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“You know Jaune when you said you wanted to hang, this wasn’t quite what I was thinking you would have in mind,” Yang remarked. “I was thinking about playing some video or board games, some movies, and food. Not watching cartoon shows from years ago.”

“Well, I thought it would be a nice change of pace. With everything that has been going on, I thought it would be good to have something a bit more lighthearted. Besides when was the last time you guys enjoyed a cartoon show,” Jaune said.

“Never,” Weiss said without hesitation. She sighed as she massaged her forehead as if the mere idea of them all watching a cartoon caused her head to ache. “And here I thought that even you would have some sense when you asked us to hang out. We could be doing something so much more meaningful than watching something meant to rot a child’s brain.”

“Yeah I thought you would be up for something more our age rather than kid stuff,” Yang remarked.

“Hey don’t mock my cartoon collection. These are classics, and part of my childhood,” Jaune cried as he held the case defensively, almost as if it was a child. “I’m sure there are some shows from years ago that you all still like. And besides some cartoons are way better than the stuff they have on now in both live-action and other cartoons.”

“Yeah and besides cartoons are a better form of entertainment!” Ruby said.

“Yeah, they beat any of those stupid operas and those sappy movies!” Nora agreed. She held her hand out for Ruby to high five and the younger girl quickly returned it. She turned her hand to Jaune, and the blonde chuckled weakly as he high fived her.

“Operas and romantic movies are far more pleasing than this drivel,” Weiss said as she crossed her arms over her chest. Her words earning a nod of agreement from Blake as she stared at the orange-haired girl as if she was a heretic to the holy gospel.

Nora noticed the look she was getting from the Faunus girl, and in return, she stuck her tongue out at her. Blake’s flat look grew more prominent, and before she could say anything more, Ren placed his hand on her shoulder. She looked at him, like a child looking up at their parent.

“Nora,” Ren sighed. Please stop.”

“I think it would be good to just go with Jaune’s idea this time. Then perhaps the next time we all gather, someone else could decide what we do, and make a little routine out of it,” Pyrrha said. “It would be good to have someone else choose it or a team choice to prevent it from getting stale.

“Meh, doesn’t sound like a bad plan,” Yang remarked as she jumped onto one bed and spread out. “And besides, it's been a while since I got to live out my childhood weekend. Would be nice to go down memory lane.”

Everyone in the room moved to get comfortable. Ruby sat down on the bed closest to the TV, while Nora and Ren sat on the other bed. Weiss held back a sigh as she sat down on one of the beds, her arms crossed and her expression as if she was waiting for an appointment. Blake sat next to her with a blank face. Nora jumped onto one of the other beds and grinned as she propped her head up in her arms. Ren sighed as he sat down next to her, looking like he ready to restrain or reprimand her if she got too crazy. Pyrrha and Ruby sat down, leaving an open space for him.

Jaune smiled, glad that they were all willing to go with it. He quickly set up the first one of his collection. He smiled as giddiness went through him. With all of his friends here he couldn’t help but be reminded of youth when he would have his friends over at him or went over to one of there’s. It might not have earned him any points with Weiss, but the fact he would be spending time with her and the rest of his friends would always be a win. The moment he finished setting it up, he quickly sat down next to Pyrrha and Ruby.

The opening of the cartoon began revealing the main character as he danced and flexed on the screen as other characters showed up. The main character was a large muscular man with black hair that was done in a crewcut. He wore a tight black shirt that would no doubt have shown off his muscles if more detail was added to him, or if he was in the real world. He had huge massive arms that would have been as big as small tree trunks on a person. Nice blue pants and dark black dress shoes.

“I don’t think I ever saw this one,” Yang commented curiously.

“I haven’t seen it either,” Pyrrha remarked. “Can you tell us a little about him and the show Jaune?”

“From what I remember, the show follows Eric Johnson as he goes through his daily life, dealing with shenanigans that either he started, or gets wrapped up in from some of his friends. My sisters and I would watch the show together all the time, and my parents would sit in if they had free time. We had some laughs at the insanity the show had and what happened.”

The opening of the show ended and the first episode of the show truly began. After introducing some of the cast at the main character’s home, it moved to him heading into town. A hot cartoon girl who had an exaggerated figure caught his eyes and he grinned. His eyebrows wiggled and he raised one of his legs and arms. He zoomed over to her, leaving a dust cloud that was shaped exactly like himself where he had once been, clearly intent on getting with her. The girl jumped at his approach and frowned at a horrible pickup line he said, something the rest of the room did as well.

“Well I think we can all clearly see that he is horn dog,” Yang remarked as she watched the interaction between them and saw it degrade further, with her making it clear she wasn’t interested. “Wow, talk about a gutsy guy with no class. Can’t quit while he’s ahead.”

The woman said no, and yet Eric continued to try and woo her with another cheesy oneliner. He flexed his muscles and the woman glared at him, clearly unimpressed with his attempts and muscles. He tried another one-liner, and the woman shook her hand and pinched the bridge of her nose. The cartoon woman finally had enough and slammed her purse into his head, sending him flying through the air and slam into the ground. Eric got up and seemed frustrated, grumbling gibberish to the rest of the room, making a good number of the students laugh at his reaction.

“I see it’s one of those shows,” Weiss sighed. “I can’t help but wonder if you decided to take some pointers from this one when it came to trying to woo someone.”

“Hey even I know you shouldn’t go and say stuff like that,” Jaune said, feeling slightly offended. “Besides even I know the way he went about it was completely stupid and he should have stopped sooner.”

“And yet you both seem to share the tenacity,” Weiss remarked.

“Hey, I think I’m a lot better than him when it comes to flirting,” Jaune said. “I hadn’t tried to use my body at least. That’s just shallow and isn’t going to keep a relationship going after a day or two.”

The main character frowned and quirked his brow. After a moment, he breathed out and continued his trek, grumbling something that the observers couldn’t hear. He arrived at a diner looking place where a nerdy-looking man wearing a light blue shirt, baggy teal pants, teal shoes, and diamond-shaped glasses that were tinted blue. He had black hair that was done up in an exaggerated cowlick. He genially greeted Eric, who cooly called him by his name, Kevin.

“Well it seems like we found the nerd stereotype,” Nora remarked with a giggle.

“Yup,” Yang agreed.

Blake pulled out her scroll and started browsing the web to pass the time. She got a look from Ruby who motioned for her to put it away. The Faunus sighed but did as her team leader bid.

“At least I’m not the only one who has to sit here and watch this,” Weiss muttered.

The two cartoon characters exchanged some words, with Kevin being much more cheery than the muscular man. Afterward, another young woman entered the diner, and just like last time, the main character grinned at the beauty in front of him. Just like with the first woman he had met, Eric moved to hit on her and was once again met with disdain. Unlike the last girl, this time the woman didn’t bother waiting and bashed him with a strong punch that sent him spinning in the air until he eventually landed back down face first. She walked out of the diner, leaving Eric where he was as the nerdy-looking young man laughed at his failure and said, “You’re funny.”

“It’s nice to see someone else fail when they try flirting,” Jaune remarked with a grin. “Especially one whose muscular like that. I know I wouldn’t have made a fool out of myself like that if I was in his place.”

“If you had a bod like that I bet you would use it to try and get with Weiss,” Yang remarked with a cheeky grin, earning an eye roll from the Schnee Heiress.

“Look you can’t just flex and expect to get the girl no matter how muscular you are,” Jaune said, getting a nod of agreement from Pyrrha.

“Speaking from experience?” The blonde girl asked.

“No, I just have more sense. And unlike him even if I did have a body like that I would use it that way,” Jaune said blushing slightly.

Pyrrha opened her mouth to say something but stopped when the thought of Jaune with a body like Eric’s appeared in her mind. Her face darkened as she imagined him putting the moves on her. Even if they were as bad as Eric’s it would have been nice to get that sort of attention from him. Especially if she got to run her hands over Jaune’s body afterward. The thought alone made her blush and pucker her lips. The champion shook her head. No, she couldn’t think like that and have those thoughts here. Especially with Nora and Yang close by. The moment those two smelled teasing material they would be on her like a pair of sharks with blood in the water.

“Pleasant thoughts?” Nora whispered to the redhead with a cheeky grin, making Pyrrha’s burn brighter.

“So then how would you go about it?” Ruby asked.

“You mean aside from not trying to make a fool out of myself?” Jaune asked, getting a chuckle from the others. “Well for a start I would go up there and start small, just say hello and compliment her.”

“Okay that’s not a bad start their lover boy,” Yang said. “Could be better, but could be a lot worse like your earlier attempts, or Eric’s there.”

“Yeah, I won’t flex my muscles for one. With the way, he goes on about them that only shows how insecure he would probably be in real life, and how shallow he is to them,” Jaune said. It was different looking back on one of his favorite shows as a kid and seeing it now as an adult. Before he had laughed at the slapstick humor, finding it funny. Now that he was older he could look at it in a new perspective, and see it almost as a guide about what not to do to get a girl. Besides, it was nice to talk about and not worry about any form of repercussions.

“Okay that does it!” the cartoon character said and turned to them glaring as he placed his hands on his hips.

As one the room froze and blinked at what they heard. They looked at the TV with a new interest. None of them were expecting that from the show and it sidelined them. They studied the main character and how he stood there, glaring at them. Even if they had never seen a cartoon before they all knew that a creator wouldn’t have this long of the character doing nothing. Some of the other characters looked at him for a moment, before continuing what they were doing, some even sighing, as if they knew this was coming.

“Jaune is this part of the show?” Nora asked.

“What no, I don’t think so,” Jaune said. He racked his brain trying to remember if this scene had happened in the show. They had some episodes that bordered on the fourth wall, especially in the wackier episodes, but this was different. It was as if Eric could actually see them. “He can’t be talking to us, right guys? That would just be crazy.”

“No it isn’t crazy, and I am talking to all of you louts! Here I am doing my job entertaining all of you, and all of you are relentlessly mocking me for doing it, especially you, you blonde string bean. Well if that’s how you’re going to treat me then we’re going to mix things up and I’m going to have some fun,” Eric said and cracked his fingers as if he was about to get in a fight.

Suddenly the screen flickered, the image on the TV becoming static, making everyone jump. They all stared at the TV, their stomachs churning as if they were about to get into a fight. They muted the volume and gulped.

“This has to be some sort of prank right?” Ruby asked, looking at the others nervously. “What could he seriously do to us anyway? I mean he’s a cartoon character and we’re all out here.”

A gust of wind went through the room as if they were standing outside on a windy day. It continued to build in power and to their fear, it was coming from the TV. The wind continued to grow fiercer, causing their clothes and hair to ruffle from it. Ruby and Weiss were forced to press their hands down, lest they have a fashion disaster. Some were forced to take a step back from the power coming from it.

Suddenly a wormhole emerged from the TV screen, making them all gasp. None of them could believe what was happening, even though they were seeing it with their own eyes. A long pair of 2D masculine arms emerged from the portal that were as big as small tree trunks, making them gape in shock. The arms cracked their fingers, the noise making them shiver. Suddenly the limbs zoomed across the room. Before any of them could move the cartoony limbs wrapped around Jaune’s body and pulled him to the vortex.

“Jaune!” Pyrrha cried as she grabbed one of his arms, and Ruby grabbed the other. The others quickly grabbed his limbs and managed to keep him in place. They all groaned as they fought against the other arms.

Jaune groaned in pain as he was pulled between the two of them, feeling like his body was put on a stretcher. He screamed as he looked back at the TV and gulped. He could make out a twisting tunnel with all the colors of the rainbow going off. He didn’t need to know that it would lead to someplace bad.

“Hold on vomit boy, we got you!” Yang cried. She then grunted and heaved as she adjusted herself.

“Somebody deal with those stupid arms!” Ruby cried.

Nora grinned as she pulled out her hammer and slammed it down on them.


Nora blinked when her weapon bounced off it harmlessly as if she had a giant rubber weapon instead. She tried again, but was met with the same result. She growled and slammed her hammer down on it repeatedly, like a small child that was trying to hit a target in a whack a mole game. But no matter how hard she tried to break the limbs, her hammer would bounce off.

“What the heck!” Nora cried as she looked at her weapon and the arms trying to take her fearless leader.

Pyrrha grabbed her sword and charged at them when she was sure the others could keep their grip on her partner. She brought her sword down and tried to cut them, hoping that they would be severed.


Just like Nora’s hammer, her sword bounced off them. She growled and tried to think of something they could do. For a moment she thought of shooting the arms but stopped herself before she went through with it. It was clear physical attacks weren’t going to work here, so they would have to do something else.

Suddenly the cartoony limbs bulked up even more with veins spreading across it and pulled harder. The others groaned as they tried to fight them off, but much to their horror, they were losing ground. They etched closer to the TV, despite them all pulling harder, and grabbing onto the beds. To their dismay, the furniture skidded across the room as they were pulled closer to the tv.

Jaune’s friend's hands slipped from his body and he was quickly dragged to the TV. He could feel his legs pulled through it, feeling as if he was stepping into a pool. The blonde screamed as his chin bumped against the bottom of the TV. He screamed as his head was pulled into the vortex and watched the screen he entered from getting farther away. He looked around and watched the sides of the vortex were like a twirling kaleidoscope as the colors quickly changed from one to the next.

Suddenly he landed on the ground and groaned as his body was racked with pain. He groaned as he shakily got up. He was in what looked to be a house, specifically the living room and an old-style kitchen. He turned and saw the largest TV that he had seen. However, there was something off about it. It didn’t look real, the amount of detail on it was lacking. The TV didn’t have his own reflection, and the furniture around him wasn’t as detailed as it normally would be.

“Just where am I?” Jaune gulped fearfully as he looked around his environment, trying to find some hint of where he was.

Back in the normal world, the others watched the screen in horror. They could plainly see Jaune and how he stood out in his environment like a real human in a cartoon. It reminded them of a movie they saw where a person and cartoons lived together in the same world. Where a detective entered the cartoon world in a movie that was a mix of live-action and cartoon, Who Framed Harold Hare, or Amazing World. He walked around and they could see more of the cartoon environment as if there was a camera following him.

“Jaune can you hear us!” Pyrrha called out as she rushed forward to the television. She placed her hands on the TV screen and tried to push herself through, but couldn’t. Instead, she felt cold glass and growled. If the blonde heard her, he didn’t give any indication that he had as he continued to look around, the invisible camera following her around. She tapped her fingers against it, hoping that a door would open and allow her inside the cartoon house.

Yang tapped the TV screen next to Pyrrha’s head with her knuckles and frowned at what happened. If it wasn’t for the mess in the room she wouldn’t have believed that just happened. “Well, we ain’t getting in the same way that he did from the look of it.”

“How did that vortex open up!” Weiss screamed as Jaune stopped and ran his hand through his hair on the screen.

“Just where am I?” The blonde boy wondered aloud.

“There’s no need to worry blondie. You’re in my humble abode,” a familiar voice said, which made Jaune squeal in terror.

He turned to where it had come from and his jaw dropped at who it was. He saw Eric Johnson standing in the hallway with a smirk, his arms crossed. The man looked just like he did in the show, even the same 2D style and all. He lacked any of the more intense details that a person might have, and even had a well defined black outline.

“You...how,” Jaune stammered. He couldn’t believe what he was seeing and pinched himself to make sure this was happening. Pain coursed through his body that made his mouth drop. “This...this can’t be happening, you're a cartoon character!”

“Oh I am a cartoon, but that doesn’t mean I can’t affect your world and all. We just don’t bother and prefer to stick in our own or little nexuses where we can all hang and chat,” Eric said, his hands on his hips.

“How did we get here, you were out at a diner earlier?” Jaune said. “And how did you pull me here? Why did you bring me here!”

“Scene transition,” Eric shrugged as if that explained everything. “All I have to do is think about the next area I want to go to and pass through something like a door and bam I’m right where I want to be. As for why I pulled you in here, it's like I said I earlier. I had enough of insulting me and decided to do something about it.”

Jaune opened his mouth to say something, but any words that might have had said were stuck in his throat. He couldn’t think of anything that he could say that would ease the situation. It wasn’t as if he could say that he didn’t think there would be any repercussions since he was just a cartoon character. That could only have made the cartoon man angrier and probably make what he had in mind even worse.

“W-What are you going to do to me,” Jaune stuttered and took a fearful step back.

“Now why would I go and ruin the surprise stringbean when you can find out for yourself. First things first let get rid of that tacky armor!” The toon cried. His arms stretched and grabbed the young man. He pulled him right in front of him and then spun him around as if the blonde was a top.


“Ahhhh!” Jaune screamed as he was suddenly spun around faster than he ever could back in his world, looking like a small tornado. The young man desperately tried to stop himself, by planting his feet on the ground, but they kept spinning. He held his arms out, and still spun around no matter how much he wanted to. The armor pieces flew off of him, going in random directions around the house. One of the shoulder pads slammed into the wall, while another embedded itself in the floor. The chest piece went flying toward Eric’s direction, he grabbed it with ease and lack of care as if it was a football. He used it like a backscratcher before throwing it on the couch. The moment the spinning vortex ceased all of the armor, Jaune had on his body was gone.

Jaune swayed side to side his face green. His stomach churned and he gagged as he held his stomach. He stumbled around, just barely managing to keep himself from tumbling over. It was as if he was back on a airship again. The young man couldn’t find his balance no matter how hard he tried.

“My stomach,” Jaune gagged as his face turned a dark shade of green. He held his stomach as it let out another loud groan. The young man’s cheeks puffed up like a pufferfish as he could feel vomit rising from his belly.

“You ain’t running the carpet,” Eric said as he pulled a brown paper bag out of nowhere and opened it. He opened it and placed it in front of Jaune’s mouth, forcing the young man’s face in front of it. “The last thing I want to do is clean that up and have it stinking up the place.”

Jaune groaned as the vomit left his mouth and poured into the bag. The bag swelled as more of Jaune’s bile filled it. The toon patted his back as Jaune continued to unwillingly fill the bag. His throat burned as more of the liquid came out at a high rate. When Jaune was finished unloading the contents of his stomach, his throat burned and he desperately wanted a drink. He blinked at the bag and how full it was. He was sure he didn’t puke that much and couldn’t have, even if he had a full meal.

“Well that’s disgusting, but sorta expected from one of you normal fleshy people. You guys just can’t handle our antics,” Eric said as he tied the top of the bag with a small rope pulled out of his pocket. After doing so, he tossed the paper bag over his shoulder without care. The bag landed perfectly in the open trash can, which shut the moment it did.

“What the! How did you do that?” Jaune questioned his throat horse. “No one can move that fast!”

“You can’t do something like that in your world, but now you're in mine, and here things don’t work the same way. Cartoon physics buddy,” Eric shrugged with a mischievous smirk as if that explained everything. “Everyone here can do it, and soon you’ll be able to.”

“What do you mean?” Jaune questioned.

“No, I ain’t going to spoil it for you. Besides I’m wondering how many hints it's going to take for you to realize what I got planned for you,” Eric said as he cupped his chin. “Now what to start with. This was a bit of the spur of the moment so I didn't have too much of a plan, but that never stopped me before.”

Jaune moved to run out of the door, but before he could get five feet away he felt something wrap around his waist. The blonde boy looked down and saw one of Eric’s arms were wrapped around his hips. He was suddenly pulled back toward the muscular cartoon man and gulped. The blonde could see that there was a glint in his eyes that made him struggle in an attempt to get out, but the hold he was in was so tight that it prevented him from leaving.

“Alright I figured out where I wanted to start with this,” Eric said and grabbed Jaune’s shoulder with his free arm. He pushed the young man’s shoulder, and much to the blonde’s shock his body turned. One moment his body was straight and the next he was facing the wall. He looked down and saw his butt and realized his upper body had been twisted around a full 180 degrees, and yet he didn’t feel any pain. Before he could vocalize anything he was back to facing the smiling Eric, who kept pushing on his shoulder as if he was a top.

“Ahh!” Jaune cried in panic as he kept getting twisted around, the world spinning. It wasn’t anywhere near as painful as it should be, but it certainly wasn’t pleasant. His stomach kept getting tighter as if his body was a rubber band getting spun. The blonde tried to grab him, but his hands brushed against the cartoon’s shoulders and couldn’t get a good grip on him. Soon, Eric groaned as it started to get harder to spin Jaune’s upper body around.

“And there we go,” Eric said when finished twisting the top half of Jaune’s body.

He held the blonde out and let go of Jaune’s shoulder. Suddenly Jaune’s upper body started to unravel and spun around again as if he was the crank for a windup toy. The young man screamed as he reached out to grab something, anything to try and stop himself, but there was nothing he could grab. He grabbed his lower body and tried to stop himself, but his hands quickly slid across his lower body and prevented him from stopping himself.

“Oh god,” Jaune gagged as the room spun around him once more. If he hadn’t puked already, then he was sure he would puke now since his stomach felt like it was performing flips again. The world spun as if he was on the deck of a ship. Eric put him down and the blonde boy fell on the ground and laid there, groaning as he waited for the world to stop spinning and feel like he could take a step without performing a split.

The young man noticed the sides of his jacket didn’t touch the sides of his waist anymore as he laid there. He gulped and touched his sides through his jacket and went numb as it took him a few seconds longer than it should have to touch them. The blonde gulped as he raised his shirt and gasped when he saw an impossibly narrow flat stomach that no woman on earth could have normally. As disturbing as it was to see, what horrified him the most was that it looked like it belonged to a cartoon character. It was missing details and matched the same style as Eric’s skin. There only seemed to be a small line that represented his belly button. He hesitantly touched it and flinched the moment he did. Despite how different it looked, it still felt the same.

“Why does my skin look so different?” Jaune questioned, hoping that he would get a clear answer from the toon.

“That is all a part of the process,” Eric said simply, making Jaune frown. He grabbed Jaune’s shoulder and lifted him off the ground. He wrapped his free hand around Jaune’s other arm and roughly brought his arm down on Jaune’s limb and brought it back up as if he was scraping it.

“Oww!” Jaune screamed as the brunette brought his hand down again on his arm. The toon’s actions burned his flesh as he twisted and brought it down. It was as if he was getting the worst indian arm burn from a professional wrestler.

Jaune winced and tried to push himself out of Eric’s grasp, but the cartoon’s hand was like a metal shackle locked in place. He grabbed Eric’s arm and tried to grab it so he could stop it, but he couldn’t move the muscular man’s limb as he wished. In fact, the toon continued his work with the same ease, as if he wasn’t trying to stop him at all. It made the blonde frown. He growled and tried to slug the taller man, but his free arm was out of reach from hitting his face. He was able to graze his chest, but all his futile efforts earned was a delighted smile.

“Sorry scrawny, but you ain’t going to hit me with these tiny limbs,” Eric chuckled as he continued his work.

When Eric was finished working on that limb, he moved onto the other arm and repeated the process. The blonde tried to raise his arm that Eric had just worked on and groaned as he did. His arm burned as if he had been exercising repeatedly with heavyweights wrapped around them. The moment he raised it up, his arm fell back to his side, earning a relieved groan from the young man. He wanted to try and fight back, but with how much his arm ached, just getting a single hit in at the moment, no matter how insignificant would be an achievement.

The moment Eric finished changing Jaune’s arms, he dropped the blonde, who instinctively rubbed them, ignoring how much it hurt to do so. As he did, he studied his limbs and was horrified by how different they were. His nails were longer and cleaner, as if a fresh batch of nail polish had been applied to them. His arms looked thinner, daintier as if all the muscles that he had from his hard workout sessions had been destroyed in mere seconds and had gained an undeniably womanly tone to them. The skin looked just like his stomach did. Any hair, moles, scars, and anything else that he might have had there was gone.

Jaune gulped, not liking how cartoony he was getting as the process continued, especially since he could see a black outline on the outermost part of his changed limbs. He pulled the top of his jacket to see how far it was and saw the top of his biceps had changed to match his lower arms, making him frown and whimper. The young man breathed and tried to keep calm himself, but his breathing picked up the longer he stared at them. His mind reeled and tried to think of a possible solution and escape.

“And now for the bottom set,” Eric said as he picked Jaune up by one of his legs and repeated the same process with his legs.

Jaune squealed as he was lifted off the ground and held up by his leg as if he was an animal being held up in the air. The blonde randomly started kicking with his free leg, hoping that one of them would be able to do something to the cartoon man. He kicked him and his feet managed to collide with the buff man several times, but it was as if he was hitting a brick wall. The cartoon’s arms didn’t even budge an inch from his work. The changing man sighed and gathered his breath as he tried to think of something that would get him out of this.

“You’re going to have to do a lot better than that if you want me to let go,” Eric said as he moved onto the next leg. “My god I thought that you would have some more muscle in those legs, but they might as well be string beans.”

Jaune flushed from the comment in embarrassment and rage. He growled and took a deep breath as he started kicking him again at a faster pace with all of his might. He didn’t care if it didn’t really hurt him. It just felt so good to get some form of feedback, even if it wasn’t doing much. Jaune stopped for a moment and breathed in as he aimed for the toon’s head. The blonde managed to hit Eric in the face, with the heel of his shoe nailing Eric right in the eye.

“Dow!” Eric cried as he dropped the changing blonde and held his head.

Jaune grinned at successfully hurting him, but he didn’t have long to savor it before he hit the floor. The blonde groaned at the impact but didn’t let it distract him as he kept his eyes on the cartoon man, who held his face. Jaune held his head as he shakily stood up, like a small child learning how to walk. His legs burned just like his arms had, and his feet were numb, feeling as if small pins and needles were poking them. He wanted to bolt out of his room but knew with how his lower body felt currently he wasn’t going to get far.

A groan from the muscular cartoon man made Jaune gulp, and his heart stilled when Eric moved his hands away from his face. The blonde smirked when he saw Eric had a huge nasty purple bump on his head the size of an orange. The cartoon man shook his head so fast that it was and the purple bruise that he had on his face was gone in an instant. He glared at the blonde boy, who returned his look.

“Now that is just rude!” Eric cried with his hands on his hips.

“You’re the one changing me! If anything you are the one who’s being rude!” Jaune spat.

“Yeah, you give him what for Jaune!” Yang cried.

“Guys how are we going to get him out?” Pyrrha cried in desperation.

“Should we turn off the TV?” Ruby said.

“What if we do that and something happens to him because of it?” Weiss said quickly. “We would be cutting off the power to wherever...there is, what if we...I don’t know accidentally hurt him, or even kill him.”

The group went silent. None of them wanted to do something that could lead to Jaune’s death. As bad as just letting him go unimpeded sounded, especially with what he was doing, the thought of them being the reason they might end up killing their friend even more. It made them all bite their lips and let out their frustration in various ways. They all stared at each other, hoping someone had an idea of something they could do. After an uncomfortable tense silence that grew exponentially, they all looked back at the screen to see how their friend was doing, desperately trying to think of something they could do.

The young man in the TV looked down at his legs and saw they looked much thinner than they had been previously. He dreaded doing so but he grabbed the bottom of his pants legs and pulled up to see that much like his arms, they were clean of anything that might have been considered imperfect. They took on the same shade of color as his arms did. Suddenly it all clicked what was happening to him.

“I’m turning into a cartoon,” Jaune said in disbelief.

“Well that’s part of it, but that isn’t all,” Eric said with a smile. “You’re on the right track though.”

Jaune’s heart fell into his stomach as he thought over his words. He wasn’t sure how much worse things could get for him. Turning into a cartoon character was bad enough, but finding out that was only a part of the picture made him shudder. He looked over his arms and legs again trying to think of what it added up to. There was a daintiness that he had never had before in his life, though with how cartoony they looked he wasn’t sure what to make of them. The young man cobbled the clues he had together and assumed he was turning into a certain cartoon character type.

“Okay there’s something I need to fix right now,” Eric said as he cracked his knuckles.

Before Jaune could say anything, Eric grabbed Jaune and picked him up again. He threw Jaune onto the couch and zoomed over to him, making the young man yelp. With a content smile on his face, Eric started to pound the blonde’s thighs like a drum, making the young man blush. He patted them at such a speed that his hands were a blur, the toon even humming a merry tune as he did. The blonde slowly moved to try and sweep them away, but stopped. He looked down at his hands and back at the cartoon characters and tried to think of what he should do, especially with cartoon logic at work. With how fast Eric’s hands were going, it was possible his hands would get cut from how fast they were going. Before he could go through with any decision, Eric stopped and stepped up with a proud smirk. He crossed his arms over his chest and didn’t say anything as he waited for the next change to happen.

Jaune gulped as he stared at his thighs, knowing something was about to happen. Suddenly, his thighs started to grow larger and expand. Jaune gasped as his pants leg strained against his swelling thighs as if they were balloons being filled with water. The young man winced as they pushed his pants out to their limits and crushed his penis between them. He closed his eyes, waiting for them to burst off. With how big they were getting and the fact his clothes looked normal for the most part it would only be a matter of time before something happened to them.

“Oh relax your clothes aren’t going to go bursting off,” Eric said. “We ain’t that type of cartoon.”

The changing human opened his eyes and his mouth dropped as a small squeak left his mouth.

He gulped as he touched his thighs and winced from the impossibly soft cushion he felt from them. They gave into his hands without any issue, as if all the muscle that he had there had been completely destroyed. He opened and closed his mouth to try and say something, but he couldn’t. With how plush they were it felt like there were pillows under and on top of them.

“Why are his thighs so big?” Ruby gulped.

No one had an answer, and the group frowned at having made no progress in their ideas of how to save the blonde. Since they weren’t able to enter the cartoon world, it left them with little choice in how they should approach. The only possible lead they had was breaking the screen, but if they did then their worries from earlier might not happen. Even if they didn’t, then they wouldn’t be able to see the blonde and what was happening to him.  All they could do was watch what was happening on the transforming blonde as he looked more like an animated character to them.

“Oh my gods,” Weiss gaped as she put all the pieces together and didn’t like where it was leading.

“What is it, snow angel?” Nora said as she grabbed the Schnee heiress by her shoulders and roughly shook her. “What is he doing to our fearless leader?”

“Nora!” Ren said and grabbed her, to little affect. “Do you know what he’s doing Weiss?”

“I have an idea, but I hope I’m wrong,” Weiss remarked as she looked at the tv again.

Jaune looked back at the grinning cartoon man and crawled over the couch, trying to put some distance between them. Eric eyed him again with a curious look that made Jaune’s spine shudder. The tooning young man tried to think of something he could do to get out of here, and maybe back into his world, but as far as he could tell that required cartoon abilities that he didn’t have, even with his changing body.

“Now then we need to do something about the rest of your body,” Eric said. “Your shoulders look hideous on that body of yours.”

Jaune turned around to hopefully run out of a back door but didn’t get far as he was lifted up in the air again. The blonde was turned around to face Eric, as he placed one of his hands on the blonde’s head and grabbed him by his hip. The young man gulped as he struggled in his grasp, trying to get out again before the toon could go through with what he was planning. He didn’t like where he was going and the playful look on his face only added to his trepidation.

“You have such wide shoulders that and lack some width down below for those legs that it just doesn’t fit with what I’m thinking. It's time we get that fixed,” Eric said and forced Jaune’s body to move.

Jaune’s body gave in to Eric’s work as if he was an accordion. He moaned and wiggled his hands as he was mushed together as if he was a can of soda. The blonde could barely move his head with what little room he had from this new position. The toon pulled him apart and for a moment he was back to his normal size. Jaune gasped and before he could do anything he was scrunched up again. He mewled again in discomfort. It was almost as if he was a piece of taffy being pulled from one spot to the next. Eric continued putting Jaune through this multiple and despite how strange and awkward it was, the changing young man was getting more used to it as time passed, which unnerved him. The only reason he had to be getting used to it was because his body had to be progressing faster in his toonification to his horror.

When he was pulled back to Jaune's original width for the eighth time, suddenly the pain stopped and he was placed on the ground. He blinked at suddenly being put down after being twisted like that. It felt like there was a block in between his shoulder blades and in his hips. He rolled his shoulders waiting to see if something would happen, as if it was a bomb that would go off. And yet after several rotations, the blockage in his body didn’t feel any different.

“Nothing happened,” Jaune said slowly, not believing for a moment it was done.

“Something did happen buddy boy. We just got to set it off first to see the change,” Eric said with a smirk. He raised one of his arms and lightly tapped his shoulder blades.


“Ahh!” Jaune cried as his shoulders suddenly went inward with one loud snap as if they had pulled together by several clamps. He looked at them and saw that they were narrower now, and in combination with his new waist size, it made his upper body have a distinct heart shape that unsettled him. He had seen this kind of shape before on a cartoon character and gulped as imagined a set of prominent breasts sitting there, hanging proudly off his body. The young man pulled at his jacket to look at them and saw that the rest of his upper body now matched his arms and legs in their cartoony shade.

“And now it's time for the second round!” Eric cried and with the same gentle gesture patted both of the blonde’s hips.


“Ahh!” Jaune yelled at having his balance suddenly thrown out of whack as if someone had wrapped a pair of sandbags around his hips. The young man almost toppled to the floor but was able to quickly steady himself before he hit the floors. The young man felt his new hips roll around as if he had done a sexy saunter, but he didn’t want to believe it was them. The blonde breathed out and slowly looked down below and gasped at his new curvy hips. It was little wonder seeing why he was thrown off when he saw them. For gods sake, his new lower body looked like it could rival a horse’s with how wide they looked. They easily rivaled if not surpassed his shoulders in how wide they were.

“You're turning me into a woman!” Jaune cried wide-eyed.

“Bingo! You finally got it!” Eric cheered, giving the changing human a thumbs up. “I was wondering when you would finally get it and thought you might have had rocks for brains. It’s nice to see that you don’t.”

Jaune’s mouth dropped in horror. The confirmation made his throat dry as another squeak came out of his mouth. He looked down at his body again and now all of the clues of his changed form fell into place easily in his mind. The young man wanted to smack himself for not realizing what was happening to him earlier. Looking at it now he could see what they led up to with ease. It only served to solidify the cartoony exaggerated figure he would have if his hips were anything to go by. Especially when it finally reached his breasts. He could only imagine what his body would look like then, and he didn’t like the possibilities with how the women in this cartoon usually looked.

The changing blonde placed his hands on his new hips and moaned as he tried to push them back to their original length, but no matter how hard he tried they wouldn’t budge. There had to be a way he could unlock the toon powers Erick said he would have. As much as he didn’t want to use them, especially since he had no idea what might happen to him if he did, he would have liked to have some chance to fight back.

“Look you can keep wiggling and pushing on those brand new smoking hips of yours as much as you want sugar mama, but they ain’t changing back. Besides those are so boring compared to what you have now. Why would you want those when you can have these?” Eric said and placed his hands on them, making the changing boy yelp.

For a moment, Jaune stared at the cartoon man, pleased by the attention on him and the compliment. The anger and humiliation that he felt bubbled forward now that he had a moment to get his bearing. The tooning boy took a deep breath and in one quick motion, he managed to break out of the perverted toon’s grasp, ignoring the small warmth that came from Eric’s strong fingers brushing against them. The blonde glared at the man hatefully, ignoring the rumbling of his new lower body. He was a Huntsman in training. He had fought Grimm and made his way into the greatest Huntsmen academy in all of Remnant to live his dream. He couldn’t and wouldn’t let some stupid perverted cartoon character do what it pleased to him.

“Don’t call me that! I ain’t your sugar anything!” Jaune declared as he stepped away from him and placed his hands on his hips. The blonde flushed after doing so and realized that all he really did was bring attention to his huge hips and long sexy legs. “M-My name is Jaune Arc and you’re going to stop this right now!”

The cartoon didn’t say anything as he looked Jaune over, who frowned at the lack of response. The blonde could tell that his eyes were hovering over one point on his body specifically and followed his line of sight. He blinked and blushed as he covered his crotch. A pondering look appeared on Eric’s face that made the changing human ill at ease. The blonde boy glared defiantly at the toon as he mentally prepared himself for the greatest fight of his life.

“You’re right, you can’t be anything like that with that blemish between your legs, but we can quickly rectify that,” Eric said. He zoomed behind Jaune and before the blonde could do anything pulled on the top of Jaune’s pants and grabbed his underwear. He lifted the young man off the ground and then grabbed more of the boy’s underwear.

“Yowch!” Jaune cried as tears entered his eyes. He looked over his shoulder and saw the cartoon character had pulled on his boxers and held it in his hand as if it was a rope. The young man’s face flushed darker as his face burned and his heart fell into his stomach. He had seen it dozens of times on television and had even been on the receiving end of it from some of his older sisters, though this was much more intense. He squirmed in place and tried to break out of it, but all he did was move from side to side as if he was on a swing. He demanded, his voice a higher pitch than normal and sounding like a squeak toy. “Put me down you ass!”

“In a minute, but looks like we’re going to have to do this more than once,” Eric said, making Jaune’s eyes widen.

“No! No! No! Ahhh!” Jaune screamed in pain as he was bounced up and down, his privates being mashed against his body at the low point of the bounce. He flinched every time he reached the bottom, only to be roughly pulled back up by him. When he was back at the height of his bouncing, he  noticed that his manhood and balls felt a little smaller every time. He couldn’t think of a way to get out of this. He groaned and wanted nothing more than this to end, no matter what it would mean.


Jaune moaned as a sudden pleasing warm wave came over him, as his underwear slammed against his body, making him yelp, but this time he didn’t feel it impact on his balls or scrotum. The blonde’s mouth dropped and looked down below. With his current position he had a prime view to see if anything was going on below, and to his horror didn’t see anything there. His mind went through its meaning and the horrible conclusion that entered her mind was that he was a woman now. The moment his mind finished concluding it, the new woman shook her head and started to pant in terror, hoping it wasn’t true.

“No!” Jaune cried as she patted the front of her pants and was horrified to see that there was nothing left of her old identity down there and instead felt a pair of new lips in her masculinity’s place. She looked at her underwear and saw it had taken on the same cartoony appearance as the rest of her clothes and appearance had.

“And there we go!” Eric cried. “Now you truly are a lovely madam where it counts!”

“Please stop, I'm sorry about everything that I had said earlier, just please stop this,” Jaune pleaded. She didn’t want to be a cartoon woman. She wanted to be back out in the real world, with her body back to the way it should be.

“Why would I stop when we have come so far?” Eric asked with a raised brow. He let go of the underwear and it smacked into the blonde’s stinging rump, making her wince and rub her rump. She blinked after a moment when she realized she was still up in the air and wondered why she hadn’t hit the ground yet. The young woman looked down and saw her feet were indeed still off the ground as if she was attached to invisible wires. Suddenly gravity seemed to work on her once more and she fell to the ground.

Jaune shakily landed on her feet, wincing as she forced herself to stand. Her bottom ached painfully and she rubbed it in an attempt to soothe the sharp stinging pain. She froze when she noticed that it was a little perkier than it was before all of this insanity happened. The young woman rubbed it a few more times to see if she was feeling it right and to her horror it was.

“It’s a great butt isn’t it, even if it is a little on the flat side at the moment and has more wideness,” Eric remarked. “But that will change in time. Man hard to believe we’re so close and yet so far.”

His words brought Jaune out of her stupor and the young woman went with the first instinct she had. She ran out of the house and down the driveway. The new woman didn’t take any time to admire the environment and continued to focus on getting away. The blonde girl didn’t get far as she tripped on a pebble no bigger than the tip of her thumb. Jaune screamed as she fell into a nearby pond, completely soaking her in water.

“We’re running out of time,” Pyrrha said desperately. With how far along the changes was it could only be a little more time before it was finally over. With how close it was to finishing up, and she didn’t like where it might go next. That toon had to have something planned when Jaune had become a full cartoon character. After all, why else would he take him in, and change him as he had? And with what she had been able to gather about Eric in what little she had seen, she didn’t like it.

“C’mon vomit boy get out of there,” Yang said as balled her hands into fists.

“Pulling the plug is looking more promising by the second,” Weiss said, earning a glare from Nora and Pyrrha. “How did she...he fall into the water! That was just a small pebble!”

“It's a common cartoon classic,” Ruby said sadly. “Sometimes its been done with a bug.”

The former blonde boy trudged out of the water as she brushed her now wet locks of hair out of her face, which started to change. Her face started to clear up and lose some of the finer details as it did. Any sort of imperfection she had on her face was destroyed as it took on the same cartoony appearance as the rest of her body had. Her eyebrows thinned down as her face structure changed. It refined and took on a more feminine appearance. Her cheeks rose higher and her jaw rounded out to become a cute heart shape that highlighted her features. Her nose got smaller as her eyes grew slightly larger. The blonde’s lips swelled in size and became thick plump pillows, which worked in tandem with her cheeks to make it so a cute pout was her natural expression.

The new woman could feel her face changing and gulped as she did. She prodded her face in a panicked frenzy, squealing as her face shifted. The blonde pleaded for it to stop as if someone was causing, but it continued without care. When her face finished changing she looked back into the water to see her own reflection and gasped at the sight of a beautiful female cartoon version of himself staring back at her. She opened and closed her mouth, and to her horror saw her reflection do the same. She didn’t want to believe it was her, despite knowing that it was.

“My lips,” the former young man said. She prodded her lips and flinched from how soft and pillowy they were. It was as if someone had applied some balm on them that caused them to swell to their new size.

“They are a mighty fine set of lips along with that cute nose. Now let’s dry you off before you get a cold,” Eric said, making the blonde jump in terror. He pulled a hair dryer out of nowhere and turned it on. The toon went all over her body, moving the hairdryer around so fast around her, that Jaune struggled to keep track of him.

Suddenly, the blonde’s clothes started to shrink the longer he moved the dryer around her. The bottom of the baggy jacket crawled up her body as her sleeves clung closer to her arms. Her shrinking exposed her midriff to everyone who could see her. The sleeves crawled slightly up her arms exposing her wrists. Much like her sleeves, her pants legs crawled up her body as they tightly covered her legs. Her pants dug between her cheeks and mushed her butt, and the front of her pelvis, making her wince from how tight they were getting. Her pants finished shrinking when they reached her upper thighs and emphasized how thicc they were.

“Yikes,” Yang said. She might wear skimpy clothes, but with how tight they looked on her fellow blonde the only thing she could imagine was discomfort. She would never wear an outfit like that.

The rest of the room could only wince in agreement with her. None of them wanted to imagine what it would be like wearing such clothes. Especially since it looked like a parody of what he had always worn.

“They’re so tight,” Jaune complained with a dark flush as she pulled at them, trying to ease the tightness from them. Even if it was just a little bit, it would have been welcomed. It was horrible just how much of her body her clothes showed off, but that wasn’t the worst part. No, the worst part was how natural they felt on her body. The way the tight clothes rubbed and dug into her was comforting, natural, almost perfect even as if she always wore clothes like this.

“Something ain’t right here,” Eric said aloud as he rubbed his chin. His eyes landed on Jaune’s socks and he grabbed them. He pulled them and they stretched as if they were rubber bands. He let go when it reached her lower thigh and it slapped against her thighs, making her squeal. He did the same for the other and smiled when he saw their completed look. “Oh, now that looks much better.”

Jaune stared at her new red thigh-high socks for a moment, before she moved on and took in the rest of her altered form. She could only stare at her new self; she truly looked like a cartoon character. From how small her waist looked, how wide her hips were, the color of her skin, every little piece of her altered being. It all added up to her looking like she belonged in the show. Her clothes unnerved her and made her want to tear them, even if it would leave her naked from how nice and comfortable they were. But that would only please Eric and any other passerby she imagined.

“Now all we need to do is to put on the finishing touches and then we’re done,” Eric said. He then took a large gulp of air, and his body started to swell in size as he inhaled more of it, growing larger by the second as if he was a balloon.

Jaune stepped back as he grew in size, gulping. She wasn’t an expert on cartoon shenanigans, but she didn’t need to be to know what whatever was going to happen next was not going to be good for her. The new cartoon woman was about to turn around and flee again, but before she could she was grabbed. Jaune opened her mouth to scream, but before anything could come out, Eric slammed his lips on her’s, kissing her. The blonde’s eyes widened in shock and then glared as she pawed at his body to try and push him off, but couldn’t. She moaned as she could feel the air he had sucked into himself start blowing into her.


Jaune’s eyes widened as she could feel a rumble in her chest and butt. She squirmed as she could feel the air move through her body making her lighter and gulped. Whatever the next bit was it was going to make things worse for her. She recalled her past watching cartoons and what usually followed this sort of thing and what little she knew for certain on cartoon logic. If they were right, then this would either end with her becoming a blimp or would lead to certain body parts growing. Considering how carton logic worked she wasn’t sure if those two were separate, and how big she would end up being.


Jaune blinked when she felt her ass suddenly pop out, her cheeks growing larger. She squirmed and wiggled her hips as her butt continued to push further out as more air filled her bottom as if it was a helium balloon. Her pants dug deeper into her behind and the front of her body, making her moan as a pleasing warmth went through her being that further addled her mind. She brought her arms down and held the bottom of her pants to try and keep them in place, but they continued to move. She squeezed her expanding ass cheeks and mewled at the sensations that went through her. The female toon marveled at how big they were getting against her hands, especially since they rivaled volleyballs and still continued to grow.

The young woman wondered if her pants would tear from how tight they were getting. It was a wonder that her ass and hips hadn’t destroyed her pants. She liked how well they were showing off her big booty and the way they made her feel as they dug deeper into her body. In the back of her mind, she hoped she would be able to take them off without issue. The fact they were so tight, and yet weren’t painfully so gave her some hope that it wouldn’t be a problem doing so.


The young woman squealed again as her chest suddenly popped out and started swelling. She tried to sneak her eyes down as much as she could, but she couldn’t move her head to see. Eric held her chin in a vice grip that kept her had locked in place and kept her mouth open. All she could do was look ahead and assume how much her body was changing as the changes racked her mind. Still, even though she could see, she could feel that she had two impressive boobs that were growing more outlandish by the second.

“Holy shit,” Yang said, as she watched Jaune’s butt and boobs growing bigger in horrified fascination. The young woman gulped and wasn’t sure to be grateful that her buddy looked like a cartoon character rather than a person. She could only imagine what it would have looked like if he still looked like a person and the prospect honestly unnerved her. It might make it harder for him to change back, but she didn’t want to see what his cartoony would look like as a real person’s.

Jaune’s boobs grew in size and quickly became two small lumps and continued to grow without any sign of slowing down. Her jacket tightened further as her breasts swelled in size and were mushed together from her already tight jacket. The young woman’s chest quickly became the size of large pomegranates and still continued to grow. Her eyes rolled in the back of her head as the cartoon man had to adjust his arms from how big her boobs were getting. Despite how It kept her massive round breasts pushed together. The blonde faintly wondered how much bigger her jiggly parts would get before it was finished. She moaned as she could feel more of her now melon-sized chest compress against his own. Every little squirm only served to have her nipples rub against her tight jacket and turn her on even more. It also served to unwittingly shake her booty and would have put on a show to anyone behind her.

As more air filled Jaune’s body, her shock started to die down. The panic that she had in her was diminishing by the second as if some drugs were putting her to sleep. It was getting harder for her to think for some reason. She continued to try and get away but her struggle died down the more her hands roamed his body and the reason why she was angrier angry get harder to recall. His body was so muscular, so hard, that she couldn’t help but marvel it, especially in comparison to her own softening jiggly body. Not to mention that way that the way he was kissing her was certainly pleasant and thrilled her in ways that hadn’t imagined.

“I don’t like the expression on our fearless leader’s face,” Nora gulped, getting a nod of agreement from Ren.

“That damn toon,” Pyrrha muttered hatefully, causing Blake and Weiss to look at her fearfully. She didn’t like the look Jaune had either but her ire was directed at the one who had caused it. She wished she could do something about it here. Like shooting or stabbing the toon.

The moment he broke the kiss, the new young woman stumbled back with a ditzy pleased smile as she examined herself. A giggle escaped her lips. She felt tingly all over and pawed herself, missing his big strong arms wrapped around her impossibly tiny waist. The new woman noticed the extra wiggle her butt had and looked down at it. Her mouth dropped in awe at the new massive rear that looked like she had a pair a pair of footballs shoved in them. When she was finished expecting her huge buttocks, she looked down at her now massive barrel sized boobs that had an unnatural perkiness to them. She cutely turned her head with a puzzled expression as she admired them. She couldn’t see her feet, even though she knew that she could have. For some reason, there was a sense of wrongness that came over her the more she stared at them as if they weren’t right.

“Did I always have such huge boobies?” Jaune asked as she poked one of her massive mammaries. She smiled as small bolts of pleasure went through her body that made her keep poking them.

“You always did sexy mama!” Eric said with a pleased smile. “And you also always had such an amazing ass!”


“Oh!” Jaune cried in pleasure from Eric’s booty slap. She looked down at her amazing ass and shook it from side to side. For some reason, she didn’t remember having such a big butt, but she wasn’t going to complain. It just meant that she had a lot of cushion when she sat down. She looked down at her massive tits and was just as pleased by them. With hooters this big she didn’t need any extra cushion when she laid down.

The blonde looked at Eric and saw he was smiling as he looked her body over lecherously. The way he was looking at her body over made her smile, pleased by his reaction to her. She cocked her hip out as she thrusted her bust out, making her boobs and butt bounce wildly, far more then they should should. The blonde’s smile grew as she felt them move and enjoyed the way his mouth dropped. She giggled and moved her body, feeling her curves move and bounce in tandem with her.

“Hoorah!” Eric cried as he zoomed over to her, and picked her up by her butt. She laughed as she was raised eye level with him, her impressive bust pressing against his upper body once more. “Now honey bun why don’t we go home and have some fun.”

“That sounds great dear,” Jaune said.

The two zoomed back in the house, leaving a dust cloud where the two of them had been. The door slammed shut behind them and the screen started to darken until nothing could be seen.

Outside, Jaune’s friends stared at what just happened in shocked horror. They couldn’t believe what had just happened to their friend, even though they had seen the process from start to finish.

“What…How?” Ruby sputtered, breaking the silence as her mind tried to comprehend everything that just happened fully.

Blake couldn’t say anything. She looked at the case for the disk and moved away from it as if it was a cursed item that would come to life and suck her into the world as well. And considering what had just happened to her it was a reasonable fear. She looked back at the screen with a heavy frown and her stomach feeling as if someone had just slugged her in the gut.

Yang’s mouth opened and closed, but nothing came out. Anything that she could have said to try and alleviate the stress of the situation. Whatever she had was shot down was destroyed in moments as she acknowledged how inappropriate it was for this. She wilted and slouched forward. There was no way that she would be able to make the situation better, especially if they had to explain this to everyone.

The rest of team JNPR had long gotten over their stunned horror and moved straight into anger. Nora had an ugly snarl that promised pain. Even Ren’s normally stoic demeanor had been shattered with narrowed eyes that had an anger inside of them that would have made the others shudder. Yet no matter how angry they were, the one who was the angriest was Pyrrha. The young woman was breathing heavily through her nose and her hands were balled into tight fists that made her knuckles white and her fingers dig into her flesh, despite the gloves she wore.

“What are we going to do? How are we going to explain this?” Weiss said, her mind a mess as she processed what just happened. She tried to think of a way they would get in there and save him, but she couldn’t think of anything.

“I’ll tell you what we’re going to do. I don’t know how we’re going to do it, but we are going to get in that cartoon. Get Jaune back, change him back, and break that cartoon’s legs!” Pyrrha declared, getting a maniacal grin from Nora, who hefted her hammer and a nod from Ren.

One way or another they would get their leader back. And then they would make that toon regret every decision he had made.


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