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Asuna sighed as she checked her messages again, hoping to see some sign from Kazuto, or Suguha that said he was ok as she went home. It had been a few days since he had suddenly disappeared and they hadn’t seen a trace of him. They had called others to see if they knew something that they might not have known, but much to their dismay none of them knew anything. They had asked around in the games they played to see if someone might have known something that they didn’t but still they learned nothing. It was as if he had suddenly disappeared from his room without anyone being the wiser to what had happened. The only thing they knew was that he was playing a game, and then he had suddenly vanished.

They had looked through his login history to see if they could find any hint of where he might have gone. The last thing he had done was play a game called Hell’s Arena. The girls had been surprised by his choice of game, since neither of them knew that he had an interest in sports. It was the only lead they had on finding out what had happened to him and they intended to make full use of it. Even if it proved dangerous they would still continue.

They went online to learn about it and learned that it was a wrestling game that had recently been released and was still in the beta phases. It did make sense that if he had been sent a code for the game, since he had a background as a beta tester. If anyone would be able to help the development of a game, even in a virtual reality MMO then it would be him.

The reviews said that the game was surprisingly stable despite how early it had been released and that people were enjoying themselves. It was easy to learn and that anyone could win, no matter what skill they had. There was also promises of more updates to come in the future for anyone interested, to help stabilize the game, add more features, and help ensure the quality of life it would have down the road.

After all they had heard, and their own suspicions they set out on finding out more about the game and when would be a good time to see it for themselves. They could only learn so much from reading stuff online, but if they went in there was the possibility they would be able gain some insight into what had happened to Kirito.The two had downloaded the game and set out to find out the truth of the matter. Today was the day they would go into the game themselves and explore it, finding out everything they could.

Asuna went back to her room and breathed out. She placed her stuff down on the side of the room and immediately went over to her NerveGear. She started the system up but didn’t put on the headset just yet. Instead she pulled out her phone check to see if she had any messages from her husband’s adopted sibling.

“Are you ready?” Asuna messaged.

She waited impatiently, her foot bouncing up and down as she waited for a response. The young woman wanted to just jump right into the system and get to work. Her mind started going through possibilities and worries that something might have happened to her. She couldn’t think of how someone involved with what had happened might have, but she wasn’t going to rule anything out until she knew for sure.

“Yes,” Suguha responded. “I’m sorry traffic held me up.”

“Good, I’ll see you in there,” Asuna muttered. She placed her phone down and breathed out. She grabbed her headset and slipped it over her head. She gulped and worried about going through another situation again like she had when she had been forced to play as Titania by that asshole Sugou. She couldn’t believe that they might be going through the same thing again because of this stuff. She said, “Link start.”

The young woman closed her eyes as her consciousness zoomed into the virtual world. She didn’t know what would happen the moment she was fully logged into the game and exploring that world.

Asuna opened her eyes and saw she was looking down at a stone tile floor. The young woman breathed out and looked around. She was surprised by how modern the world looked. So many games had a fantasy aspect to them that it was strange to be in one where that wasn't the case. Even if she knew what this game was truly about and the setting.

In the virtual mirror window, Asuna saw her avatar looking back at her. Her avatar looked a lot like herself in the real world and had long, orange-brownish chestnut hair and hazel eyes. She was dressed in a white outfit that consisted of white pants and shirt.

Now all that she had to do was wait for her friend and the two of them to get started. She looked back at the starting area and waited patiently. After a few minutes she saw a blue figure start to shimer into existence. After a moment, the figure fully formed and Sugua’s avatar, Leafa came into existence.

Suguha’s avatar had bright green eyes that shined like emeralds. She also has a white and green collar on her neck. She has long blond hair, that was tied up in a ponytail by a flower-like hairband. Her bangs rested on the sides of her face as if they were framing them. She wore dark brown boots with white circles around the top. She had a larger bust than she did in the real world.

“Asuna,” Leafa said with a relieved smile.

“It’s good to see that you made it without issue,” Asuna said. If this game did have something going on with it, then she was sure they were going to find it sooner or later. When they did, she would be happy to have someone in her corner.

“Yea I worried that something might have happened to me after logging in. Do you have any idea where we should start?” Leafa asked as she looked around.

“No idea,” Asuna sighed. “I wish Yui was here. She would be able to help us find out if something was wrong.”

The small little AI that she saw as her own daughter would have been a major help if she was able to get into the game. Sadly she was in Kirito’s system, and for some reason, she couldn’t recall what happened after he had logged into the game. It had been as if she had been locked out of the system.

It was as if the memory of the event and what transpired had been wiped from her memory. It was one thing to keep out an AI, but it was something else entirely to manipulate one from a completely different area and make it so it didn’t happen. She didn’t want to imagine the possibility that Yui might have been hacked and manipulated, but it seemed like a very real possibility at the moment. If it was true then that meant the person on the other end would be aware of what they were trying to do.

“We will just have to look around and ask the old-fashioned way,” Leafa sighed. “Maybe someone else might have seen him. He makes an impression wherever he goes.”

“True,” Asuna laughed. “Alright let’s get to work.

The girls started asking the people around them, hoping that they would be able to say they had seen him. The two made sure to stay in eyesight of each other. Everyone they asked had sadly responded in the same way. None of them had seen Kirito, or anyone that matched the description they had given.

“We’re not going to get anywhere like this,” Leafa sighed. Suddenly her eyes widened and an idea came to her. She went over to one of the nearby players, Asuna following right behind her. “Excuse me, is there any place that you could direct us where we might be able to learn more about the game?”

“You could go to the arena. Everyone goes there to watch the matches and it's where everything happens for the game,” they answered. From the tutorial, learning how to fight, match making and more. You might catch a few popular players or even the champion if they are in the middle of a fight”

“Thanks,” Leafa said. She moved onto the next player to see if they would say something similar.

At her approach the young man seemed to fluster at the sight of her and look her over. Again she repeated his question to him, and received a similar answer to the one that she had received previously. She went over to another and asked him for more information about the game, pretending that she was just as clueless about the game as when she first arrived. She received the same sort of information and then went over to another player, asking the same question.

Asuna quickly realized what she was doing and did the same thing. She went over to a nearby person and asked them about the game. Just like the people that Leafa had asked they told her about the arena and how it was the center for everything in the game. It was strange to think that they would use a stadium but she wasn’t going to question it. There were far more important questions for her to get answers for than the game's design.

After asking numerous people and finding no discrepancies between their words they reconvened with each other. They stopped at a nearby cafe and sat down on a bench, trying to look and act natural.

“So I take it you received the same answer from all of the people you asked?” Leafa stated.

“It's all about the arena,” Asuna said. “If they knew anything that might be going on there, they certainly didn't act like it.”

“Yeah none of them did,” Leafa said.

“Maybe he went there, and had a round or two and then something happened,” Asuna theorized, thinking over the possibilities. “It might not even be something related to the arena, but he could have gotten the wrong kind of attention. Like there was a player who had a grudge against him and recognized him or something. He always has a habit of making an impression wherever he goes.”

“Possible, at least now we can say that we learned something,” Leafa said.

“Yeah, hopefully the arena will tell us something useful,” the chestnut hair girl said.

“Do you think we should try to leave now?” Leafa asked.

“As unnerving as it is, I want to say that we gained some knowledge about this place at least. All we know is that the arena is important to the game. If something is going on, I’ll bet that we find something at the arena,” Asuna said sternly.

The two girls made their way to the arena following the directions given to them by the signs and the people around them. They kept a lookout on for anything suspicious from the environment or one of the players. Soon the two girls had arrived at the Colosseum and saw people going in and out of the entrance without issue.

It was almost awe inspiring to see and under different circumstances it might’ve been, but now I looked on most likely monsters' den. Despite how easily people seem to get in and out it did nothing to calm them down. It only served to make them wonder what they couldn’t see behind the scenes. Was there some hidden stuff that activated the longer they were in there, or something else entirely?

“Are you ready?” Asuna asked.

“Yes,” Leafa said.

They stepped inside, and still hadn’t seen any prompts appear in front of them. They looked around the entrance wondering where they should go next. There were no signs or indications of where they should go next. The crowd of people made it easy to tell though where the stands were. There were a few paths that seemingly didn’t have anyone going down or out of them. It only added to the weirdness of it all. How did the people seem to know where to go? There weren't indicators that said where they should go either.

“Do you think we should split up?” Leafa questioned. “Maybe one of us joins the people in the stands, while another goes down one of those paths?”

“In a place this big that would be a horrible idea,” Asuna said. “If something were to happen then at least we would know about it. It would be best if we stuck together. We don’t even know how the fighting in this game works.

Whatever sword skills they had would be meaningless. Unlike the rest of the games she was pretty sure that they didn’t allow weapons in a wrestling game or magic. Still the two of them could always throw a punch or kick if they had to. It might not be the most effective thing to do, but it was still a means to defend themselves.

“If you say so,” Leafa said.

If they could find something going down one of the paths that the other people weren’t then it would be a good start. They stepped closer to the paths, waiting for something to show up that said they couldn’t go this way or saying what it was. Nothing showed, surprising the two girls, but they didn’t question it. They went down further down the hallway. All of the life they had seen on the way here and the entrance was nowhere to be found.

They could hear people talking, and knew that the crowd had to be reacting to the match they were watching. None of that mattered to the two the two of them. The only thing that mattered was trying to find something off and maybe a clue to what happened to Kirito.

Footsteps caught their attention and made the girls stop. This was the first time they had seen anyone else since they stepped down this hallway. The two looked for a place to hide, but there was nowhere for them to go. They could trail back, but if they were heard then it would no doubt look suspicious. There hadn’t been anything saying that they couldn’t go this way, so maybe it wasn’t an issue and they were worrying about nothing. They breathed out and waited for the person to reveal themselves, hoping that they wouldn’t run into any trouble.

Soon, a woman with long black hair that went down her back came into view. She was dressed up like a wrestler with a small black and white top, along long black pants that served to accentuate her strong legs. The woman had a figure befitting that of a model with strong toned muscles and a figure that many women everywhere would kill to have, with wide hips, a slim waist, and a huge set of boobs that looked like she was smuggling round pillows if not for the exposed cleavage.

Two girls stared at the voluptuous adult women as she approached them. Neither of them could deny that she was a strong and powerful beauty, befitting that of a wrestler. Though what caught their attention more was the slight gentle bounce of her boobs as she walked. Two girls couldn't help cover the wrong chests as their face was flushed. Neither of the girls could be called small by any means but compared to this woman I might as well have been as flat as a cutting board.

The close she got the more familiar she looked to the pair. The shade of her long silky smooth dark hair, and the color of her skin. It all rang familiar to the pair. Even the shape of her face and her and how it was structured was familiar for a reason. They were sure that they had never seen her before. They would have remembered seeing a woman like this, especially if Kirito was around. This was a woman they would have kept as far away from him as possible. It didn’t help that above her head was her player name that said Kiriko. With how similar it was, it was almost as if she was looking at a older female version of him.

The woman stopped and looked at the pair, like one would look at a cat who was passing through. The woman asked, “Huh don’t see too many people walking this way. Anything I can help you with runts?”

“We were just looking around,” Asuna said weirdly, frowning at the woman’s attitude.

“That's because this one leads to the locker rooms for people waiting for a match,” the woman answered slowly, as if she walked to a particularly slow person, as she rolled her eyes.

“Oh, thank you,” Asuna said, finding it harder to keep her composure with how belligerent this woman seemed. Now she was sure that she had never seen the woman before. With her attitude and looks she would have been burned in her mind as a person to avoid at all costs. Especially if she tried to flirt with Kirito.

“Was that all you were doing kids?” The woman said.

“Excuse me?” Leafa said.

“You look like you were doing more than just looking around,” the woman said as she placed her arms underneath her voluminous bust, making the girls twitch. “Like you two were on a mission if you ask me. Not to mention you both are tense, as if you’re trying to hide something.”

“We were just looking for...a friend of ours?” Leafa said.

“A friend of your’s?” The woman asked curiously.

“Yeah he has short dark hair, dark eyes, fair skin. His name is Kirito,” Asuna said, frowning at her description

“Oh so he’s a boy….I think I remember a scrawny little shit by that name stepping in the ring,” the woman said as she cupped her chin.

The pair frowned at how the woman talked about him. They didn’t like the tone of her voice and she talked about the person they cared for. The first thing they wanted to do was hit her for it, but that would have drawn attention, and no doubt gotten them in trouble unless it was a match. Still they were happy they seemingly found a lead, even if the source could have been better. This woman was all shades of sketchy as far as the two of them were concerned. Still at the moment it was a lead and they weren’t going to turn it down just because they didn’t like who it came from.

“Really could you tell us more?” Leafa asked, stepping forward eagerly.

“I might know a thing or two for certain,” the raven haired woman giggled. The woman leaned over them, giving the two younger girls an eyeful of her cleavage. “For some reason I just can’t recall things clearly.”

The two girls frowned, not too surprised by what she was doing. They had an idea that she would have pulled something like this. If she hadn’t then the two of them would have been surprised. They really hoped that this woman could really tell them something and wasn’t just stringing them along to earn a quick buck or something.

“What do you want?” Asuna asked, already having an idea of where this was going to go.

“To get a formal introduction out of the way, my name is Kirko. As for what I want, tell me what do you know about this game?” the dark-haired woman said.

The two frowned, a little put off by the question and didn’t say anything. They didn’t know anything about this game aside from what they had read online and the features. They didn’t care to learn anything else about the game or the combat system, since they didn’t think they would need to. They hadn’t planned on staying too long, just enough to learn a little about the game and the area and how it worked.

After a moment the woman frowned and glared at them. the older woman groaned. The two girls stared steely up at the woman who looked down on them as if they vermin. “Really and you don’t even bother to stay and try out the tutorial?”

She suddenly moved and the two young girls moved to the side, their backs against the wall. They glared at her, ready for her to try anything.

The woman grinned as she walked slowly forward and leaned forward, all of the hostility that she had moments ago, suddenly gone as if it had never been there at all. She grinned as she placed her hands up by the sides of their heads. The two girls blinked

“The only thing a couple of girls like you would be good for is eye candy,” the woman said snidely. “Even then, you would barely be a blip on the radar compared to myself and even that titty monster.”

“Titty monster?” Leafa said, wondering what she meant by that.

“The current champ of the arena and the bane of my existence. That fucking bimbo has beaten every fight we had so far, and its pissing me off.”

Leafa and Asuna looked at eachother, not sure how to respond as a sudden cold shiver had went down their spines. The anger in the girls was something none of them wanted to be on the receiving end of her ire.

Unknown to the girls they slowly started to grow taller as they progressed in age. They gained several inches as they grew. The pair didn’t notice since they stood up straight and assumed that they were just standing taller than they usually did. Their faces refined as they did, befitting that of older women in the prime of their lives. A little more cushion formed on their thighs and butt, along with a it more up top suddenly appearing on their chests. Oddly enough their clothes still fit as comfortable as if they were originally meant for their age. When they finished getting older the pair were now in their mid 20’s.

The dark haired woman smiled as she noticed the refinement appear on their faces, unnerving the girls. All of the awkwardness in their features that had come from puberty were gone, and replaced with refined elegant features that helped accentuate how far they had come. They were beautiful but nowhere near her own, or Nela’s sadly, but she couldn’t let them get too beautiful. They were perfect for what she had in mind for them.

“Then what would you like in return?” Asuna asked, doing her best to keep any sense of expression or question that she had off of her face. No matter how bad she wanted to know, there was no way she was going to let them know just how desperate she was for it.

“Oh just stick with me for a little bit and I’ll tell you everything. Hell I’ll give you the grand tour, and give you an introduction into learning how to fight. Doesn’t that sound good?” The woman said with a smirk.

The two would rather not spend anymore time with her then they already had. If anything they wanted to get away from her right now, and continue looking around. If he had shown up then someone else must have seen him. Though how long would that be before they had found someone who was willing to talk, or knew anything was an issue neither could deny.

The safest and best path available to them for now was to do what she said, at least for now. After they learned what they did, then they could leave and hopefully never see her again. It had taken all that she had to not s

“Fine,” Leafa sighed, and Asuna nodded in agreement.

“Now then let’s introduce you to the game’s mechanics the best way possible. Through a match,” the woman said with barely held sadistic glee.

“Oh relax with what I have in mind a public match isn’t going to work out, so instead, we’ll be heading toward the practice area.”

“Practice area?” Leafa questioned.

“Yeah there’s a training area i nehre that doesn’t affect the rankings of players, where people can practice. Figure I would show you the ropes myself.”

“Why not just go with the tutorial?” Asuna questioned, looking a the woman with narrowed eyes.

“Because the tutorial is a fucking joke,” the older woman scoffed. “And the both of you would get separated during that and if you're going to learn about the game you’re going to stick with me.”

The two girls couldn’t see anything wrong with that. Sure they would have preferred to stay with each other, but it couldn’t be too bad if it was just a tutorial. They were meant to make sure a person understood the gamer after all, not push someone to their limits.

“Let’s go!” Kiriko said and smacked the girls on the hips.

The girls jumped at the action, but didn’t say anything as she stepped away from them. The girls rubbed their hips and winced slightly from the stinging sensation that came from them. They followed the belligerent woman, mentally preparing themselves for more of this woman's eccentric attitude. It was going to be a test, and had to remind themselves that they were doing this for Kiriko’s sake.

Unknown to the girls, their hips were slowly widenning, letting out faint small pops as they did. Their pants tightened across their frames, digging deeper into their lower bodies. Soon they had wide hips that belonged to professional models that men everywhere would have drooled at. It served to further accentuate their figures and add more contrast to their slim waist and bodies.

The two girls reacted differently to the change to their lower bodies. Asuna ignored the growing tightness in her pants, thinking that it might be a glitch in the game, or something was going on back in reality. Leafa didn’t look down as she pulled at her shorts, trying to loosen them up, but it did nothing to ease the tightness.

The two watched her get ahead of them wondering if they should just ditch her right now. They could just move down the hallway and hide in one of the rooms. Whatever might be down there it couldn’t be as bad as dealing with her.

After a few steps, the woman stopped. The woman turned around and frowned heavily. She placed her hands on her wide hips and glared at them.

“You two got rocks for brains or something? Hurry up!” The woman said and started walking again.

“If you really know something then prove it,” Asuna said.

The woman stopped and let out a loud audible groan, as if she was doing something she didn’t want to. She said, “Alright then how’s this for a start, your little boytoy was here, and he did fight in the arena.”

The two girls stared at her, looking for the smallest sign of deception from her. A tell of some kind from trying to look away from them, her finding it hard to stay in place, or something from her hands. A full minute passed and the woman stood with the same annoyed veneer that she had previously, with no indication that she had lied about anything.

The two girls sighed, but followed after the women like someone who was forced to do something embarrassing because they had lost a bet. The woman walked with a proud sturt in her step, as if she was a queen bee and this was her stomping ground. The high and mighty attitude was enough to make the two of them want to slug her or ditch if she didn’t have information that the girls deemed priceless.

“Shouldn’t there be something that deals with this kind of behavior?” Leafa asked quietly, lest the woman hear them.

“Maybe for the sexual harassment kind, but while she’s talking rather...vulgar that isn’t a problem,” Asuna said. “Would hip patting count?”

“I don’t think so? Well if she does anything worse then that, then hopefully we could report,” Leafa said.

The two prayed they wouldn’t have to put up with her antics for long, and reminded themselves it was all for Kirito’s sake. The more they were with her, the more they wanted to leave her and never see her again as if she was rotten garbage. It didn't help that there a noticable roll to her hips that only emphasized how curvy this woman was.

The older woman stopped in front of a door and opened it. She quickly stepped inside, and the girls could hear the sound of metal clanging against metal. The two girls looked at each other for a moment, wondering if this was a set up to a trap that she had set up beforehand. Then the two snorted. If this woman was meant to put them at ease then they had certainly chosen the wrong person for the job. Asuna followed after the other woman, and Leafa stepped right after. The girls blinked at what was inside the room, completely unexpected.

The room looked like a modern gym, with plenty of exercise equipment around for them to use. There were benches for people to lift weights, dumbbells, treadmills, and more equipment. In the center of the room there was a large old school wrestling ring. It looked like it could have fit a whole classroom of students in here.

The two of them noticed that they weren’t the only ones in the room and saw a handsome man and saw an even more buxom woman with silver hair that could be mistaken for a goddess working out on a bench press. The man was handsome enough they supposed, with blonde hair, and had a nice body that was clearly visible from his attire that looked fitting for a workout. He had nothing compared to Kirito, but that was their own personal preferences. The woman was clearly a wrestler with a colorful top and tight short shorts that strained against her lower body. Above her head they could see that her name was Nela.

After finishing her exercise the silver-haired woman stood up and stretched, her enormous jugs bouncing, causing the girls mouth to drop. The two women could only stare at the silver haired woman in stunned disbelief. What was up with the women in this game!? There wasn’t any character creation or something they had entered. Were these women just as stacked as they were in the real world? There was no way those boobs could be real wasn’t there?

“Oh hello,” Nela said with a wave.

The girls first looked down at the exposed fair creamy cleavage that rested proudly on her chest. They gulped and looked back up at her smiling face, desperately trying to fight the urge to look down at her boobs.

“Hello?” Nela said and snapped her fingers in front of them. Despite doing so, she still got no reaction from the pair and noticed where their eyes were. She laughed as she gently grabbed the bottom of their chins and gently forced them to look at her eyes. “My eyes are up here girls.”

“Oh sorry,” Asuna said, blushing slightly at being caught staring at her boobs. “Hello. I was just...staring at how hard you worked ”

“It’s fine, I have that effect on people,” the woman laughed. “Welcome to the gym? Here to get some exercise before a fight, or just needing some time to relax?”

“We were just dragged along by Kiriko here,” Leafa said. “She knows something about a friend of ours and won’t tell us unless we agree to her giving us an introduction to the fighting over the tutorial.”

“Well she is a good fighter, if anyone could give you an idea of what to expect then she can, along with myself,” Nela said. “If you need help learning I would be able to help you and Rodin here would too.”

The two girls smiled at the girl's easy going greeting and attitude. At least this woman was easy to approach and talk to, unlike the dark haired woman. If they could they would rather be stuck with this one. At least then they wouldn’t have to worry about her making a move that either of them wanted.

The two girls were about to ask if she knew anything about Kirito, but before they could, Kiriko stepped forward in between them, almost as if she was trying to defend them from a crook. Kiriko said, “You ain’t teaching them jack shit. I already said, I’m teaching them and I’m going to do it. Come on you two get into the ring!”

The brunette leaped into the ring with eager glee. She stretched in place, cracking her neck, her fingers, and even her legs. The woman grinned, she sent a flirtatious look at Rodin, making sure to add a little more bounce to her bust, and roll to her hips then what was necessary.

“Doesn’t two on one seem a little….unfair?” Asuna said, Leafa nodding in agreement.

“Have either of you wrestled before?” Kiriko asked.

“I haven’t,” Asuna answered.

“I have plenty of experience wielding a sword though,” Leafa said. She wasn’t sure how much that translated into wrestling, but the physical activity had to mean something, even if they were wildly different.

“Then what the hell makes you think a pair of little girls like you can take me on?” The woman smirked. “Please, I’ll chew the two of you up and spit you back out. By the time we're done, you two will be wrapped around my fingers doing whatever I want.”

“Don’t be so hard on them Kiriko, they are newbies,” Nela said. “Better break them in slow and let them get used to the controls and all.”

“Shut your trap you bitch!” Kiriko yelled, glaring at the silver-haired woman. “They don’t need any help from a dumbass like you when I’ll be showing them how it's done. All you’ll do is get in my way!”

“Hey stop insulting her,” Asuna said, glaring at the dark haired woman, before Nela could say anything.

“That’s enough,” Leafa said.

“Oh then why don’t you make me princess,” Kiriko said, making a come at me gesture.

“Don’t worry girls, she’s just like that. Well if you two are going to fight her, be careful she’s quick, strong, and isn’t afraid to fight dirty,” Nela said, smiling. From the looks on the girls faces there was nothing that she could say to turn those two down. Well it was nice to see that they were willing to in the first place. She just hoped that Kiriko didn’t go too far.

“Give them as much advice as you want jugs, it ain’t going to change the results,” Kiriko said.

The two girls stepped into the ring, glaring heavily at the woman. The two of them had enough off their attitude and it would be nice to finally get a little payback for what she did early when she touched them on their hips and just her attitude in general. The woman needed to be knocked down a peg especially since she thinks she could act like this and get away with it.

“So then how do we start a match? Do we send a message for a duel and then a countdown or something?” Leafa asked.

“Nope,” Kiriko said. The older woman moved and before Leafa could react was dealt a devastating drop kick that sent her sprawling onto the ground. Asuna blinked at how quickly the woman moved and before she knew it she was grabbed and punched in the gut and then thrown down to the straps of the stage. She fell onto the stage.

The chestnut haired girl groaned as she rubbed her head. The older girl had moved so fast that she didn’t have any time to react, even though she attacked Leafa first. Was this what it was like in Sword Art when she attacked someone? Now she understood how they felt when she went on the offensive.

“Wait, there wasn’t a countdown or anything like an invitation asking for a duel,” Asuna said. “How were you able to just attack us like that?”:

“The moment you stepped into the ring you agreed to a fight,” Kiriko said, waving her fingers.

“That shouldn’t be legal,” Leafa said.

“It is if you're a heel like me,” the woman laughed.

“Don’t worry girls this is just the start. Don’t let it rattle you,” Nela said.

“Keep your guard up,” Rodin said. “Use your numbers to your advantage.”

Leafa charged at her from behind and the ravenette wrestler looked over her shoulder. She easily flipped Leafa over, sending her flying through the air momentarily before landing on the stage. The woman stood over her, grinning like a trickster that just saw their prank come through successfully, though the blonde haired girl couldn’t quite see it due to the woman’s bust blocking her view.

“So much for all that training. You can’t fight without having a long piece of wood in front of you,” Kiriko chuckled.

Asuna got up and moved to punch her, not caring if it was a wrestling move or not. The only thing she had on her mind was how she could make her pay. Then after she beat her she could hopefully force the woman to answer her questions about Kirito.

Kiriko blocked the blow with her arm and delivered a hook to the side of her body that stunned Asuna. She followed up with another two punches and then kicked her in the gut. She laughed as she watched the young woman fall to the ground and jumped forward and brought her leg down on the woman again. Again Asuna gasped from the pain and braced herself for another blow to the gut, instead she did nothing. She moved away from her giggling like a schoolgirl who had seen her rival in an embarrassing situation.

“I thought you said you had been in a fight before,” the female wrestler smirked. “Because so far it looks like all you’ve done is been a slap fight no doubt with some other bimbo like you.”

The two girls glared at the older woman. This wasn’t how either of them suspected that the fight would go. They had thought with their superior numbers that they would be able to easily best her, especially since this game didn’t seem to have anything resembling stats. They had been through many fights and fought many different kinds of people and monsters but this woman seemed like something else entirely.

Leafa charged at her, and the two grappled for a moment. The blonde could only try to get the brunette in a hold, while stepping back as the ravenette moved to grab her, chuckling as she did. Leafa smiled when she finally grabbed her. The raven-haired woman easily broke out of the hold she was in and stepped back as if she was trying to put some space between them.

Kiriko lowered her body, stepped forward, and placed her knee on the ground in between her opponent’s legs in one fluid motion. She immediately closed the distance between them and secured both of Leafa’s legs. The blonde jerked in her arms, and she grinned. Once in position, she grabbed the back of Leafa’s knees on both sides. She placed her head next to the blonde’s hip, then drove forward with her legs and head pressure while pulling her foes legs toward her. Leafa fell back and winced from the impact. She picked her up, surprising the blonde, and then slammed her onto the mat again.

The young woman laid there, groaning in pain. Her arms felt numb, her back ached, and her shoulders felt like they had been used as sandbags. Thankfully the world wasn’t spinning and she could still think clearly. What did they have the setting for the pain set at?

“Whatever you two try I’ll see it coming a miles away before you can put it into action,” the raven-haired wrestler said. She moved some loose hair behind her and swaggered over to Asuna. “So was this how you were going to show me who's boss, or do you intend to bore me into submission. If the second is how you are trying to beat me, then I’m not sorry to say girls that isn’t going to happen. The two of you are such good toys.”

Asuna tried to sweep her leg, but the woman leaped over her and her elbow dropped onto her in retaliation. The young woman gasped in pain from the blow and all the air in her lungs left her. She was so distracted that she couldn’t do anything as the wrestler quickly moved and grabbed one of Asuna’s arms, the changing woman’s arms, nestled between her boobs as she moved into a Fujiwara armbar. She laid on Asuna’s back, putting some of her weight on the downed woman. The wrestler then pulled on her body, stretching the forearms, biceps, and pectoral muscles.

Kiriko let go of her after a moment as if the younger girl had tapped out. She got up and laughed as she wandered around the stage. She looked between the two, pointing at one and then the other, as if she was deciding who would be next to receive her assault. The heel smiled at Asuna’s current state. It would be so easy to grab her leg or her arm again and bend it to her will. Leafa was just as tempting, perhaps throwing her against the rope to keep her in it. So many possible decisions for her.

Asuna wanted to hold her arm, surprised by how painful this game was. She didn’t think it would be like this. She looked over at Leafa who seemed to be in the same condition as she was. They really should have first started learning how the game worked before they tried snooping around. At least then they would be able to fight back.

“All that you girls are good for is eye candy,” the darker-haired woman said. “You can’t throw a decent punch, can’t grapple for your lives. Honestly your moves are so sloppy that I see them coming a mile away.”

“This is such a good lesson on his the game works,” Leafa remarked sarcastically. All you have done is beat us up and haven’t explained anything.”

“Because there isn’t any need to,” Kiriko said. She laughed. “It’s a fight, you win however you can. You two have no place in the ring aside from being eye candy so all the people watching can admire your bodies. Well if that’s all you bitches can do, you might as well look like the part.”

“And here we go,” Nela said as she leaned forward excitedly. “I was wondering when she would actually start.”

Rodin smiled, and wrapped his arm around Nela’s shoulders, and pulled her close. The champion preened his arms as if she was receiving praise from an amazing match. She snuggled against him, her arms

Kiriko frowned at how close they were getting and glared at the two women. They might not be the source of her ire but she could certainly take it out on them. When this was all over then she could earn her rewards for getting these two on the payroll. It was already making her hot down below. A perverse grin appeared on her face as her mind went over all the possibilities and ways that he would rock her world.

The two girls wondered what she meant. They gulped and braced themselves for her next assault. Whatever she had in mind it was no doubt going to be painful for them.

“Let’s see your ages are already dealt with and you already got such wonderful hips. What should I do next?” Kiriko pondered. “Waist? Thighs?”

“What are you talking about?”

“Get rid of that filter would you, I want to see them squirm,” Kiriko chuckled evilly.

Again the girls were confused by what she meant. What filter could they be talking about? There wasn't anything that looked off to them. They didn’t feel anything was different about their bodies.

Suddenly the name tags over the other people in the room disappeared, and they noticed larger weight and roundness from their bodies then they were used to. The girls looked down and gasped as they saw their bodies had morphed. Their curves were further developed then they had been. They noticed they were taller then they had been just a short while ago. Their bodies felt off to the two women, and the new weights they noticed were throwing off their sense of balance as if they were walking in the largest pair of heels they had ever tried.

“What happened to our avatars?” Leafa said and noticed the new tone and sexual undertones that were in her voice. The blonde fairy looking girl quickly clasped her hands over her mouth as if she had just said something horrible and tried to hide it.

“Oh, what makes you think those are your avatars?” The woman said with a malicious

smirk. “Those are your real bodies now girls so you better get used to it.”

“There’s no way that these are our real bodies,” Asuna said, and gasped at her own voice. It had a similar undertone as Leafa’s that oozed sex. “We were in our rooms with our NerveGear. There’s no way that you could have just moved us somewhere and changed us this much without us knowing!”

“Really then what about the feelings from this,” the dark-haired woman asked rhetorically. The woman moved and quickly straddled Asuna’s hips. She rubbed the changing girl’s waist. “Doesn’t this feel damn good?”

The girl gasped from the heels touch, Kiriko’s fingers eliciting small jerks from her body as she moved. She didn't want to believe the woman when she said that this was her real body, but the way her body was acting and the feelings running through her felt so strong. It was just like when she was with Kirito back in SAO during that night when they were married, making her moan and squeal.

Asuna struggled to bounce her off, but the heel moved her body in tandem with her bucking. She tried to shiver her off, but she just wouldn't move. The dark-haired woman was too strong for her. All she did was slow the woman down, who continued to massage her waist as if she was a lover exploring Asuna’s body for the first time.

The changing girl moaned as her waist started to give into Kiriko’s fingers. Any sort of imperfection that it might have had was disappearing. Her already slim waist started to get even slimmer, making her moan. They didn't gain the muscle quality that Nela or Kiriko had, but they were still pleasant to look at.

The heel laughed as she was bounced up and down, as if she was riding a mechanical bull.

“Giddyup pony,” Kiriko exclaimed as she rode the bucking girl. “Yeehaw!”

Asuna’s face darkened at the woman’s joke, and it only darkened further when she heard Nela and Rodin chuckle. She closed her eyes and continued to try and get off, hoping that she would slip or something and then would be able to get out of this one.

“Way to go Kiriko keep it up!” Nela cheered

“Don’t ruin my concentration!” Kirko yelled glaring at the silver-haired woman.

Asuna used the opportunity given to her and managed to shove Kriko off of her. The girl slammed onto her back, and Asuna quickly got up. The changing girl grimaced at her morphed waist. She had a nice one before that complimented her figure but now the difference between her upper and lower body was far more prominent.

“Way to go Asuna!” Nela laughed. “Kiriko you really shouldn’t lose your cool like that.”

“Shut up cow! It’s your fault she got free in the first place! If you hadn’t distracted me then I still would have the mount!”

“Whose side are you on?” Kiriko demanded.

“I’m all for having an interesting match,” Nela laughed. “And we both know you are far too skilled for them to beat if you just kept a level head.”

“She’s got you there Kiriko,” Rodin shrugged. “You’ve

The raven-haired woman’s face reddened at the truth. She had wrestled against much larger and stronger foe’s than these two, and they weren’t even a fraction as tough as those fights had been. The raven haired woman grumbled as she went over to the downed blonde and forced twisted her arms between the rope and then brought up her legs, the blonde providing little in terms of resistance.

The moment she was fully secured the brunette cracked her fingers and then started to grab the blonde’s thighs and squeeze them. The fairy girl gasped and blushed as the wrestler played with her legs as if they were a new toy. Much like Asuna’s thighs had, Leafa’s started to grow larger as well. Soon they finished growing, and the changing blonde had huge delicious thighs that would have drawn as much attention as Asuna’s or any of the wrestlers.

“Leafa!” Asuna cried and moved to help her, ignoring the horrified awe that she had for the transformation. She charred forward as fast as she could, her attempt at running looking more like a sloppy run.

Kiriko forced Leafa off the ropes of the bar and roughly threw the blonde at her friend as if she was a pillow. Leafa flew in the air and before Asuna could read, the two friends collided with each other. They fell onto the mat, Leafa falling right on top of the Asuna.

Their lungs burned, their limbs were heavy, and the world was spinning around them. The blonde tried to get up and accidentally grabbed one of Asuna’s boobs, making her squeal. The blonde blushed, and continued to try and force herself off, but couldn’t. Instead, she fell between her comrade’s bust, blushing profusely.

The heel forced the blonde off of her and grinned down at them with a massive shark-like grin that would have sent a shiver down their spines if they weren’t so tired.

“You know what, let’s give you some real thighs to go with that waist,” The heel laughed as she started to rub the girl’s thighs.

Asuna thighs swelled like loaves of bread in the oven. They rubbed against each other, making the woman groan as she did. She tried to stop her, but the added weight on her body only served to make it harder for her to get anywhere. All of the strength that she had went into making sure that she would be crushed. Soon they finished changing into well-developed thick sexy thighs that rubbed against each others so much that it wouldn’t be hard to imagine sparks forming between them.

The others started to countdown, and the young woman struggled harder to get up. She didn’t know if anything would happen if the number reached ten, and didn’t want to. With what was happening to her for all she knew it might lead to her mind fully changing into whatever the heel had in mind.

“Well this only confirms my thoughts that you two are deadweights in a fight. If this was a real match then I would have crushed the two of you in the first round.”

The girls blushed in embarrassment. This was just like one big joke to her, and they were not only the butt of it, but also her plaything. They were the show for the audience of two to awe at as the heel did as she pleased and morphed, even if they did root for them.

“And don’t worry blonde slut, I haven’t forgotten about you. You’ll get exactly what you deserve,” the raven haired woman laughed as she patted Leafa’s back. Just like with Asuna, she had started to massage her waist and it morphed against her fingers. It got thinner against her digits and just like before she muttered a jaunty tune as she worked. Soon her body had finished changing to her desires, and Leafa now had a slim waist with a toned stomach that perfectly matched Asuna’s.

“There we go, now you two are really looking good. Lets see you both got them thighs and them waists, not too much I think, but you girls do need a little more down below,” Kiriko groaned as she moved and lifted both of the girls off the ground. She fondled their developed ass cheeks, savoring the feel of the pairs behinds against her hands.

“Ahh!” The girls cried from the heel’s fondling.

“You got nice Now if you’re going to work here, you’re gonna need big booties. These are decent size but you’re gonna need to be bigger in this line of work.”

“Work?” Leafa questioned as she squirmed from her butt’s growth.

“Just where are you going with this Kiriko?” Rodin questioned aloud as he rubbed his chin.

“Oh we’ll find out when she’s all done, until then might as well enjoy and see where it all leads up to,” Nela commented cheerfully. “Have to admit those girls were rough, but they did have some potential in them.”

“Maybe, but it would have taken too long I feel to really get them where they needed to be if they became wrestlers.”

The girls behind swelled in her hands making her chuckle she squeezed harder, filling her with her glee at the extra ass flesh she felt. She shot a cheerful smile at Rodin, and saw Nela smile at her as well.

When their bottoms finished growing she gave them both a playful spank on the ass.

She forced the two girls over and started to grope their chests with a merry tune. She said gleefully. “Now let's get these puppies bigger.”

The two girls breasts ballooned forward, pushing their tops out farther. They mewled as they swelled in size. Their growing busts pushed them away from the dark haired wrestler who marveled at their growth along with Nela and Rodin. The girls mewled as the bras they wore underneath started to dig into their backs. A small pop reverberated in the room, and the pain they felt ceased. The changing girls let out releived breathes, happy that it was over. Suddenly they blushed as they realized the bras that they wore had snapped.

The girls looked down at their now engorged busts and shivered. They had wanted bigger boobs when they looked at these wrestling models in front of them, but this was far more than either had wanted to be in terms of bust size.

“There we go, the perfect size for eye candy like you two. Not too big to take attention away from the real entertainment of the show which would be me but large enough to help woo the crowd. Now then let’s get me girls something a lot more fitting,” the older woman laughed.

“Now all that is left is to get you girls in some proper clothing and then you’ll be all set to be sexy ring girls,” Kiriko chuckled as she continued to fondle their chests, but this time their clothes started to change.

Their tops started to shrink, the bottom of their shirts rising higher as if it was being cut off for losing fabric. Their sleeves are off as higher as well exposing more of their slim arms. The cloth around their shoulders start to break down and get smaller, and a mirror moments their shoulders were exposed. Two small segments of it grew more prominent and thicker as more of the fabric around them disappeared. A small cut appeared on the front of the clothes right above their cleavage.

A similar process was beginning with the lower half of their outfit. Their pants legs rose higher and tightened around their thighs and buttocks. The girls whimpered from how tight their pants were getting as they dug between their lower cheeks and pressed down on their anatomy. Soon, they were left in a tight pair of short shorts that left little of their body to imagination. Their new pants showed off the new curves of their thighs and butts that I just gained.

“There we go, much better wouldn’t you agree girls?” Kiriko said.

“No it isn’t!” Asuna cried as she tried again to shove the woman off of her.

“Change us back this instant!” Leafa demanded.

“No I think not bitches, and I think it’s time you two learned your place!” Kiriko smirked evilly as she leaned down.

The girls struggled once more fear, struggling to get out. No matter how hard they struggled they ust couldn’t break free from her. They looked at her fearfully and could easily imagine her with a set of devil horns on her head.

“Now all you have to worry your pretty little heads showing off the cards and making sure they have the right number on them,” the heel said. Yell at a good bounce to your boobs shake those healthy butts of your and make everyone happy you're around. When a match isnt going on, you’re going to listen to me and Rodin. If either of us need anything you do it no questions asked.”

The two girls slowly

“Now then get up sluts,” Kiriko ordered as she got up, fixing her hair so it was behind her ears again.

The two girls slowly got up, their faces blank as they did. All of the fear, worry, and fight that they had was gone now, as if they had never been ready. They loooked at Kiriko and at Nela back at Nela and Rodin for a moment. They stood there, like dornes waiting for a command to be given.

“Now then get us some drinks and be snappy about it,” the heel said with glee.

The girls nodded and quickly scampered off to follow their requests. The trio watched them leave, enjoying the bounce of their rears as they left the room.

“Interesting choice to make them ring girls,” Rodin commented. “Not that Im complaining mind you. We could always use a little more eye candy, wheather it be in the office in in the ring.”

“I thought it wouldn’t hurt to have a little extra help. A couple more hot girls for the magazines and to help out around the place. One of them could act as waitress or something for the high-class VIPs when I'm watching or down in the ring.”

“That’s not a bad thought,” Rodin said. I’m sure they would love to have some lovely girls waiting on them.”

“Is this what the rest of the recruiting sessions are going to be like?” Kiriko asked.

“Well, they’re more like recruiting matches,” Rodin chuckled.

“Do you think I could handle one or two of them,” Kiriko said with a devious smirk. “If this is any indication of what they’re like then I wouldn’t mind handling one or two of them. Wonder what it would be like to change a couple of boys into

“And rubbing it in their faces?” Rodin smirked knowingly.

“Of course,” the dark haired woman said with a villainous smirk as she placed her hands on her hips. She could already imagine it, the look of terror on their faces as their bodies morphed to her desires. Their struggle as they tried to stop her doing as she pleased only to fail in the end. The thought made her wet.

“That does sound a little fun,” Nela said, as she recalled the delight she had in her part with Kiriko’s transformation. “Still I think it’s great just to expand the roster. Mo offense Kiriko, but it gets a little repetitive fighting ”

Kiriko didn’t say anything. As much as she didn’t want to say it, she agreed with the champion. The only other human opponent she fought was Nela from time to time. She was tired of getting her ass handed to her by that woman. Having someone else to play with would certainly make things better.

The girls came back with five bottles of water in their hands, they passed them out to the rest of the people, leaving two for themselves.

“Wait five?” Kiriko said as she took one of the bottles.

“Thanks dear,” Nela said as she took one of bottles of water from the blonde ring girl. She immediately opened it up and started guzzling it down.

Kiriko could only stare at the drinking woman and turned to look at the girls, feeling cheated. She would need to make her orders more clear to the girls in the future, but if Rodin did tell them to treat the others equally then they would have to follow them. Just when everything seemed to be going her way, there had to be a downside to it all.


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