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The sketch was done by Avaloki on DA. 


Kazuto sighed as he stepped into his room, feeling tired after a long day. He put on his NerveGear and blinked when he saw a new game he hadn’t downloaded, called Hell’s Arena. He saw a notification saying he had a new email and opened it. He relaxed when he saw it was from the developers of the system saying they are promoting a game and people will be able to play it for one week for free. 

He had seen a few times where developers asked the owners of NerveGear to promote their games and they would be automatically downloaded onto their system. It was something people had mixed feelings about, especially after what happened with Kayaba. Still, there were some people who trusted the way things were done now, especially after all the testing to make sure it didn’t happen again. He could always delete it after if he didn’t like it. As for him, he didn’t mind it so long as it didn’t interfere with his games, or his systems in any way. 

“What type of game are you?” Kirito pondered aloud. From the title alone it sounded like a fantasy game with angels and demons, and you could play as either, or another race. He clicked on the title for more information and saw it was actually a wrestling game where you create your own outfit and rise to the top and become the champion. It sounded nice, and with it being a closed beta or an early access game there probably wasn’t going to be to many people in it.

“Link start!” Kazuto cried and logged into the game. The moment he did, he used his username for SAO and Alfheim to get into the game. To his joy, his username wasn’t in use and as accepted. A notification appeared that thanked him for playing the game and hoping he enjoys his time in it. Kazuto smilled, if the game was good, and didn’t have any problem then he would at least be happy it was built properly. 

The moment he was finished logging in Kirito could see dozens of people walking around, talking with their friends. The second thing he noticed was how the people were dressed in modern clothes. He wondered why they would be dressed like that in a wrestling game...only to realize that was one of the few things he knew about it. He didn’t know if it had an actual storyline and plot, or if it was just a series of online matches. He would have been disappointed if it was just that, and would have lost some interest. He liked MMORPG’s, but he had never really been into sports games, mostly because he didn’t care for sports. 

Kirito opened the menu and was surprised to see only a list of challenges and a quest tab, which surprised since he knew there had to be more, but couldn’t find a guide. The young man sighed and wanted to learn more about the game. He looked for a non player character to talk to, but couldn’t find any indication. He sighed and went to the nearest player character that didn’t look too busy. It was a guy who looked to be in his early or mid twenties. He had a larger build and a blunt square face with a long scar going down the side of his face that made him think of a yakuza. He asked, “Excuse me can I talk to you for a moment?” 

“You may, what do you need?” the man said flatley, looking at Kirito appraisingly. 

“Can you tell me what this game is about? I know it's about wrestling, but is there more to it? I saw stuff like the skills sheet, friends page, organization, and a few other things are grayed out when I open the menu. I see a wins lose ratio and see a daily challenge rating,” Kirito explained. 

“This game is for those who want to learn how to wrestle, but can’t do so in the real world for one reason or another. You do challenges that help you refine your moves and help you rise higher in the rankings.The arena is where everything happens and is the central hub for everything, aside from getting clothing. They have sections there set up where you could practice like a training ring, equipment, and more,” the man said. “There’s going to be a wrestling match there later.”

“Thanks,” Kirito hummed as he thought over what the man said. To be honest, there wasn’t too much there. The arena was obviously a key point, if not the main point of interest. Quests had to be linked to it, and were probably where he was going to complete most, if not all of them. It made him wonder, what would happen and what the quests would be like. It wouldn’t have a quest tab if all they had were challenges. So there had to be a storyline, or something in the game.

The idea of actually having a storyline in a sports game intrigued him. He never heard of one in the genre which had one before. So it made him wonder what it could be like, after all only one person could really be the champion of the arena. Maybe if he talked to some more people he would be able to learn a bit more about the game. He would need to get every advantage he could, before he actually started the game and got a feel for the mechanics. Ways to make it more enjoyable, manageable, or if there were any secrets he could use to grin new skills. 

Kirito went over to another group of non playable characters, his mind still thinking over what he had learned. He went to another group of NPC’s and got their attention. He cleared his throat, and at once they turned to him. “Excuse me, could you tell me a bit about the arena?”

“Thanks,” Kirito said, frowning. He went over to a nearby desk and thought over what he had learned. 

No matter who he asked, they said some variation of there was going to be a wrestling match at the arena. Perhaps this was actually a tutorial area for people, before they actually got into the MMO portion of the game. It would make sense why he hadn’t seen a regular player, and why they put so much emphasis on going to the arena. Not to mention why some of the stuff on the menu were grayed out like the friend’s list. If he was right, he would have liked being informed if that was the case or not, just so he knew how to move the game forward. 

With that thought, Kirito sighed as he stood up and decided to just go to the arena and see for himself what was going on over there. He followed the signs, which told him where he needed to go, and as he walked toward it, he listened to the NPC’s eagerly talk about it and the matches they would see. He followed the people walking toward the arena, wondering what it would be like. With the modern look of the city, he thought it would look like a modern building or stadium. 

When he finally arrived he was surprised to see the entrance was empty aside from a woman sitting behind a table. Despite how every NPC talked about the arena, he couldn’t help but feel a little underwhelmed with how little people there were walking around. The outside looked nice and reminded him of a roman coliseum with how it was built, but he expected something grander he supposed. Still he could see the charm to the place and why people talked about it, though he bet the true entertainment was inside. He looked over at the woman and saw her name over her head, which said she was called Kyrie. She was beautiful, sexy, with large round breasts and square rectangular glasses. She had long brown hair done up in a ponytail, full lips. She wore a low cut button shirt which exposed plenty of her cleavage and a business suit top which screamed professional to him. 

He walked over to the table and stopped in front of her, getting her attention. The NPC stopped looking over the paperwork in front of her and looked at him with brown eyes. She placed her paperwork down and cleared her throat. The woman asked, her voice coming off like a soft melody that sounded perfect for a singer. “Can I help you?”

“Yes, I would like to sign up for a wrestling match,” Kirito said, being mindful to not let his eyes fall on her exposed cleavage. This might not be an actual woman, but he couldn’t let himself get lax. If Asuna or any of the other girls were here and noticed him doing so they would no doubt be annoyed with him. “Could you answer a question for me?”

“If I can then I will do so,” the secretary replied.

“All I have seen since coming here were NPC’s. Why haven’t I seen any player characters?” Kirito asked, looking at the entrance. He kept waiting for someone, anyone to suddenly walk through the doorway of the colosseum who was an actual player instead of an NPC, but they never did.

“I can answer your question. The reason why you have not is because you haven’t completed the tutorial match. When you do then the rest of the players will become visible. It was believed by the developers that people would feel a little more comfortable and prefer not having to interact or see all of the other players until they finished the tutorial,” the woman informed.

Kirito relaxed now that he knew why he hadn't seen anyone else. There were some MMO games made where the developers had separated players from each other for sections, or the start of the game. After they completed it, then they would be able to fully explore the game and do as they pleased. Thinking on it, it might be a good thing, they were doing so for this one. It probably saved him, and a lot of the other players who decided to join this. His first time playing Alfheim was more than enough proof why when he had trouble flying. 

“Before you can take part in a match, you have to speak with the manager. It is he who organizes the matches and can get you started on them,” Kyrie said. “I am to answer any questions you might have, and help you however I can.”

“Great, then could you tell where he is?” Kirito grinned, feeling excited now that he was actually about to play the game.

“I can take you straight to him,” Kyrie said, and stood up, revealing she wore a tight black miniskirt which hugged the top of her ample thighs. “Follow me.”

Kirito did as he was bid and followed her inside the arena. His eyes went back to the secretary and looked her over. His eyes went lower than he intended and he blushed as he saw how tightly her skirt hugged her full round buttocks. He looked around the room hallways, trying to divert his attention to something else. It made him really glad, he didn’t have to worry about anyone seeing what he did. If he did, it would have opened him up for teasing from some of his friends, or got him in trouble with the rest of the girls. 

They stopped when they arrived at a large door with the word Manager on it in gold. Kyrie cleared her throat as she knocked on the door. She said, “Mr. Rodin, I have a visitor for you.”

“Let him in,” the manager, Rodin said.

“Yes sir,” Kyrie said, and opened the door and held it open for Kirito. Kirito stepped into the room, and Kyrie stepped in behind him, closing the door behind him. 

Kirito’s eyes landed on the NPC who stood behind the desk. The manager was a handsome man in his early or mid-twenties with chocolate brown eyes. He was tall around six feet and built like a weightlifter, with fair skin and broad shoulders. He had shaggy sandy blonde hair that covered his ears that was brushed to the side. He wore a professional looking dark blue suit with a button down white shirt and black dress shoes. 

His eyes looked around the rest of the room. The room had a trophy case filled with them to the side of the room, along with a large fridge to house refreshments. On the other side was a large couch for people to sit on.Monitors filled the back of the room, along with a safe. Pictures of professional wrestlers lined the walls, some he recognized as actual ones, and others he couldn’t place. 

“Hello there, welcome to Hell’s Arena, what can I do for you?” The man said, his voice a strong charming baritone. 

“My name is Kirito,” Kirito said, and shook his hand. The NPC’s grip on his hand was strong. “I would like to fight in the arena. Could you start the tutorial match for me.”

“Of course we can set you up with a match immediately. It’s always nice to see a new wrestler want to take the stage and show the world what they can do,” Rodin said. “The tutorial is simple enough. As long as you attack your opponent in ways that would work in real life then you’ll do some damage. Performing actual wrestling moves do more damage then attacks like punches and kicks.”

“Great,” Kirito said cheerfully. Well it sounded simple to him, but considering he had never really cared for wrestling before he had no idea what really was a wrestling move. They would probably show him a few simple wrestling moves during the match and as he advanced, they would show him more. He wondered what moves he would learn as he got better and if they really were actual ones. It made him wonder if he could actually pull them off in real life. They probably wouldn’t be as powerful of course, but if they were, then it could help him if he had to fight. 

“Just know it goes both ways, and in order to truly get the closest experience possible to wrestling, the damage you suffer from the match, will be felt. However the pain will be more like an uncomfortable amount of pressure being applied rather than actual pain,” Rodin said. “It might seem a little harsh, but it helps players learn the game a little better. You can adjust the pain you feel at the end of the tutorial.”

Kirito gulped a little nervous about feeling actual pain, and was reminded of some rather unpleasant moments back in SAO. Just like in SAO players didn’t really feel pain, but discomfort that swelled based on how much damage they had taken. It made him wonder just how much the pain absorption for the game was set, and if it was around the same level as SAO, or Alfheim. Still he wouldn’t let what he might feel get in the way of him playing this game, and said, “I got it.”

“Alright, then please sign the terms of agreement at the bottom line,” the secretary said, her voice still as calm as soothing as when they first met. 

Kirito took the pen and immediately signed at the bottom where he was told. He had been used to seeing this whenever he started a new game, especially MMO’s where people had to maintain a certain level of conduct. It was a standard practice and something no one actually read. So much so, that despite it being an important document he didn’t pay it any mind. He was surprised to see it took him this long to encounter them. Usually they appeared either at the start of the game. When he finished signing the paper he put the pen down and gave the paperwork back to the secretary. 

“If you could follow me please I will take you to your locker room. There you’ll stay until the start of the match,” Kyrie said. She went over to the door and opened it for him. Kirito followed her out of the room, and shut the door behind him. 

The moment the door was shut, Rodin grinned and went over to the fridge and pulled out a bottle of wine and a glass. He put a few cubes of ice in there and poured the red wine into the glass. He went back into his chair and lounged in it. Everything was coming along perfectly, and soon would reach the point of no return. The moment it began, it would be too late for Kirito to do anything, even if he did realize something was wrong.

“And soon we will have another beauty on our roster,” Rodin commented as he took a long sip of his wine. He was honestly excited to see the match, but more excited to see what was happening during it and the process. He savored the sweet fruity taste of the wine and let out a content sigh. He looked down at his drink and wished one of his girls were here, sharing wine with a special someone always made wine taste even better.

Kirito breathed in and out as he sat on one of the benches in the room. He hadn’t been in here long, only a few minutes at most he bet, but still he felt anxious as he waited for the match to begin. He started stretching, pulling his arms and his legs. This might not mean anything here in the virtual world, but it helped relax him and gave him something to do. This would be his first true wrestling, and because of his lack of experience with the sport he didn’t see it going well, even if it was a tutorial. Not to mention, what was said about the pain system. He wished he could adjust it now, or get an idea of what to expect, but reminded himself he wouldn’t be in actual pain and could adjust it afterwards.

It was a little strange he hadn’t immediately started the match. The game probably needed some time to actually load his opponent in. Since the game did just come out, the game probably still had some bugs that needed to be patched, or updates to make it run better. The fact he had to be led everywhere by one of the NPCs, only added to his thoughts, when they could have simply used a quest marker, something basic in all games. If they listened to player feedback, then they would hopefully do so soon, or else other players might get confused about where they needed to go. 

“I can’t lose,” Kirito said, determined to win. There might not be anything on the line, like when he was fighting in Sword Art Online, or Alfheim, but his competitive spirit wouldn’t accept anything less. Just like with Alfheim he didn’t have the benefit of being a Beta tester. It didn’t stop him then, and it wouldn’t stop him now.

“Kirito, it's time for your match,” the manager said, over the intercom in the room. 

Kirito breathed in and out as he went over to the door, his heart pounding a little faster. He blinked when he saw Kyrie standing outside. He asked, “Can I help you?”

“I’m here to inform you about how you should enter the arena. Once your name is called over the speaker, then enter the arena. Feel free to put on a little fanfare and play the crowd. Also, do you want to be introduced with a title?” Kyrie asked.

Kirito thought over what he would have liked to use and remembered a few he had earned from players. He would have used Black Swordsman if he could, but since this game didn’t have any weapons it wouldn’t fit. Beater wouldn’t have fit either, and he didn’t want anyone else to think he was a cheater if they knew what it meant. Kirito said, “No, just introduce me by my name for now. I might think of something after this.”

“If you are sure then just walk down the corridor and wait for your name to be called,” Kyrie said. 

Kirito nodded and did as he was told. He went down the corridor to enter the arena, looking at the walls and saw they were inscribed with pictures of wrestling. He couldn’t help but grin as he walked down the corridor, standing straighter and clenching his hands. There was just something about the scenery, that made him feel empowered, as if he was a champion the people had come to see triumph. This might not have truly lived up to modern wrestling, but it did make him and no doubt others feel energized. 


Kirito confidently walked onto the stage of the arena. He looked around at the crowd, feeling empowered as the people cheered for him. He was reminded of his first match against Kayaba back in Sword Art Online. These might not have been actual people, but the way they were cheering made him forget they were for a moment. 

Kirito looked around, and couldn’t help but wave at the ground, who roared louder for him. They might have been nothing more than NPC’s, but their cheers swelled his spirit. 


Kiritio blinked in surprise. Out of all the people he thought he would be fighting, the current champion of the arena was the farthest person he had in mind. He thought it would be another player, or some training dummy the game had set. Something felt off, it might have been part of a story mode, a goal to strive for, but he couldn’t quite place it. 

He looked at the other corner where his opponent would be entering from, and his face darkened as his eyes locked onto his challenger. When he first heard of the champion he expected the figure would be some larger than life man with muscles that looked like they could bend steel. With biceps larger than his head, and legs that looked like they could rival tree trunks. Perhaps some references to some pro wrestlers of old, or some current ones currently in the sport.

He was certainly not expecting the champion to be a woman who looked to be in her early or mid twenties. The first thought he had was she was beautiful and looked like she should have been on the front cover of a modeling magazine rather than a wrestler. She had short silver hair, which went past her ears and the brightest blue eyes he had ever seen, which looked more like sapphires. A cute button nose which perfectly suited her face and highlighted her already beautiful feminine appearance. She had soft pillowy looking lips, which looked perfect for kissing and in the back of his mind wonder what it would look like to get one from her.

She was easily the most curvaceous woman he had ever seen in his life, something her outfit made clear. She wore a red halter top with flames on them, a pair of tight black short shorts, a red and black armguard on one arm, and a demonic looking prop on her other arm. Around her waist was a gold championship belt. She had wide hips round hips that swayed seductively. He didn’t even need to look behind her to know she had a huge butt which would bounce with every step she took. The most noticeable thing about her, were her enormous boobs. They were huge massive round spheres that gently bounced, despite how tightly her top restrained her bosom. 

She walked into the center of the arena with a confident swagger to her hips. The cheer roared for her, far louder than they did for him. She shook her body and blew kisses to the crowd, making them grow wild. She laughed, clearly enjoying how she had the crowd twirled around her fingers. 

Kirito looked around the crowd and wondered if he could still get the same type of reaction he had when he first entered the arena. He raised his arm, but didn’t get any sign of support from them. Instead they all let out cheers for 

“Sorry kid, but looks like you don’t have the same type of appeal as I do,” Nela giggled. “Don’t worry you’ll get the crowd to fall for you in time. Maybe.”

Kirito turned back to her, and his face flushed of his own will. He thought she looked beautiful before, but being so close only made him realize how pretty she actually was. Especially how curvy she actually was. It made so much sense why the crowd suddenly went crazy for her, especially the men. His eyes went over her body again, taking in her more than ample curves. They stopped when they landed on her breasts and the mesmerizing exposed cleavage of her top. 

“Hey my eyes are up here!” Nela giggled playfully. 

Kirito blushed and forced himself to look up at her face, having to fight his eyes from staring at her bust. He gulped as he tried harder, but the more he resisted the harder it was to fight. The image of them flashed in his mind, and he couldn’t help but groan. He wasn’t some pervert and had a girlfriend, and yet the way this woman flaunted her body, made it all but impossible for him. After a few awkward moments he finally felt some semblance of control again and managed to stutter out, “S-sorry.”

“Relax little boy, you can look as much as you want. I’m used to it,” Nela waved off, giggling mischievously. “Are you hoping to get a feel of them during our match? If you do I won’t mind. After all, grappling, holds, and pins, are all part of wrestling.” 

Kirito bit his lips as his face turned atomic red. He couldn’t think of anything he could properly say to her. The words he wanted to say and thought of both jumped and twisted right after they formed into random gibberish. He breathed in through his nose and out through his mouth and reminded himself he was finally going to play the actual game. He would finally get to play and see how difficult the game really was and what it would feel like to fight. 

A hum broke his current train of thought as she looked him over appraisingly. Kirito blinked and wondered what she was doing. When she was finished she sighed with a playful smirk. “It's almost a shame, I’m going to have to pound such a cute face, but a match is a match is a match after all. Besides I’ll do anything for Rodin, so if he wants me to fight you then I won’t be holding back at all.”

Kirito blinked at what she had just said, his mind going over her dialogue. The way she acted this whole time, from flirting with him, calling him cute all of it seemed a little to human. It was a very real possibility she could have been programmed to call everyone that, but it would have been immediate wouldn’t it? Not to mention how she playfully called him out for staring at her breasts. If she really was a NPC she wouldn't have said anything about it. Not to mention she told him to relax and could look as much as he pleased and didn’t mind if he groped her during their fight.

There was also the way she talked about the manager, and how she would do anything for him. He couldn’t really think of hy there would be a personal connection between him and this NPC. She might answer to him, but it wouldn’t have instilled the loyalty and adoration she had for him when she said his name. The way she talked about him was lovingly, as if he was a lover rather than her boss. To make an NPC like that seemed strange, especially in a fighting game. It unnerved him and made him wonder if this really was an NPC, or if something else was going on.

Kirito stumbled as it suddenly felt like the platform was starting to rise. He looked at Nela and the referee and saw they weren't at all surprised by the sudden change. The young man looked around and jumped when four poles suddenly shot out of the ground. Three thick hazy blue lines appeared between them and flashed, for a moment blinding him. When he looked again, he saw black wrestling rope had formed where the blue lines had been. He walked over and pushed against the rope, getting a feel for the strong material. It wasn’t soft like he thought it would be, in fact it was a hard rough canvas, with little cushion between it and the metal underneath it.

“Alright you two get ready I’m going to start the countdown!” The referee said, breaking Kirito’s train of thought. “On three the bell will ring, and the match will begin.”

Kirito nodded and then looked over at Nela who took off the championship belt around her waist and it vanished in a blue flash. He watched her crack her knuckles as she stared at him with an eager savage grin. She cracked her neck and moved into a low fighting stance, her hands open and ready to move. He reached up to grab his swords but stopped when he remembered what type of game he was actually playing. The young man gulped and tried to imitate her stance as best he could, but it felt off to him. He knew his stance wasn't as stable as her, or as refined. To a clear expert like her, it would no doubt be easy for her to break, and gain the upperhand. 

“1...2...3! Begin!” The referee cried and quickly stepped away as the bell rang. The names above everyone’s head disappeared in a quick flash, something which surprised Kirito. 

The moment the bell rung, Nela launched herself forward and wrapped her demonic looking arm around his shoulder and placed her other on his shoulder. Kirito tried to force her off, but it felt like he was trying to move a boulder. She smirked and in one quick motion flipped him over his shoulder as if he was a large pillow. Kirito groaned as his head felt like it was spinning and swore there were three Nela’s looking down at him as she let go of his arms.

As he laid there, his shoulders started to move inward, letting out low cracking noises as they did so. Kirito winced from the pain of his shoulders and chalked it up to being on the receiving end of her move and how he collided with the crowd. They grew more rounded as they started to curve inward adding a more feminine appeal to his body. When they finished changing, his shoulders weren’t as far apart as they were before and made his body look more feminine. 

Kirito groaned, surprised from the level of pain he felt. He didn’t think it would hurt this much. The manager did say it would be uncomfortable and even a little painful, but he didn’t think it would be like this. He expected his body to just feel stiff, as if he was having a muscle spasm or something. This was on another level entirely from anything he played before. It was almost as if he really had been flipped over on his back. It made him wish he could adjust the pain he felt right now.

He heard footsteps and turned to them, the world still spinning to him. He blinked when he saw it was Nela and quickly leaned up. He turned and adjusted his stance on the ground, bracing himself for another assault, but she didn’t. She stood there, looking him over as if she was a teacher, making sure their student was okay. It unnerved him, and despite how she seemed genuinely worried for him, he couldn’t help but think of it as a ploy to catch him off guard. Even if this was an NPC, he couldn’t help but think it was, even if this was a tutorial match.

“Are you alright? Can you keep going? I know this is your first time, but I thought you would be able to handle it,” Nela said as she kneeled down and placed her human hand on his shoulder back as his demonic arm patted his back.

“I can keep going,” Kirito said as he forced himself to stand, and struggled to stay standing up straight. If this was a real wrestling match he would have already lost the fight and she would have pinned him down already. It made him glad they did have a tutorial match first, so he can get a better understanding of the game before he interacted with everyone else.

Unknown to the young man his body started to change as he unknowingly got older. He grew two inches and became a decent 5’8, and he became 22 years old. Any hair which should have formed from him getting older didn’t form, as if he was never there at all. His clothes felt a little tighter on him, as they rose because of his changing body, exposing a little bit of his stomach and his ankles. He never noticed the sudden change in height, as if he was always that tall, or acknowledged, his foe suddenly seemed closer to his height. To him, it was as if she was always that tall.

When he finally found his balance, he got back into a stance, trying to imitate the one she had before. The headache he had started to end and he felt like he could continue without issue. He locked his muscles and didn’t feel any sense of dizziness overcome him. He wasn’t sure if the dizziness he felt would have really gone away in the real world so quickly, but welcomed the fact it did. It made the fight here feel a little more real and made how he would act more important, and added an extra layer of thrill to it. 

“Are you ready to go again?” Nela asked as she got back in her stance.

“I’m ready,” Kirito said, bracing himself for the attack he was sure to come.

Kirito moved forward and tried to grab her arm, but the reverse happened. Nela grabbed his arm and pulled him closer, pressing her body against his own. The young man blushed from the immense bust being pressed into his body and would have even found it enjoyable if not for the pain from how she was holding him. He winced in pain and tired to twist his arm out of her hold, but her hand was like a tight wristband and burned. He tried harder and winced from the pain as his wrist was starting to burn from how hard he tried to escape. 

Unknown to Kirito, any trace of hair on his arm was destroyed as her arm passed over it, as if the scales on her limb were small razors. The skin there was clean of any trace of hair, and was as smooth and clean as a baby bottom. It was as if every little hair on his arm had been meticulously picked clean to ensure they would be as hairless as possible. Any blemish or imperfection on them were gone, as if they had never been there in the first place. 

Nela let go of him and pushed him away from her and quickly grabbed his other arm and forced it behind his back. She looked down the front of his shirt and saw what little hair was over his chest was starting to disappear. She smirked and grabbed the arm she held earlier and rubbed it, marveling at how soft and smooth it felt. His skin was so soft and smooth that she wanted to strip him of his clothes and look him over completely. She had no doubt if anyone were to look over his body and try to find any hair they would see he had soft smooth hairless skin, no matter where they looked. It made her want to strip him of his clothes and see for herself, but she stopped herself. As curious as she was, she could wait, and that was a little too mean to do in a match for her liking.

Nela wrapped her arms around his waist as if she was pulling him into a bear hug. The young man struggled and tried to push her away, but he couldn’t as she lifted him off of the ground.  Her demonic arm and fingers glowled slightly as they dug into Kirito’s side, causing his waist to start curving inward. The young man struggled in her grasp, but no matter how much Kirito’s waist curved inward, Nela was able to keep her arm wrapped tightly around him. With every little move it served to only emphasize the diminishing width. Nela couldn’t help but admire and bounce her fingers off of it, as if his side was a table. It finally finished shrinking when it was an appealing slender waist, which had no place on a young man and looked more fitting on a young woman. 

It wasn’t just his waist which had started changing, but also his stomach. What pudge he had on his stomach started to gurgle and growl. After a few moments, his stomach started to compress at an accelerated rate as the flab there hardened and started forming muscle. It finished changing when he had a hard flat stomach with the faint hint of a six pack visible when he moved.  

The moment Nela couldn’t feel anything more changing she slammed him down on the ground.

Kirito cried out in pain the moment his back hit the floor, and felt as if a horse kicked him into a wall. He vaguely saw Nela moving to pin him and he rolled away, ignoring the pain in his back. The young man shakily got up, using the rope around the arena to support him. 

Nela quickly rushed forward and quickly put him in a headlock. She brought him down to his knees and pushed his face harder against her chest. A faint blush from the stimulation she was going through appeared on her face, but did not stop her. She wished she could see her opponent’s face right now. The only person who got to feel them this long and have fun with them like this was Rodin. The rest only got a momentary touch before she slammed them down on the mat, or the rope of the arena. She hoped he enjoyed it, because so many men would gleefully kill him to squeeze her breasts for more than five seconds.

Kirito blushed from his face being pressed into her immense bust as his hands wrapped around her human arm and tried to move it so he could slip out of her hold. It was like an iron bar was placed under him, and his breathing was impeded by the limb. Still his mind acknowledged the full situation he was in, and especially how his face pressed against her breasts. Her boobs were soft and the perverted part of his mind screamed at him to shake his head as if he were a dog, as another embedded the softness of her breasts to memory. The rest of his mind worked on trying to figure a way out of this situation. 

The champion softly patted Kirito’s head with her demonic hand almost as if he was a student she was proud of. With every pat on his head, Kirito’s hair grew a little longer, as if her demonic arm was laced in hair tonic. His hair finished growing when it became long beautiful inky black hair, which touched the floor of the arena. 

Kirito tried harder to get out of the hold he was in, but it was no use. It kept getting harder to breath and with where he was positioned he couldn’t kick her. He placed his feet firmly on the ground and jumped forward. For a moment her grip loosened when he pulled down, and he was able to get a large breath of air. He grinned, happy he was able to break out of this before he went down and lost consciousness. However, before he could fully free himself from the hold, Nela was able to put him back in it. 

“Way to go kid,” Nela complimented as she placed her hand on the back of his shirt. “You almost had me there. I didn’t think you had in you with how this match was going so far. Better stay on my toes or else you’ll get out of this again, and next time it won’t be so easy.”

Her demonic arm glowed as its powers started to change the boy’s top, making the bottom of his shirt rise higher as it started to shrink. As it was shrinking, it clung tighter to his body the higher it got. The soft cotton fabric changed into a stretchier, tightier lycra nylon material. White splotches formed on his top as if the color there had been purged from his top. The splotches spread and formed into neat squares in front of his chest, and on the sides of his chest. It finished shrinking, just under his chest and fully exposed his hard flat stomach and waist.

The sleeves of his shirt started to rip and tear as they started to shrink. The end of the sleeves of his shirt tore off and crawled down his hands as if they were falling off. Instead the bottom of the fabric wrapped around his wrists and hands. Holes formed in the fabric as it snugly wrapped around his fingers. The fabric hardened and formed fingerlessblack and white gloves. The rest of his sleeves crawled up his arm and surged into the small top around his chest. 

‘Damn it!’ Kirito cursed in his head. He was so close to getting out of this situation. It was still possible for him to get out, but she would be better prepared this time. It would take a little extra work, and as long as she held him like this, she could just hold him like this until he tired out. 

A loud bell started to ring multiple times and Nela immediately let go of him. Kirito gasped as he fell onto the mat of the arena. He greedily breathed in and out filling his lungs. He wondered what was going on and why she suddenly stopped, until he remembered rounds were a thing wrestling, and the bell signified the end of one.  


The young man watched the champion walk to the side of the stage where a small stool was in front of a poll. She sat on the stool and lounged in her seat, as she was given a water bottle. She placed her arms on the rope as she sat there looking so calm and relaxed as if she was about to watch some television. He couldn’t see any sign of sweat on her body as if she had just finished a light walk instead of a wrestling match.

Krito looked at the other side of the stage and saw a small stool next to the poll. He breathed heavily as he stood up, showing his new longer hair reached his mid-back, and stood out like a waterfall. He went to the other side of the arena and sat down in the chair, groaning in relief the moment he did. His body burned and his body still ached from how he had landed earlier. It wasn’t as bad, but it was still noticeable. His throat and lungs burned slightly and his lips felt dry, making him lick his lips. He wished he had something to drink right now, anything really.

The young man jumped when he saw a water bottle appear on the side in a bright blue haze. For a moment, he stared at it and poked it, as if making sure it wouldn’t blow up. After nothing happened, and seeing the sloshing of the liquid inside, Kirito picked it up. He greedily drank the water, and could feel it travel down her body and hit his stomach. His throat and lungs cooled down and he felt stronger the more he drank. When he finished the bottle, he placed it to the side and it vanished in a blue mist. It never occurred to him, how oddly refreshing it was drinking it.

He felt like he could think clearer and frustration welled within him as he thought about how the first match went. The announcer was right when they said Nela had complete control over the match. She treated him almost like a dance partner throughout the match with how easily he moved her to her to do what she wanted. The way she held him with his arm behind both arms and moved one in front of him and then that headlock. If she really wanted she could have ended this match in seconds. It galled him him how she was playing with him and didn’t take him seriously, even if he was new to this.  

The amount of experience she had over him was worthy of a mountain. He only knew a few moves, while she had dozens of maneuvers she could use, and no doubt had plenty of tricks. The only way he could win was by trying to fight smarter, and be clever if he wanted to win. He could use the ropes of the stage to his advantage, and give him a little more power, or bounce her into them. If he was smart and clever enough he might be able to pin her.


Kirito got out of his stool, as Nela did the same. They stopped when they were just outside of each other's reach and started circling around each other. Kirito felt a little more confident now that he had an idea of what to expect. The desire to win, sang in his mind like a symphony and he wanted to make up for it, especially after how the first one went. He carefully moved closer, wondering how she would attack and how he should. It was clear he wasn’t going to win if he stayed on the defensive and would be dominated by her if she had the momentum.

He quickly stepped forward and moved to grab her arm, but she stepped back and batted his arm away, almost without a care. He tried again and was met with the same result. He wasn’t going to get anywhere like this.

He narrowed his eyes and this time charged forward. She stood her ground, as he forced her back against the post and started to punch her, every blow filled him with vindictive joy, at finally managing to actually do something to her. She moved one of her feet onto the bottom rope as she curled up on herself into a ball to block his blows. Her other foot got onto the other lower rope. She continued to climb higher between his blows and managed to get to the second level of rope.

He grabbed her wrists and tried to pull her down, or at least move her arms, but they didn’t budge. He stepped on the rope to get a better position and maybe get higher then her and she moved onto the highest rope layer in response, sitting down on the post. The young man moved higher on the ropes and stood at his full height over her, while she remained balled up. He balled his hand and started to slam his fist into her back. He repeatedly slammed into her upper back, but she didn’t show any signs of weakening, not even letting out grunts. 

Nela wrapped her arms around his waist, but even so Kirito didn’t relent. In one movement, she stood up and put him in a headlock. He did the same in retaliation, but her chin stopped him from making it as effective as it could have been. She slammed her free arm into his side and then stopped and broke the hold she had and the one he had on her. She grabbed his head and headbutted him, making the boy wince. She brought her head back and moved his and then slammed her head against his again and let go of him.  

Kirito stumbled back onto the floor of the stage and almost toppled down. He brought his hand up to his head and held it as the world spun. He could barely stand straight and shook his head as he ran his head down his face. He turned to where his opponent and watched her step onto the top rope and smirked as she looked down at him. She jumped off the post and he sloppily jumped back and kicked her in the gut, stunning the champion, causing her to bend over and hold her gut. 

“Got you!” Kirito cried and moved to put her in a headlock with a delighted grin. He placed her arms underneath hers and moved to lock his hands. 

Nela smirked as she broke out of his hold before he could lock it and dropped down to the floor. As she did she grabbed his right thigh and rolled forward, causing Kirito to fall back onto the floor of the arena. She quickly got back up and grabbed his legs with her arms and held them. She tightened her grip, making Kirito hissed as the young man tried to buck her off, but couldn’t. The champion raised his body and twirled his position, so the front of his body was facing the floor of the arena. She brought her right leg over the other side of his body and slowly started to squat down, almost as if she was going to sit down on a chair. Her butt hovered just above Kirito’s own as she tightened her hold on his legs. 


Kirito squirmed painfully and grit his teeth as Nela held the pose. His arms flailed and moved about as if they had a will of their own. He tried to move his legs and get out, but his foe held them tight and the only thing he could move was his toes and slightly turn his feet. 

Unknown to him, his toes started to get smaller in his shoes, as if his feet were being roughly squeezed by her. The young man’s feet went numb as they got smaller. The toe nails on them evening out and cleaning up as if they had recently come out of a pedicure as they got smaller. His feet let out small faint cracks which couldn’t be heard because of the crowd roaring approval as they started to shrink. They continued to compress in on themselves, making the shoes he wore looser. When they were finished changing, he had cute feminine feet, which had no place on the rest of his masculine legs.

The changes traveled up his legs, as they started to grow sleeker and when the transformation reached the bottom of his thighs, they started to grow larger. They swelled larger in Nela’s arms who admired their growing size and playfully started squeezing them. The more she squeezed them the more force she had to use for her fingers to get deeper. She noticed there was less ripple to them and could see them growing tighter. As they continued to swell Nela was forced to adjust her grip so she could continue to keep him in the hold she had on him. They finished growing when they became strong thick sexy thighs, which could rival Nela's own.

Kirito hissed as Nela applied more pressure to his body. His arms moved of their own accord and spasmed. No matter how he tried to move it would only increase the pressure on his body, making him gasp and flinch in pain. He needed to get out of this hold. If he didn’t get out of this soon, then he would need to tap out, if the referees didn’t reach the count down first. Suddenly an idea came to him of how he could get out of this. It was...out there, but it would certainly give her the shock needed for her to let go. He was glad Asuna or any of the rest of his friends were here or else he wouldn’t have heard the end of it. 

Kirito gritted his and forced his body to turn around, almost as if he was trying to escape. It was painful, even more so when Nela applied more pressure to try and make him break, which made him gasp. He could barely turn and the more he tried to twist himself around, the more painful it got. The desire to tap out seemed like a wonderful idea as if it felt like someone was digging into his back.

After much effort, he was able to turn himself around just enough so his face was facing Nela’s badonkadonk. The raven haired young man blushed as he could feel his member grow from watching it bounce and gulped. He felt like he could watch it bounce all day, if not for the pain she was putting him in.

Kirito breathed in as he quickly grabbed her hips and pulled her butt into his face, smashing her ample behind’s cheeks into his face. The feminizing young man admired the soft tight buttocks and let out a pleased moan. As much as he didn’t like the champion of the arena right now, he couldn’t deny her body was nothing short of divine. Asuna or any girl he had met in the real world, or the virtual one just couldn’t compare. He moved his face to get a feel for every part of her clothed bottom as he fondled it lustfully with his fingers. 

Nela squealed as a dark blush formed on her face, making her grip loosen and instinctively clench her bottom cheeks as she tried to move without losing her hold on him. She shook her butt as the crowd hollered and cameras flashed. She tried to keep a calm composure, but her smile looked a little shaken and forced to the watchers. 

The moment Kirito felt the champion's grip on him loosened, he grinned and quickly used the opportunity given and placed his hands on her bottom cheeks and pushed her off. Nela’s arm’s slipped off as she stumbled forward and landed on the floor of the arena. Kirito’s lower body quickly twirled around into a more comfortable position, earning a sigh of relief from him. The crowd cheered, making Kirito grin as he got up. 


The feminizing young man ran toward the downed champion and jumped as he brought his elbow up as Nela turned herself over. The champion’s eyes widened and she raised her arms to block, but it was too late and Kirito’s arm slammed into her gut. Kirito smirked vindictively, feeling joy run through him at finally getting one over, and it grew when the crowd cheered for him. He grabbed Nela’s leg and moved to put it into a few submission holds he had seen in some fighting anime. 

The champion let out a low hiss as he tightened his hold, which made him smirk. He doubted his hold was perfect and there were ways for her to break out, but it was working.  To his shock, Nela was able to lift him off the ground with her leg and slammed him down on the ground and started kicking. The young man growled as he struggled to keep his hold, but it was getting harder. She started kicking as she slammed her leg down like a wild animal, but much to his dismay she was able to kick him off. 

As Nela was moving to stand, Kirito quickly ran forward and lifted her off the ground. She spun herself around Nela around and threw her at the rope of the arena, hoping she would fall out, or be stunned by it. Much to his shock, Nela bounced off the rope of the arena and held her demonic arm as she ran back to Kirito, who was stunned by the move. Before the young man could dodge her arm crashed right into his face, sending him crashing down on his back. 

Kirito laid there, wincing in pain as his head felt like he had been punched all over, as his face started to change. His jawline let out small faint popping noises as it started to change as his cheek bones moved higher. The nostrils of his nose started to get smaller as they caved inward as it became a smaller upturned nose. His eyebrows got thinner, as if they were being neatly trimmed by a stylist at a salon. His lips grew larger and became perfectly plump lips, many men would imagine wrapped around something of theirs. His face finished changing when it lost every trace of masculinity it had before. 

Kirito tiredly laid there, and his body aching to do anything. The crowd cheered louder, and her head spun. The tired young man looked over at his opponent who swept her short hair to the side and sent a charming smile to the crowd. The moment she was done, she turned back to him and walked to him. He tried to move to get away, but couldn’t gather the energy to stand at the moment. 

Nela lifted him up onto her shoulders, making the crowd cheer louder. She wrapped one of her arms around his plush thighs and the other around his right arm. Kirito squirmed in her arms, trying to break out. The way Nela had positioned her arms, made it hard for the young man to break out, especially how much pain his body was in. He tried to lower his arms to grab hers, but it felt like he was trying to reach over a wooden table.

Nela moved her demonic arm, which was around Kirito’s thigh and moved it closer and pushed on his penis with her demonic pointer finger. The moment her finger made contact, Kirito’s penis started to recede into his body. The young man squirmed in her grasp, but Nela held on tighter as she continued to push his masculinity inward. Kirito’s mouth trembled as he felt an increasing warmth between his legs at what she was doing, and tried not to let out a moan. It felt almost as if his manhood was being played with and gently rubbed up and down. He wanted to reach down and stop the cause of this sensation, feeling a sense of finality, as if the moment it reached its peak there would be no going back for him. The shaft of his scrotum was sucked inside of his body, and formed a pair of new lower lips.

Kirito gasped as a sudden pleasure went through his body, which made his legs shake as if he was in a blizzard. Moments later his balls started to rise higher as if they were chasing after their companion. They quickly rose to the hole and were momentarily stuck before they managed to force themselves into his body, one right after another. They changed inside his body and formed into a pair of ovaries, completing the now former young man’s downward slope into womanhood. 

The former young man moaned erotically, as a wave of pleasure went through her unlike anything she ever felt before. Her body felt weak, but unlike the tiredness she felt throughout the match this was far more pleasant. Her mind was stuck in a pleasure filled haze with the only thought she had being how she could please herself more. Her fingers moved of their own accord almost as if she was making sure they still worked. 

Nela giggled slightly from how the new woman suddenly went slack in her grasp. She looked at her foe and the glazed look in her eyes made her smirk. She didn’t think she would be able to get such a look from her when the changes reached this point. Was this what Rodin saw when they were making love with each other? If so she understood why he was so happy to get it from her. Well as happy and content the new woman might be she couldn’t stay like this forever. This was a wrestling match after all, and there needed to be a fight. 

In one quick motion the champion started falling backwards, driving Kirito down to the mat on her back as Nela's weight crashed on the front other body. Kirito slammed down on the ground, and hissed from the sudden pain, bringing her out of her pleasure induced high. She moaned as she held her stomach, and winced from the pain in her shoulders. The pain racked her body and she couldn’t help but hold her stomach where it ached from where Nela had collided. She shook off the pain and spied Nela, but before she could move, Nela quickly pinned her down, her breasts pushing down on Kirito’s face again.

Kirito struggled in her grasp and tried to break out, growling as she moved around like a wild animal. As the countdown got closer to ten her erratic movement grew higher it got, but it wasn’t just because of that. It was getting harder to breathe as her opponent’s breasts kept pushing down on her face. The only way she could get in a small bit of air was by moving her face around in them, blushing from having to do so.

Kirito growled and kept shaking her head back and forth, to try and breath better. When she thought about her match and how it would go, she thought she would have lost because of her opponent’s superior skill. The idea of being forced down onto the ground and put in a hold she couldn’t escape was a possibility she acknowledged, but this wasn’t something she thought would happen. It was so ludicrous, so out there that the fact it was happening filled her with rage. The mere thought of losing in front of all these people because a pair of giant breasts knocked her unconscious filled her with strength. There was no way she was going to lose this match because she got smothered by boobs. If she did and the others learned about it, she would never be able to live it down.

An idea struck her, and she started to slow her movements, and relax as if she was losing energy. She paid close attention to the time and hoped this gamble would work. There was just as much of a chance of it backfiring on her. Yet, it was the only way she could think to turn the match in her favor. With every rising number, Kirito felt her heart pound faster and had to fight the instinctual urge to fight. 

The moment the referee said eight, Nela’s body relaxed, Krito quickly moved and slipped her arms out of Nela’s hold. She brought her knees up between them and slipped her boots against Nela’s stomach and pushed her off. Nela went flying back and the former young man quickly stood up and moved back to put some distance between them. 

As Kirito stood there waiting, her pants started to change. They grew tighter on her body, as her pants changed into a black and white nylon pants spandex. The fabric on the sides of her pants started to get thinner and show, almost as if they were becoming stockings. Small studs formed down the center of her pants legs and continued to do until one they reached the end of her thighs, not too far from the pantyhose like material. On the outer side of her thighs, jagged white patterns formed, which vaguely resemble teeth.

The moment his pants finished changing, his shoes started to morph. The collar of her shoes started to crawl up her body, as if they were being stretched out like elastic. They finished growing when they reached under her knee caps. They hardened and started forming the same white pattern on her thighs, this time pointing downward. The parts on the sides of the traveled downward and started making white lines. They finished changing when they became a stylish pair of black boots with white lines running around them. 

Nela stood up, smirking as she examined her foe’s changed outfit and body. With her new clothes, Kirito really did look like a professional wrestler, and her body was pretty much on display with how it hugged her figure. There was nothing left of the boy who stood there previously. Only a woman with plush thighs, but aside from that, no real curves. She would be rectifying that soon enough. With how far the transformation had come, Nela was going to stop playing around and complete her opponents transition to womanhood. The moment Kirito gained her curves, she would end this match with no hesitation. 

Kirito stared her down, waiting for the silver-haired woman to do something, her anger growing from how his opponent was acting. It had to be a ploy to soften her up, or make her paranoid. The damn smirk on the champion’s face annoyed her and made her want to wipe it off her face with a good punch in the face or a strong hold to make her squirm. If she wasn’t going to do anything, then she would be the one to go on the offensive. Her toes curled as she was about to jump her and move to get her in a headlock, and her foe lowered his stance. As Kirito was about to launch herself, a loud bell started ringing, making both wrestler’s stop. 


With that announcement, Nela went back to her side of the arena and relaxed in her seat and 

Kirito did the same, shooting her foe a dirty look. She sat in her chair and her mood soured at how most of the crowd was cheering for  She gulped down her bottle of water, when she was finished tossed it to the side. She crossed her arms over her flat chest and waited for the signal to begin. Nela continued to look at her with the same damn smile, like she had been this whole match. 

She didn’t care if this was some NPC, or another player. She was going to win and take her down no matter what she had to do. With how she had played her like a fiddle and prodded her body like she was a cheap girl she could get down at some dank alley or pub somewhere. Her face burned at the indignity of it all, especially with how the crowd no doubt loved it.  

The new woman scowled as she heard the crowd roar for Nela. She could hear a few people cheering for her in the background, but it was clear who the favorite was. The crowd roared for Nela, cheering for her as if she was the underdog who had won the people’s hearts. It annoyed her, especially since she couldn’t see her appeal. Sure it might be her own personal dislike for her considering how it was going, but that wasn’t it at all. 


Nela calmly stepped out of her seat, as Kirito all but launched herself at her opponent. The latter charged forward and jumped as she raised her knee to strike Nela. The champion blocked the blow with her arms, and Kirito quickly grabbed her head and pulled her into a headlock. Kirito smirked, glad she had finally managed to get one over her foe. 

Nela groaned as she pulled Kirito’s arm enough and slipped her chin between it. Kirito frowned and narrowed her eyes and moved to try and slip her arm under, only for Nela to break out and put Kirito’s arm behind her back and grabbed her other arm and locked it on top of her other one. The raven haired girl growled in pain and winced as she looked over her shoulder. She moved around from side to side, trying to break out of the hold. Nela smirked as she moved and managed to keep it in place. She went down to her knees and tried to jump off to make her let go, but even then the champion’s hold on her remained. The champion smirked and pushed Kirito to the nearest poll, making her gasp as she slammed into the poll. Kirito breathed in and out, her shoulders aching and arms burning, and yet she still tried to push her off, only to be rammed back against the poll harder than before. 

“Now you’re getting into the swing of things girl,” Nela smirked and then giggled as a naughty idea formed in her head. She removed one of her arms from Kirito’s and pulled the top of her foe’s pants down and slipped her pants inside. 

“AAAHH!” Kirito cried as she felt something snake between her butt cheeks and roughly squeezed them. 

The crowd cheered and hollered from Kirito’s squirms, some even laughing. Camera flashes went off as cameras for the arena zoomed in. The people were able to see clearly that Nela had slipped her hand underneath Kirito’s pants and was playing with her foe’s behind. The dark haired girl blushed in embarrassment and rage from what was happening and growled as she struggled against Nela’s arms. She gulped as she forced down the aroused moans which wanted to come out and those that did she tried to make them sound like growls. It got harder to do so as she felt one of Nela’s fingers move closer to the hole of her butt, and worried she would put it in.

As Kirito struggled to break out of the hold she was in, her butt started to grow larger as Nela continued to knead her behind like it was dough. Her pants squeaked as her bottom grew larger and would have dug into the crack of her ass if it wasn’t for Nela’s hand. The pale cheeks grew larger in her hands, and soon they grew too large for her hands to contain and didn’t stop. Nela stopped playing with Kirito’s behind when her ass had become a huge large tight toned buttucks, similar to her own. No matter what pose the raven haired girl did, it would get the attention of everyone who dared to stare at her posterior, whether they were attracted to women or not. 

The challenger bounced thrashed again and gave herself a little more room. Before Nela could force her back into place, Kirito placed her feet against the poll and launched herself off. The two were sent flying back and landed on their back. The two quickly got up and took several cautious steps back. They started to circle around each other, watching each other to see who would make the next move. 

Kirito breathed heavily in and out, glaring hatefully at her opponent as a growl escaped her lips. The humiliation she just went through, made her want to march right over there and pull that silver haired bimbos arms behind her back and make her beg for mercy. It didn’t help that she didn’t even look slightly winded as she stood there. It frustrated her that no matter what she tried she just couldn’t catch her and get the momentum she needed to make her squirm.

“Now then you might have the butt, but you are sorely lacking upstairs,” Nela commented as she groped one of immense melons. 

“A-At least I can see my own feet you cow,” Kirito snapped as she tried to break free.

“If you had breasts like mine you would take pride in them,” Nela countered. “I’m sure you’ll understand, just like how you feel about that butt of your’s.” 

Nela let go of her foe and threw her into one of the polls of the arena. Kirito slammed in the poll and turned to see Nela grab the front of her top and her pants. She moved and suplexed Kirito onto the ground. The silver haired woman quickly moved and lifted her downed opponent over her shoulder so that Kirito’s upper back was across her shoulder. She adjusted Kirito’s legs so they tucked around her hips, making sure  they were back to back, and facing opposite directions. After securing her foe, Nela grabbed both of Kirito’s arms and arms and pulled down, making the raven haired wrestler cry out in pain.


Nela’s demonic appendage started to glow again, and Kirito’s chest started to expand as she tried to escape again. The audience cheered as two small egg sized lumps formed on her chest, pushing her top out. The mounds on her chest continued to get larger as the pain on her body grew. The cameras zoomed in on her small chest and the audience cheered at how large they were getting. Nela giggled as she looked at the screen and saw her foe’s chest had become the size of ripe apples and yet the developing mounds continued to get larger. If the champion could have moved to squeeze her opponent’s breasts without weakening her hold she would.

The raven haired wrestler, found it harder to breathe the longer the hold went on as her breasts continued to grow. The heavier they got the more they pulled her down, the growing weight pulling the top of her body down, making the hold on her more painful. Her breasts continued swelling in size and the crowd cheered louder at how big they were getting. The woman moaned erotically from her developing chest and her face burned brightly. Her breasts finished growing when they were an enormous G-cup, the size of larger than average grapefruit and pushed her top to its limits. 

Nela smiled at how large Kirito had gotten and shrugged, part of her wanting to squeeze them for herself. She let go of her opponent and quickly moved away, as Kirito’s limbs slipped away from her hips. 

Kirito tried to land on her feet, but her balance was thrown off by the weight on her full bust and landed face first on the stage. Her vision spun and she couldn’t feel the floor of the stage. She could vaguely see the cheering fans, but she couldn’t hear what they were saying and instead heard a ringing. The ringing died and she could hear the voices of the people again, and the countdown starting. She growled as she placed her hand against her head, and the dizziness started to fade, as feeling returned to her body. 

“Ow,” Kirito grumbled, her breasts acting as pillows. Despite how soft they were and how they were large enough to act like cushions they could still get hurt. She forced herself to stand up, stumbling for a moment. The crowd cheered at her getting back and said lowly, “You should’ve kept me in that hold.”

“Maybe but I didn’t want to let the match end like that, especially when you got some more fight in you. Are you ready to finish this Kiriko?” Nela asked. “If you’re too tired to continue then we can stop it here.”

“I’m not surrendering to you, you cow,” the raven haired woman denied with a vicious smirk. The new name settled in her mind and replaced the one she had chosen for online games. In fact, it replaced the name she had in the real world either. The name tags over people’s head faded out of existence, along with any other indication this was a game world. To the young woman this was the real world. She raised one of her hands and pointed it down, like an empress declaring the fate of the loser. “The only way I’m going to let this match is when you go down.”

“I wasn’t asking you to and didn’t think you would. That would be insulting someone of your skills. Well then Kiri let’s cut to the chase then, let me know when you’re ready and we can finish this,” Nela said as she took her stance. 

Kiriko didn’t say anything in return and tried to calm her breathing and gather her strength. 

She was running on fumes and her body ached from all of the damage she had taken before this point. All it would take for her to lose the match now was one move. If she was grabbed in a hold then she wasn’t sure she would be able to break out. If she couldn’t break out of whatever moves Kiriko pulled, or had to go on the defensive then it would be over. 

Kiriko rushed forward and Nela braced herself. The two grappled with each other and tried to gain an advantage over their foe. They would pull back and try to grab their body, only for the other to break free. It continued like this with one attempting to grab a piece of the other’s body, only to fail. The champion jumped back and Kiriko followed after her, intending to keep the pressure on her foe. 

Nela leaped up into the air and grapevine her legs around one of Kiriko’s arms and her arms around the other. This placed her horizontally across Kiriko’s back and forced the raven-haired girl's arms out like a crucifixion. In one quick motion, Nela lowered her bodyweight and jerked, causing Kiriko to fall down onto the mat backwards, forcing her onto her own shoulders in a pinning position with her legs in the air.


Nela quickly tightened her hold and smirked as Kiriko struggled in the hold she was in, finding it harder to breathe. Her foe tried to move her arms higher, closer to her butt and grabbed her face. The silver-haired woman raised her butt and the front of her body a little higher just in case. The last thing she wanted was her to expose her full bottom to the rest of the audience after all.

Kiriko growled as she wiggled her legs and rocked herself side to side as best she could, vaguely giving the audience the sense she was a turtle on its back. She didn’t have much time, and the longer she was in this position the harder it would be to break free. There was no way she would be able to fake her way out of this one. Nela would expect it this time, and would hold her down tight until she was declared the winner. She thrashed around, desperately trying to break out. She stretched her arms out and tried to grab a piece of Nela’s body, whether it be her top, her face, or even her butt. 

The countdown got closer to finishing and she growled as she tried harder to breakout. Her lungs felt like they were on fire and her limbs burned as and weighed almost five times what they usually did. The weight on her body seemed to grow the more she moved around, as if it was getting added onto her burden. She brought her legs back and tried to stand up, but with Nela pinning her, it was impossible to get her footing. 


The moment it was announced, Nela let go of Kiriko and stood up. She looked over the crowd and raised her arms, and walked around the stage. She blew kisses out to the crowd and smiled for them all. She did short poses for them all, like putting her arms behind her head, crooking her hip out and placing her hand on it. Whatever she could think of that wasn’t too sexualized for the crowd. 

Kiriko laid there, holding her aching shoulder for a moment. When the pain she felt started to cease she rolled her shoulder to ease the pain until it was gone. She moved to stand up, but blinked when she saw a hand out for her to take. She looked at who it belonged to and frowned when she saw it was Nela. She looked up at her anger simmered the more she looked at Nela’s dumb face. 

“Need a hand?” Nela said with a warm smile. 

“No I don’t,” Kiriko said, and stood up on her own.

She walked to the other side of the referee, as Nela stood on the other side of him. The crowd died down as the two stood there. The referee took their hands, and cleared his throat.

“The winner of the match, and still the reigning champion is Nela Sparda!” The referee cried, as he grabbed Nela’s human hand and raised it. The crowd roared in approval, and Nela smiled brightly and started blowing kisses out in the crowd. The championship belt reappeared in her hands, and for a moment placed it on her shoulder as she waved to the crowd. Kiriko growled as the crowd cheered for the champion, but it was completely drowned out by the people.

When Nela was finished waving she placed it back around her waist and left the stage. As she walked back to the corridor she entered from, she stated high fiving the people she was passing by and shaking their hands. When people asked for a photo she would stop and take a quick one with them and continue walking down. Some asked her if they could get her autograph and she did so with a bright charming smile. 

Kiriko felt her temper start to peak as she w and jumped out of the arena she stomped back to the corridor she entered from. Unlike Nela, Kiriko didn’t bother with any pleasantries and focused mainly on getting back to the locker room. She ignored the people waving at her, and those wanting a high five, or a handshake. The only thing she wanted to do was get back to the locker rooms. Still, she realized with her attitude she needed to give the crowd something good and started to roll her hips. She smirked when she

The moment she was back in the corridor and out of public view, Kiriko went back to her normal way of walking. She muttered curses under her breath and curled her hands into fists. She threw open the locker room down and stopped when she saw the tv was still on, and Nela and was still working on getting to her corridor. The young woman’s knuckles turned white the longer she watched the screen. She quickly shut the door and went further down the corridor to go to the gym. She needed to do something to let out all this pent up frustration and beating up a punching bag, or lifting weights sounded perfect.

As she was walking to the gym, she saw Kyrie and stopped. She took a breath to calm herself down. She didn’t want to deal with any work or fans right now and just wanted to blow off some steam. She asked grumpily, “What do you want?” 

“I’m here to make sure you stop by Rodin’s office. You know he likes to see both wrestlers after a match to make sure both of you are alright,” Kyrie said. “Do you really want to blow him off?”

Kiriko looked away and pursed her lips. She would have loved to see Rodin right now, but knew Nela would be there to. Rodin always liked to congratulate them for putting on a show. It was heartwarming to see how much he wanted to make sure they were okay. Not to mention it was pleasing to hear compliments from him. It didn’t matter what they were for, for her performance, her body, or anything else. It was just nice to hear him compliment her.

“Fine I’ll go to his office. Guess I’ll get that workout after,” Kiriko grumbled and went to his office. As she walked she hoped Nela wouldn’t be in there. She wanted to have all of Rodin’s attention to herself. 

When Kiriko arrived at his office, she was about to open the door when she heard a feminine giggle, making her scowl. She stepped into the door and saw Nela and Rodin with a drink in hand. Seeing the two of them together made her want to grab the demonic woman and chuck her out of the room and lock it, while her and Rodin had some fun. 

“Ahh, Kiriko, I was wondering where you were,” Rodin said, his voice making the heel’s anger lessen. 

“Sorry to keep you waiting,” Kiriko said with a playful smirk as she moved her hair behind her ears. “What did I miss?”

“Oh we were just talking about the match and how it went,” Nela answered with a smile, making Kiriko frown as the champion looked her over. “Also the turnout for tonight and how happy everyone was.”

“Yeah we had a huge crowd tonight,” Kiriko agreed, somewhat relieved the conversation was moving away from the match. “We must have made a killing tonight.”

“That we did my dears, and from what I have heard plenty of people say they are coming back, and they’re going to bring their friends,” Rodin laughed. Just like with Nela he had made sure to record Kiriko’s opening match, and it was selling like hotcakes. The people loved to see a transformation match when they happened and wanted to buy the recording. After bringing in Nela, the crowd doubled in size. When he told them he was going to do another transformation match to bring in someone new, their reserved seating quickly sold out. He could only imagine how big the crowd would be for the next match, especially when he figured out who he would bring into the fold next.

“Well that's good, glad we could bring in so many new fans,” Nela giggled as she snuck a look at Kiriko again. When Rodin had given her arm the power to change her opponent and told her they would be working for them at the end, she was glad. Having more wrestlers would certainly help the organization, and in turn benefit Rodin, which was enough for her. When the first change happened it was exhilarating to watch the former scrawny boy transform in front of her. It astounded how every attack she the young man would change a little bit and become more feminine. She needed to know what the boy would look like as a new proud wrestler. She didn’t know how curvy he would have been by the end of it, but she didn’t care, she just wanted to see what the boy would look like as a woman.

She couldn’t wait to see the next transformation match and what the boy would end up looking like at the end. She wondered if she would be the one who would transform them, or if Kirko or Rodin would do it. If it was Kiriko she wondered how the new woman would go about the process. The new attitude she gave off told her she would have some fun with her foe and humiliate them, in a way like her, but much more mean spirited. Either way she was definitely going to see the next transformation in person and get a recording. She had already gotten a copy of Kiriko’s transformation and was going to watch it over later with Rodin. 

Kiriko could only nod in agreement with Nela, unaware of her true thoughts. As much as she didn’t like Nela, she could agree with her when things were going well for the company and this was certainly a good thing. Even if the match itself hadn’t been anything great, and terrible for her, the fact they got so many new fans would make up for it. The next time she got in the ring, she was going to give them a show so great she would be their favorite wrestler.

“It's going to be a while for your next match Nela, do you plan to rest up and take it easy for now?” Rodin asked.

“I’ll do that in a little bit,” Nela shrugged. “First thing I’m going to do now is go out there and talk with the fans. Answer some questions, sign some things, and even take a few photos with them. I want to make sure they all had a great time, and if they did make it an even better experience for them.”

“Alright then, have a good time,” Rodin said he wrapped his arms around her waist, pulling her close and kissed her on the lips. Nela wrapped her arms around his waist and kissed him again, opening her mouth and letting his tongue inside her mouth. Their tongues wrestled for dominance as their hands moved across each other's bodies. Nela’s human hand moved up his body, while her demonic one squeezed his butt, as Rodin did the same. They broke apart when they needed air and smiled lovingly at each other. 

“I’ll see you tonight honey,” Nela smiled and pecked him on the cheek. She turned around and headed to the door, a noticeable sway in her hips, which added a delightful bounce to her buttocks.

Kiriko scowled angrily as she crossed her arms underneath her bust. She watched the champion leave the room, thinking of ways she could try to win the next time they wrestled. She was usually better than this, and could at least put her in compromising situations. The way she was today, people would think she was just a dumb rookie who bought their way in or something. Next time she would make up for her lousy performance today and show she was a true wrestler. Especially the next time she fought Nela, when their next match happened she would show everyone who the true champion was.

She jumped when she felt someone wrap their arms around her waist, and rest their hands above her stomach. For a moment she had completely forgotten she wasn’t alone in the room. She relaxed, knowing it could only be Rodin. She brought her hands up and gently squeezed his arms, smiling slightly at the strong muscle underneath his suit. She bit her lips and felt her crotch heat up in eager anticipation. 

“You shouldn’t be all tense. Are you alright? You’re normally a much better fighter,” Rodin whispered into her ear, his breath tickling her ear.

“I was just off my game for some weird reason. Just you wait, I’m going to dethrone that bitch,” Kiriko vowed as she thought over her match. 

She couldn’t believe how the first two rounds went with how Nela easily controlled the fight and played with her. She was happy she had managed to get over whatever was bugging her in the last one, but whatever joy she had was completely overwhelmed by what Nela did during it. She couldn’t believe she let that bitch grope her. She wasn’t some new girl who was just exploring her body and having fun the first time. There were also the times her body had been unintentionally squeezed during a match and had ignored it so she could focus on the fight. Not to mention all of the fun and training with Rodin which was far more pleasing and filled her with far more pleasure.

“Relax Kiriko, you just had a bad day where your game was thrown out of whack. One day you might come out on top and become the champion. Either way, seeing you two fight is always fun and interesting,” Rodin said. 

Kiriko relaxed slightly and shook her ass against his member. “Oh what else did you like about the match?”

“I liked the way you stood in the match, and the way your hair moved as you fought,” Rodin started.

Kiriko genuinely smiled at the compliment nuzzled ace against his face. She played with strands of her hairs around her shoulder as she felt him start to massage her hips. “And?”

“The way the light shined on your skin. It really shows how far you go to give it the silky smooth touch and cleanliness it has to it,” Rodin said.

The wrestler relaxed further and bit her lips as more lewd thoughts filled her mind, making her crotch burn more. Her mind was filled with more perverted ideas, and positions they could do. It didn’t even need to be on the bed, the thought of being taken from behind on his desk. It would be icing on the cake if Nela saw them going at it, and got jealous of them.

“I loved the way your clothes mush your breasts in your top and the way they bounced when you moved. I also loved the way your pants hugged that wonderful ass of hers,” Rodin said. One of his hands moved and started squeezing her butt, as the other went higher, and massaged one of her breasts.

Every compliment made her preen and filled her with joy, almost as if she was a school girl getting complimented by her crush. The heat building between her legs kept growing from his wondrous massage his hands to her breasts and butt. She licked her lips as one of her hands unconsciously moved between her legs. She gulped and stopped herself from doing so. There was no reason to do such a thing when she had someone much better and more fun currently riling her body up.

“Seeing our tities and asses bounce must have gotten you Why don’t we get some extra training in?” Kiriko asked flirtatiously. “I need to make sure I’m still on the top of my game after today and this is the funnest way I think.”

“I could make some time. If you had won, we could have gone straight to the fun part, but since you didn’t you’ll have to earn it,” Rodin smirked. 

“You say that like that’s going to be an issue for me,” Kiriko smirked as she moved out of his arms and turned around. She leaned forward, giving him an eyeful of her pale cleavage, using her biceps to push her breasts together.  “I might not be as big as that silver haired cow, but I’m quite stacked myself.”

“You most certainly are,” Rodin agreed, his eyes locked onto her tits.

“Not to mention I have an ass of awe,” Kiriko smirked. She turned to the side and stuck out her butt and gave it a playful smack. She placed her finger on her bum and let out a hiss as if steam was coming off it. 

“Indeed you do,” Rodin chuckled as he admired her figure and beauty, and her attitude added to her appeal. She was not as curvy as Nela, but only slightly smaller, and just as beautiful. The dark clothes, long black hair, and attitude would be the fantasy of many subs who wanted to be dominated by a powerful woman like her. She was pretty much the perfect dominatrix when it came to looks. Not to mention the options it gave for future matches in the wrestling ring. A hot heel who rivaled the champion in curves would certainly get attention from everyone every time, especially one who wanted to become the champion.

When they had a few more girls in their roster then they would be able to go and have an actual tournament, and explore other wrestling match types, like bra and panties match, evening gown and some tag teams. They could even do a few non-wrestling promotional stuff like swimsuit competitions between the girls. All of these were thoughts for later he would need to keep in mind when the new recruits completed the recruitment process. With just Nela and Kiriko, the only thing he could do at the moment is have them fight demons, computer programs, and occasionally each other. 

“Hey boss don’t get lost in your own head when I’m speaking to you. That’s awfully rude to do when you got a woman like me talking to you. Especially after all the build up and comments you had for,” Kiriko said with a devious smirk as she rubbed his crotch. “After all that talk and all you can’t just leave a girl hanging like that. 

“Oh don’t worry I won’t leave you unattended at all,” Rodin smiled as he kissed her on the lips, intending to help in whatever way he could. After all it would be the height of rudeness if he were to just ignore like this. 


“Kiriko, could you lean forward a little more and smile,” a photographer asked.

Kiriko did as she was instructed and put on a coy look as she looked at the camera. She leaned back in her seat and a moment later the camera flashed. The young woman was currently dressed in a nice black dress that ended at her thighs and cut a little off the top to show her breasts. The dress wasn't too bad but she would have preferred something a little tighter. Something that really showed off the goods. Whether it be top or bottom she didn’t care. As flattering as a nice dress like this could be it wasn’t her style

This modeling gig wasn’t quite what she liked, but she could do it. It didn't have the same thrill as she would have liked as wrestling or the bedroom had, but it did have its perks. All the outfits she could wear and pose for, teasing all the boys and girls around her. Especially if Rodin was here and it was always worth looking a little sexier for him. Besides Nela was modeling as well, and whatever she got into she had to as well to try and show her up there as well. That woman couldn't be allowed to dominate whatever field she was in. Someone needed to knock her off that perch and she would be there to do so.

“Alright we’re done for Kiriko feel free to stretch your legs and do what you want for a little bit,” the photographer said. 

Kiriko went off to the side to grab a snack off the table along with a drink. She looked around for Rodin and wondered if he had seen her model. She held back a sigh and grabbed one of the small sandwiches on the table and at it. At least if he was here, then this would have been more worth it. Oh well it didn’t matter too much anyway. She could always give him a private show later.

One of the dressing room doors opened and Nela stepped out of the room wearing an elegant strapless silver dress that exposed her own massive bust. There was a slit on the side that exposed plenty of her strong plush thighs. It hugged her curvaceous figure and complemented her hair and eyes. She wouldn’t have looked out of place out at a fancy dinner party with famous celebrities. 

When Nela saw her, she moved toward her with a smile on her face that made the heel want to walk away. The dark-haired girl breathed out of her nose and had to stop herself from crushing her cup in her hand, lest the contents spill all over the floor. 

“Oh wow Kiriko that dress is absolutely stunning on you,” Nela complimented. “It really shows off your breasts and figure doesn’t it.”

“You’re one to talk to you damn cow when your own jugs are on damn near full display,” Kiriko griped.

“Well you got me there. I’m still surprised with how blessed I was, but I certainly ain’t complaining,” Nela laughed and gave her breasts a squeeze. “It makes it easier to have a little fun, and gives a whole variety of uses.”

Most of the people around them couldn't help but be drawn to the sight and get aroused. Even those who had no real interest in women couldn't help but be so. A few men turned away and walked a little awkwardly. Some needed to adjust their pants as small tents started to prop them up. All of them had a flushed appearance of some kind and needed to adjust themselves.

Kiriko noticed this and growled. She had gotten the same kind of reaction at times when she had done something like this, but sometimes not to this extent. If it's anyone they should have been praising it should be her. She had to be doing this on purpose to mess with her. If this stupid bitch didn’t get that she didn’t know what it would take to get it through her thick skull.

“So how did the photoshoot go?” Nela asked. 

“It went fine,” Kiriko said tightly, as if she was talking to a particularly pushy reporter. She was tempted to flat out push onto the ground and walk away.

“Any of the outfits catch your attention?”

“A few.”

“You disappointed Rodin isn’t here either yet?” Nela said. “Damn shame he had to go get everything set up for some new hires, but if we’re lucky I heard he might be back soon.”

Kiriko looked at her suspiciously, wondering if she was pulling her leg, or something. She hadn’t heard anything about them getting any new hires. Kyrie would usually handle stuff like getting that set up. Not to mention if he was going to show up he would have done so by now. The brunette wondered if she should stomach her pride and ask who they were and any information she might. 

“Nela we’re ready for you!” The photographer yelled before Kiriko could say anything. .

“And that's my cue see you later Kiri!” Nela said and walked over to them.

“See you in the ring,” The brunette said as she watched her hated foe walk away. The idea of ripping the champs dress off and exposing her undergarments or nude body to the world was tempting. But as appealing as it sounded it would only get her in trouble with Rodin. Not to mention that the only people allowed to see her in the buff was Rodin. As much as she didn’t 

like her she would respect that. 

After a few minutes she stepped closer to the shooting area, to see how Nela was doing. The moment she saw her, her ire grew at how the onlookers awed her. She somehow moved her body in just the right way to rile up the crowd as if she was performing some grand feat. They visibly muttered in awe and talked about how erotic she was to elicit such reacitons with ease. 

The more Nela posed for the camera and Kiriko felt her blood boil at the expressions she was sending out. The looks she sent only reminded her of the girl’s victories in the ring when they were fighting. Every little look seemed to her like a taunt about her lack of victories against her and how much the crowd favored her. It made the heel promise to herself again that she would become the champion. Maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow but one day she would. She hoped her next match would be coming soon. She could use a little stress relief. Whether it be one in the bedroom or down in the arena she didn’t care as long as she got it. 


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