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“I finally did it!” Azazel cried with glee as he raised the new and proved Gender Bender Raygun.

Azazel studied the tool, making sure that everything was just as he meant it to be. After all the hours that he had done to make sure that everything would be there was always room for error. Sometimes a small thing that he thought he had handled would be out of place that he thought he already did. After a quick second check, he was pleased to find out that all of the improvements and stuff that needed to be there were.

The Fallen angel pondered about the device. It had been an invention of his that he had made a while back and had proven to work as he hoped. It had been a bit of guesswork when he was first making this, but now that was no longer the case. He had been able to see the results for himself about how well it could work.

After quite the afternoon where most of the Occult Research club had been on the receiving end of it. It had been amusing to see how much they had changed. Some hadn’t had any major changed. The only one who hadn’t been hit of the club members had been Issei, which was kinda a shame now that he thought about it. He was more then a little curious about what the perverted young man would look like as a girl, and was sure that his reaction would be amusing.

After they all changed back, Issei’s harem had wanted to get rid of the device ever since they found out that the female Kiba was Issei’s perfect girl. It took quite a bit of work to make sure that they didn't just destroy it, and was barely able to make it so he just had to keep the damn thing out of sight from them. Still what they didn’t know couldn’t have hurt them.

Ever since then he had thought of ways that he could improve the design and its capabilities. It had proven to be a success but one thing that he had learned in his long life was that there was always room for improvement. He had thought long and hard about how he would make it better until he finally figured out that he would ensure the sex appeal or a specific aim that the person wanted. Just because they were the opposite gender doesn’t mean they were going to be some smoking hot babe after all. If they were chunky then chances were was that they would be chunky after the transformation settled.

This new version would supposedly ensure that the person would find themselves with traits that they desired. If they wished to be more confident in their female form then they would be. If they wished to be stronger then they would. Theoretically anyway.

He needed to test it. On paper it would do as he thought, but that was hardly ever the case on a test. He came close to losing his eyebrows more than a few times because he thought that he had gottren it solved.

Sure he could use it on himself, but didn't want to find out what it would be like to be the owner of a set of breasts. A pervert he might be, but he wasn't into it. He would let others know what it was like to have boobs so that he could admire them if he had them. Besides if they were his then that killed the thrill of it.

Though he needed to figure out who would be the best person to test the device on. He didn’t want Issei’s harem to know that the device was back in the field. This time they might be able to destroy it if he wasn’t careful.

Suddenly mind went to a certain effeminate boy and he grinned. He would be the perfect test subject to see if it worked as intended.

Unlike the others when they had changed, Gasper was the only one who looked the same after he had been hit by it. At the time he had thought that his invention had been a dud and had misfired. Thankfully the changed Koneko had checked and found out the truth of the matter. He wasn’t sure how to respond to the fact and still wasn’t. If there was anyone that he knew for sure would be able to test out and see if that was true then that boy was the perfect answer.

Issei was one that he might have been willing to put it through for curiosity’s sake, but he was willing to bet that Issei would push the changes to the extreme. Strong he might be but he didn’t want to know what the sight of hooters the size of beanbags would look like unless they were on a giant woman who they looked normal on. Then again with Issei, they might get even bigger than that.

Now then he should go see his soon-to-be test subject and think of a story about how he should do so. He knew where he would be, the only question was would he be in a box again or not. It was a coin toss if he was being honest with what he knew of the vampire.

Gasper wandered through the halls of Kuoh, desperately looking for the others and wondering what he should do. Even though no one else was in the halls, he felt as if there were hoards of people surrounding him.

Everyone else was out doing something, leaving him by himself. All of them were out doing errands or hanging out somewhere. He wasn’t comfortable enough to go out there and do stuff liek that, and Rias was kind enough to not push him to do anything, but that only made him feel worse.

He hadn’t been able to help her at all backwith the Rating Game against Riser. Kokabiel, and more. He had to have been sealed away because of his own weakness. If something had happened to them while he wasn’t around because he wasn’t able to control his power he would never have been able to forgive himself. They had almost died so many times and the fact that he wan’t there was like salt on a wound.

He wanted to go and hide in the club room or his room until the others came back, but he had committed himself to become more confident. This was a way that he thought that he would get better about everything and become stronger. It wasn’t a perfect idea, but it was better then just doing nothing. After everything that had happened he had thought that something like this would no longer trouble him.

With how he was currently, especially since he wasn’t there to help his friends back with the rating game, he had to get better. He had made a promise to himself and to Issei that he would become more confident and he intended to fulfill that promise no matter what. He didn’t want to fail him, like he had the others, especially with how confident in him that he was.

“Oh Gaper there you are!” Azazel creid.

Gasper squealed as he jumped back in terror. The young boy had to fight the instinctive urge to find a box somewhere to hide in. Despite how often he had been around the Fallen Angel he still managed to scare him.

“Gasper relax it’s just me,” Azazel grinned, with a relaxing smile. The last thing he wanted to do was spook him off. Then it would be one big chase trying to find him and so much time wasted that would be better used studying Gasper and the changes. “I was wondering what you are doing out here. Thought that you might be in the clubroom, or your’s.”

“I want to, but then I thought it would be good if I went out even though I don’t want to,” Gasper replied.

“Oh and why is that?” theolder man questioned.

“I thought it would help me be brave,” Gasper answered, looking away in shame.

“I see. Then I might be able to help you out. I got something that might be able to help you with that,” Azazel remarked, knowing this was the perfect time to test his device. He just had to o somewhere a bit more private, test it out and then boom.

“R-Really? What is it!” Gasper asked, hoping that he could help. Azazel was a weirdo, but he was a genius. He was sure that he would bw able to help him figure out a way to he could ebcome more confident.

“Yup with this!” Azazel cried as he pulled out the Gender Bender Raygun.

The moment Gasper saw the device he froze. The young boy remembered that device. It had been a weird time for him. It should have been obvious that he had been changed into a girl as well.

Azazel easily saw the terror that he had in his eyes and quickly said, hoping it would calm him down. “Relax I made some modifications to the device.”

Azazel’s words did nothing to calm Gasper down. The Fallen Angle always gave him a feeling that he had something else in mind as if there was something else that he was going to do.

“What did you do to it?” Gasper asked, the words coming out far more confidently than he felt. He was waiting for the moment that it would explode in his hand as if it was some weapon that would destroy them all rather than just change a person’s gender. It took all the effort that he had not to run away.

“The modifications that I have made to the gun this time aim to let the one on the receiving end of the device change to the one getting shot desires. You want to be more confident right? This device will certainly help give you the confidence that you need,” Azazel said. He put on every charm that he could think of. Worst comes to worst he simply shot, the boy, but he wanted to see what it would be like on a willing subject and if they would have control.

Gasper gulped and thought about what he should do. He wanted to be strong, confident like Issei. Maybe if it worked then he would finally be able to keep his promise to him and know how to be. Still, he wasn’t excited about the idea of becoming a girl again even if it was just for a few hours. But the idea of becoming confident, and knowing what it was like. Then he would be able to focus on it and have an idea of what it was like. Why he needed to be brave outside of just focusing on it and more.

“Ok,” Gasper answered, hoping that the gun would work as it should have. The last time it did work but it didn’t do anything to him physically aside from making him a girl, but no one could notice the changes. It had hurt his confidence that they all couldn’t clearly see the change in gender. He just hoped that he wasn’t making a mistake.

“Why don’t we go back to the club room. The last thing we need is for someone to interrupt.”

“Ok,” Gasper said. The boy wondered if he should say anything now and get out of this before it was too late. There was a feeling something was going to happen if they went as Azazel wanted to.

The walk to the clubroom was quiet. There wasn’t anything to be said. Azazel led him to the club room singing a jaunty toon as he did. The older man didn;t

Gasper opened his mouth to say something, but before he could, Azazel grinned as he immediately took aim and fired the Gender Bender Raygun at the young Dhampir.

Gasper screamed in shock from the hit. The young boy frowned. He had hoped that he would be able to control himself and not make any noise.

Seconds passed and nothing changed. The effeminate boy reached down and felt his masculinity there.

“Did I mess up somewhere?” Azazel wondered aloud, looking at the invention in his hands. He was sure that it had worked. Heck before he even got up here he made that the gun would fire. It would have been awkward if he got here and he wasn’t able to fire. The next time he tried tomeet up with the young boy he might not be able to get him to agree to it. Well he could do it again later as a joke.

Gasper suddenly gasped as if water had been poured over him and shuddered. His breathing picked up and he hugged himself. Already this was different from before, the last time it happened it had only been like a flash of light and it was over.

Azazel stopped and relaxed as he braced himself, ready to make notes of the changes. This was certainly different from the last time that the transformation happened. Before it would have been a once and done, instead of the drawn-out process that it seemed to be now. He had no idea how that change happen, maybe part of how it brings out the mental aspects of the transformation. Oh well, it would be fun to see no matter what.

“What’s happening to me!” Gasper screamed. A small popping noise filled the room as everything started to get smaller. Tears welled in his eyes as he could eel his clothes brush against his body. The young boy looked down and saw that the bottom of the skirt was rising higher his socks getting smaller. When the boy finally stopped growing he gasped as tears formed in his eyes again.

“What’s happening to me!” Gasper cried again. His new height made him dizzy, everything else was wrong. He now stood head and shoulders above his original height. His clothes dug into his body and were close to ripping.

Azazel shuddered and couldn’t help but gag a little at the sight. He wasn’t into traps like some people were, but could only continue to watch so he could make notes of what was happening. Then after he made those notes he would repress these damn memories of this part as far as he could with some booze and alcohol.

The Dhampir blushed heavily at the sight of his exposed underwear and desperately tried to conceal it with the bottom of his skirt. But it was doing more harm then good. No matter what he tried, there was still some part of the panties that he wore that was exposed.

Suddenly a numb feeling hit his legs that made him shudder. He kicked off his ill-fitting shoes and wiggled his socks through his shoes. He could feel them changing, becoming even more dainty and smaller. Gasper gasped as the changes hit the rest of his legs which filled and became more feminine then it already was. The thighs that the boy had blew up and grew larger, making the bottom of them ride up even higher as the changes continued. Soon he had thick womanly thighs that would be the dream everywhere for men to lay their heads on.

“Ahhh!” Gasper cried as his panties dug a little between his pants and rode higher up his thighs.

“Azazel-sensei make it stop!” Gasper pleaded. He didn’t think that it would go quite like this.

“Just calm down Gasper, it will be over soon,” Azazel said. “Just keep focusing on being more confident, be brave.”

Gasper closed his mouth, letting out a whimper. He closed his eyes and thought about what he wanted. Akeno was brave. Rias was brave. Issei was the bravest of all. He wanted to be just like them and confident enough that he would be able to do anything that he wanted. He kept his focus on them and what they were like.

The boy’s feminine arms changed next. There wasn’t much change considering that his limbs were already closer on the female side of things. They hardened just a little as they filled with tender muscle and fat that made them look more match his soft plush thighs. They still maintained a lith slender appearance befitting that of a woman, but they were stronger than Gasper’s limbs ever looked.

“How does that feel Gasper?” Azazel asked.

“It feels…good?” Gasper answered, not sure what else to say on the matter. He pressed down on his arms and breathed out at what he felt go through him. There was a slight shock as his fingers went deeper into bicep, but it wasn’t bad. It was nice, comforting, relaxing even.

The young man’s waist was the next thing to start changing. It curled in on itself and got thinner. The young breathed through his nose. The changes to his gut felt like someone was rubbing their hands up and down as if they were trying to figure out something. The boy blushed at how nice it was, his hands curled around his clothes tighter, enjoying the feeling despite the strangeness of it all. The changes came to a close when he had a thin wapsih waist that loooked more fitting for a older womanly beauty then a boy.

“Am i turning into a girl?” Gasper said, having read plenty of visual novels and other events from his games to see the path. Even if the device used on him hadn't been so blatant in the name and the previous experience. “I thought it would just change my mind a little and make me a little more confident!”

“I never said that,” Azazel quickly answered. “Still this is definitely quite the change from what I'm expecting. If what we have seen from your body’s changes is any indication then that cute girly face of yours might become more womanly in a little bit.”

Whatever Gasper was about to say stopped on his throat. He had been called cute by everyone and with his face had been mistaken for a girl numerous times. Now he wanted to know what it was like to be handsome, to be beautiful and draw everyone to them. Just like Rias and Akeno could!

The effeminate boy’s face changed. The face that he had of a cute girl was changing. The features that he had of a cute girl matured as if he was getting older. His cheeks bones and jaw rounded as the next change came into play. His small cute lips grew larger and filled out as a fresh batch of red lipstick that was the same shade of blood appeared on them. Her lips let out a low pop, as she finished sucking on them and licked them. The new nose and full red lips highlighting the new womanly face that he had now.

Gasper’s voice rose higher in as a pleasing feeling formed between his legs that made him feel more pleased and fulfilled then anything before. He brought his hand up to his throat, momentarily flinching from the feel of his adam’s apple getting smaller. The voice that came out of it was huskier, womanly. It continued to get like that, sounding much more pleasing to his ear then his standard high voice.

Azazel couldn’t help but feel awkward about the changes as they continued and the boy got more feminine. He had expected it to be a one-and-done thing. He wasn’t expecting this whole progress thing and it was getting weird than he would have liked. Even if the vampire was becoming a mature woman it did little to settle his mind. Still, it was worth paying attention for the notes and if he ignored them then it was possible that he would miss something and he refused to do that. For the sake of science, he would press on no matter what happened next.

Mere moments after his Adam's apple was gone the feeling of his jewels suddenly being played with down below. The sucking between his legs continued to grow and so did the hungry gasps that left his mouth. He bit his lips harder, and now reached the point that he had drawn a slight trail of blood from them. The young man could feel his hardened wood getting smaller, but with what was happening to him currently, it didn't even register. A loud wet slurp resounded through the room as a fresh batch of wetness appeared in the front of the underwear. It wasn't the end of it as his balls rose up, as if they were chasing after his now lost shaft.

Gasper gasped at the sudden loss of what laid between his or rather her new moist legs, but it was only for a moment. She had never felt so hot before in her entire life. The dhampir woman had never felt so good in her life, it had been as if she had finally found an experience that would left her feeling freer then she had ever in her life, unburdened by her past.

The woman did not have long to marvel the transformation as the next round of the transformation came over her lower body, this time on her hips. Her hips started widening, growing larger, and with every second adding more to the feminine appeal of her body. The young woman moaned lustfully as they did, rubbing them eagerly, her fingers bouncing against them. A low snap filled the room and the young woman removed her hands for a moment, and the skirt fell off, exposing the struggling pair of panties that she wore. After a few more seconds they finally stopped growing as her hips reached a girl that would have been perfect for child-rearing and drive people crazy.

“Oh now these are perfect hips for me,” Gasper commented as she greedily prodded her hips, groaning in delighted lust about what was happening to them.

Her ass felt numb, and suddenly felt like someone had spanked it. The panties dug into her body tighter as the changes finally reached her boring flat ass. Each cheek filled with fat that made them push farther out, the fabric of them trailing her bottom and making her acutely aware of how much was being done to them. The panties that she wore looked like they were being eaten by her developing ass. She had a huge large round rump with a tight tone to it that would have knocked many men’s socks off. The changing Dhampir panted heavily as if she was about to throw up, but knew it wouldn’t be that. No not with everything that happened to her. It was no problem. Not with how good it felt. It was bound to only get better and feel so much more amazing. The woman gasped as her ass finally finished growing and became a perfect round heart-shape that would bounce and sway from side to side like it was going out of style.

Gasper giggled as she looked at her shelf of bottom and knew that she was close to being done. The girls down below were all perfect, large, and appealing. Just like how Issei liked them, but there was still one more set to come in before it was all done and she waited for it to come eagerly. There was no way that she would be flat, especially when compared to Koneko of all the girls.

Small but noticeable mounds formed on her chest that pushed out the front of her straining top. Pressed down on the developing breasts and massaged them, humming happily as her loins burned for attention. If her breasts weren't so nice and making her feel so alive she might have been inclined to listen to them, but she couldn’t resist the addicting pleasure of her bosom being fondled, no matter how small or big it would be. The straining buttons on her blouse went flying, exposing the slim stomach that she had now. Despite how much they were growing, they continued to grow larger without any sign of slowing down.

The transformation fully ceased. Gone was the small effeminate boy who could so easily pass for a girl. In his place was the older mature woman that would have inspired many lustful thoughts from many men and women.

Azazel could only stare at the new woman who oozed sexuality more than even Akeno. He couldn’t believe that the small effeminate boy had turned into this buxom beauty who looked like she belonged on the cover of a magazine. The raw sensual and milfy appeal that she was giving off would have instantly made men hard with her body.

“Maybe I overdid it a little,” Azazel commented looking down at the raygun in his hand as if it would explode. He had thought that the changes he had made to the device would be good, but he didn’t think that they would be as strong as they were. Perhaps he would need to dial it down a bit or do something that would allow some level of control on the device.

“Nonsense!” Gasper exclaimed, making the Fallen Angel jump in shock.

Azazal blinked as he looked the woman over and wondered what was going on. It was such a contrast from who the young man had been before that it threw him off even more than he already was from the transformation. He knew this was going to happen, but seeing the process in front of him was still something else entirely.

The woman frowned at her body being on full display, even if she didn’t mind too much. With her perfect body, there was nothing that she needed to be ashamed of. Anyone that got to look at her would be able to die happily with the simple fact they could bask in her glory. Still it wouldn't do for her to be naked like this. She needed clothes to get around and conceal the most important garden of her anatomy. Not everyone could and should see them.

With a simple use of her magic that he was sure Gasper didn’t have before, the destroyed remains of her clothes moved around her frame. The woman waited patiently as some of the cloth landed around her and morphed, changing to her desires.

The first thing that landed on her body was the bra that had landed on her body as her panties morphed. The small piece of fabric on her chest grew larger and expanded until it fully covered her chest.  The simplicity of it changed and gained a more lacy and sexual appearance that acted almost like a veil. The panties that she wore changed into a daring thong that would have made many men throw themselves at her to catch even a glimpse of what was hidden under there.

The broken remains of what had been her skirt and blouse merged together as the colors on them changed. The buttons that had been on her body from it, closing as they seemingly melded with the rest of the outfit. A bright red splotch appeared as golden lines formed from within. As the color spread so to did the golden lines on the dress. The woman smiled proudly as it did, and stood a little straighter. The bottom of her skirt got lower and brushed against her body, hiding her legs from view. The pair of shoes that she had knocked off earlier changed and became a pair of high heel shoes that complimented her dress. When the dress finished forming she was wearing a long red and gold dress with white gloves.

Gasper licked her lips as she moved around, the ends of her dress brushing against her body. The new woman smiled as pride went through her. She flicked her hair back over her shoulder. Smiling a proud confident smile that the boy never would have been able to call upon before the changes happened to her.

“Oh there we go now this is so much better,” Gasper remarked proudly. “Now then if you excuse me I need to find Issei and have some words with him.”

The woman sauntered out of the room, intent on finding Issei and showing him a time that he would never forget. All of the girls might have some measure of sexual appeal, but they were all girls. She was a true woman who had plenty of experience. She had seen plenty of videos and had a far better understanding of the body. She could turn on a man without any issue at all and knew exactly what to do. Issei needed a woman to show him how to please them, and she was the best one to do it.

Azazel watched the woman leave the room, his eyes locked on her shelf of a rear, despite the dress she wore. The moment the door shut behind her, he looked back down at the Gender Bender Raygun. He hadn’t thought that the results of the raygun would be so strong.

“Maybe I should perform a few more tests. For all he knew this wasn’t going to last to long,” Azazel muttered to himself. He was sure that he could think of someone else that woul be a great subject. The only question was who should it be. Before he did that though he would need to set up a timer. It was supposed to last only for a little bit, but after that little display of the weapon he wondered if it would. Oh well, he was sure Issei wouldn’t mind having another sexy girl in his life. Besides watching the girls fight over him was always amusing.


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