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Joker blinked at what he saw before him. Instead of being locked in a prison cell, to prepare himself for his latest dive into Mementos before his final confrontation with Shido, he seemed to have entered a club that was devoid of anyone. The lights were on, allowing him to perfectly see everything around him. The club had a bar, a stage, and he could see a set of stairs to the side.

His eyes first went over to a bar. The bar was vaguely reminiscent of an old 60’s bar along the back of the wall with dozens of bottles on a rack. On the bar was a cash register with multiple stools with red cushions in front of it for patrons to sit on. There was a stage off to the side with multiple bars and some booths that had polls running through them. This was the kind of place that he wouldn’t have been able to enter for a few more years and had no desire to visit.

The Wild Card looked down and saw that he was still dressed in his Phantom Thief attire instead of the prisoner clothes that he was used to wearing. This might be another trick of Mementos considering he was still in his Phantom Theif outfit. If this wasn’t a dangerous place then he would have been in his normal clothes before he entered Mementos, just like when they entered Futaba’s palace for the first time.

Besides, he doubted Igor would so suddenly change the environment and there was no reason they would hide. For a moment, he considered calling out and seeing if one of them would respond but stopped. It wouldn’t be a good idea to call out for someone in case there were Shadows nearby.  They would be put on alert, and possibly move to get help and since he was alone it could quickly become a slaughter, even with his powers.

The young man turned to the door and jumped when he saw a wooden frame instead of spectral blue bars. He grabbed the handle and tried to turn it, but it didn’t. The young man turned the lock, but it wouldn’t move. He tried harder and still it wouldn’t move.

“Great,” Joker sighed as he turned back to look the room over again and see if there was anything that stood out to him.

The first thing he had to do was get information about where he was. It was possible that this was someone’s cognition and it was starting to become its own Palace. They didn’t know the process exactly so it was possible that a person’s palace split off from Mementos and became its own place. If it was then he could only imagine what this person might be. It vaguely reminded him of Sae’s palace, because of its appearance, but that didn’t mean anything in the grand scheme. He would have to ask Morgana about it, when he got back to his friends. It might not mean anything, but it was something worth asking about. Especially since they didn’t know too much about it. Thinking about it now, they should have inquired more about it in case anything strange happened.

He went over to the bar and saw a variety of bottles inside with alcohol from all over the world. Usually, they would have some sort of information from what he had seen, like a card or something. It would give him at least something to work with. Maybe an idea of who was here if there was someone, or possibly a way out of here. Any information no matter how little would help him.

Unknown to the boy as he studied the refreshments, his body started to grow older. As he got older, he gained a few inches in height, and his clothes seamlessly adjusted to fit.  Underneath his mask, his face sharpened and became more masculine, now that puberty years had passed. He stopped aging when he entered his mid 20’s.

After studying the bottles he moved to look at the register and to his surprise, it opened with ease. There wasn’t any cash inside or any odd items of worth. He had hoped that he would be able to find something in there. With how Palaces and Mementos worked, he wouldn’t have been surprised if there was. With how they found the weirdest stuff in the most unconventional of places.

The young man’s hair started to grow longer. The black locks of hair slowly billowed. A new healthier, shinier sheen entered them as they grew longer but still maintained their naturally curly style as they grew. They tickled his cheeks as they passed and he twitched as they ran down his face. He brought his hand up and brushed them away only for them to move back to where they had been before he had moved them. They stopped growing when it reached down to his shoulders. His new long black hair resting just above his shoulders. Some of his new longer locks brushing against the back of his neck.

Something felt off to Joker, but he couldn’t place what the issue was. He looked around and tried to think of what was wrong, but the harder it did, the more it evaded him. His head started to hurt and he held it for a moment as if someone was knocking their knuckles against his skull as hard as they could. The young man sighed and decided to let it rest for now. It would come to him eventually, hopefully before anything truly disastrous happened. Still, he couldn’t help but be unease with how comfortable he was for just letting it pass. It wouldn’t be good if he was in the middle of a fight and realized what the problem was.

“This place has to belong to a pervert,” The changing young man sighed. He wouldn’t be surprised, considering all of the poles which had to be for pole dancers. He doubted the stage would have anything of note, but it was better to make sure than miss a possible clue later. There also had to be a backroom that might have something.

As he walked up the stage, the young man’s legs started to change with every step he took as if he was stepping on a landmine. His feet shrunk inside of his shoes, getting smaller with every step. After a few more steps he had soft womanly feet. The changes traveled up his legs and they started to slim down, gaining a more feminine appearance as they did. When his lower legs finished changing, the power altering him reached his thighs. A little more padding added to his thighs as if the lost weight was being added to them. Soon, his thighs swelling stopped and they became thick sexy thighs that belonged to a runway model rather than a young man, completing the change to his legs.

The young man stumbled from the sudden change to his legs but continued walking. The young man frowned at the sudden misstep he had It was strange that he suddenly lose his imbalance when he knew he didn’t trip over anything. Then again, it was possible he just misstepped and he might be overthinking. It happened to everyone from time to time and with where he was, he was in a hurry.

The young man groaned as his pants tightened across his lower body, showing off the ew curves he had on his lower body. They continued to get tighter as time passed. It was as if someone was using a hose, and sucking out the leftover air in his pants. The pants legs broke off from the uppermost portion, making them look like long leg warmers. They wrapped tight around his legs and thinned down, almost as if they were losing fabric. Moments later, anyone that could have seen them would have been able to see portions of his long legs poking through. They continued to get thinner, and soon they were able to see all of his legs poking through. They stopped changing when they became tight black nylon stockings that showed off his long sexy legs.

His shoes started to change. The sides of his shoes hardened as they became shinier, better reflecting light off of them. The top of his feet started to be exposed, as they continued to morph, the top of them becoming more prominent. A small heel formed in the back of them and grew longer, forcing the back of the young man’s feet to rise. Soon they finished changing into stylish elegant black heels.

The young man stumbled from the sudden change to his shoes and he had to quickly adjust and lean back, or else he would have collided face first with the floor. The wildcard growled as he forced himself to up, his legs shaking as they did. For some reason he couldn’t explain it was suddenly harder to walk, as if he was on a Shido’s ship all over again. He took a cautious step forward and almost fell onto his side from his balance. He took another and was a little more comfortable. The young man recalled his gymnastic lessons with Kasumi and breathed as he walked. I

After a few more steps he was able to walk normally, though still had to be mindful. He couldn’t understand why it had gotten so hard to walk all of a sudden. All of a sudden it was as if he had been walking on a tightrope. He looked over the stage, half expecting lights to suddenly converge on him, and to hear someone mock him, but it didn’t happen.

He went over to the nearest pole and looked it over. To his surprise, he saw small almost unnoticeable circular cuts in the floor. He tapped his foot against it and heard a hollow thud resound in the room. He narrowed his eyes, wondering how to get under the stage. He looked at one of the bars and wondered if they would allow him to do so.

He touched one of the bars and wrapped his hands around it and the moment he touched them, his hands started to change. His hands shrunk underneath his gloves. His digits getting smaller by the second, gaining a elegance that couldn’t be seen as they did. The calluses from the intense year of fighting and training diminished. Underneath the tips of his gloves. His nails refined as any unevenness in them and dirt underneath them vanished, giving them a refined elegance they never had before. They grew slightly longer and a fresh coat of nail polish covered them.

The moment his fingers finished changing the palm of his hands started to morph. They shrunk just like his hands until thy perfectly fit with his new digits. The rest of his arms started to diminish. The muscles getting sleeker every moment that passed. He took his hand off and the transformation on his arms ceased right as they become slim womanly arms that looked out of his place with his broad shoulders.

Again a feeling of wrongness came over the morphing young man. His insticnts told him that something had happened and yet he couldn't figure out what the issue was. It was as if a veil had come over his mind, hiding the what he needed to see. He tried a little harder to push through it, and again his head hurt a little more when he tried. It increased in intensity and he winced.

His gloves started to get smaller as if they were adjusting to his new hand grip. They got tighter around his hands as if they were compensating for the sudden loss in size. The tips of them broke down the center, exposing his new fingernails to anyone that could see. Soon all that were left was the small portion of them that was around his wrists. It got thicker as the cloth hardened and formed,taking on a metallic sheen. In moments, the remnants of his glove had transformed into small red matching bracelets.

The sleeves of his coat crawled up his body, the fabric lightening and getting thinner as it did. It grew thinner, almost as if it was losing threads of the cloth. The cuffs of his coat melded into the sleeves of his shirt, until they were gone. They finished changing into short sleeves that looked like they should be on a dress shirt and showed off his new feminine arms.

The young man shivered as a sudden cold feeling came over his limbs that made him hug himself. He frowned, his arms feeling off for some reason and why he felt cold. His clothes had always kept him safe from the temperature, no matter the environment. The moment their outfits had changed in Futaba’s Palace the heat hadn’t bothered them as much as it should have.

He looked to see if there was a back door behind the curtains saw a door. He ran toward it and threw it open. There were numerous vanities for any employees to adjust their makeup and tracks of sexual costumes for women. Thought of seeing girls in them reminded him of Sae’s palace once more, more so for the bunny-themed Shadows before they started fighting them. He looked around and saw a set of stairs that for a moment he wondered where they led. Suddenly, he remembered the small openings on the stage that must be how people would get under the stage.

For a moment he pondered going down there and seeing if he could find anything useful down there, but deigned not to, at least for now. This place might be empty, and there might not be anything worth going down there, at least for now. He needed to find a way out of here. His friends thought he was just staring off into the distance when he talked with Igor and the twins. He wasn’t sure if that would be the case now, considering how different it all was. The young man sighed as he turned back to the door he entered from. He should have known that this place wouldn’t have anything important.

He wasn’t going to get anywhere if he just wandered around trying to find something. He needed a plan and look for places of importance. If this place truly lived up to his expectations of a club then there would be places like a manager’s office or camera room. He ran out of the stage’s backroom and down the stage, stumbling from time to time, and making the young man frown. Again he couldn’t help but wonder why this was happening.

As he moved, the young’s hips started to move wider as he moved. Just like when his legs changed they grew a little wider with every step that he took. With every little step they moved another centimeter, and the young man had to keep adjusting his stance. It kept feeling off the more he walked and he had to adjust. He pawed at the back of pants, his boxers slipping deeper into his buttocks. They finished changing when he had wide seductive hips that complimented his thick thighs and add a definite hourglass to his figure. His new hips added a seductive roll in his steps that would have drawn attention to his flat posterior if it wasn’t for his coat that hid it from view.

The morphing young man pondered the change, trying to figure out what was wrong. A cool sensation and voice in the back of his head told him that everything was fine and that he needed to relax, but the wild card ignored it. The cool sensation quickly turned into pain and he flinched from the sudden burst. This time though, he didn’t stop and continued to try and figure out what was wrong. The pain in his noggin continued to grow as if someone was roughly poking his head harder after every time. He growled and held his head, but still, he tried to push through this pain. The pain grew even more, but he refused to yield. He had to know what was going on and if he ignored it then it would only be bad.

“What?” Akira said and blinked when he saw his arm.

The moment he saw his arms he knew something was wrong, but he couldn’t place it. A sense of correctness came over him, the more he stared at them. Aa if his arm had always looked like that. This time he refused to believe it and trusted his instincts. He shook his head and growled as the pain suddenly intensified. This had to be some form of power this place was having. It had to be messing with him, or some unseen mastermind in the shadows.

His mask glowed and the fog that clouded his mind passed. The pain ceased and he breathed in and out, waiting for the pain he felt to pass. He was almost thrown off by the sudden lack of intensity. The moment it was clear, he gasped when he saw his arms and noticed his new hair length.

“My hair,” the young man said, and gulped. He grabbed his new long sily black locks and and flinched at how soft they were. His hair was properly maintained before these changes, but now it was much softer, more similar to Ann’s hair.

There was still the changes that she had felt earlier. The leader of the Phantom Theives took a deep breath and looked down. To his horror, he could see why he had stumbled and jumped when he saw his new legs. They were sexy attractive, and had no place on his masuline body. Though considering how far along he was and the rest of the changes he could sadly say that it might not be the case, soon at least.

Akira wasn’t sure how long he had been here, but he could say with certainty that he hadn’t been here for to long. He wanted to say just ten minutes, but he never could say how long he had been somewhere here in Mementos. Sometimes it seemed like he had been in there for days only for an hour or two to have passed. It made keeping track of time in there weird, but he was grateful he didn’t have to worry about it.

“I got to keep moving,” Joker said, determined to get out of here, before things got worse. If all this could happen tpo him in so little time then it would only be a matter of time before it was finished. He didn’t want to know what would happen when it was done. For all he know the shadow or the perpetrator of this place would reveal themselves after it was done. He just hoped that he would be able to reverse this. It would be weird if he had to explain to everyone how he was suddenly a woman.

He went into the hallway he did earlier, and looked at the doors. There was no indication any of them were important and what may be inside it. The young man held back a sigh and his desire to slam his fist into a wall. He was on the clock and couldn’t afford to be wasteful with his time. He didn’t know which one was the manager’s office and which one could have been the janitor’s closet. If there was one thing he was going to change it would be listing the room’s and what they were.

The young man blinked at the strange thought, but before he could question it, his stomach churned and he groaned as he brought his hand up and held it. He froze as he noticed something was off about his stomach and pressed a little harder.

His abs started to recede and get smaller, making him gasp. The brunette brought his hand up and down as his belly changed. The young man was unnerved by the changes and tried to think of ways to stop or reverse the changes. He tried to call upon one of his Personas and use their power, but much to his dismay it was as if a block had been placed that prevented him from doing so He let out one final groan as he felt the changes from his stomach cease. He prodded his new stomach and frowned at how flat it was.Th e young man could still feel the muscle he had gained from the exercise and training he had done, but it was much smaller in size.

“This place,” Joker spat hatefully, his hatred for this place rising by the second.

Joker sighed as he ran his hand up to his face, and through his hair, unwittingly placing the mask on the top of his head. The young man made no moves to put it back on his face. The eye holes on it started to fill as if the material was a starfish healing itself. Soon they were completely filled, leaving no trace that there had been eye sockets inside it. The small protruding bits started to get smaller and soften as they evened out as if the small points were being cut and ground, until they were gone. The black lines around where the eye sockets were started to fade as if white paint was being used on them. In moments the lines that had been on his mask were gone completely. The young man sighed as he pulled his new headband off and stared at the now clean white headband. He scowled at the thing and felt his anger rise to the surface.

“Damn it!” Akira spat. He didn’t feel any different, but the fact he lost his mask was certainly a moral loss. He threw it to the side and stomped away. It landed on the ground and slide across the floor for a moment.

Suddenly something plopped on his head that made him blink. He reached up and felt his new headband on his head and groaned. It was going to be a reminder he was just going to have to deal with until he found the source for all this. The changing wildcard breathed in and continued with a determined gait. He wouldn’t let these minor inconveniences stop him.

A sudden pain went through his lower body that made him flinch. He moaned and held his injured manhood, tears welling in the corner of his eyes as if he had just been slugged down below. After a moment of agonizing pain, he froze and put together what might be happening now to him.

“No!” Joker cried as he tried to think of something he could do to stop this. Without his Persona abilities, he had lost a good amount of his abilities. Suddenly he remembered his pouch that had all of his items. He reached into his pouch to see if there was something he could use but gasped when all the items he had in there were gone.

His throat felt off as if something had wrapped around it and was squeezing it. His suddenly fet acratchy he pawed at it and aucked on his saliva. His voice came out low crackly as if he hadn’t had a drink in a long time. The young man pawed at his throat, as if that would somehow make it better.

The pain down below grew more intense and he gulped, panting heavily. His penis started to slither into his body like a serpent moving back into its den. As it did a wave of pleasure started to coincide with his changing body. He breathed heavier a dark blush covered his face. He grabbed his dinisibing masculinity and could feel his balls shrinking like grapes left out in the boiling heat. The young man bit his lip sad to say that he was enjoying this despite the full context of the situation. The head of his penis was sucked into his body and he gasped making his hips buck from the change.

His balls rose higher as tears welled in his eyes and he knew what was happening next. He gripped them harder and ignored the pain from doing in favor of trying to keep them. Just as one ball was sucked inside him and his throat clenched harder. The tight feeling around his throat grew more intense as the time passed. The other ball moved into his body and any sense of control the young man had over his body was gone. His mouth opened and the tightening on his throne ceased

“Ahh,” the voice that left his mouth came out a low smooth seductive feminine voice.

He raised his other hand to his throat and couldn't feel anything off with his Adam's apple. It was as if it was never there to begin with.

“No!” He gasped.

The last of his balls went inside of him and he gasped as he shivered. He fell to his knees and his face hit the cold floor. He spasmed on the floor, his face twitching.

The wildcard noticed through the daze in his mind knew that he was by all accounts a girl, but at the moment didn’t care too much. Right now she was a little pleased by what had just happened to care about what happened. The young woman’s hand moved to slip inside before she stopped herself from giving in to it.

She shakily got off the ground and stood for a moment breathing in and out to steady herself. Once a steady calm had settled over her mind she took several steady steps and continued her mission.

It was strange to walk without something pressed against her inner thigh, but she could get used to it. Still it better then everything else she had gone through during her adventures from getting shot, slashed, electrocuted, set on fire, and more. She wasn't sure what that said about herself. As she walked, she pressed down below and tears went down her cheeks.

“Please let me change back to normal when I got out of here,” Joker begged as she went up another series of stairs. She didn’t want to explain to everyone that she was now a women. It would be hard explaining to everyone what had happened to her and adjusting to it.

A rumbling developed in her lower body that made her pale as her face started to blush. It was centered on her butt and felt as if someone was massaging her butt through her skirt.  She looked over her skirt and gulped.

“No,” the woman muttered as she reached the top of the steps. .

The girl’s butt started to push out against her small skirt. Her skirt rose higher as it did. The young woman moaned as it did. Her breathing picked up as her changed underwear dug between her back cheeks. She placed her hand down below and squeezed. The young woman stood up straighter as a bolt of pleasure shot through being like lightning. It finished growing when she had a generous rear that would have gotten many men erect, especially with how tight her skirt was.

She looked down the hall and gasped when she saw a room that said Manager on it.

“A manager’s room, that’s where I’ll find everything that I need,” Akira smiled. For the first time she she had arrived here, she had hope that she would be able to get out of her.

She entered the room and looked around to see if there was anything that stood out to her.

The room was immaculate with file cabinets on the side of the wall. A computer.

There was a window in the back that allowed her to see the club floor going on down below.

The first thing that caught her attention was a stack of folders on the desk. He moved the folders and looked under them to see if there was anything that might be hidden. She sighed as she pulled out one of the drawers and looked at everything inside to see what it may have.

As she rifled through the drawer, her chest started to expand and grow larger. Two small lumps formed on her flat chest continued to expand. When she was done looking through the first drawer she slammed it shut and opened the one next to it as her boobs became the size of oranges.

Akira blushed and puckered her lips as she stared at her developing chest for a moment. She breathed out and slammed the drawer shut as she moved onto the next. She couldn’t let herself get distracted by her change now that she was finally getting somewhere.

They continued to grow as she moved onto the next  They pushed her top out, exposing her fair creamy cleavage. The buttons undid themselves as her boobs continued to grow in size. Her breasts finished growing when they became a large D-cup that were as large as ripe apples. The lower buttons strained to keep her hold their mistress’s boobs in place.

Akira stared at her new full bust in disbelief. She moved to try and shut the top buttons on her chest and flushed from her fingers brushing against her new boobs. The new young woman tried to shut it without touching them, but it was a hard task to do so. Her fingers continued to touch them despite her best efforts, which sent little buds shooting through her being. She continued to try and close them and managed to get one of the buttons.

A wave of nausea came over Akira’s mind that she tried to fight. The former young man steadied herself using the desk to keep herself standing. The world started to spin and she slowly carefully forced herself to sit down in the chair. She licked her lips as she held her head. She forced herself to keep her now heavy eyes open. She slouched in her seat as her body went lax. She breathed gently in and out as she drifted further off to dreamland.

After a few moments, the leader of the Phantom Thieves woke up. For a moment, she looked around wondering where she was. She stared at the mess on her desk with a heavy frown. After a moment she sighed as she started cleaning it up. She didn’t know how this mess started since everything was perfectly in place before she fell asleep. Either way, it wouldn’t be good to leave a mess like this for later if she needed to find something quickly.

After cleaning her office she went out, to check the rest of the place and make sure it was in perfect order. She went through every room in the building, making sure that everything was perfect and nothing was damaged. It wouldn't be good to open up and learn that something was broken. She sighed in relief when she finished her inspection, pleased that everything was as it should be.

There was still so much work she had to do if she was going to get this place back and running at full capacity. Thankfully the place was already in fine shape. All it needed was a staff. And it was a good thing there was already a list of applicants already set up. Her bosses just had to decide on who they wanted for what. Hopefully, it would be soon. There was no way she would be able to do every position by herself. She wondered who they would bring on next?


Well folks here is the draft for the first part in the Multiverse Club TG. Hope you like Akira's rise to managment. 

Still trying to think of a good title for this and was thinking something like Multiverse Club or Interdimensional Employment. 

If you have any ideas please let me know.


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