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Thank Rezuban for the lovely art and checkout their page.



Shirou sighed as he walked back to his home after a long day of school. It had been a long day with tests and lessons that he could get into, especially since he was still reeling from what he had been told. It was hard to believe that just a few days ago he was living his life normally and then all of a sudden it got turned upside down by the Holy Grail War. He was still waiting for the moment he would wake up and find himself back in his normal daily routine and not have to worry about dying to a heroic legend of old.

When school was over he was surprised that Saber hadn’t been standing there at the school gates or been dragged into something by Tohsaka or Sakura. The redhead was sure that the blonde spirit would have waited for him after school. Well, he wasn’t going to complain. Herr waiting for him at home prevented any weird rumors from spreading around the school and any awkwardness. From what he had been told by Shinji, Sakura had something to do, and Rin wasn’t around for some reason. As long as they were okay then he didn’t have anything to worry about. He hoped at least.

The young man sighed as he stepped into his home and breathed out, his mind thinking about what might happen in the coming days. The young man had already died in the past few days from Lancer and had fought for his life multiple times. He could only imagine what else might happen during the rest of the Grail War. If he kept getting surprises like these then he was sure that his heart might give out on him.

The redhead threw his bag to the side by the entrance and continued down the hall, going through his internal list of things to do. He would deal with the homework that he had later. Despite fighting for his life he also had to deal with schoolwork on top of it all. He just hoped that he wouldn’t be overwhelmed by it all, especially since Rin seemed dead set on making him her apprentice. Not that he was against it or anything, since as much as she pretended not to she did care about him and others.

“I’m home Saber!” Shirou called out.

The young man didn’t hear a response and he frowned as he stepped deeper inside. He doubted that Saber couldn’t hear him with being a magical spirit. As far as he knew there wasn’t anywhere else she could have gone. She might have been asleep since she had been concerned about saving Prana however she could. She didn’t seem to be that heavy of a sleeper.

“Saber?” Shirou questioned and looked into the living room. The TV was off and there weren’t any signs that it had been used recently.

A dark grey and red fabric on his couch caught his eye on the couch making him blink. He didn’t recognize having something like that and noticed that there was a large western witch’s hat next to it. There was a set of black bracers next to it and dark nylon stockings that were meant for a moment. The young man walked over to the fabric and looked it over, trying to think if he had seen it before, but he was sure that he hadn’t.

“Huh,” Shirou said as he stared at the set of clothing and hat he didn’t recognize. “Where did this come from? This doesn’t look like Fuji-nee would leave behind.”

He picked up the fabric and was surprised by how soft it was in his arms. He unfurled it revealing it to be a sexual witch’s outfit that looked like it could have belonged to a character from a video game or anime. It had a long cut on the back that would show it to everyone and a long red skirt that touched the floor. Just from the size of the chest alone, he could say with certainty that there was no way Saber, Rin, or Sakura would wear it. He doubted the three of them would be caught dead wearing something like this. Fuji-nee might wear something like this depending on the situation, but at this time of the year, he doubted it.

He suddenly stood up straight and looked around as a thought came to him. Was it possible that someone had snuck in while he was out or something? The young man looked around the room, expecting to see some trouble. Saber would have alerted him if she could sense something was wrong. She might have been incapacitated. That would explain why she wasn’t responding to him. He knew that she was alright because of the connection between them and the command Seals. ]=

Suddenly the clothing in his hand curled around his arm and wrapped around it like a tentacle. The young man flinched quickly, looked down at the clothes in his hand, and saw the clothing was moving in his hands as if it was a living animal rather than a piece of fabric. The articles of clothing on the couch like the witch’s hat and the stockings were moving as well, curling as if they were snakes.

“What the!” Shirou cried. He tried to pry the cloth off his arms, but the clothes fought him, along with its natural stretchiness. The skirt grabbed his other arm and wrapped around it as it started to move higher up his body. He tried to free his hands from the fabric, but it was as if they were locked in iron magical shackles.

He brought one of his legs to try and push it off, but still, it wouldn't budge. Suddenly, he was forced back almost as if the clothes had shoved him. The young man fell on his back and struggled in place, but it was as if he was being held down. The young man hissed. With the strength the clothes had, it was more like he was fighting a Servant rather than just a piece of cloth. The top of the outfit forced his arms up past his head as if they had been tied to a post or a rafter.

He wondered if this piece of clothing was connected to a servant.  It had to be, it was the only thing that he could think of that could make sense. Maybe the Caster Servant had snuck into his house and left it here and it was a form of Magecraft that he didn’t know, or if it was connected to their Noble Phantasm. Rin had said that Noble Phantasms could be anything, but he couldn’t think of anything else that it could be from the legends he knew. The style of the clothes threw him off from connecting it with any legend.

A faint breeze went over his arms and he gasped when he saw the ends of the sleeves on his long-sleeved shirt start disappearing. The redhead tried harder to break free from the clothing, but it might as well have been iron changes. He twisted and turned his arms, trying to move them, but they still couldn’t escape.

Something scuffling across the ground got his attention and he looked down. Shirou looked at where it was coming from and gasped when he saw the stockings crawling over to him and the heels hopping as if someone was wearing them. The shoes stopped in front of him as if they were waiting for something to happen, but the black stockings continued. The stockings crawled onto the tip of his shoes. The redhead blushed at the feeling of the soft fabric against his feet. His shoes vanished as the stockings crawled farther up his body. They continued up his legs, his pants vanishing the higher they got, much as his shirt sleeves had.

He tried to kick them off, but they continued to do so so with the same ease. The only thing he could do was move the sole of his feet and brush it down, but all that did was move it down a little. Right after his leg moved it down, it continued and reached the spot it had been at before and continued without issue. He shivered as it reached up to his lower thighs, and still tried to dig his toes under the fabric to peel it off.

“Ohh!” Shirou cried as the stockings slapped against his thighs and rested there.

The moment the stockings were fully put on them, the heels moved and slipped on his feet. Much like the stockings, he tried to kick them off and force them off, but they continued without issue as if he was putting them in himself. The moment they were secured on his feet, he angled his feet and then pushed them off the wooden coffee table, but they didn’t move at all, as if they were superglued to his feet.

The moment the lower half of the clothes had fully gotten on him, the bracers moved over to him. The top crawled down his body, erasing more of his shirt. The young man shivered at feeling them move and jumped when they wrapped themselves around his arms. He tried to move his limbs to grab them, but it was as if they had heavy dumbbells wrapped around them that kept them in place. Shirou growled. He had hoped that since the top moved he would be able to have some more freedom.

The top crawled down his head, and much like the rest of his clothes, his original attire faded away and soon exposed his chest. It wasn’t long before the top started to wrap itself snugly around his body. The young man shivered as it moved down as if the soft fabric was a pair of serpents that were tightening around his body. The cups of the top hung loosely off his body, making him blush. Even if he was a man and these were designed for a woman, he would need to have pecs the size of barrels to fill them. His body moved up against his will as if someone had lifted him in the air. The clothes moved under him and billowed under him as if he was standing up.

The skirt moved and clipped itself around his waist, destroying the last remains of his pants and he blushed at being left in his underwear. He shivered as a draft came over his exposed thighs. He rubbed them together, grimacing at the feeling of the soft fabric against his legs and his legs’ new meatiness. His underwear shifted underneath, and the boxer shorts shrunk and became a skimpy black thong that would have shown his buttocks if anyone moved the flap resting over it.

When the outfit fully clothed him, the restraints the young man had from the clothes was gone as if the clothes had lost what life they had. The young man blushed at suddenly being wrapped up in the undeniably female outfit. He quickly stood up and stumbled from the new heels. His feet trembled as he struggled to maintain his balance, almost as if he was walking on a tight rope. He took a cautious step forward and almost fell forward.

“Just how do girls walk in these things?” Shirou wondered aloud.

Well if this was all that was happening then it wasn’t as bad as he feared. It easily could have been a lot worse. Still, if this was some sort of Magecraft or Noble Phantasm then he was sure that there was more to it than this. If it was a Servent or enemy Master then he doubted that they would leave some magic clothes that would force him to wear them. Suddenly, the hat moved and landed on top of his head, completing the change in attire.

Shirou frowned, feeling as if he had just been mocked. He was grateful nobody was here to see him now. There was little doubt in the young man’s mind that those he knew would have laughed at him if they saw him dressed up like this. He tried to pry the clothes off of his body, but it was as if the clothes were locked in place. Just like with the rest of his clothes, he tried to take the hat off, but the hat remained in place as if it had a magnet placed on it that prevented him from doing so.

“Great,” Shirou sighed, wondering what he was going to do now.  He grabbed one of the sleeves and tried to pry them off. He groaned as he tried to slip his fingers underneath the bracer, digging into his skin. His hands slipped from him and he frowned. He tried again this time with the stockings but was met with the same failure.

“Come on, there has to be one part that will come off,” Shirou grunted.

The young man wiped his brow, as he tried to think of a solution to get these damn clothes off. He would rather not go to one of the girls about this, but with the magical abilities these clothes display, it had to be considered, even if it would be embarrassing. Maybe he could take a knife and try to get it off of him, but he doubted it would work due to the clear magical abilities surrounding it.

Suddenly he jumped as if he had just been shocked. His body felt off and he held himself. He turned around, half expecting someone to reveal themselves. Servants could go in spirit form so maybe they were just sitting around, waiting for their trap to go off.

The more he scratched his limbs, the more he noticed something was wrong with them. He looked down at his arms and blinked when he noticed they were cleaner than they had been in years. The young man ran his hands over them and jumped when he didn’t feel any of the hair that lined them previously. They were just as clean and smooth as they had been when he was a little kid and puberty hadn’t hit him yet. His arms which had some small tufts of hair just an hour ago were barren. Free of even a small little speck of hair on them.

“What?” Shirou said aloud.

He looked down at his chest and saw that it was in the same case. A thought occurred to him and he blushed as he brought up one of his legs, ignoring how the cloth hid and brushed his legs. Through the nylon stockings, he could see that the hair he had there was mysteriously gone as well. The young man didn’t need to look down between his legs to see that the hair there was gone too.

Shirou noticed some off with his hands and gasped when he saw they were changing before his eyes. His nails were growing longer and becoming more refines. The change traveled to the rest of his hands, his digits thinning and his hands getting smaller. Calluses that he had earned from handling a bow, cooking, and more activities were getting smaller. The changes continued up his arms and his decently toned arms slimmed further as the muscle in them refined. They finished changing when he had slim womanly arms that looked like they matched Saber’s in terms of definition.

The redhead didn’t have long to process the change as his feet started to feel off. He looked at his feet and saw the heels around his feet were getting smaller as if they were going to crush them. To his relief, it wasn’t too painful, and more like someone was roughly squeezing his feet. The young man grabbed the shoes and wobbled in place as he tried to take them off before they could do more, but they still wouldn’t come off as they finished becoming small petite feet. He gulped as his legs started to thin down, allowing the stockings to comfortably stick to his changing legs.

His thighs swelled larger as if they were loaves of bread rising in the oven. The space between his thighs diminished making him uncomfortably shift in place. The young man blushed as he could feel his penis moving against them. The thong did nothing to contain his junk, and he blushed at feeling his erection rub against the remarkably soft fabric. He wasn’t sure if he should be glad or not that he lost his pants. It would no doubt put pressure on his masculinity that he wasn’t sure that he would be able to stand.  His thighs finished changing when he had the sexiest set of thighs that he had ever seen in his life. He prodded them and flinched at the muscle hidden inside them. There was little doubt in his mind that these thick sexy would have attracted many people to him as if they were dreams. Even though he wasn’t a pervert, he wouldn’t deny that these thighs would have caught his attention.

The world started to look like it was getting smaller. He looked back down at the ground and saw it was getting farther away as if he was floating up in the air, but much to his relief he was still on the ground. He wasn’t sure how he would be able to handle everything if he had suddenly gained the power of flight. He finished growing when he had gained a few inches. The changing boy gulped it was strange to suddenly be taller and how awkward everything seemed to be. He reached out and was almost thrown off, by how long it took for him to do so.

Despite the sudden growth, the clothes still fit him perfectly. Shirou wasn’t sure how he should feel about that. He couldn’t figure out what to do about this anymore. He needed the others to help him figure this out.

A sudden constriction wrapped around his throat and instead of a loud yell his voice came out as a small squeak. More quiet squeaks left his throat making him gulp. He cleared his throat and he could feel something moving around, just like when he had a cold and mucus traveled down the back of this throat. It was getting harder to breathe and could only take small shallow breaths.

“SaBer!” Shirou called out, his voice coming out higher than it should have as he ran through the house. For a second he thought about using one of his command seals to summon the blonde knight. It was hard to think clearly about what he wanted and form words with shat was happening to him. The pressure suddenly ceased and he took in a large gulp of air that helped him feel better. The young man could breathe normally again. He rubbed his neck and noticed that he was missing his adam’s apple.

“Saber!” Shirou called out and flinched at the sudden sexual tone that would have made men cream their pants. The young man blushed at his voice and covered his mouth as if to prevent something from getting inside, even if there was no reason to. He looked around waiting to hear something, anything from an answer to movement. Why wasn’t anyone answering? Saber couldn’t have been that deep in sleep. And the neighbors, why didn’t any of them come to see the commotion? A bounded field? It was possible. He didn’t want to think so, but Tohsaka might have done something.

A sudden pain came from down below as if he had slipped from riding a bike and jammed his crotch into the front of it. His plush thighs quivered in pain as tears welled in his eyes. He fell to his knees as he cupped his junk. To his shock, he didn’t feel anything down below. He forced the flap covering his new underwear and didn’t see a member that wasn’t covered, but instead a flat thong that was covering a set of lips.

The new young woman paled as her face burned in horror. She was a girl. How was she going to explain this to everyone? Tohaska and Saber might believe it’s her, even if it was outlandish, but Fuji-nee and Sakura certainly wouldn’t. And then there was school too. She couldn’t just stop coming to school, she would be missing so much stuff.

The redhead didn’t have long to ponder her future worries and problems as her face suddenly ached, causing her to rub it. Her skull shifted against her fingers making her mewl like a wounded dog as the shape of her face morphed. Her cheekbones rose as her face softened. She tried to push her bones back to their original spot, but they continued to move against her as the rest of the bones in her face shifted. The changes slowed and her face started to ease into a new form, but it did nothing to calm her down and instead increased her panic.

The moment it finished changing she ran to the closest reflective surface she could think of in the kitchen. She ran to the bathroom and the moment she saw her face in the mirror she jumped back as if she was looking at some hideous monster. After the initial reaction, the new woman froze and stared at herself. She had expected a girl’s face in the mirror, but she didn’t expect to see the face of a supermodel staring back at her.

“This can’t be me,” Shirou said and raised one of her hands. To her astoundment, the person in the mirror copied her movements. She balled her hand into a fist and groaned as she saw the reflection do the same. The new woman prodded her lower cheek and stuck her tongue out and to her horror the mirror copied her. She stopped and let out a sigh.

She noticed there was something off to her about it the more she looked at it. The refinement in the features and the beauty behind them. There was no way she was still fifteen with the way her face looked. It was too mature, too beautiful. It was refined in ways that her male one wasn’t as if it had already gone past the years of puberty.

“Whoa!” Shirou cried as her hips suddenly snapped wider and continued to do so. She struggled to remain standing up straight. It was as if someone had tied weights around her lower body and were putting more on. Her lower body was thrown off and the new woman had to adjust her stance lest she end up falling first on the floor. The moment she found her balance it was quickly lost as her hips continued to grow, making her moan. When her lower body finally finished widening, she looked down at her wide hips and gulped. Her hips were huge, wider than any girl that she had ever seen in her life. It made it clear that the hourglass figure she was going to have, would be the stuff of legends. She could only imagine what the rest of her body would look like when it was all finished up, especially the breasts and ass that would come in.

The young woman squealed and jumped as her butt suddenly bounced as if someone had slapped her bottom cheeks. She grabbed ass and braced herself for the change that was about to come. She looked over her shoulder and her face darkened even further than her hair at the mass that was building up behind them. The new woman shuddered as her bottom continued to swell against her hands. The expansion to her lower area started to slow much to her relief, but with how large it felt against her hands it didn’t mean too much. Her ass was a huge massive round thing. If it was wrapped in pants then it might have looked like they were trying to break out. She wasn’t sure if she should be grateful for the long back of the skirt or not. It might protect her bottom from view, but she was one strong breeze away from having it in view.

There was only one thing left before her transformation was finished, or rather a pair of something, and then her change into womanhood would be done.

“Please don’t be big, please don’t be big,” Shirou muttered, hoping that it would be the case. Though considering her immense childbearing hips, and thicc butt she had little doubt about the side.

“Ohh!” The woman moaned as her chest started to feel as if someone was rubbing her chest, their fingers softly brushing against her nipples. She shivered and thought about bringing her hands up, but she was willing to bet, all it would do would increase her arousal. Shirou flinched as she could feel her nipples growing larger against the cloth. She breathed in and out as she braced herself for the next step of the change and closed her eyes, biting her lips.

Suddenly a growing weight on her chest formed that pulled her over. The redhead opened her eyes as a dark blush encompassed her face. She watched her chest balloon outward, like a pair of balls being filled with air, and couldn’t resist the urge to grab them and massage. The former young man’s chest grew, making the former man whimper and mewl as she massaged her chest. She rubbed her aching thighs together and thrusted her hips back and forth. The orbs grew too big for her hands to contain and yet she still tried to press them down as if their growth would cease and go back into her chest.

“How much bigger are they going to get,” the new woman said as she rolled her shoulders back, clenching her bottom cheeks together and trying to keep some sense of self-control. She wanted nothing more than to grope her ballooning bazongas with the fervor of a horny dog. Her tits growth finally started to slow much to her glee. She squeezed them again and was surprised by how soft and firm they were. With their new size, they could have been used as comfortable pillows for anyone to sleep on. Her new boobs finally finished growing when they became an immense G-cup that were the size of watermelons and pulled her upper body down.

The new woman stared at her new bust and figure in terrified wonder. Her mind stalled as it took in her new curvaceous form, and yet at the same time, it could barely comprehend it all. These were easily the biggest set of boobs that she had ever seen in her life. Her ass was just as huge and impressive as her bust and knew without even moving it, it would have a delightful bounce however it moved. She tried to think of how she could change back, but her failure from earlier in taking it off earlier was prevalent in her mind.

“Maybe Rin would be able to help me figure this out?” Shirou said, her new saucy voice carrying through the room and making her blush.

It wasn’t hard for her to envision the reaction she would get from the boys at school and some older men. This new body of hers made her a sex goddess that would be adored by those with even a vested interest in women. Unfortunately for her, she wasn’t interested at all in getting that sort of reaction. How was she going to deal with her life and the Grail War in this body?

A sudden stabbing headache came over her as a scene filled her vision. Visions of a fight came to her mind, making her wince. Somehow she knew that those were fights that were supposed to come in the future. She saw Saber fighting against what she guessed was a samurai in purple, and a Berserker again. She could see what she was sure herself with a ball of fire in her hand throwing it as a man with a bone-white mask on his. Then they moved to Kotomine Kirei and her fighting him along with a man in gold armor. The visions ceased, making her groan and rest of her hands on her head.

Shirou looked down at her hand and thought of a ball of fire forming in her hand and she jumped when one did. The heat that came off it made her sweat. She closed her hand and the flames in her hand extinguished as if water had been poured on it. The new woman tried again with her other hand and got the same result.

The new woman placed her hands on her wide hips with a heavy frown as she looked back down at her body, or to be more specific her new attire. The costume had to be the one that gave her these powers. It was the only thing that made sense, especially because of the sudden gender change. She felt like there was more to this than what she had seen, and powers that she had yet to discover.

As bad as it might be and the problems it would bring up when she met people who weren’t involved like Fuji-nee or Sakura, she wasn’t going to complain about the powerup and the foresight. It might even help act as a disguise in case she ran into one of the other Masters or Servants who saw her before. Not to mention she was a step closer to being a hero, and it was a little exciting to have some new powers and fight others, especially heroes of old. She frowned at the thought and glared at her clothes. That stray thought had to be because of them she just knew it.


Hope you all liked the story, was hoping to have the art itself finished, but real life happened for Rezuban.  Would you like to notify you all when the colored piece is done and I put it in the story?


Hiros The great

The story and art are great. Yes would be nice to be notified when the art is finished.