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Peter was talking with his friend Kyle online, discussing recent events, some hopes for the future and any ideas that he had for stories. He had finished grading papers for one of his classes and decided to pass the time talking to his friend. There was still so much school work that he had to do, like preparing the slides for his next lecture or grading another, but if he didn’t take a small reprieve then he felt like his brain might explode.

The two had talked to each other for years online ever since Peter had first commissioned him to write a story for him. It had been nice and served his schedule well with how quick he was to respond to any questions he had. They might not have ever met in person, or even have done a voice call, but with all the talking they had done online, it served as a good basis for a friendship. Occasionally when they were down about something or worried they would express their problems to the other.

He enjoyed these little talks they had and indulging in the fantasies between them that sprouted. Sometimes it would grow into a new plot idea that either of them just couldn’t leave alone. They offered new perspectives for some of the ideas that were just too good to resist. It was nice to be able to talk to someone so readily about anything that they had in mind. It made things a little easier.

Any of the awkwardness of throwing himself out there in any server they were in, even if those servers were of those who had the same interests. It was hard since he wasn’t as close to any of the people in there, even if he had gotten good feedback from others from time to time. It was more comfortable to just talk with someone he knew and had plenty of history with when it came to stories.

He wished that they could talk more like they had used to, bouncing ideas off each other and talking for hours at a time, but it simply wasn’t feasible now. Now it was more like they responded to the other when they had some time. Both of their schedules had gotten busier as the years passed with their respective lives. There wasn’t anything either could do, but ride the waves and take what relaxation they could. Still, at least they could remain in contact and talk with each other which was more than some of the relationships he had with people in the real world.

“Starting to wonder about my current situation and where I’m at you know?” Kyle said.

“That I do,” Peter responded. He had thought of his life and what it was like now and compared it to what he thought he would be at this stage. He was happy that he was able to get a job that he wanted and work there full time, but he had thought he might be with a woman by this point.

For years he had thought about being with someone might happen at this point in his life, and yet he still wasn’t. Honestly, he couldn’t blame him for wanting to get his life sorted out before he moved to get into a relationship. He had never been in a romantic relationship, despite being older, because like his friend he wanted to get himself sorted out.

Though part of it was also because he just had a hard time approaching a girl and figuring what to say. No matter how they look when he was interested in a woman no matter what he tried to say, he couldn’t organize his words and worried he would say the wrong thing. That it would spiral out until the woman had suddenly grown double her size and was going to use him like a toothpick after she ripped his arms. It was clearly an impossibility, but something he still imagined happening.

“I got a good job that pays well enough, but not enough hours and doesn’t give me any benefits. I haven’t even been in a relationship since high school,” Kyle admitted. “I’m a bit worried about the future you know?”

All of those were stuff he could understand things that he could emphasize with. For a long time before he got his jobs he was worried about the work he would be able to get with how competitive the field was. He was still uncertain about many things and what future work might be like. He was ahead of him in one regard. He hadn’t been with a girl romantically at all. He hadn’t been with one at all and he was the older between them.

“At least you have been with a girl. I understand why you have all those worries. I wish I could help you find that special someone,” Peter said as he wrote out his response and clicked send when he finished. There wasn’t much he could do to help his friend, because of where they lived. The only thing he could do was offer advice and some possible dating sites.

He didn’t have any real experience he could call upon, and whatever advice he had, was guaranteed to blow up in his face he felt. Still maybe if he helped him find a girl then the universe would be nice and let him find that special someone.

The world started to fade out, as if a painter was taking a large brush and painting over the world, blurring everything around him. He ran his hand down his face and rubbed his eyes hoping it was just a hallucination brought on by something, but it was still happening. The young man jumped when he saw his desk was starting to suffer the same effect and stepped back. He closed his eyes and breathed heavily in and out trying to calm his beating heart. He didn’t know how this was happening, or if there was some sort of invisible force working its power on him, but he didn’t want to see what might happen to him.

When Peter opened his eyes and the world seemed to have stabilized. He breathed slowly in and out to calm his beating heart. He slowly opened his eyes and was met with the unfamiliar sight of dark brown wooden floor.

“What the! Where am I?” Peter gasped as his eyes darted around, trying to find any hint to where he was.

He saw that instead of his room, he was in what looked to be a living room. There was a big brown couch that curved around the room and a large TV that rested on a dresser. A chair was off to the side. He stood next to a small coffee table that had remotes for the TV along with a set mats for drinks. There was a large counter that acted as a border between the living room and the kitchen, that had numerous white cabinets along with a microwave and a oven. A large white fridge was in there. Wherever he was, he could say with certainty that it wasn’t his home.

Peter looked at the doors and entrance ways, trying to figure out which one might lead him outside. He didn’t know if anyone was here, but he didn’t want to find out. He didn’t want to imagine what might happen if they saw him.

One of the doors opened, and Peter froze. His mind screamed at him to move and hide, but it was as if his body had shut down. He could only stand there as the figure stepped out of the room they were in and make their way into the living and stepped closer to the light, revealing their features.

The figure was a man who seemed to be around his age with dark black shaggy hair and fair skin. He had the shadow of a beard on his face.  He looked handsome enough with a well-defined jaw and small nose. He was skinny, but looked like he had a decent amount of muscle on his body and lacked any major signs of fat. He was dressed in dark pajamas that consisted of a black T-shirt and silk black pants with blue lines running down them.

He jumped.

“Who are you?” The man demanded. “How did you get in?”

Peter gulped at the panicked look in their eyes and the man stepped back. He scrambled trying to think of something he could say. His hands and he could see the man’s brown eyes wandering around, no doubt looking for a weapon.

“Look I don’t mean you any harm,” Peter said, trying to calm his beating heart. He never thought that he would be in a situation like this. “I just found myself in here all of a sudden after something happened in my room after I made a wish to help a friend of mine.”

The man looked at him doubtfully, and he couldn’t blame him for that. If he had heard it from someone else he would have wondered what they were thinking. He held back a sigh. It was too late to lie now. Now that he had said what he did. If he tried to backpedal and think of something that sounded more possible and reasonable then it would only serve to make him suspicious.

“I honestly don’t know how I got in here. I was just talking to a friend of mine online about life, and then the next thing I know I was here. I’ll be the first to admit that it sounds insane, but that is the truth.”

“What’s your name?” the younger man asked, his eyes locked on him, like a predator, waiting for their prey to try something.

“Peter, Peter Johnson,” Peter said.

The man frowned, as if he was thrown off by the name. He looked him over more intently and his frown deepened, making the unintentional home invader more uncomfortable.

Peter gulped wondering what he could have done to set him off. He asked, “What’s the matter?”

“Just a stupid thought,” he replied.

“After what happened to me I very much doubt that,” Peter said. “Who knows might answer a question of yours.”

The young man was silent as he mulled over his words. Peter kept quiet and just stayed there trying to look as non threatening as possible. Whatever he was thinking he hoped it would be good for him and not lead to him ending up out on the streets or a night in a cell.

“You wouldn’t happen to have a discord would you?”

“Yeah its astrophys,” Peter said, wondering where he was going with this.

““Warden,” the young man said. “The first story you commissioned me years ago was a Scathach TG and was immediately followed by a Mitsuru Kirijo TG.”

Peter stared at the other man in shock, wondering how he must have knew that. Suddenly, an idea came to him and he breathed in. He remembered a description that he had read about him in a story that he had gotten him to write. He cleared his throat and said slowly, “Kyle.

The brunette nodded his head and Peter slouched, somewhat relieved that his situation wasn’t as bad as he thought. Still he couldn't deny that while he was happy he knew someone, it didn’t mean as much as meeting in person.

“How did you get here?” Kyle asked.

“I already told you how,” Peter said,a little put at ease.

“Seriously that is how it happened. Christ that sounds just like one of the stuff from the stories I wrote,” Kyle remarked, earning a snort from Peter.

“Now that you mention it I can see the comparison,” Peter relaxed. It did sound like something he would use for a story, even with the wish and all.

Peter breathed out and pulled at the collar of his shirt. Now that he had calmed down somewhat he noticed how hoter everything was. Even though the AC was on he felt like he was out in the summer wearing a bundle of jackets. He didn’t feel weak in the knees yet, but if it continued to build.

“Peter what the fuck is happening to your arms?” Kyle yelled, making the older man jump at the sudden change in attitude.

Peter looked down at his arm and gasped when he saw the skin there darkening. It quickly became slightly tanned and continued to darken further. The change spread to the rest of his hands and his breathing picked up as he noticed that all the hair that lined his arms before were gone, as if they had been shaved off with a razor.

Soon his entire hand had become the same color and the change seemed to have spread. He rolled up the sleeve of his shirt and saw it continue up his limb. The darkening young man breathed hitched as he looked all over his body. He pulled at the front of his shirt, and the bottom of his pants, anywhere that he could look. To his horror, the process was happening all over his body, as if he was tanning on the beach in a speedo. When his skin finished changing he had dark brown skin, comparable to chocolate.

“What just happened?” Kyle gulped.

Peter couldn’t say anything in return, trying to think of a logical explanation. The changing man stopped and realized that he shouldn’t try to put logic into this, considering he had seemingly been teleported from one state to the next.

His hair felt off, as if he had dunked his head into a large barrel of water. The older boy’s brown chocolatey locks brightened as if they were absorbing the nearby light from the lamps. His short head of hair started to slowly lengthen as it brightened. It grew longer tickling the back of his neck and the tip of his ears. He had always made sure to maintain his hair, but now it was softer and longer then it had been in years. Soon, his hair had finished changing and become a decently shaggy mop top of bright sunny locks that looked like they had been formed from the sun’s light.

Kyle stared at the former brunette’s new head of hair, drawn to it. He liked blonde hair, and red hair, finding it exotic. It contrasted Peter’s new skin, but one that he couldn’t deny was attractive. It made him look eye-catching and added a exotic look to him.

Peter wasn’t sure what to make of the sudden change of hair and skin color, and didn’t like where it would lead. It reminded him of some of the stories that he had read online, along with some other stuff. He hoped that it didn’t lead to the final result of the transformation, but sadly at the moment anything was game. He just hoped that by the end of it all he would still be human.

“Ahh!” Peter winced as faint popping noise erupted from his back. He rubbed his shoulders and noticed they weren’t as broad. He looked over them as best he could, and gulped when he saw they were losing some of their width. His lower back suddenly ached and he brought his hands down to his lower body. The man paled when he noticed there was a slight arch to it that getting more prominent as time passed. He looked back at Kyle and saw that they still seemed to be the same size. He was still the same size, but something was off about the rest of his body.

Peter looked down at his hands and held them out. The nails on them refined as if he was clipping them and dealing with any rough patches that might have formed. His fingers slimmed down, making him gulp as they got smaller. To his dismay it continued down the rest of his hands and his palms started to get smaller until they were the perfect size to compliment his changed fingers. It continued up his limbs and his forearms got smaller, and continued up to his biceps. They got smaller as well, but they seemed to be going through a different change as well. The flesh there seemed to be tightening, hardening, as if he had been working on them. Soon the changes that happened to his arms stopped and he didn’t feel anything else happening to him.

The changing man prodded his arms and was astounded by the muscles inside of them. There was a toneess to them that he never could have matched. He honestly wondered if he was stronger with these new arms then he was with his old body. Even if he was, he would prefer to have his old body back.

He didn’t have too long to process them as his legs suddenly felt off, as if they had fallen asleep. His shoes had a sudden losness that wasn’t there moments ago. He took off his ill-fitting shoes and tossed them aside. The new blonde hoped in place as he quickly took off his socks, and jumped at the sight of new smaller feet.

His toes got smaller and much like his fingernails they cleaned up as well and became clean toes. The moment his toenails finished changing the rest of his toes started to change.They got smaller and became small womanly toes. The change spread to the rest of his feet started to get smaller as if he was getting young. They soon became athletic womanly feet that looked out of place on the rest of his masculine legs.

The changes continued up his body, causing the rest of his legs to slim down accordingly. When the change reached his thighs, they started to grow larger like bread in the oven. Peter padded his thighs as they grew, and could feel taut muscles that were growing more prominent underneath. The two watched as they pushed his pants further out. The changing man winced at his manhood getting crushed against the side of his pants and prayed it would stop soon. When it finally finished to the blonde’s relief he stared at his pants, which now looked like they might as well have been a pair of skinny jeans. He had huge thick sexy thighs that looked like they belonged to a sexy woman.

Kyle’ couldn’t help but stare at Peter’s new thighs, as perverse thoughts went through his mind. He had seen thick thighs, but the ones the former man hand were downright tantalizing. He wondered what it would be like to run his hands over them and see them work, but restrained himself. He forced himself to look away before Peter noticed.

Peter winced and turned so his back was to Kyle. It was as if his manhood was being crushed between two sexy pillows. His fingers brushed against his inner thigh, and for a moment, he marveled at the feeling he had there. They were strong, filled with powerful muscles that he never had before. He moved his junk up into a better position and was pleased to feel that it wasn’t as tight there as it was against his leg. The front of his pants still covered him, but it was a little more comfortable.

The older man held his face as his face suddenly became cold as if he had dunked his face into a cold vat of water. He held his face and could the bones sinde of his skull shifting around as if he was moving them with his fingers. His jaw softened and his cheekbones rose higher. His lips started to grow in size as if they were filling with some of the fat and quickly became soft pillowy lips. His nose got smaller and became a cute sharp pointed nose that helped highlight his changing features.

“My face,” Peter whimpered, not sure what to make of this change.

“Yeah,” Kyle said. There was something about the face that just reminded him of someone. It worked in tandem with his hair and new skin color. It all clicked in his head, but there was one small thing missing that prevented him from figuring it out.  He frowned and scratched his head, desperately trying to figure out where he had seen it before. The young man breathed and tried to focus on something else, until it came to him.

A surge went through the sides of his cheeks as if he had been shocked, making flinch.

“What just happened?” Peter asked, afraid to hear what happened. He brought his hands up to his cheeks and they didn’t feel any different thankfully. Still he doubted that they hadn't changed and knew that there had to be something

Kyle ran back into the room he came from and quickly came back out with his phone. He angled it to show Peter’s face’s face and the young man jumped at the beautiful womanly visage staring back at him. The brunette didn’t trust his voice at all with how beautiful she..he was. The younger man had to remind himself, that despite how much

Peter ran his hands down the sides of his face tracing the blue tattoos that ran down his face. He had never thought of getting a tattoo now. When he was young her had some thoughts about getting one and a few designs, but as he got older, the idea had lost its appeal.

“Well if there was ever any doubt about who and what you might be turning into there gone now,” Kyle said slowly.

“Yeah,” Peter said just as slowly. It did little to help the two of them in the grand scheme of things, but at least they could predict what might happen to them next.

There didn't need to be any more words that would be said. The two had discussed girls they had liked over the years in a variety of different sources from games and manga. Tier Harribel was no exception to the rule.

Kyle pulled at his collar and tried to think of something he could say or do to ease the situation, but nothing came to him. What does a person say when another is turning into an anime character. Especially since he was turning into one of the girls that he had admired for years.

Peter didn't have long to focus on the awkwardness of the whole situation, as the sides of his waist started to change and curve inward. Peter placed his hands on them and gulped as they moved closer together like a crushed can. It was strange to see his waist shrinking like this, and wasn’t sure what to do. There was nothing he could do to stop the transformation, and aside from his face this was so far the most feminine part of it that he had gone through yet. All he could do was continue to go with the flow of the transformation, and see where it went as his waist finished changing. It had become a slim sexy waist that would be the sign of the sexy hourglass that he was to have in the future.

Peter held his stomach as a sharp stomach ache came over him. He groaned and lowered his head bracing himself to see what this change would look like. He raised his shirt and saw the beer gut he had was shrinking. He had always imagined and hoped to one day have a stomach that didn’t reach out so far, but this wasn’t how he thought he would get it. Even when it reached the size of years past, it continued to get smaller and refined. When his stomach was finished changing, he had a smooth hard flat stomach, as if he had done an intense workout routine to earn such a gut.

He prodded his gut and marveled at how little his finger went in and the feeling of it. His stomach felt like hard rock in his fingers and he had to press down harder to get his finger in deeper. If it had been his old gut it would have been like he was bouncing like jelly. Despite how he had gotten a stomach like this, he couldn’t help but admire the change and be glad to have one like this. At least he wouldn't have to deal with having a big belly like that.

“Ahh!” Peter cried and held his crotch as a sharp pain went through his body. It ached in pain as if a woman had kneed him in the balls. His legs quivered and he struggled to remain standing. A warmth grew there that made his heat burn brighter, as if he was imagining or seeing a sexy scene happen right in front of him.

The changing man jumped when he felt something move against his hands. He pressed down harder and flinched as he could feel his balls moving against his hands, along with his scrotum. For a moment, he wondered why it was happening to him, until he put it together and recalled reading scenes like this in stories. He paled as he realized what was happening to him next.

Peter looked at Kyle and wondered how he should say what was happening to him. However, before he could say anything, Kyle’s eyes bugged out of their sockets as he realized what was happening. It brought little comfort, but at least he didn’t have to try and vocalize what was happening to him.

The changing man’s face burned as the warmth grew and he gulped at the lost to come. He rubbed his thick thighs and blushed at the pleasing arousal that came from his hard wood. It was almost pleasing in a way, and made her shrinking stand proud, as if it was saying goodbye to their owner before they went away. The first thing to be sucked inside of him was his scrotum, making him whimper and shudder as if he was out in the cold rain wearing nothing but a light t-shirt. His balls brushed against upper thighs, and made him

A erotic husky moan left her mouth that would have made many people instantly erect as they imagined getting such a reaction form a beauty like her. Kyle’s face burned did his best to keep the reaction he had from her to a minimum.

Peter looked at Kyle and said weakly, “It’s gone.”

Kyle sucked in his lips as if he had an extremely sour lemon. There was nothing he could think of to offer some sort of comfort to the former man. What could anyone say to a person going through this situation? Even if they enjoyed reading about someone going through this it doesn’t mean that they would want to read about someone going through it for real.

Peter breathed in and out trying to calm her new aching organs. She didn't even want to think about what she had but with how much it was burning for attention at the moment it was like neon signs. Her hand ached to reach down and feel what her new organs were like. Her mind whispered saying that she would be able to feel for herself what it was like. Her face darkened further at the thought of going through it, but she grabbed her thigh and breathed in. This wasn’t the time or the place to find out what being a woman was like and having something inserted in there.

Her hips suddenly snapped wider making her loose her sense of balance. The new woman tried to remain standing but she now felt like she was on stilts. She fell forward and raised her hands up as she closed her eyes, bracing herself for the pain to come.

Kyle quickly rushed forward and grabbed her before she hit the ground. He bent his knees slightly and was able to keep themselves up. He blushed slightly from feeling her soft hair brush against his cheek, but quickly helped her stand.

“Thanks,” Peter said awkwardly. She blushed slightly from the feeling of his grip on her shoulders and cleared her throat. “You can let me go. I think I found my balance.

“You’re welcome,” Kyle replied just as awkwardly. He slowly took his hands off her and slowly stepped away, as if she was a glass statue that might break if she fell. Still, he was ready to move on a moment's notice in case it looked like she was about to fall over again.

Peter looked down at her hips and her eyes bulged when she saw just how wide they were now. She wanted to say at first glance that they looked like they were twice their original width. She placed her hands on them and grimaced. They would have been so arousing to wrap her hands around if they weren't her own. If she had anything down below instead of her flat ass then it would have been perfect.

As if reacting her thoughts, she felt a rumble down below. As if a small earthquake was going on. She blinked and then paled as she realized what was about to happen. The rumbling on her behind grew and she clenched her bottom cheeks together as if she was about to stop something from slipping between them.

“Oh no!” Peter cried and looked over her shoulder at her flat unassuming buttocks. As if waiting for a que to begin her butt started growing out and pushed her pants, making her blush as her ass swelled. She grabbed her new developing ass and blushed as small buds of pleasure coursed through her body. She squeezed and flinched the growing tightness to it that would have been pleasing if she had earned it naturally. Soon her butt had finished growing and had become a huge thick round ass comparable to fully ripe apples that would have been the eye of many people’s attention.

Peter and Kyle blushed as they stared at the new woman’s rear. It didn’t need to be said, that if either of them had seen this ass on a woman they wouldn’t be able to help but stare.

Thoughts of seeing it various costumes and erotic outfits like a bikini, bunnysuit, and more went through their minds.Kyle turned away to hide the arousing erection in his pants to prevent it from being weirder then it already was. Peter flushed and turned away from him, even if she couldn’t see what he was doing exactly she was able to put things together. Not that she could blame him much, considering she would probably have done the same.

Suddenly Peter realized what was missing from her changes, despite how far along she had come already. The former boy gulped and looked at her flat chest as if it was a bomb about to go off. With how thicc and sexy her ass was, she had no doubt that she wasn’t going to be flat chested, even if she wished it would be the case. Her dark face paled as she imagined a set of hooters on her chest that would be worthy of being compared to her backside and prayed that they wouldn’t be as big as she thought. Her face darkened further, and as she could feel her nipples growing underneath and small lumps developing.

“Are you okay?” Kyle asked, only to freeze and blush as Peter’s chest gained small, but noticeable lumps push through her shirt.

The new blonde covered her bust with her arm and tried to hide them, but they continued to grow without abandon. They pushed her arm further out and she tried harder to suppress them, earning a wince from the new woman. She snuck a look down at her bust and frowned at the growing cleavage there. It continued to grow at the same pace as it from when it started with no sight of slowing down, and yet she could feel a pull on her back from their growing weight.

Kyle could only watch as Peter’s small chest continued to grow in wonder, and his mouth watering. Even if it wasn't a ideal scenario, it was still hot. The more they grew, the tighter his pants got from his hardening masculinity. He always envisioned what it would be like to see a pair of breasts expanding like this in real life. The small egg sized lumps continued to grow and the writer knew it would take some time before they reached their final size. It might not translate completely to looking as big as they did in the anime, but even if they were only half of their size, the former man’s breasts would be huge. The dark skinned woman’s boobs finally started to slow their growth, much to the joy of their new owner when they became a heft G-cup and looked like she had shoved beachballs down her shirt.

She removed her arms and they freely drooped down, making her lean forward. The new woman rolled her shoulders and forced herself to lean. Now she understood why wearing a bra was so important for girls, especially if they were stacked. And there was no question that she was a big girl who was going to need all the support she could get.

“Holy,” Peter gasped, staring at her new bust with a dark blush. From the art and screenshots she had seen, he knew that Tier Harrirbel was a stacked woman, but she didn't think her boobs would be this big. The new blonde couldn’t even see past her feet with how big they were. She trieed to push her tatas to the side or mush them down to see if she could, but even then she couldn’t.

Kyle’s face darkened even further as he stared at her new boobs, and could plainly see the outline of her nipples. If he wasn't already rock hard from seeing those tits and everything else come in then he certainly would have been from that. He had never seen boobs this big in real life before and now he couldn’t help but stare at them. It truly looked like she might have been trying to smuggle watermelons somewhere if it wasn’t for the exposed bits cleavage he could see.

The two stared at each other, not sure what to say to the other. Kyle wanted to say something to try and comfort the former man, but there was nothing that he could think of just like earlier.They waited for something, anything to happen like a last minute change. The clock ticked, every second, feeling like an hour. The two gulped and could feel every inch of their bodies, from the smallest urge to scratch the smallest bead of sweat traveling down their bodies. Even if Kyle had not gone through the change on his own After an uncertain amount of time the two relaxed as much as they could.

“I think its over,” Peter said and grimaced as the feeling came over her body. Her clothes felt off,  as if she had put on her older siblings clothes.

“That’s...good,” Kyle trailed off, not sure what else he could say.

Peterg groaned as she moved around, and frowned at feeling swaying form her lower and upper body. She felt an immense pull on her back, and knew it had to be her new huge bust. When she thought of being able to grasp a pair of boobs, this wasn’t what she had in mind.

Thoughts about her current situation came to her and made her stomach do flips. She wasn’t even sure about her current status. As far as she knew now, there was nothing to her name. She noticed there was a tightness in her pants pocket that exceeded the other. She looked down and saw there was something in her pocket. The new woman gasped as she suddenly remembered that it was her wallet.

She reached into her pocket and struggled to pull her wallet out of her pocket. She hadn’t noticed it in her pants. For a moment she considered grabbing a pair of scissors and using them to open then, but hesitated. She really didn’t want to have to cut her pants to get them out, unless she had to. For all she knew, these would be the last clothes that she had until she got her something. She finally managed to pull it out of her pocket and let out a relieved sigh.

The young woman breathed in and out, fearful of what she might find in there as she opened it. If her old pictures and stuff were in there then she would have nothing but the clothes on her back. She opened the picture and saw next her ID was a picture of the new her. It was strange to see a picture of her new self with her old name next to it and not scream identity theft, but she would take whatever win she could right now.

“Well it seems like I have some form of identification,” Peter sighed, having mixed feelings about that. As happy as she was that she could drive and be identified as a citizen, she wished there was proof of her old self.

“Is that good?” Kyle asked.

“I think so,” Peter sighed. At least I’ll be able to drive around and find some work. She was too afraid to look at her bank cards and everything else to see if they had the same change. She could force herself if she had to, but would prefer not to.

“What am I going to do,” Peter groaned sadly as she ran her hand down her face, wincing slightly at the touch of unfamiliar features. It would be a hard to find a place to stay, even if she had a small nest egg, and it would take some time

“You can stay here.”

“Are you sure?” Peter asked, feeling some relief.

“Yeah, I’m sure,” Kyle said. He had known him long enough online to say that he was a good guy. He doubted that he would do anything to mess up. “We can set up some ground rules in a bit. When we’re both not questioning the universe and how this could happen.”

Peter nodded, smiling weakly in relief.

That was something at least. It wasn’t ideal, but at least she wouldn’t have to worry about what might happen to her while she’s out on the streets or in a shelter. She had never been in one and had no idea what to expect, or even what they were like aside from what she had seen on TV. Though she was willing to bet it wouldn’t be the nicest of places.

“I can get you some clothes that will hopefully fit you better,” Kyle said. “Then we could figure out something for you tomorrow, or something.”

“That would be appreciated,” Peter said. “Anything would be better than being stuck in these.”

Kyle went over to what Peter assumed was his room, and waited patiently for him to come out. The former young man looked around the room, taking stock of it all, since she would be living here for a bit. Footsteps brought her out of her musing and she turned to see him with a bundle of clothes in his hand.

“Here is a pair of my pajamas that you can wear for the night,” Kyle said and gave her a pair of rolled up pajama clothes. “The bathroom is the door right over there.”

“Thanks,” Peter said as she went into the bathroom and stopped when she saw her reflection again. Her heart fell into her gut as if she had been punched in the gut. The new her staring back at her would have rendered her speechless and been the centerpiece for her fantasies.

She turned her back to the mirror and breathed heavily to calm her beating heart. Her face darkened somewhat at the sensation of her bouncing ass, and new hooters. The thought made her realize that with her new bod she wouldn't be out of place working there, or even becoming the unofficial queen of Hooters. She forced those thoughts away and focused on what she needed to do.

The new woman slipped out of her old clothes, keeping her head up high, so that she wouldn’t look down and see her new fertility idol-like figure.The sight of it made her stomach churn and limbs feel heavier as if she was suffering from some food poisoning.

She grabbed the rolled up bundle and unfurled it. She reached inside and pulled out and to her surprise another shirt fell out. She picked it up and saw it was a black muscle shirt. The new woman frowned at the extra shirt inside and wondered why he gave it to her.

Peter sighed as she brushed those thoughts aside and got to work on putting her temporary clothes on. As she slipped them on she could heer body bounce and move in ways that it never had before. It made her flush as she pulled the silk pajama buttons over her bodacious lower body. It was weird to put on clothes without underwear, but compared to everything else it hardly phased her. She closed her eyes as she slipped the shirt over her frame and shivered at the feeling of the fabric brushing against her nipples. When she was finished changing into them she let out a tired breath.

The former man looked down, despite not wanting to look at her new mocha bombshell of a body. To her horror she could see that her nipples were poking through her top. The new woman bit her lip. She couldn’t go out like this. It might just be the two of them, but even so she couldn’t just let her chest be seen like this. She looked back at the shirt she had tossed aside earlier and suddenly connected why he had given it to her.

The woman breathed heavily as she took her top again and slipped the muscle shirt over her body. It hung loosely over her frame, but did its job and covered the bottom and middle of her breasts, even if the top of her new immense bosom was exposed. The immense canyon of chocolatey cleavage, which she would have found so arousing if she was back in his old body.

A relieved sigh left her mouth, glad that her new nipples were no longer poking through her top. It would have made this already immensely awkward situation even more so.

The young woman breathed out as she forced herself to look into the mirror, despite not wanting to. She wanted to avoid a fashion disaster if she could. She studied herself in the mirror and saw that roundness of her bust was easy to see and with how huge it was, exposed her strong midriff. The new woman blushed as the idea of seeing her buttocks and what it looked in the mirror came to her, but she squashed it down. There was no reason for her to do that, since the pants did not dig into her hindquarters, even if it did drape over her cheeks. She had to admit the clothes fit better then she was expecting, probably because she hadn't gotten smaller. They were still uncomfortable mainly due to how much her new curves stretched them out.

After admiring her new bodacious body she turned to the door. Peter breathed in and out, getting her courage together and to still her beating heart. Kyle didn't seem like a bad guy, especially from all the talks they had online for years, but after everything that just happened it would certainly add to the strangeness. When she felt like she had finally gotten it all together she slowly stepped out of the bathroom.

Kyle blushed at the sight of her, and anything that he might have said. His eyes roamed over her form for a moment before he quickly moved to a nearby closet and pulled out a comforter and some sheets.

Peter watched him move, clearly trying to focus on something that wasn’t her. She breathed through her mouth. On one hand she wanted to be offended, but on the other hand she couldn’t blame him. If he had become this thicc, beautiful dark skinned goddess then she would have been inclined to stop and stare as well.At least he didn’t do it for more than a few minutes.

When he was finished setting up the couch, he stood there for a moment, looking at her in the face.

“What no,” Kyle said, surprising him. “You can have my bedroom.”

“Really?” Peter asked. There was so much stuff she could do in there or find and he was willing to let her sleep in there? “You sure? I wouldn’t mind sleeping on the couch at all. It beats the floor.”

“It's perfectly fine,” Kyle said, brushing it off. “I don’t mind sleeping on the couch. I’ve passed out there a couple of times and don’t feel bad about it.”

“Well if you’re sure,” Peter said, feeling a little guilty about taking his bed from him.

He showed her to the bedroom and took it all in. The white fan that rest over the bed, the blue color of the walls, the nightstand. There was a large bookcase with several books, and figures of stuff from various franchises. The night stand next to the bed had a small lamp on it. It was somewhat different from what she expected, but not in a bad way. It felt more homey because of it.

“Well goodnight,” Kyle said and took his place on the couch.

Peter crawled into the bed,blushing slightly at the immense cushion felt her butt give her and the weight on her chest that were her boobs. The new woman frowned and turned on her side and let out a relieved sigh when her chest didn’t feel like it was being crushed. She closed her eyes and breathed in and out. She didn’t know how long it was before she fell asleep, but was happy when she finally did.

Peter groaned as she woke up the next morning and winced at a heavy weight on her chest. She moved to push them off but frowned at the feeling of touching her chest. She moved onto her side and the heavy boulders on her chest moved, allowing her to breath

Her tiredness immediately left her when she opened her eyes and saw an unfamiliar large window. The young woman bolted upright, earning a wince as her chest ached. She held her hands out over them, as if she was about to cup them in terror. Suddenly her memory of last night came rushing back to her and she frowned. She had hoped that everything that had happened last night was a strangely realistic dream.

The blonde forced herself out of the bed, despite wanting nothing more than to crawl back into bed and let the day past. But with what little he had, he didn’t have much of a choice.

The blonde stopped at the sight of him sleeping on the couch. His face was to the couch. The blonde quietly creeped into the kitchen, keeping her eyes on him as she did. She didn’t want to do anything that could disrupt her. She didn’t know if there was a coffee machine around, but hoped there was, or something that she could use to kick start her day.

Normally at this time she would have gotten into the shower to help herself wake up, but with her new body she was inclined to hold off on it. There was so much she was uncertain about, and needed to think about it, that it was hard for her to decipher left from right. The ID was some help and she hadn’t bothered to check her accounts, and not to mention her family situation.

Her head started to feel light, and she breathed out, trying to fight the wave. She thought of all the good things she had in her corner so far, and the list was not surprisingly small. Her body was to die for, but it would only help at jobs that wouldn’t pay much, and some careers she would rather avoid at all possible. She looked over at the sleeping brunette and found her worry ceasing a little. At the very least she would have a friend who would be able to help her out.

It had been two weeks since she had arrive magically at Kyle’s home and she was still stuck in her situation as she was when she first arrived. They had tried to look for sources online for magical means, but all they found were transformation stories. They didn’t ring the same thing to her after what had happened even if they were nice to read and knew it was because of her new body. Not to mention the details and what it was like. That wasn’t how stuff happened at all.

The too of them had gone out and get her a new wardrobe while she stayed there. Much to her dismay most of the clothes for someone built like her tended to be on the more sexual side if it wasn’t men’s clothes. The sports bra showed a little more cleavage than she would have liked, the shorts clung tighter and smaller than her personal preference. It was almost as if the whole world was trying to remind her of her new femininity and curves. The less said about her hunt for undergarments that fit her the better.

It had been weird to try and find work again after getting some stable work as a teacher, but she buckled down and did what she had to do. She hoped that her former students were doing ok, and getting along just fine. While she did have experience as a teacher, at the moment she no background experience, at least to any professional examiner’s eye.

It was going to be some time before she could get back into her chosen career field and right now she had to take anything that she could. There were some restaurants and some other big stuff that didn’t have much in terms or requirements she applied for.  At least it would add more to her resume.

Until then she had been doing small stuff around the place to keep the place clean and organized as a way to pay him back. Unlike her old job, Kyle’s didn’t follow him back to his place when it was over. After that, she wasn’t quite sure what to do. Kyle said she could play some of his games to keep her busy, and it was nice to lounge and relax. There had been some games that he had she had been wanting to play for some time. Still, there were times where she wished that she had more to do. It was to game, but she wished that she had more variety.

The two of them had gotten into a steady routine. They would go out and exercise, whether it be going out for a bike ride or walking together. They would switch off and either wait for the other to come back or just head out for a walk.

They would have dinner together talk about a random assortment of topics. It was harder to talk to each other due to no longer having the anonymity of online, but they were easing into it.

It was hard for her to keep the conversation going about her day, considering it was mainly the same thing over again. It was becoming more of a challenge to think of how she could differentiate her day.

There were days where Kyle would leave to go to hang with his friends on some days to play DnD and just hang, leaving her to do what he had pleased. He had offered to bring her along if she wanted, but she chose not to. It would be weird for her to suddenly pop up and join their DnD nights, especially when they were in the middle of a campaign and would be a sudden surprise.

Kyle stepped into the room, and he let out a heavy sigh that had made Peter’s heart fall into his gut. Peter gulped and braced herself for whatever he might say. She hoped it wasn’t anything bad like he lost his job or something. With her not being able to provide too much, it would be disastrous.

“Well my mother is coming over for dinner,” Kyle said hesitantly.

Peter jumped at what he just said, as her stomach twisted and turned. It was better than losing his job, but with the thought of meeting them, it seemed so much worse. If he showed them around and they stumbled upon one of their things it would lead to questions that she was sure that he didn’t have a proper answer.

“I could leave the house for a bit and come back later,” Peter said. “I could just stay at a restaurant for dinner and come back.”

“No I don’t want you to leave,” Kyle replied. “And she might think something is up if she saw my car was gone. Not to mention that there is no guarantee when they leave. I would rather you not stay out so late. You never know what could happen at night.”

The blonde frowned admitting he had a point. How would he properly explain to them that he was letting a person who no doubt wasn’t part of insurance his car. She knew that if she had tried that with her birth parents then it would have gotten her some looks and doubt from them. Then they would have pressed harder for more information until she finally caved in and explained everything to them.

There was also the point he had about staying out so late at night. Unlike him, she didn’t know the area anywhere nearly as well as he did. Even if she had a phone of something that would let her know where it was it would take her some time.

Kyle frowned and bit his lip as he tried to think of something. No matter what angle they tried to do, it would get attention if the two of them tried to say they were just friends.

“We could say I’m your girlfriend,” Peter offered, blushing.

Kyle eyes’ widened at the suggestion and turned to the young woman. He couldn’t believe what he had just heard from her. He didn’t think that she would use something like that. Granted it did explain why she would be here and all, but that was far more intimate than he expected.

“Well we will need to think of something like a story, and maybe a name unless we go with something like how your father wanted a boy,” Kyle said awkwardly.

“Name chang would be better. I don’t think we should use the name of the character. Tier Harribel would no doubt get attention, and possibly not the good kind,” Peter said, getting a nod from Kyle.

While they doubted Kyle’s parents would know anything about the character and put it together there was the possibility that it could spread and someone could see something was up. It was possible some of his friends would know the character, even if they hadn’t watched the show.

“Well...how about Tia?”


“They used that name for the dub instead of her actual name,” Kyle answered.

“That could work,” Peter muttered as she rubbed her chin. It would stand out a little less than Tier, and sounded more natural. “There is still the issue of the last name.”

“You don’t have to change it if you want,” Kyle said.

“I would rather change it than try to keep some link to my past that I just can’t have,” Peter said quietly.

“Do you want a hug?” Kyle asked suddenly.

The blonde blinked at the sudden question.

“I...wouldn’t be opposed to one.”

Kyle slowly moved forward and hugged her, which Peter returned. Peter could feel her breasts getting mushed against his chest, and flushed as well. There wasn’t anything that they could do about it, considering her boobs were just that big. She would just have to get used to it. It felt good to receive a hug and make their problems seem a little farther away. When she moved to break away, Kyle did the same without any hesitation.

“Let's get the last name out of the way now so we both don't think of something else when your mom is here,” Peter said,

“Well her original last name is Harribel in manga but again that would get too much attention. Her last name in the anime was Halibel. A minor change, but still a change. I don't know if you want to go with that or something different, but we could probably think something up.”

“Might as well go the whole way,” the former man said as she ran her hand down her face.

“I better go looking through my clothes for something to wear that will look nice,” Peter said.

Peter scavenged through her bag of clothes, trying to think of something to wear. She placed the formal clothes that had for her interviews off to the side. She pulled out a pair of blue jeans that would hug her legs but didn’t emphasize her lower figure as much as her yoga pants had. They had become one of her best friends in these times. Most of the other pants she had were stretchier fabric like yoga pants. They were comfortable to wear around the house and even when she went out walking, but she wanted to wear something different when they came. She grabbed a plain white shirt that would hide her cleavage.

The blonde smiled and placed them on the side for now. She would put these on when it was closer to them getting here. The last thing she wanted was something that would get them dirty and then she would have to scavenge for a new set of clothes to wear. Now how was she going to calm her heart before it burst out of her chest like a sci-fi monster?

“Do you want to get a run in or a bike ride before she gets here?” Kyle asked.

“I wouldn’t mind,” Peter said.

The blonde headed back into the room and grabbed a set of workout clothes that she had gotten. She slipped on the short shorts, blushing slightly from how well they caressed her bum. The sports bra did little to hide her magnificent beach balls. She had been pleasantly surprised to find out that despite how little they hid, and how sexy they made her look, they contained her chest well. She had learned the hard way how much she needed support when she tried to go on a run without a bra. Needless to say, it had quickly become apparent why she needed one.

“Ready?” Kyle asked, dressed in a pair of shorts and plain tshirt.

“Yeah,” Peter said, as she grabbed a bottle of water.

The run began simple enough. They ran down the street, breathing at an even pace as they passed houses. Peter was able to easily outpace him, but stayed behind so that he would be able to catch up with her. After a little bit the two started to walk instead, calmly passing and making small talk with each other. After they had gained some of their energy back, the two started running again.

Peter hummed as she ran, breathing at a steady pace in through her nose and through her mouth. It was strange being in such physical health, but she wasn’t going to complain. It made her getting a workout. She could feel the eyes of the people they passed on her, but forced herself to continue. It would only be for a moment. That was something that hse had gotten used to somewhat. Heck even when she caught him staring at times she didn’t mind. She was hot, and there was nothing that was going to change that fact.

After an hour of exercise, the two made their way back to the house. When they arrived back they took turns in the shower, wiping of the sweat and stench they had gained. She sat down on the couch and pulled out a bottle of water drink. She sighed in content and blinked when saw that she had finished half the bottle.

“So do you want to shower first or shall I?” Kyle asked.

“You go first,” Peter said tiredly. He wanted to watch something and needed a moment to catch his breath.

Kyle went to his room, and got a pair of clothes for him to change. After he got them he stepped into the bathroom and shut the door. The shower started to run, and rock music came from it.

Peter sighed as she started up the game system and figured she would continue Persona 5 Royal. She had never been able to finish the original game due to her own life getting busier. She couldn’t quite remember the last part she left off at, but she did remember that she got pretty far in the game. At least now she would be able to finish the game, and it had been interesting to see the similarities in the game and where she was now.

When it was Peter’s turn for the showrr, she changed out of her clothes and turned on the shower, refusing to look down at her body. Despite having this body for weeks, she still couldn’t bring herself to look down and observe. Despite refusing to look down at her body, she knew that if she wanted, she could have tried out to be a model. She probably would have been a shoe in for the role considering her body, but that wasn’t where she wanted to be. As much fun as it could be, especially if she got up in the higher rankings, and the delightful sighs she could see, it wouldn’t be as fulfilling as it could be.

The moment she was done showering she stepped out and grabbed a towel. She poked her head out of the bathroom and looked around to make sure they wouldn’t bump into each other. It was one thing that had done her best to avoid. It had been weird enough to see eachother like this during the first few days. It was something else to only be in a towel and staring him down.

She quickly moved into the bedroom, and grabbed the clothes that she had set aside earlier.

She struggled to get the yellow bra she had around her boobs and keep. Numerous times she tried to clip the back of the bra and she growled at her failures. Despite how long she had been doing this, she still had some trouble getting it in the morning. She still hadn’t quite gotten used to it, and needed more practice, though she was loath to do so. As weird as that was, she still found putting panties on weird, more for what it was rather than any physical reason.

When she was finally able to clip the bra, she was able to quickly finish getting ready, the young woman brushed out of the wrinkles on her clothes. The young woman couldn’t tell how the rest of her shirt looked under her immense bust, earning another sigh. Having boobs at this size had quickly lost its appeal when the pull on her back had gotten worse. Not to mention it was a struggle to tie her shoes and see how she was doing there.

The new woman stepped out of the room with a tired sigh, wondering if she had chosen the right clothes for a night. She looked at Kyle and saw him dressed up in a pair of comfortable jeans and a nice blackshirt. He looked nice and comfortable. It made her feel a little better about her choice to wear.

“It shouldn’t be much longer now,” Kyle said.

Peter gulped and breathed in and out, trying to calm her stampeding heart. She felt like she was back in a job interview waiting for the interviewer to come to her, except worse. She tried everything else she could think of to try and calm herself down. The blonde pulled out her phone and browsed through it to see if there were any messages or something for her to focus on. She could read some stories that she had seen alone or browse youtube for something to focus on.

She wanted everything to go well tonight. While Kyle was out of her home, she still had some influence and could push. She didn't want to be a thing that made a wedge between them and force him to make a hard decision.

Kyle looked how she felt right now. He was pale, breathing heavily, and couldn’t stay still for even a moment. His hands kept opening and closing, rubbing against his arms. Just like her, he pulled out his phone.

From what she knew the two of them had a good relationship with each other and had been through a lot of each other and stood beside one another. Their relationship had taken off after a rough patch in their life, before they had gotten their own place.

Kyle’s phone went off and the young mean breathed heavily as he pulled it out. His shoulders slouched and Peter knew what the text was before he said it.

“She’s here. So are you ready, Tia?” Kyle asked.

“Nope,” Peter, or rather Tia sighed.

“Well that makes two of us,” Kyle sighed nervously.

The door was being knocked on, and Kyle went over to it, breathing in and out. He unlocked the door and even though she wasn’t in front of him, he could tell that he had a bright smile.

“Hey mom,” he said cheerfully and hugged her.

Peter couldn’t see her in front of him, but she didn’t mind. It gave her a few more seconds to gather her courage and form her words. After hugging her, he stepped aside and allowed Peter to see her whole form and step inside.Kyle's mother was smaller than her, but had an aged beauty. There were crows feet at the end of her eyes. She had long black hair that went down past her shoulders. She was dressed in a nice floral pattern shirt and wore a pair of blue jeans. She had rectangular glasses resting on the bridge of her nose.

“Oh I didn’t think you would have any company,” Terri said. “Who are you?

“This is actually someone that I wanted to introduce you to for a little bit, and thought to make it a bit of surprise,” Kyle said slowly, as if he was making sure that every word came out correctly. “This is my girlfriend, Tia.”

Terri’s eyes widened, at the words for a moment, before they quickly reverted back to normal. She said, awkwardly. “Well it's nice to meet you.”

”You as well,” Tia said as she shook her hand. She wanted to say more, but the words she had in mind were stuck in her throat.

The three of them went to the small living room and sat down as they started talking. Tia felt like a third wheel as she watched the two of them catch up. She wasn’t sure if she should say anything or if she could add anything to the conversation. The young woman mentally prepared herself as she listened to their conversation and thought of how she could turn things around to look good. The lack of a job would undoubtedly get some attention, but she could turn it around. She could always say that she had lost it recently and was looking for work. At least then it would make sense, though it would still be awkward.

“So how did the two of you meet?” Terri asked.

“We sorta just bumped into each other and things went from there. I went out to get a shake and we met each other down. Then we just started talking and things escalated from there. We got to see each other a bit more and well then we started to meet for lunch and dinner.”

Tia snuck a look at him, surprised by how well detailed it was. It wouldn’t be wrong to say that they had met each other for lunch and dinner. They had been sitting together during that time and eating together, no matter how weird it was.

“So Tia what do you do for a living?” Terri asked.

“I was a teacher, but due to recent events I had been let go from my job,” Tia said, frowning heavily. It wasn’t a lie. Because of her suddenly turning into a girl she had lost her job.

“I’m sorry to hear, hopefully you can get back into that field soon,” Terri asked.

“That makes two of us,” Tia sighed. She would prefer to get back into her chosen field if she could. It would be hard to suddenly go for something else, but now she would take whatever she could, though with some limitations of course. There was no way she was going to whore herself out, or put on a show for some random strangers. She might be desperate for work at the moment, but she wasn’t that desperate.

“Things between the two of you seemed to have accelerated quite a bit,” Terri said.

“Yeah that’s pretty true,” Kyle agreed. “We ended up moving in together far faster then we had expected.”

“I’m sorry if I’m asking something personal, but have you had two…,” Terri trailed off.

The younger couple blushed at what she just asked.  Both of their minds struggled with the question they were just asked. Neither of them could believe what they just heard and words formed, but they couldn’t get them out. It was as if collars had been wrapped around their throats.

“No we didn’t have sex or anything like that yet,” Kyle said immesietly.

“Oh well that’s good at least. You don’t want to rush into this sort of thing then you should,” his mother said.

Tia had to hold back a frown, as she could feel the elder woman’s gaze on her. She didn’t need to be a psychic to know that she wasn’t sold on them being a couple, and just wasn’t pushing for more information just yet. It was easy for her to tell that his mother didn’t have a high opinion on her. If they couldn’t keep up the impression that they were a young couple in love then it could be bad. There was one thing that she could think of, and it might work to add more legitimacy to their story.

The blonde grabbed his hand and tugged on him, making Kyle look at her. Tia breathed as she pulled him close, Kyle looked at her in surprise and a dark blush adorned his face. Kyle slowly pulled her close, as if he was waiting for her to say no. The blonde breathed through her nose, trying to keep calm. If they were going to sell they were a couple then they needed to kiss.

Tia was the first to move forward to kiss him, and Kyle slowly followed her example. Their lips softly touched each other. Neither of them knew what they should do next. They had heard about. After what seemed like an hour of kissing the two broke apart. They turned back to her, trying to keep their cool, ignoring the blush on her face.

The rest of the night continued thankfully without issue. Their food had arrived and they quickly set everything up to start eating it. They made small talk in between bites of their food. Kyle and his mother still led a majority of the conversation, but Tia led in from time to time. She fell back on recent events that she had seen in the news. Much like her, she seems to be up to day on the news, unlike Kyle who mainly followed what was going on in the various aspects of the entertainment industry from youtube. It was nice to talk to someone who was more up to date on the modern aspects of the society.

Tia was happy that she wasn’t the main source of conversation and that it wasn’t always on them. She still got questions about herself like where she was from and what her hobbies were.

Her hobbies were something that she thankfully didn’t have to lie about. They came easy for her to talk about, and the ease at which she was able to help her relax.

When they finished eating, they still continued to talk for some time. They moved from a variety of topics

Tia was honest as best she could be. It was easy to draw on her past and events with her friends and family. It was harder to keep up the happier attitude the more she talked about her family. She hadn’t tried to call her original family since she wasn’t sure if they were still her’s. For all she knew they would have no idea who she was, and she hadn’t received a call from them in the whole time that she had been here.

“It was nice to meet you Tia,” Terri said and shook her hand.

“It was nice to meet you as well,” Tia said.

“I hope things keep going well between you and my son,” Terri said.

“That makes two of us,” Tia said. It would be hard for

It was just that she lacked anything good she could use to try and go out and meet people. Work would have helped her form relationships with people.

She needed to try and think of something she could do to get to know people. Maybe one day she could get in Kyle’s circle and meet some of his friends. At least she would have more people to talk to.

Kyle hugged her and shut the door behind her. When she was gone, the two of them let out a breath that they had been holding.The two stared at each other and their faces burned. Now that the immediate worry that they had before was gone, the first thing that came to their minds. The memory of the other lips pressed against their own and how close they held the other person and feel every little aspect of the other’s form in their arm.

“So what do you think of her?” Kyle asked, desperately trying to think of something to get his mind off of her.

“She seems nice,” Peter commented.

“She is. The best in that regard,” Kyle said.

“That was my first kiss,” Tia admitted with a dark blush.

“That was my second,” Kyle admitted sheepishly.

“Well that's more then me,” Tia said.

“Was it as awkward for you as it was for me?” Kyle admitted.

“Yeah,” Tia admitted. She had no idea if she was doing it right or not and to be frank it unnerved her. She had read and seen plenty of time on tv how it should be handled, but doing it was something else entirely. Granted she never thought that she would be the woman in the situation, but she was willing to bet that it didn’t change too much

“So why don’t we just take it easy for the rest of the night?” Kyle asked slowly. “Watch some stuff, play some games, the works.”

“That sounds like a great plan,” Peter sighed with a smile. It honestly sounded good. They had done it from time to time.

It had been a few months since she had arrived in Kyle’s life with all the force of a car being thrown around by a category five hurricane, and Tia could honestly say she had managed to find and rebuild her old life pretty well.

She had been doing some odd jobs online, acting as a proofer, editor, and even a tutor. It had been wonderful in keeping her skills sharp.

The tutoring was a nice touch and gave her a sense of normalcy from her old life before the change. She had gotten some looks from her students at first, mainly because of her beauty and even though they weren’t in the room, she could tell that their eyes were locked on her chocolate mountains. It was something she knew she was going to have to get used to back when she entered the school system. Especially in high school where hormones were rampant. It would be a challenge to get her students off of her body, but it was one she was sure that she would be able to overcome in time.

Thankfully she was getting into the school system and managing to get a career. With it, she would have everything she needed covered. Health insurance, dental, and a steady flow of cash. The pay wouldn’t be the best, but that didn’t matter too much. It would be a long time before she would be able to get her own place, but the fact she would have coverage and more in her corner was enough to make up for it.

It would be weird to move out, considering how long she had lived with him, and fallen into a nice routine. But she couldn’t stay with him forever, especially if he got a girlfriend.

For some reason the thought made her frown. The two of them were not in a romantic relationship. Sure they hanged out and met spokedaily, but it was because of how close they were to each other. A relationship was bound to form between them, even if it wasn’t romantic.

She could easily say that he was the most important person in her life right now and could easily call him her friend, if not bestfriend.

Tia was sure that she had not felt that way before about a guy. Still she had thought about what it might be like to be on the other side of the fence in a romantic scenario, mainly for curiosity sake. She had seen so many stuff in stories, shows, games, and more that she couldn’t help, but wonder what it would be like to be in both positions of the romantic scene.

The blonde put herself in it now with her in a tight swimsuit or videogame outfit, or even the outfit that the character had and him in something similar. Heat went to her face. She quickly lowered her head to hide her blush, even if she wasn't looking at someone. The blonde shook her head. This wasn't the time or place for such thoughts. She was just glad that he wasn't around to see her face.

Tia looked around at Kyle to see how he was doing and saw Kyle talking amicably to a smaller woman with short brown hair in professional attire. A beige skirt that went down to above her knees. She had a nice matching brown coat that complimented her skirt.

A hard frown crossed her face as she stared at the girl talking to him. Her stomach churned and the first thought that entered her head was to go over to him and drag him away, or even slug her. The second thought sounded a little more pleasing to her then it should have.

She looked down at her body and a wave of insecurity hit her that she hadn't felt in a long time. Ever since she had gotten this body she hadn’t felt any sense of ownership or possessives for it. It wasn’t her original body and to her it had been more like her trying to adapt. Even if she hadn’t looked down at her body to study the way it bounced and all, she had taken the time to examine herself and get a feel for the differences, like with how much more muscular she was, aside from her curves.

“No I know what he likes,” Tia reminded herself. Just as she had told him what she had liked on the web, he had done the same. He didn't care about what a girls body looked like, but like everyone he had preferences. And she was far closer to what he liked then she was. It calmed her thoughts, but the way the two were smiling at each other still displeased her for a reason she couldn't understand.

The way they seemed to be animatedly talking to one another only served to make her stomach twist. She stepped closer and was able to better hear their words. She wanted that woman to just go away and help someone else. At least then she could approach the pair without feeling like she might be intruding on something. She watched the two for another minute that seemed to stretch out for an hour. She crossed her arms, underneath her bust.

“Those are some nice rings you have there. Is there a story behind them?” the woman asked.

“Oh I got these as gifts from friends and family over the years,” Kyle answered.

“What type of metal is that,” the employee asked.

“From what I was told, it's tungsten,” Kyle said. “I haven’t had to worry about rust or anything like that on my rings in the entire time I’ve had them.”

“That sounds right,” the woman said. “That’s a good metal that doesn’t rust easily. “Do they need anything?”

Tia stared at the conversation as it continued, and folded her arms underneath her bust. She didn’t care if you got any extra attention from the people around her.The former man let out a sigh and decided she had enough. She marched over to the two.

“Excuse me Kyle,” Tia said, getting the pair's attention.

Kyle turned to her and the young woman did the same. Kyle smiled at the side of her and visibly relaxed. The young woman stared at her with wide eyes. She would be lying if she said she didn’t find it pleasing that the young woman seemed to wilt the more she looked at it. The fair skinned girl's eyes widened further when her eyes landed on her bust and she could practically feel the envy coming off of her in waves. It was still strange but she would be lying if it wasn't amusing at times.

“Hey Tia did you find everything that you needed?” Kyle asked.

“I found a few things,” Tia answered. Her eyes shifted over to the young women and looked her over. “Did you find anything you want?”

“Nothing really caught my eye. I was just waiting for you passing time however I could,” Kyle said.

“Alright then, I think we’re done here,” Tia said. She took his arm and wrapped it firmly around her own. Kyle flushed from feeling her immense bust press against his arm. She dragged him out of the store and gently led him to the entrance to pay for what they had.

After they finished paying they went right out of the story, Tia still leading him as if he would try to sneak away if she let go.

“I hope you had a good time while you were here,” the employee said. “Come back again soon.”

“Take care,” Kyle said.

Tia didn’t bother to reply and continued to lead them out of the store. She saw a few people looking at them curiously but she paid them a little thought.

“Are you okay?” Kyle asked, looking at her worryingly.

The blonde woman sighed and ran her hand down her face. She didn’t understand what had suddenly come over.

“I’m fine just something about her rubbed me the wrong way,” Tia sighed.

Kyle blinked at the response. She had seemed nice enough from their little conversation. He didn’t get any bad vibes from her. In fact, he could tell that her smile was genuine and that she did have an interest unlike most people in retail.

“Can I have my arm back?” Kyle asked, blushing.

Tia blushed when she noticed that she had forced himself next to her and his srm was stuck between her immense bust. “Oh of course.”

She let go of his arm and Kyle cleared his throat, the dark blush on his face dying down slightly. After a moment he said, “Is there anything else we should get while we’re out?”

“Not that I can think of,” Tia said.

“All right then when we head back to my place or we could go and grab a bite to eat if you want. I could grab a bite to eat.”

As the two headed back to the car Tia thought over the interaction and about the way she acted. It was strange of her to act the way she did. She has been taught better than that. There was just something about the way they were talking with each other that set her off, as if they were talking behind her back.

Tia woke up the next morning, thinking about what their day was going to be like. She crawled out of the bed and went to the kitchen to make herself a cup of coffee. She vaguely had an idea of what she needed to get done for the day, but couldn’t recall everything. If she remembered right they were going out later for dinner with Kyle’s mother but she couldn’t remember the time. When her coffee was finished she put in the sugar and creamer she wanted and felt a little more alive then she had mere moments ago.

She heard the bedroom door open, but didn’t pay it any mind. She focused on the coffee, waiting for it to finish. When the footsteps got closer she looked at him and said, “Morning.”

Kyle opened his mouth to reply, but quickly froze at the sight of her. His mouth opened, but nothing came out of it, as if he had been paralyzed. His face took on a darker shade of red. He opened and closed his mouth, as if he was trying to put what he had in his mind into words. The sputtering young man ran his hands through his hair and turned away, using one of his hands to provide a barrier.

The young woman quirked a brow and wondered why he reacted like that. The young woman blushed when she quickly realized what her state of attire was. All she was wearing was a white t-shirt that did nothing to hide her immense bust. And a pair of black panties that closely resembled a thong. No doubt she was quite the sight to wake up to in the morning in such a stature.

“I’ll head back to my room,” Kyle said and turned his back around,

“No wait, I’ll just go and get some pants on,” Tia said. She placed her coffee on the counter and quickly rushed where she had been sleeping. She went through her dresser and pulled out a pair of yoga pants. The blonde quickly put them on and sighed in relief when they were. Now that they were on she hopefully wouldn’t have to put up with any more awkwardness.

The young woman breathed in and out, waiting for her flush to die out before she went back outside to have her coffee. When she was sure it was over, she stepped outside and entered the room again. She immediately grabbed her cup of coffee and drank it trying to ignore the awkwardness between them.

“So is there anything we have to do today?” Tier asked, desperate for the change in topic and would take anything she could.

“We have dinner at my mom’s again,” Kyle answered.

“Ahh,” the woman said as she took another sip of her drink. “Anything else on the plate aside from out collective responsibilities?”

“Nope so we can just relax and do what we want until then,” Kyle said.

“Well that’s good,” Tia said. She was glad that they didn’t have anything else to worry about.

“You want to watch something to pass the time?” Kyle asked.

“Sure, I would be down watching some anime to pass the time,” the woman said.

He pulled up a show they had been meaning to watch for some time. He sat down on the couch, and Tia sat down next to him. She leaned her head on his shoulder and continued to watch the show. Kyle looked at her from the corner of his eye, but didn’t question it. He mentally shrugged and turned his eyes back to the front of the screen. She smiled and enjoyed the way his chin brushed against his hair.

When their little montage had come to a close, the two of them started getting ready for the party. They quickly got dressed and hoped into the car.

The drive over was calm and quiet, the sound of music filling the noise in the car. The young woman breathed in and out, trying to calm her nerves. It was just dinner and a small get together. She had done this a few times ever since he had gotten with them, and his relationship status had been revealed.

They arrived at her home and sat down around the table. The table had already been set with various drinks and food there. They moved around the house, and greeted the people inside.

She could still see the shock and wonder of how the two had gotten together. It was amusing in a way. There was little doubt in her mind that if their positions were reversed then she would have gotten the same sort of reaction from her family. They believed that she could have gotten someone, but the epitome of sexy was probably not among their expectations.

The party continued without any issue. There was little conversation going on with the others. They mainly sat back and waited for the others to say something. Neither of them were big conversationalists, which suited them just fine.

After some time they decided they had enough and after saying their goodbyes, they left. The dark-skinned woman wrapped her hand around his, to the young man’s surprise. He shrugged, but didn’t say anything as he allowed her to do so. Neither of them said anything and allowed themselves to bask in the music coming from the radio. When they made it back to their adobe, Kyle locked the door behind him.

“So what do you,” Kyle trailed off as he looked at Tia and noticed there was a look in her eyes that deeply unsettled him. She panted heavily looking at him as if he was a full three-course meal. He gulped the longer he stared at her hungry face, wondering what was going on with her.

“Tia are you,” Kyle started, but he didn’t have time to fully ask his question and she slapped her lips down on him and slipped her tongue into his mouth to wrestle for dominance. Kyle tried to pull away but he just couldn’t. In the end, Tia emerged the victor and had complete control. Her hands roamed his body.

She led him to the bedroom as she pawed at his body. Her soft hands made his body heat up as if he was standing in front of a roaring oven. She pulled her top off and just as quickly unclipped the bra that kept her breasts contained, allowing them to freely droop, and exposing them to her roommate.

Kyle could only stare at the large chocolatey spheres as his wood instantly got hard from the sight of them and the erect nipples. He had always wondered what it would be like to see a pair of boobs like this in real life and imagined scenarios where he would be able to be in such romantic situations like this. He started to kiss her breasts savoring the feeling of her soft rack and nuzzled them. The feeling of her wonderful ass in his hands, it was as if he finally got to live one of his fantasies.

All sense of restraint that he had suddenly left and he found himself returning the kisses and groping with just as much passion as she had done to him. Even with his restraint gone, he still carefully moved his hands around, squeezing and feeling as he did, as if he was trying to figure out what would receive the best results.

Neither of them could fully process what was happening, only the results and what they were doing to each other. They went with what came to them naturally, and what their instincts. Even though they didn’t know what they were doing to each other, they had an inkling of how to get the best reaction that they could.

Tia woke up the next morning, why her body was in such pain and what was wrapped around her. She blinked and blushed at the sight of Kyle’s arms wrapped around her body, her breasts mushed against them. She could feel something poking through her cheeks and her face darkened even further.

Her mouth dropped as she recalled everything that had happened last night in stunning clarity. She couldn’t believe that she let things proceed as they had. Why did she all but jump his bones like that? She buried her head into the pillow and groaned, wondering how things had processed as they had.

Over a thousand thoughts zoomed in her head at once as they tried to think about what they should do and where they should go. They conflicted with one another and made her head twist and turn and her stomach perform flips as if she was going to throw up. She tried to get out of his arms, but they were wrapped so tightly around her that  there was no way she was going to get out of this without waking him up. That was going to be a fun conversation and reaction when it happened she was sure of it.

Tia sighed as she got her work in order on the table. It wouldn’t be long before she would be teaching her own classes again, and in the meantime had been acting as a Teacher’s aid. It was good to be back in her chosen field after some time. As she had suspected though, she had gained a number of looks from students because of her looks and had heard them mutter about her body. She could practically feel their lustful eyes on her body as she moved, taking in the ways her boobs bounced, and her ass swayed as if it would be the last thing they saw. It didn’t help that she dressed professionally as possible and wore a tight pencil skirt, and a white blouse that left nothing of her figure to the imagination. No doubt she was the main figure in many of their fantasies.

She didn’t know if it was a good thing that she had gotten used to it or not. At least now she would be able to continue her work at school without blushing and stuttering from their looks.

Her mind wandered back to how he had made her feel when they were together. Her face gained a slight tint of pink and the young woman gulped. She shook her head and focused on her work again, hoping it would be the distraction she needed to get her mind off things. She still couldn’t believe she had done it. Sure they had gotten close, but the idea of actually doing it with someone had been the farthest thing on her mind.

Things had been awkward in the two weeks since they had gotten together. Their conversations had become minimal. They hadn’t even had dinner together on occasion. Sometimes they would eat before the other would arrive, or would even go out and get something.They didn’t do stuff together as much as they used to. Sometimes they would just sit around each other and say nothing like when he was playing a game and she was on the couch reading something.

It was clear that with how awkward she was about it, he was giving her the space that she wanted to think things out. She was grateful for that, but wished that things weren’t such a mess between them. He was the main source of normalcy that she had in a long time, and hadn’t gotten closer to any of her coworkers, though there were some that had started to chat with her, mainly women.

She wished that she had someone else to talk to about her relationship issues and get some ideas. She could have gone to his mother, but that might lead to a series of questions she wasn’t ready for, and the idea of talking to his mother about that unnerved her frankly. They just weren’t close enough to have that sort of relationship where they could talk about that sort of thing.

This was going to keep bothering her, until something was done about it. She pulled out her phone and sighed as she browsed the web, hoping she would be able to find some wisdom on there no matter how small it was.

For the first time in a long while she let her thoughts roam and didn’t try to suppress them.The more she thought back on that night the more she liked the way he made her feel. The way his hands roaming across her soft flash the way he squeezed her breasts and large toned butt. Her lower body eight for his attention again in a flash door in her face. Oh she wanted to go off for another round with him.

Her mind came to a screeching halt after that thought in her eyes bugged out of their sockets. She hadn’t had any thoughts like that before possibly because she kept shutting them down before they reached that point. The more she thought about them the happier she felt as if she was looking back at a fond memory.

She would need to have a long talk with him when He got home and try to figure everything out. Anything to deal with this insane awkwardness would be appreciated and to get that sense of normalcy back. No doubt he would be just as happy to have their old routine back to normal, though she hoped that he would be ok with what she had in mind.

The blonde is the time however she could. She had all but breezed through her work as if the answer key had been embedded in her brain. The moment that her grand was done she moved on the TV but that failed her.Her nerves kept getting more frazzled and her mind kept going back to what might happen when they talked.

When Kyle stepped inside Tia took a deep breathe. This was going to be one of the weirdest conversations she had in a longtime. Still if she was going to get anywhere with us and she needed to talk to him about it.

“Hey Kyle,” she said, surprised by how level her voice was.

“Oh hey how are you doing,” Kyle said cautiously.

That was a good start as could be expected considering the circumstances. Still she would prefer if he was a little more relaxed. Would be best to just get this out of the way like a band-Aid.

“I’ve been doing some thinking about what happened,” Tia started.

Kyle sighed as he sat up a little straighter as if he was bracing himself for some hard news. “What have you had in mind?”

Tia young woman braced herself for what she was about to say, and could feel the awkwardness crawling down her spine already as if it was a cat. The blonde took a moment to organize her words and what she wanted to say. The last thing she wanted was to say something and it wasn’t at all what she meant.

“I have been thinking about that night how I felt, and everything else. I’ve tried to suppress them and go from there but it’s just not working that way. So I decided to just let them run for a bit hoping it would give me some insight about that night.”

“And did you have any luck figuring something out?” Kyle asked.

“I think I would like to do it again,” Tia said, the words coming out heavier than she thought they would. She could feel the air suddenly get heavier as if there was a bomb that had just appeared in the room. She hugged herself and intentionally pushing her bust up but she didn’t mind. It gave her something else to focus on.

Kyle’s eyes widened and his body suddenly went rigid as if ice had been poured down his shirt. His mouth opened and closed repeatedly as if he was trying to say something but the words were stuck in his throat. She could see in his eyes that the lights were on and nobody’s home. That he was still trying to process what she had just said.

The young man pinched himself and ran his hands through his hair. He sighed and shook his head. He said, “I honestly don’t know what to say to that. I have been expecting you to say something completely different.”

“Do you want to try again?” Tia asked.

The first thought that immediately came to him was yes he wanted to but he stopped himself from saying it. As much as he would love to go another round with arguably one of his favorite girls again he didn't want to rush it. He had already broken his plans of waiting till he was married to have sex.

“I would be willing,” Kyle said unsurly as a stomach started to turn again.

Before he could say anything else, the young woman grabbed his hand and led him to the bedroom making the young man gulp. His breathing picked up and his eyes roamed her form. Memories of that night came rushing forward to the front of his mind. His wood hardened the more he thought about it and his hands ached to be filled with her immense bust or lower cheeks again.

Kyle breathed in and out as he took in her words. His mind was a mess as he thought over what he should do in his head. Things have been awkward to say the least between them and he didn’t want it to continue like this. If they went through this a second time he didn’t know if what they had between them would last. Possibility of their relationship being completely destroyed was a very real bottom and the most prominent reason why he shouldn’t do this.

Tia pushed him down onto the bed. Kyle blushed as he backed further onto the bed, his eyes locked onto her as if she was a large predator. He watched in awed fascination as she grabbed at the bottom of her shirt and started to slowly pull it off as if she was putting on a show. His eyes seemingly popped out of their sockets at the sight of the tight golden bra that she wore underneath.

The moment she was finished taking off her shirt she slowly shimmied out of her pants. Kyle watched in eager glee, and saw the matching gold panties that were becoming more visible by the second. Her luscious thighs bounced slightly as she pulled them down, exposing more of her thick sexy thighs to him. He had never gone to a strip club before and wondered if it was similar to this right now.

She crawled over him, her breath trailing down his body as she moved. Her skin brushed against him and his hands moved seemingly on their own. One of his arms wrapped around the small of her back and the other rested on her upper back, by her shoulders. His hand moved lower and rested on the curve of her behind, as if he was teasing her.

An aroused moan left his lips of its own well as his eyes moved lower and rested on her mushed cleavage. The more he stared at the bra the more aroused he found himself getting. It did little to hide her immense bust and with how they were mushed together the pair looked even larger. If she wore tight spandex shorts or bikini bottom then it would have been even better.

Tia placed her hands underneath his shirt and started to force up over his head. For a moment Kyle lost sight of her for just a moment but that moment seemed like an hour. When the shirt was off she threw it off to the side.

Kyle grabbed her hands before she could pull down his pants. She looked up at him and the young man could see in her eyes that she was wondering why she had stopped him. He could hear the perverted side of him damning him for stopping this, saying that she had already said she was fine with us. That there was no reason to stop her and that they shouldn’t. This was a once in a lifetime opportunity and shouldn’t be wasted.

“Are you sure you want to do this?” Kyle asked. “If you even have the slightest hint of being unsure about this I want to stop. We don’t have to do this if you don't want to. I don’t want things to get weird between us then they already are.”

Tia stared at him. Her heart warmed at his words and a smile crossed her face. She leaned against him, her hair tickling his chin. Started to plant a kiss after kiss on his chin each one going a little higher until she pecked him on the lips.

“I wouldn’t be asking to do this with you if I wasn’t sure of it,” Tia said as she continued to pull his pants. After her words, her hands easily slipped out of his own, and this time he didn’t stop her. It was nice to see that even though she was willing to go another round with him that he was making sure that she did want it, and wasn’t letting lust get the better of her. Her face darkened further as she imagined where things might go next between them,

Tia pulled his pants down with one good tug and was hit in the face by his hardwood. She panted at the sight of his throbbing member. It looked bigger then she had remembered and for a moment could only stop and stare. She breathed out as she forced his pants down. She knew that she had to get to admire that more than one way once his pants were off she was fully unclothed. He helped kick his pants off and pushed them off the bed.

Kyle started to return the kisses and his hand started to freely explore her body, gently squeezing and caressing it. He gently squeezed her breasts, taking his time to experiment and see what she liked. They were just as perfect as he remembered. The softness of her breasts could have rivaled the world's most comfortable pillows. His fingers brushed against her nipples and he marveled at how hard they were. He wanted nothing more than to put his head against them and nuzzle his face between them. And if he died during that then it would have been worth it to him. These were the kind of boobs that only came once

Unlike last time, where time passed in a lust-filled blur this time the two are fully aware of what was happening between and the way the bodies moved each other.

Tia hummed a merry tune as she grabbed her morning cup of coffee and prepared it for her tastes. Thankfully he hadn't wrapped his arms around her again and she was able to get out without issue. He was a cuddle in his sleep and needed something to hug. Thankfully she didn’t have to go anywhere this morning, or else she would have had to wake him up, and even then he might not have let go.

After that night she had felt so much better than she had in a long time. The feeling that they were walking on eggshells and would accidentally set off a bomb if they did. It was good that things were no longer just an act and now they actually meant what they said. Who knows how much longer they could’ve pretended that they were a couple before things started to deteriorate.

The young woman ran her hands through her short hair. She liked long hair when she looked at it and Kyle did too from time to time. Future she should let her hair grow out at the very least to see what it’s like. There’s no doubt in her mind it would look good with how naturally shiny her hair was.

She wondered what Kyle would have thought if it had grown out that long, or what her students would have thought. Probably would have made her more enticing to some of them. It appealed to her as well if she was honest, and would allow her to put it in some new styles that she wasn’t able to before.

The door opened again and she turned eager to see and speak with him. After a few moments, he stepped into view. Kyle stared at her and for a moment she wondered why. She looked down and blush that she realized why he was staring. Again she was only wearing a pair of panties and a T-shirt that did nothing to hide her curvaceous body from.

“Don’t worry about getting changed anything like that I think the site is quite the wonder,” Kyle said.

The woman laughed with a smile, her own embarrassment dying out. She would have to watch out for that in the future in case anyone spent the night. As much as they would probably like to get a glimpse of her body she was sure that others would be embarrassed about it, and Kyle was the only one she wanted to admire her body like this.

It was strange with how comfortable she was now in her life, after being a girl for months. She no longer felt like a stranger in someone else’s body. The way her body moved and bounced when she acted were now barely a blip on her radar. The clothes she wore which would have bothered her at first with how they showed off her body, and dug into them were not an issue anymore.

The attempts to try and find a way to change back that she honestly couldn’t remember off the top of her head, though she knew that she had pinned it somewhere. Life had gotten so busy for her, that she had pushed it off to the side to try and focused on her career and making a living. But after all this time and finally getting something that resembles a life back together, she couldn’t see herself wanting to change back into her old self.

There were so many things she wanted to try out. She had been hesitant about doing so until now. The more she thought about them, the less hesitant she felt about doing so. The awkwardness she had was gone, and instead, there was nervous anticipation. She was sure that whatever happened in the future the two of them would be able to face it together.

Tia sighed as she brushed her now long blonde hair. Tonight was their date night and she wanted everything to be perfect. They were going out to their favorite restaurant, a nice Italian joint. Her mind wandered to how different things were now from a few months ago.

She was able to get more work now at the school and had become a teacher of her own instead of being an assistant. She had more responsibility, but that made up for it with more cash and benefits. Things that she was going to need in the future.

Kyle had thankfully he had gotten a better job with full benefits and paid well. It would allow them to have a bit more cash and get a better place. It was something that they needed if they were going to take another step and had gotten a bigger place. It was good to have more room for them to work with at home and also in case something happened.

Despite how much things had improved or them, she noticed that he seemed to be on edge about something. He would still talk to her and be at ease, but there was something off about the way he acted. He tried to play it off, but she noticed that he was looking at her and seemed to be thinking hard about something. She had pressed him about it, but he wouldn’t say what was bothering him. It honestly hurt a little that he wouldn’t say what was bugging him so much. He hoped that he would open up about it in the near future. She finished getting ready and saw Kyle in a fine dress shirt and pants.

The drive down to the store was nice and relaxing, listening to music that they enjoyed. When they arrived the restaurant was a little busier then they expected. His body relaxed from the drive keeping his focus. When they arrived he let out a breath as they stepped out and entered the restaurant.

They had been seated at a table away from the rest of the people. She was fine with that, the last thing she wanted was to be eyed up by the rest of the occupants in the room. And it would allow them to have a bit more privacy to talk about whatever they wanted. Maybe she could get him to open up about what was bugging him.

They looked over the menu and tried to think of what they wanted to eat. They had their go tos already as a possibility, but wanted to check in case they wanted something else. The lasagna was to die for, along with the rest of the pasta dishes. The food here was always good no matter what they tried, and they were sure that no matter what they ordered it would be just as pleasing.

Tia noticed that there was still tension in his body as he looked over the menu, causing her to inwardly let out a sigh. She wanted to help him relax and wondered how, since most of her normal tactics were not working. She looked in the window and hummed as a thought across her mind. Perhaps if he was to make herself look even better then he might relax even more.

“I’m going to the bathroom for a few minutes,” Tia said as she scooted out of her seat.

“No need to fix yourself, you look as lovey as ever,” Kyle said.

She smiled at the compliment. She knew that she was beautiful, but the last time she had worn makeup, she had knocked him and her class speechless. After that little incident she had decided that it would be best if she didn’t put on makeup often, lest she wind up distracting everyone. Last thing she needed was to unintentionally cause an accident.

She stepped into the bathroom, and the young woman quickly adjusted her hair and pulled out some makeup in her purse. She applied a fresh batch of lipgloss, and some mascara. She didn’t need to be an expert, she just needed to highlight her features. It was something she picked up from some coworkers and his cousin, who was more learned on makeup and all. That day with his cousin had been enough for her to try and limit her interaction when it comes to that regard. There was no way she was going to be a doll for her father.

When she came back, she noticed there was a small black box on the table, making her blink. She picked it up and saw there was a small golden ring inside that made her freeze. Tears welled in her eyes as she stared at the ring. Her breath stilled and she waited for the moment that she would wake up and find herself back in her bed with Kyle holding her in his arms. After a moment she forced herself to think and get over her stilled mind to respond. She didn't want him to think that she wasn’t interested in marrying him at all.

“Yes,” she said tearfully, with a smile.

Kyle smiled and slipped on the ring. It fit comfortingly around her finger, making her happy. She raised it up in the light to get a better look at it.

“So this is why you had been so tense.,” Tia commented.

“Yeah, I had it for a little while but wasn't sure how or what would be a good time to approach you about it. I had wanted everything to be perfect before I dropped it off, but wasn’t sure how to approach you about it.”

“I understand,” Tia said. “I would have been just as worried about getting everything perfect too.”

“I finally understand why everyone finds it so nerve-wracking in the movies and all,” Kyle remarked, making her laugh.

“I’m glad.”

“Well I’m glad you’re glad,” Kyle smiled.

“Well, I am happy about the ring but more that I know why you have been so jittery lately. I didn’t

“Sorry about doing that,” Kyle said and pulled her into a hug.

They needed to get everything ready and set up. There was so much stuff they were going to need to do for this, like figure out who to invite, a date, where, and everything else. It was going to be a nightmare getting it all sorted out, but she was sure that when they had it all figured out then it would all come together and be beautiful.

Tia stared at herself in the mirror, admiring herself in the white wedding dress. The rest of the girls awing over her and admiring her beauty, going on about how she looked like a princess to them. She blushed under the praise, despite having heard dozens of times how beautiful and pretty she was. How she looked like she could have been a princess from all of the women around her.

Still it did nothing to help her relax. She could hear the ticking of the clock in the room, despite all the conversation going on. Her mind kept going over the future and what might happen, all of the worries hitting her in the face like a truck. Anything could go wrong today and she desperately wished that nothing would happen. This was a day she wanted to be perfect, just like how she would if it were anyone else’s big day.

It was hard to believe how quickly the wedding came. It had seemed like yesterday Kyle had asked her to marry her. They had quickly told the news and it spread like wildfire that they were engaged. They had gotten so many offers for help about it, that it touched the pair’s heart. It had taken a lot of time and planning to get everything the way they wanted. The two agreed to have their union be at  church, and then have a party elsewhere.

“Its time,” one of them said, and her heart stilled as if she or Kyle was about to go into surgery.

She stood up, her mind scrambling and the urge to vomit increasing. Her stomach and her insides had twisted into so many knots that it would have been impossible for anyone to untangle them. She followed the orders given to her, by the others and tired to think of ways to calm her down before the big moment.

The door opened and she gulped as light filled the room, allowing her to see everyone inside.

All eyes were on her and her first instinct was to hide behind the door again, or run over to the end. She gripped the bouquet in her hand tighter and stopped herself from walking down the aisle. If it wasn’t for her father holding her back arm, then she didn’t know what she would do. Her eyes landed on her beloved and all of the confusion, terror, and nervousness died down in second. She focused on him and stepped forward. They made it to the front of the alter, and he let her go.

Kyle shimmed in place and pulled at his suit. He grabbed his arm tightly and breathed heavily in and out, as if he was giving a speech.

Tia smiled behind her veil, and was glad to see that she wasn’t the only who was nervous. Her steps came a little easier because of it, and the burden on her mind became easier to bear. She stood in front of him, waiting for the priest to start. A part of her wanted the priest to just get to the final bit, so they could kiss and just be done with it. Then they could have moved on to the after party and then they wouldn’t be the absolute center of attention.

She answered his questions, and Kyle did the same when he was asked. It was easier to stand with him here, but even so she could feel everyone’s eyes staring at her. She just wanted it to be over so they could move on to the after party.

The groom could see that just like her he was getting impatient standing around for so long.

Her soon to be fiance kept his eyes on her, no doubt because he was unnerved by being the center of attention. Well if he wanted to keep looking at her all day then he was more then allowed to do so. It was only fair since she was admiring him so much to help get her mind off what was happening right now.

Finally the priest reached the climax of the preaching and reached the final point of his speech. The husband and bride to be inwardly let out a sigh of relief, happy that it was almost over. They were tired of standing here for so long.

“I do,” he said.

“I do,” she said sincerely.

“You may now kiss the bride,” the priest said.

The two didn’t need any more incentive to do it. They quickly pulled each other close and slammed their mouths on eachother. People cheered at their words as they kissed each other. They savored the taste of the other's lips and allowed themselves to get lost in eachother.

They stepped down the aisle, and walked down, waving at the crowd as if they were celebrities. She was grateful that he was right next to her to help calm her down and help her through this. It didn’t matter how many familiar faces there were, being the center of attention like this was daunting.

Still despite how weird it was, she was happy. Today was the start of their new future together, and she was going to make sure the memories they make would be even better then the one they had already created.

Tier breathed in and out as she waited for the results from her test. She wished she didn’t have to wait so long. They said it would take ten minutes for results and yet it seemed like it was dragging out and taking longer. The air was suffocating as she waited to see what the final results would be. It was as if the room was closing in on her and trying to crush her.

For a while she had been feeling queasy at random times, cramping, and had been having certain cravings. At first she had thought it was some sort of flu that she thought would pass in a few days, but it had been persistent. Kyle’s mother had brought up one possibility, and the doctor had as well. She had gotten a set at the closest drug store and started it as soon as she got home. Now here she was waiting for the results on a pregnancy test waiting to see if she really or not. It had been a scenario that she never thought she would be in until now.

The young woman checked the time again and saw it had finally reached the full time needed for the test. She grabbed the test, afraid to check. A positive sign would mean that she was, while a negative sign would meant that she wasn’t.


She breathed in and out trying to calm her beating heart. Getting in a panic wouldn’t do her any good. And she had months before things would get to the point that she would have to stop due to how big she was getting.

This was undoubtedly good news to her at least, she had wanted to be a parent for a while, and had thought of what she would do. It was Kyle she was worried about and how he would react to the news. Would he be happy? She wanted to say that he would be, but her mind worried he would be sad or disappointed. He had never talked about being a father. The closest she got was him admitting that he wanted to be one one the future.

She couldn’t hide this for so long, and if they were going to properly prepare for it, then he needed to know. If they were going to properly prepare then he had to know. The sooner they got on this and preparing for the big day the better. There was going to need to be so much preparation for stuff like college in the future, getting a room set. There were also closer things that she would need to do. She would need to reread the section for her work about how much time off they got for pregnancy and how long it would be after. She was sure she got some weeks off, and pretty sure she still got paid, but needed to be sure of the exact time. It wouldn’t do her any good if she stayed out on break longer then she could.

She looked at the time, it would be some time before he got home and there was much she needed to do. The first thing she had to do was get her mind sorted out and all of her problems organized. The rest of the conversations that she would need to have, and also what they would need to do for their schedules.

The day passed by so slowly to her, even though she had so much work to do and focused so much on with a singular minded drive. She had finished her work in record time and had finished her lessons, but still, only a few hours had passed since she had started it. She had even gotten so far as to prep them for the next month. It was strange to be so far ahead of the curve,

For the first time in a long while, she struggled to think of something to do to pass the time. She placed her hand on her stomach and breathed out. Even if she couldn’t see her stomach she could easily visualize a rounded belly filled with a child that was on the way. Thoughts of what they might look like filled her head. Would they have her blond hair, or would they have his dark black hair. She was sure that they would have her dark skin tone though. It was a feeling that she was sure was right.

As it was getting closer to dinner she started making it, grateful for the distraction. It wouldn’t be too long before he got home. Again the question appeared in her mind of weather she should tell him before or after dinner.

The door opened and the woman braced herself, her mind scrambling as all the questions she had stopped. She went over to greet him, but nothing left her mouth. The moment he stepped inside, he stopped at the sight of her.

“Is something wrong?” Kyle asked, “You look tense”

Tia smiled despite the awkwardness. It was nice to see that he could still tell when something was bothering her easily. She said, the words coming out far easier then she anticipated that they would. “I’m pregnant.”

There was a heavy silence in the room. It grew by the second and they could easily hear the sound of the clock ticking in the other room. The blonde worried what he might say or do next now that he knew this was happening.

“I...don’t know what to say. I’m happy about the thought of being one, but I’m also worried you know,” Kyle admitted. “I want to be a good dad and do right by them, but…”

He trailed off, and she understood immediately. There was so many thing that could happen that it was overwhelming. She already thought about what she wanted to be as a mother and what she wanted their relationship to be like.

“We’ll do what we have been doing. We’ll face it together,” she said.

Kyle relaxed from her words and sat down on the couch. He looked up at her with a smile. She smiled as sat on his lap and he held her close. He closed his eyes and leaned his head over the crook of her shoulder. He raised his hand and placed his hand on her stomach. She placed her hand on her belly, right next to his. For a moment she pictured the two of them holding a small baby instead and smiled brighter. She can’t wait to meet her baby and hold them in her arms instead.


Tia sighed happily as she watched Kyle play with their daughter. The slightly snoring coming from the baby in her arms. She looked down at the baby on her arms. He was perfect in all ways. The small tufts of black hair on his head. He moved his head to get mode comfortable between her bosom and she blushed slightly, but did nothing to worry him. She didn’t want to disturb her little baby boy’s sleep.

Their daughter looked like a smaller version of her, minus the blue markings on the side of her face. Her blonde hair was longer and freely moved behind her. She had no doubt that she was going to be a looker in the future if her body was anything to go by. It was a worry that her and Kyle had when she grew up. They didn’t want to have to deal with all the horny guys coming to them when they already had one son to worry about. If she didn’t have to worry about her little guy then she would have joined in on the fun.

It was strange being in this position, since it was similar to one she had thought she would be in, but it was on the other end of the spectrum. This wasn’t how she thought her future would go, but she wouldn't change it. She had everything she wanted right here. A loving husband and beautiful children that she know would be great.


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