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Clark sighed as he finished grabbing some of the books that his boss wanted from his office. Today had been a good day so far. He was close to getting out and would be able to go play a game that he had recently ordered. When he was finished collecting all of the stuff that his boss wanted he quickly opened the door.

“Whoa!” A woman cried.

He quickly stopped the door before it could hit whoever it was, but heard them fall onto the ground along with several loud thuds. He sheepishly looked behind the door and winced when he saw it was a young woman brown hair, a decently cuvy figure and a cute face.

“Oh uh hi, Mary,” Clark greeted with what he hoped was a level voice.

Mary was a fellow student that was also doing an internship here. He had a bit of a crush on her for a while but he had never really worked up the courage to go and talk to her. He would love to ask her out just to hangout but every time he would get cold feet before he could actually follow through with it.

“Oh hey Clark,” Mary said as began to pick up her things.

“Sorry,” Clark said as he swiftly got down and helped her pick up her things.

“Thanks Clark,” Mary said with a grateful smile.

“Not a problem. So do you have any exciting plans today?” Clark asked awkwardly as felt his face heat up. He inwardly berated himself for his tone.

“Not really I was going to go head out to the mall later today. To grab a bite to eat and maybe buy some clothes or something,” Mary answered.

“Oh that’s nice,” Clark answered slowly. He measured every word in his head as if he was about to go and do an interview for a job that he really wanted. He wanted to make sure that he didn’t make himself out to be an even bigger idiot to her.

“Sorry that we can’t really talk, but I need to finish some more stuff before the day is over,” Mary said. “Talk to you later Clark!”

“Talk to you later,” Clark said as Mary took her leave. He watched her walk down the hallway, and when she turned down the hall, Clark slouched forward and rubbed his forehead. He muttered sadly as he continued walking. “Way to go, Clark. You knock down the girl that you like and didn’t really start a conversation with her.”

When he arrived at the examination room that his boss was in he stepped into the examination he placed the books on the table.

“Oh there you are Clark!” Mr. Bert said. “Mind helping me finish setting up the examination area. Got something that seems really promising that a dig really wants up to start studying.”

“Just a sec,” Clark said as he put on a set of plastic gloves to prevent any contamination to whatever it was. He out on the coat and helped Mr. Bert set up the spot, clean up the spot.

When they were finished setting up the examination area. Dr. Monroe pulled out a secured metal box. He opened it, revealing a red and gold sash that had clearly seen better days. It was frayed along the edges, and still maintained much of its color surprisingly.

“So what is this? I can tell that it is clothing of some kind, or was part of one,” Clark said. If it was hear then it had to be an artifact from some kind, perhaps hundreds of years old. From the markings on it he could tell that it was Greek in origin, but with how diverse they were at times it could have been one from the city states.

“From reading the report it seems that this was an old sash found preserved in a cave in the northwest coast of Turkey, not too far from Troy,” Mr. Bart answered.  “From what we have been able to gather it is around the 12th or 13th century BC.”

Clark whistled as he leaned over to get a closer look at it. That was supposedly around the time that the Trojan War was thought to have happened.  The fact that it still had any of its original color only emphasized how well preserved the artifact was. Unknown to him his fingers brushed against the artifact, and as it did a light mist seemed to have resonated from it. The fog slipped over to Clark and went into his body.

“So anything else that you tell me about this?” Clark asked as he looked over the sash.

“From the markings on it seems to be an artifact of the amazons. Who knows it might have even been worn by Penthesilea?” Mr. Bart commented.

Clark blinked. There was something familiar about the name. He knew that he had read it somewhere before and that it was related to mythology. If it was related to the amazons then it had to be someone of importance. He wasn’t’ an expert on them, but he did know something things about them.

A buzz got their attention on the table and saw that it was Mr. Bert’s phone. Mr. Bert went over and looked over who had texted him.  He slipped it in his pocket and took off his gloves and jacket.

“I’ll be back in a little bit; I forgot that my wife wanted me to run a quick errand for her. Hopefully I can get there before the store closes,” Mr. Bart said as he quickly went to the door. “You can wait here for me to get back, or go somewhere to pass the time. I’ll let you know when I’m done.”

After Mr. Bert shut the door behind, Clark started walking around the room. His mind was stuck on the name. There was just something about it that seemed so familiar. It was right on the top of his tongue, but whenever something like this happened it always escaped.

“Penthesilea… I swear I heard that name before,” Clark muttered. He considered himself a big mythology and historical nut if he had anything to say about it, and he knew that he heard the name before. He sighed in annoyance and pulled out his phone. He didn’t want to do this since whenever stuff like this happened when it came to his intersected fields he saw it as a personal test of his own knowledge and failed. He typed the name in his phone and read the result. “Ok here we go. She assisted Troy in the Trojan War, during which she was killed by Achilles.”

The moment the name left his mouth he felt strange, as if he had been dumped in a pool of jell-o after having been covered in honey. All of his strength left and he leaned against the table for support. His legs felt like they were made of noodles and it felt as if he had suddenly participated in a ten kilometer run twice.

“What’s wrong with me,” Clark muttered, worryingly. There was no way that this was natural. It was to sudden.

He felt his hands shaking rapidly and looked down at them. With how intense they were moving it looked like he was about to have a nervous breakdown and had trouble making out any peculiarities. He forced them to stop shaking, and despite his best efforts they still did so. His eyes widened when he saw his nails. His nails, which were by no means perfect looked someone had just taken them through the nine yards of a spa. They were perfect, cleaned, and manicured as if he had just walked right out of the resort. He could feel a warmth form in his hands; as if they were over a bright fire that growing larger in size. He gasped in shock when his fingers started changing. He watched as they started changing in size and the hair that lined his knuckles start disappearing. The warmth spread to the rest of his hands and any of hair that was there vanished.

He saw the rest of his hair on his arms rapidly fade away, as if it never there. There wasn’t so much a speck off hair and that alone told him that his arms would be smooth like perfect leather that was waiting to be broken in. The shock of the loss of hair was magnified when he saw his skin harden and strong muscles forming in his limbs. When the changes reached his biceps he could see them grow and when they finished, actually look like rock when his arms were curled. It continued onto his shoulders and he gasped as he could feel the same hardness in his arms start forming in his shoulder muscles.

“Wha-Ahhh!” Clark cried as his face felt like small miners were picking at his face. He could barely make out his reflection on his phone, but the person looking back at him wasn’t him. The face looking back at him was undeniably that of a woman’s. He reached out to touch his face and saw his reflection do the same. The cheeks that his hand touched were far more far more angular. His nose was smaller, a cute little thing. He saw his lips plump up in size and quickly touched them.  The plumpness quickly became apparent to him. His eyes burned as if someone had poured a pitcher of salt water at them. He rubbed at his eyes and when the sensation passed his eyes had turned into a bright red.

“What? How?” He questioned, scared. “How is this happening!”

His head felt funny, as if there were water pouring down it and following it up with sand. He reached and grabbed a rough patch of hair. He saw his short black hair suddenly begin to grow longer in rapid waves. The inky black hair that he had inherited from his father began to lose color, as if someone was pouring an entire container of bleach over his head. With every passing second the inky mess of hair began to lose more of its dark shin until it was completely replaced with soft spotless snow white hair. The white locks that rested against the nape of his neck felt soft like silk.

He shivered when he felt them start to crawl down his neck. They steadily crept down his neck tickling the back of his neck.  The soft white locks travel was almost enjoyable as they made their way down his body. There was something soothing, almost relaxing about them, almost as if they were an old blanket or bracelet. They stopped when they just above his mid-back, swaying back and forth as they tickled his spine. Suddenly the hair rose up as if someone had grasped it and styled it into a bun on the back of his head.

“Ahh!” Clark cried as a sharp sudden pain came from his hips. He placed his hands down on his hips and rubbed them, hoping that it would soothe them. It did little as he could feel the pain grow. Much to his shock and horror he could feel them pushing his hands out farther.

“No!” Clark cried as he tried to push his hips back together. Despite the increase muscle that he it did nothing to stop the changes to his lower body.  The pain was growing more by the second, as if there was an invisible user with a dial that increased the intensity. It was getting unbearable for him to bear. He cried to whatever force would hear him. “Just hurry up Damnit!”

After a few more agonizing seconds a loud snap filled the room that made him cry out. After that snap the pain finally stopped he saw looked down and saw that he now had a striking pair of hips.

“Am I…Am I turning into a girl?” Clark wondered aloud. It was impossible. This shouldn’t be happening, but it was the only answer that made sense. The slim waist, the softer face it added up perfectly.

He felt his flat boney butt suddenly perk. He instinctively clenched his butt cheeks as it felt like something was sliding out of his butt. His eyes widened as he suddenly felt his twin butt cheeks growing in size. He unconsciously thrusted his hips back and forth as his butt cheeks grew in size he moaned and felt a blush come to his face as dull pleasure started growing through his body. The pleasure that he felt was unlike anything that he had ever felt before. His lower body quivered as if he was about to go out on stage and talk with all of the world’s leaders, but it wasn’t out of fear. It was out of excitement. Unlike the pain from when his hips had grown out the sensations were warm comfortable, downright pleasant.

He gyrated his hips and continued to thrust back and forth, almost as if he was dancing to an invisible audience behind him with greater effort as the sensations that attacked him grew. He opened his mouth and his lower body moved with such enthusiasm that one would think that he was at a party. He could feel his butt pushing the back of his pants, to the point that it was actually starting to chafe a little, but he didn’t care. The way his body was reacting now was easily one of the best moments in her life.

It finally stopped when his pants felt like they were close to ripping off. He looked over his shoulder and studied his posterior. With how large is butt had suddenly gotten he was surprised to see that a whole hadn’t formed.

He gave his new ass a light smack, making a surge of pleasure form. To his amazement his bum wiggled only for a mere second and then settled. He marveled at his new wonderous ass. His ass should have moved a little more for its size. He smacked it again with more force and it again it wiggled for only a moment. He let out a perverted giggle and smacked it again and again and every time it would bounce just a moment. The giggle that he had grew as he continued to do so, absolutely loving the feeling that his tight new buttocks gave him every time he hit it, almost as if it was a drug.

He continued to molest his tight full athletic bum with all the ferocity of a lustful lunatic, but stopped when he felt a pull in between his legs and with free hand pulled at the hem of his pants to see what was going on downstairs. To his utter amazement and glee he watched his male equipment shrink as if it was a lizard or frog left out in the blazing Sahara dessert.

A small sliver of Clark thought about trying to stop it, to keep his penis and balls there, but he honestly felt so good that the thought of speeding things up seemed like something worthy of a Nobel prize. He let go of the him of his pants and jumped slightly when he felt one of his cohones slip into his being.

He rested his free hand right over the front of his hand and slowly started to push his shrinking genetalia into his body. The pleasure that he felt skyrocketed. As he could feel it they go inside his body at a faster rate.

With a wet slurp what was left of his manhood was gone, replaced with a moist vagina.

“Ahh!” Clark cried as she rubbed her crotch through her pants with renewed vigor, and could feel her pants getting wetter.

God her fingers weren’t even inside and she was already turned on, though she was willing to bet the reason that it was so easy to turn her on even more was because of the cavalcade of sensations that assaulted her body.

She moved her hands up and slipped into her pants. Her fingers brushed the edge of her new moist slit in between her legs and was about to slip a finger inside when her chest felt light. She immediately realized what was going on and roughly tweaked her nipples. She could feel the flesh multiplying against her thicker fingers and soon start pressing against her digits.

“Oh yes! C’mon get bigger! Bigger!” Clark ordered happily as she continued to fondle her ballooning chest with growing enthusiasm. She bit her lips and wiggled her hips as the tit flesh against her fingers continued to grow larger. The mounds of flesh against her fingers continued to grow larger, and in mere moments started to press against her whole hand.

Clark adjusted her hand as she watched her growing mounds in curious glee, wondering just big she would be by the end of this. She hoped that that they would be a decent size. She didn’t want breasts bigger then her noggin, but she didn’t want to be flat as a pancake either. She wanted a set of nice firm bust that would fit perfectly in the cup of her hand or even be a little too much for them.

They continued to grow larger and larger, raising her already tight shirt higher up in the air, and revealing her slim stomach. Soon they had grown so large that they had blocked the sight of her legs.  She continued to tease and pull on her nipples. Her mind was drowned in the pleasure of her growing breasts that all the thoughts on how big they were meant nothing to her anymore, so long as she could feel this pleasure.

When her twin mountains finished growing they were a firm D-cup, bordering DD for her size. Her shirt struggled to contain her large firm bust, and the lack of a bra made her shirt roughly mess with her nipples. Clark let go of her nipples and squeezed the whole tit and was pleased by what she felt.  They were strong firm perky round mounds that rested proudly on her chest, almost as if they were demanding attention.

Now that her amazement and the wonderful addicting sensations had passed she marveled at her at her body. She never felt so good in her old body. She felt like she could take on the whole damn world with her bare hands. She admired her strong muscles, enjoying the feel of them against her hands.

God she wished that she had a mirror in front of her to check out her girthy new body. Despite how much larger her incredible new body was it lacked any of unwieldiness that she expected. In fact, she would say that she moved far easier.

She twisted her body and winced a little before a faint pop suddenly went off. She looked down and saw that button of her pants had flown off and slammed into the wall. She chuckled. She should have known that with how much larger and thicker she was that her clothes would have a hard time containing a body that deserved to be shown off. She took a moment to really take in how her clothes felt on her. Her shirt felt like an old strap that a doctor had put on way to tight, and the legs of her pants strained against her powerful legs.

Clark frowned. Her legs felt like she had a few children trying to suffocate her legs. She slipped her fingers through the holes along her upper thighs and started to tear them apart. In one quick motion the legs of her pants started to rip apart, she continued to pull on her pants legs until they were completely apart, leaving the frayed edges of her pants to tickle her thick meaty athletic thighs. Even after tearing them apart the legs of her pants still tugged hugged her legs. She grabbed the sides of her pants legs and just as quickly as she separated them from her pant she ripped them in one quick motion, leaving the torn fabric on the ground.

She really wished that she had a full body mirror in front of her to take her body’s new curves and muscles in, and see just how flattering her clothes were. Hell she wanted to raid the mall and try out a whole assortment of attire. The thought of her trying on different clothes and seeing what fit her new bod made her want to try on a swimsuit or some weight lifting clothes and really get an eyeful of herself.

A crash caught her attention. She turned around and quietly went to the doorway. Her eyes widened at the sight of several men dressed in black clothes with ski masks and immediately knew what they were burglars.

Her eyes narrowed. Back in her old body she would have felt afraid, but here she felt calm, collected, and inquisitive. She studied the men with an inquisitiveness and studious nature, worthy of a private detective.

She could not make out any specific features aside from the fact that the two of them were men, and ones with a decent builds, without any signs of fat, or any real muscle, but then again that could just be the baggy clothes keeping her seeing that. They did not seem to have any guns, only a crow bar and some bags to hold whatever they stole and no doubt to hold whatever tools that they had brought with them as well. She saw a knife in one of their back pockets.

It looked like they weren’t planning on trying to kill anyone, but best to move with caution. They might have a gun somewhere that she just couldn’t’ see.

Clark heard a scream and saw a third guy dragging Mary into the room. She narrowed her eyes and held back a growl. She would make sure that she wouldn’t beat them up to badly, but defiantly make sure that they had a black eye or two, and a kick to the nads for good measure. It was the least that they deserved for hurting her.

She held her breathe and quietly snuck into the room, using the display cases for cover. Her steps didn’t make a sound as she moved deeper in. So long as she had the element of surprise then things were in her favor. She just had to make sure that she utilized it to her best ability.

She saw that the other two working on something else, while one of them was coming by her. She stopped and readied herself. She breathed in and out. The moment he was close she quickly covered his mouth and quietly pulled him back behind the display case. He struggled and put him in a chokehold. After a moment the man passed out.

“Huh Mike?” one of the men said.

Clark looked in the glass case and saw them getting closer. She looked at the downed thief and an idea came to her. She picked up the unconscious thief and used him as a makeshift weapon and slammed him into the two of them.  One of them forced his friend off and went to attack her. She managed to block the blows with ease and nailed him with two devastating punches. His friend came at her from the side. She instinctively blocked the bow and then moved in a way where she would be easily able to grab anything that she wanted. She grabbed his wrist and punted him away.

Clark’s face didn’t show it, but she knew that she was destroying them with surprising skill. She had never gotten into a real fight until today. She had no doubt that to an outside observer that she fought with surprising skill, to the point that some might think that she was a former army vet or something along those lines. It had to be another side effect of the changes she thought.

She dealt a few devastating punches that made him gasp with every blow and as he staggered back she pulled him back and picked him up with ease and threw him at his compatriot. Her improvised projectile slammed into his compatriot and crashed onto the ground. They two groaned from their place on the ground.

Clark smirked at their defeated forms as she wiped of some imaginary dust. She heard a shuffle behind her and tensed as she quickly turned. She saw Mary staring bug eyed at her and the burglars. She relaxed.

“Call the police,” Clark ordered Mary with a confidence that she never had before.

Mary blinked for a moment and then quickly ran over to her bag and pulled out her phone, while Clark went over to the unconscious third guy and threw him onto the pile. She started patting them down for any weapons that they might have had stashed somewhere else. She found another knife on one of their legs, but that was it.

When she was finished she stood over them and watched them intently, like a guard dog. She jumped a little when Mary came over and sat down next to her. She could tell that Mary was still shaken up over the whole thing, but knew that she would be fine.

They waited for the police and paramedics to arrive, and when they did, the cops immediately placed the men in handcuffs. The medical officers looked over the thieves and their injuries and when they were done the officers cuffed the men and took them in the back of their cars. The ambulance workers came over and looked them over to make sure that they were fine and what officers weren’t working on them took their statements. After giving their statements and getting looked over by the paramedics they were allowed to leave. They watched the officers’ jump back into their cars and head back to their stations.

“Well today has been a day,” Mary sighed, looking down at the ground.

“I’ll bet,” Clark answered easily. The confidence that surged through her being made it so much easier to talk to Mary then it had been earlier today. “Not every day that something like this happens.”

“You know I just realized that you saved my life and I don’t even know your name,” Mary said, brushing some loose strands of hair out of her face.

“My name? Oh you can just call me… Penny!” Clark, or rather Penny said quickly.  She had tried to think of something else, but the closest thing that came to her was this one. A part of her wanted to say Penthesilea, but considering how exotic that name was it would probably attract some unwanted attention.

“Nice to meet you Penny,” Mary said, and shook, Penny’s large strong hand.

“You okay?” Penny asked. She knew that the paramedics had looked her over and gave her a clean bill of health, but wouldn’t be surprised if she was still shaken up about the whole thing. Heck if it wasn’t for her new rocking bod and personality shift she would have been freaking out as well.

“Yeah it’s just that there was a friend of mine that was in there and I hope that he’s okay,” Mary said worryingly.

“I’m sure he’s fine,” Penny said, patting the smaller girl’s shoulder, looking away from her.  “If they couldn’t find him inside then he might have already left before everything went down. You’ll probably see him later.”

She couldn’t explain how she knew, but she just had a sense of certainty, something instinctual that said she would eventually turn back to normal. She loved the way this body felt and all, but that didn’t mean that she knew the problems that came with it. It wasn’t as if she could just go back home and say to her parents that their son had turned into an Amazonian woman.

“I guess. Do you…do you want to go out to eat. I’m willing to treat you and maybe get you some replacement clothes. It’s the least I could do for you saving my life and all,” Mary rambled, playing with one of her bangs.

Penny blinked. The way that Mary phrased it could almost be seen as her asking her out on a date. Penny felt a large stupid grin come to her face as she pulled the girl closer to her, making her squeak out in surprise.

“I would love to!” Penny answered. Well whatever the case was at least she got to spend some time with her crush. Not like she was going to complain about that.


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