it reached just above her bodacious butt.

“Grr... sounds about right. But there is no way that you didn't have a say in this. Look at my freaking butt! It's massive!” Hiros said and bounced her ass. Her face suddenly darkened and she quickly turned around. “Wait, don't stare at it. No wait, stop! I mean... you like big butt way more than Nagisa, so you probably bribed her into changing me like that, am I right?”

“It’s Nagisa, you know how she is...She wanted sex appeal for your matches in case she wanted any other sponsors. And that’s your actual size. She actually made you bigger to mess with us, that’s your actual size,” Warden responded, burning the bouncing booty into his mind as much as he could. “And not like your boobs give you plenty of competition. With those massive honkers… Honestly, I can't tell which is more appealing.”

Hiros’s nipples grew larger as the rest of her chest pushed out as mass filled behind them. The engorged nipple size on his flat chest looked off but were looking more natural as they filled.  They quickly go through the cup sizes without any sign of slowing down. They weighed on Hiros’s body, but her strong muscles kept her upright. They finish growing when they are even larger than watermelons and drooped a little from their size, well beyond normal human cup sizes.

Hiros looked down at her immense boobs, not sure what to think about the giant boobs she had. On one hand, she loved them, especially with how it made people go wild, especially Warden. but on the other they pulled down on her upper body was a bit taxing at times, even if she did have the muscles needed to lug them around. The burdens of being a sexy oni she guessed.

“Don’t I know it,” Hiros commented and prodded one of her boobs. She shuddered at the memory of one time that Nagisa pranked her by giving her a set of boobs that looked like gag boobs on her body. That had been a horrifying and worrisome day. She noticed the lack of clothing down there and blinked. Her face immediately darkened.

“How long have I… wait, is the camera still on? Pervert!” Hiros screamed and covered her jumbo jugs as best she could. “Why didn’t you say anything?!”

"Because they're a wonder of the world and I love to gaze upon them. And you love that about me," Warden said before the screen suddenly went dark.

She pouted now that he was gone, she was only supposed to show her boobs when they were having fun together. Still she didn’t want to keep him waiting too long. This was their day off ,but he was right when he did say that they were on the clock. Who knows when Nagisa would act again and she would like to have some private fun time with Warden before then.

Hiros went over and pulled out a wrestling costume she had that would be fitting for the night. It was the one that she wore to her last match. It was a single black and white one-piece, with a gold star over one of the breasts and a zipper down the center. She slipped on a pair of matching boots and bands that rested on her biceps. The costume thankfully managed to provide some comfort for her immense chest and reduce some of the weight on her. She would take whatever support she could get that would make the strain of her boobs easier to deal with. She went back to her computer and typed a note to him.

“Ready,” Hiros sent and braced herself for the teleportation. It wasn’t the greatest of experiences, just suddenly feeling like being pulled somewhere, but it did make traveling easier. She wondered if Nagisa got some sort of kick out of seeing that happen.

The world shifted and it felt like water went over a cold pool of water. After a moment she suddenly found herself at her boyfriend's home. Hiros moaned as she slouched forward, her stomach jumping. Every time she suddenly teleported her senses went out of whack. The moment the complications passed, Hiros breathed as she forced herself up, a happy smile forming.

She could feel her heart flutter at being here again. Every time she felt like she knew what to expect, only for it to suddenly be pulled out from underneath her. Still, she was happy that she would get to spend the day with him. They hadn’t had too many days like these and love it when they were able to have their downtime. It helped make things so much better.

Warden smiled at her, and her heart melted in glee. A slight giggle left her mouth and she shimmied in place, placing her arms behind her back and pushing her breasts out.

“You’re not going to make a girl wait are you?” She questioned.

“You look as amazing as ever,” Warden complimented, earning another blush from the tall girl.

Hiros squirmed further, not sure what to do now that she was here. She wasn’t used to getting complimented like that, despite how long they had been together. The young oni had been on the receiving end of many perverted looks and no doubt fantasies as well, but there was something special about his words that just made her want to hold him and snuggle with him for it. She had gotten it from other onis, but most of them turned out to be nothing more then stupid meatheads.

Instead of verbally responding, Hiros went over and hugged her boyfriend, easily lifting her up and snuggling him into her bust. She might not be dressing up for the most part, but not everyone needed to know that. This was Halloween night. A night where she didn't need to worry about people figuring out she was an oni girl and instead could just enjoy herself in her true form.

Hiros sat on the couch and lunged out. The couch groaned for a second from the sudden weight, but that was it. She let out a sigh of relief. She was always worried when she first sat on something that it might give out on her, even though she had been here numerous times. It was just a worry she had after a few to many seats broke and she found herself on the floor. The embarrassment from those times would never die.

Warden sat in front of her and Hiros lifted him up without much issue as he turned the tv. She sat him on her lap, the back of his head nestled comfortably between her breasts as he went through the various streaming services. She enjoyed his placement on her body and held him lovingly close, loving the warmth that was radiating from his body. They would go out later and admire all of the Halloween costumes people wore when it was dark. For now they could just cuddle and watch a few scary movies.


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