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Here is the story for last month's poll where Joker turned into a Bunny girl in its cleaned up state. 

This took longer then expected because I wasn't satisfied with the first approach to it and recent work I have gotten. Still I had fun making Akira into a bunny girl. 


Akira sighed as he got off the train and took his first steps into Shinjuku. He moved a little faster as he walked. He moved through the crowd of people like a serpent as his eyes looked around for his target destination. It wasn’t much farther, and he walked faster through the crowd. He saw his destination between the flower shop and the market, a neon sign saying club brightly going off. He let out an eager sigh as he went to it, a ginger bounce in his steps. He looked at the sign above and saw the picture and saw the name of the club, Paradise, next to a picture of a girl posing seductively. 

The young man had wanted to come here ever since he first came to Shinjuku, but never had the opportunity. Mostly because of Morgana. As much as he loved his friend, he wished there were more moments he could be left alone. If he went here, he never would have heard the end of it from the feline, especially since there was no benefit in the cat’s eyes for coming here. If he did, Morgana might tell the rest of their friends, who would no doubt not be pleased he was using some of their funds to go here, especially the girls, who would have been angry about him going to a place like this. 

He entered the building, wondering what he would find. The first thing he heard was loud pop music. He looked around the room and saw a surprisingly neat bar area to the side of the room with stools that had red cushions. Most of the booths were black with matching red cushions to the stools. There were polls in the room, some of them off to the side, and one on a large stage for all to see. There were rooms off to the side that men and women were walking in and out of, all of them had varying levels of excitement. Some of them were more nervous than others as if they were worried about what would happen if someone, they knew saw them. 

The customers cheered and laughed as they talked with their servers as if they were old friends. From how some of the girls were acting was willing to bet a good number of them were regulars. 

After his initial sweep, he looked again at the girls and smiled at the sight of all the sexy girls in the bunny suits and could feel himself getting aroused by them. All these girls were easily nines and tens and said nines were only there because of his personal preferences. All of them had nice full busts, and just as ample behind with wide hips.

Some of the girls were dancing on polls, while others were giving meals to their respective tables. One girl turned around and earned a resounding smack from the patron. She turned and giggled as she placed her hand on his and forced it to grab her behind harder. 

The music started to change as a woman in a green bunny suit stepped out. She blew kisses to the crowd as she sauntered over to the pole. She grabbed it and leaned over so everyone could get a peek of her cleavage. She started to move around the pole, slowly moving around so all the men could see her luscious figures. 

“I have entered paradise,” the leader of the Phantom Thieves muttered as he could feel his blood rushing down below. He couldn’t move his eyes off her buttocks as it bounced, as his eyes followed nylon clad cheeks. It was as if her bottom was a clock used by a hypnotist and was placing subtle commands on him. Someone could have walked into him from behind and he wouldn’t have noticed with how mesmerized he was. 

A guy called her over and she went over to him, much to his dismay as he wasn’t at the best angle to see the rise and fall of her butt. He pulled her into his lap, and she laughed. 

The young man looked around at the rest of the customers and saw some of them were being touched by women or touching them. One man was even openly groping the girl’s breasts. If he had gone anywhere else, he could think of, this kind of behavior would have been completely prohibited. The manager’s words from that night so long ago bounced in his head, about how they could freely touch the girls. He had thought the man was lying back then to just draw them in, but seeing it like this, could only mean he was telling the truth. 

The way this place was it seemed more like a restaurant then a club. The air around this place felt gruffer than the maid cafe, which was expected since they were in Shinjuku. The blatant sexual actions of the girls would have been scandalous in a true restaurant. Still, he wasn’t going to complain considering what was going on in front of him. 

A woman saw him and stepped over to him, her hips swaying like a pendulum as she did. He forced his eyes to move higher the closer she got and his eyes locked in place on her cleavage. He gulped and felt his jaw get tighter as he forced himself to look higher and at her beautiful face. 

“May I help you sir?” the buxom curvaceous blue-haired girl in a matching bunny suit asked sensually. 

“I would like to have a table please,” he said, his voice surprisingly calm and even despite what his mind was thinking. 

“Alright follow me please and I’ll set you up at a place sugar,” the girl said sensually, her voice oozing sex. She went over behind a counter and pulled out a menu. “Please follow me.” 

“Of course,” Akira nodded.

The young man followed the girl where she led, and as he passed by some of the other customers, he momentarily admired the girls with them. He had to fight the perverse idea in his head to reach out and squeeze their bodies. It would have been weird to suddenly grab one of them when they were with another client. They might have been willing to do so, but they were expecting it from the client they were dealing with and started it for the most part. Besides, it would have been rude for him to do so. It would ruin whatever mood they had cultivated between them. 

“Here is your seat sir,” The woman said and slowly turned around. She bent over as she held her hand out as if she was presenting a special item. 

“Thank you,” Akira replied. He sat down in the booth, relaxing from the incredibly soft cushion under him. He turned back to the server, his eyes almost perfectly level with her bust, and smiled charmingly.

The girl laughed as she lowered her chest more so that he would have a better look at them. she said with a devious smirk. “If you want to touch and get a feel for this body then you’re going to have to pay extra for it, but you can do that as many times as you like during a personal dance.”

Akira nodded. He should have known there would have been a clause or something before he would have been able to go with one of the girls. Well if the price wasn’t too bad, he wouldn’t mind throwing a little extra cash. 

The amount of money they had gained from their adventures in Mementos would allow him and his friends to each have several million yen for themselves and have another million left for supplies. He could honestly drop out of school because of it, but just because he could doesn’t mean he would. It would look off to many if a high school student suddenly had so much cash. Besides there was the possibility it would run out someday and it would be best if he had another means of income.

As much as he didn’t want to admit it, he didn’t think he would be able to make a living out of being a Phantom Thief. There would come a day where he would need to stop for whatever reason, finally wanting to settle down, the Phantom Thieves disbanding, and many other possibilities. Besides if he could gain some legitimate work it would work well as a cover and depending on what he decided would cover any insurance he would need. 

Akira looked over the menu and saw the prices for the food, but not the dance the dance. 

As nice as getting a meal to go with the shows he would be watching was, it wasn’t the main reason why he was here. He found the price on the back and saw for how long it would be and how much it would cost. The price would cost a new game, but he had an hour to enjoy it. It would be his first one, and may not be very good, but he was sure he would be able to enjoy it. If he was still hungry after it then he would get something to go. 

“So, is there anything I can get you to drink?” The bunny said. 

“I would like to order a personal dance,” Akira said confidently, his voice sounding far more even and calm than he felt. He didn’t know what to expect from this, and it made him even more excited about it. He just hoped Morgana didn’t wake up sometime during the night. If he did, then the feline was no doubt going to question him, but by the time he went back, he should be able to finalize a good enough cover story that would hopefully convince him. Still, he would have to space it out his visits. He couldn't let Morgana get suspicious of him and notice a pattern going on.

“Then we’re going to have to move to a different room first,” the bunny said. “Please follow me.”

“I understand,” Akira said, as he got out of his seat. “And will do so with pleasure.”

“Great,” the woman said and lead him over to the rooms, the people were going in and out. 

As they walked, Akira looked over the girl who would be dancing for him and smirked. He knew she was teasing him with how exaggerated the swaying in her hips were. If it was a way to make sure he left her a little something extra then it was working remarkably well. It might be considered impolite to leave a tip, but he was sure she wouldn’t mind. She opened the door and stepped inside. 

Akira entered the room and saw it was a lavish room with a large soft red chair. Red curtains filled the room, no doubt so they could add more to the mystique and make an entrance. There was a golden poll in the room, and his mind already imagined various poses and events he would possibly see. The woman sat down on his lap, and Akira could already feel the blood rushing down below. He gulped and wondered what would happen next. He was eager to see how this would start, and what it would be like. He had seen some videos, but this would be the first time it would be the real thing.

Now that he thought about it, it would be the first time in a long while he would be by himself and could relax as he pleased. He hadn’t been able to properly have some time to himself with Morgana around him so much. As much as he liked his friends, there were times where he wanted to be alone and do his own thing. Not to mention he didn’t want to explain to Morgana why he wanted to be alone in the first place. 

It didn’t help that most of his female teammates Phantom Thieves were stuck in such...provocative outfits. He enjoyed the view it gave but did so as subtle as possible when he looked at the girls and didn’t let his eye linger too long. They were his friends and didn’t want to do anything which could ruin their relationship and make things awkward. They were the closest people in his life now, and it would have hurt to have disappointed them so. 

“Now take a seat and get comfortable,” the woman said. 

Akira did as he was ordered and sat down. He leaned back into the chair as if he was about to watch a movie. He had no idea what he should do now. He expected she would take the lead and tell him what he could do or needed to do to enjoy himself and make this better for the both of them. 

She moved seductively and placed her bust on top of his head, which made Akira smile. He placed his hands on her hips and squeezed tentatively. This wasn’t how he thought it would start, but he wasn’t going to complain about it. Her hips wiggled in his grasp and he squeezed tighter, the top of his fingers digging into her butt. 

Unknown to him, the girl smirked as her hands moved between her prodigious bust and pulled out a small white collar with a tiny black bowtie on it. As she moved down, she moved the collar behind his neck. She quickly clipped the collar around his throat.

Akira froze as his blood went cold. All the excitement and heat he felt moments ago was gone in an instant. He reached around his throat as the girl quickly got off him. He felt a soft fabric and pulled it enough to see he was now wearing a black bowtie like the one the girl wore. 

“Sorry but no talking and no getting violent, dem’s the rules,” she giggled. 

Akira moved to demand she answer him, but no sound came out of his throat. He patted around his throat and everything felt alright, despite wearing the collar. He moved to get her into a hold, but his arms remained put. 

“I told you what the rules are silly. Now we have to go see the boss,” the girl giggled. “Come with me.”

She moved to leave the room, and Akira’s legs followed her out. The Fool’s heart pounded in his chest as he looked around as if expecting he would be jumped by some unseen thugs or see the police arrive. They stopped in front of a room, with a plaque that said manager. The employee knocked on the door.

“Hey boss I got a new one,” the woman said. 

“Great, come on in,” the man said happily. 

The woman opened the door and stepped into the room; Akira followed her in, unable to disobey or get away. The man sitting down quickly turned when the bunny shut the door behind them. He recognized the man from the first time he came to Shinjuku with his friends, mostly because of how he was dressed. If it wasn’t for the fine pressed suit, he wouldn’t have stood out in a crowd with how plain his features were. Short black hair cut at the sides, and black glasses which hid his eyes. 

“Oh, good choice,” the man grinned, looking Akira over. “Oh, you can talk now, but still can’t get violent. The last thing we need is for you to ruin this office.” 

“What are you doing to me?” Akira demanded, glaring at the man.

“Why I’m going to give you a job. From now on you’ll be working for me and this club. You’re going to help bring in all sorts of new customers and make sure they keep coming. Oh, don’t worry, you’ll still be able to live your life, but when it’s for you to get to work, you’ll be getting to work. Now then let’s get started with the transformation,” the manager said and snapped his fingers.

Akira blinked as his clothes suddenly felt off. His black shirt and white jacket he wore over it felt off as they started to merge. The white section of the jacket started to turn black as well to match the color of his shirt. After a few, seconds his former jacket was a dark black and fully merged with his undershirt into one long article of clothing. 

After it merged, the sleeves on his now singular shirt started to recede as if they were shrinking. 

Parts of it crawled down his arms and settled around his wrists. The rest crawled up his arms, and the young man grabbed them to try and stop them, but the fabric slipped out of his hands and continued to change. The young man grabbed them, but this time didn’t try to stop them. He rubbed the fabric and noticed it felt different than before. It was softer and felt more like a polyester top. Soon, the sleeves of his shirt were completely absorbed into his top, as if it was always a sleeveless shirt. 

He gulped as the next change to his shirt started. The fabric over his shoulder started to break down and separate as if someone was cutting it with a knife. They started to shrink down and hugged his body tighter. The top of it crawled down until it reached the top of his flat chest and could feel the back stop as well. The bottom of his shirt crawled down his body and wrapped around his legs, making him jump as it hugged his crotch. The moment they finished changing it started to harden. It hardened and hug his body tighter and formed into a black one-piece bunny suit. A pure white cottontail formed above his butt. The fabric around his wrists started to harden as it brightened, as small golden buttons formed on them, completing the change into bright white cufflinks. 

His pants started to change as the fabric on them thinned down as the color on them started to change. The pants started to darken from a dark black into a muddy brown. He could feel his socks merge with the bottom of his pants, as they started to take change as well. The fabric reached the point the pants legs practically were see-through, and he could faintly see the hair on his thighs. They finally stopped when they became thin nylon stockings, which hugged his hairy legs. 

His brown loafers started to change as well. He could feel them harden around his feet as they darkened into a prominent black, that matched the bunny suit top he was wearing. The tip of his shoes narrowed and grew more pointed. The heels on them grew more prominent and thinner. The heels on his shoes started rounding as they grew larger, until they were several inches long, completing the change of his footwear. 

Akira blinked when he felt a weight suddenly appear on his head. He touched the top of his head and felt what seemed like a headband. He followed it and felt two large floppy points. He looked at the mirror in the side of the room and saw a pair of black bunny ears. He grabbed the ears and tried to pull them off, but it was if they had been superglued to his head.

“Don’t bother kid, those aren’t going to come off any time soon,” the manager chuckled. “Besides you should relax. The truly fun part is about to happen?”

“What do you mean?” Akira demanded. 

His hair suddenly felt weight as it started to grow longer. His hair maintained its naturally curly appearance as it reached further down. It tickled the back of his neck as it did so and continued doing so the further it traveled. It stopped growing when it reached his shoulder’s blades. The confused young man grabbed his now longer hair and stared at them with bugged eyes. He rubbed his softer hair and pulled on it and felt the sensation of someone pulling on it. 

“This is,” the manager said simply.

Akira looked down at his exposed arms and legs and paled when he saw the hair on his body started to recede. The hair on his knuckles quickly vanished, as the hair on his wrists started to disappear. The changes traveled up his arms as he rubbed them and he shivered from how smooth and clean they were as if they had just been shaved. He rubbed his hairless thighs and couldn’t feel any sort of hair on them through the fabric. The hair on his chest started to vanish and in moments it was gone as well. He patted his chest and flinched at the smooth soft skin. The bunny clad young man felt around his body and didn’t feel any trace of hair below his eyebrows. 

“If that’s a shock for you, just wait until things get even more intense for you,” the man laughed.

Before Akira could demand he stop, his legs started to change. The heels started to shrink, and Akira groaned as they started to hurt his feet. The pain eased when they started to shrink, earning a sigh of relief from the feminizing young man. The change continued up his legs as they slimmed down. His ankles and the rest of how lower legs quickly slimmed down to match them, looking like someone had done poor photoshop work. The reverse happened to his thighs which started to grow larger. The brunette patted them, wondering how big they were going to get. They finally finished growing when he had thick plush thighs, rivaling Makoto’s. The transforming boy couldn’t help but blush at his new sexy legs and knew if they were on someone, he would have been hard-pressed to look away from them. 

The next thing to change about him was his arms. He looked down and watched as his nails started to grow longer and cleaner as if Ann was cleaning them. His hands started to change, with his digits getting thinner, along with the rest of his palms. The calluses on them from fighting started to disappear, leaving him with soft womanly hands. The change continued up his arms, and the muscles on them from months of training and exploring Palaces started to get smaller as if he had been letting himself go. There was still a good amount of power in them, but not like what was there mere moments ago as they finished turning into slim womanly arms. His shoulders started to move inward and let out small little pops as they did. They finished when he was left with narrow shoulders, which perfectly suited her new arms and feminizing body. 

Akira groaned as if a Shadow had just rammed into his stomach and wrapped itself around his waist. He held his stomach and noticed there was a slight bit of softness to it. He pressed down on it and felt his stomach give into it easier. He continued to press down on it and felt it continue to get harder until he was left with a fit slim stomach, like a girl who regularly worked out to stay in shape instead of the hard-masculine abs.

His waist started to give in to whatever power was affecting him and moved inward, making the young man groan. He forced his arms apart and watched as his sides gave in. After a few agonizing seconds, the pressure ceased, and the imaginary arms wrapped around his body let go. The young man looked down and gasped at the sight of his new slim sexy hourglass.

“Now that is a sign of a promising start,” the manager remarked. “Now with how far you come along, I think it's time for you to truly become a woman.”

Akira blinked at what he just said and quickly looked down to see what was changing now. To his horror, he saw the hill between his legs that represented his junk, which the bunny suit had cupped tightly, started to get smaller, almost as if it was a small balloon being deflated. A feeling of someone rubbing his crotch with their hands. 

“No!” Akira cried and tried to slip his hands underneath it, only to feel as if someone had welded it shut. He tried to slip his now longer elegant fingernails underneath, only for them not to slip under. He could feel his scrotum getting smaller by the second and desperately tried to think of what he could do to get it off. He could feel his balls slither into his body, making him shiver. The boy cooed as the tip of the head of his scrotum was sucked into his body, as a moist pair of lips took their place. The sudden pleasure coursing through her spine made it hard for her to remain standing, and her legs shook.

The new bunny breathed heavily in and out as she struggled to regain her bearings. She forced herself to stand up straight as if she had just finished a fight. The former boy pressed down on her new sexual organs and flinched from faintly being able to feel them there. Her body came to life as if a switch had been flipped in her brain and she immediately stopped as her body warmed. The perverted part of her mind wanted her to keep pressing down and see what it was like for herself.

“Now that you’re a girl, it's time to give you the beauty to go with your new femininity. No one’s going to be interested in a masculine face like yours.”

Akira’s face felt like someone had put a hot pack against her face after they roughly slapped her. She put her dainty feminine hand against her masculine face and felt her cheek pulse, almost as if it was a frog. Then her face started to force its way in, as the hot feeling turned into a strong cold one as if she had replaced the heat with an ice pack. She ran her hands over her cheeks as they continued to change, and then felt as if someone had cupped her chin. She placed her hands on them as her cheekbones shifted. She watched in the mirror as her face changed into undoubtedly female version of herself. When it was finished changing, she ran her hands over her cheeks and chin. If any of her friends saw her now, they would have thought the reflection was her twin sister. 

“I’ll let you keep the glasses, they add a special little something,” the manager said. “Now then it's time we bring in the money catchers!”

Akira didn’t need to be told what he meant by that. Considering what the rest of the girls here looked like it was obvious to her. She placed her hands on her flat chest and shivered at the thought of seeing a pair of breasts suddenly start forming. Then she imagined her ass swelling to proportions reminiscent of the girls here and gulped at walking around with how the suit held her behind. It would make her notice every little jump and bounce off her behind. She noticed her pants tightening and turned around to avoid looking at them, but the manager smirked. 

“Alright, now turn around, stick it out, and shake it for me!” The manager ordered excitedly.

Akira blinked as her hips suddenly started to gyrate of their own will, making her blush in embarrassment and arousal. She turned her head to look at her bouncing behind and blushed at the way it moved. With every bounce, she could feel it move a little more. The tight stockings strained a little more, as the leotard dug deeper between her cheeks. It made her wince from the growing discomfort and wonder how much bigger they would get. By the time it finally finished growing it would be impossible for her to walk anywhere without some slight bouncing from her enormous bottom. Akira wanted to stop, but she just couldn’t. It made her painfully aware of how big she had gotten.

“Alright, you can stop shaking, but give yourself a lovely spank, as hard as you can,” the well-dressed man said.

Akira did as she was bid and spanked herself as hard as she could, earning a pleased moan from her. Her blush darkened, to the point where her face looked like someone had painted it a dark red. It made the former boy want to crawl into a hole and hide somewhere until it was over.

“Now turn around, stick your chest out and shake them as they start growing!” the manager ordered excitedly.

Akira quickly turned around and struck her flat chest out as if she was trying to seduce someone. It would have looked more enticing to her if it was someone else and they had larger breasts. 

Her chest started to feel hot and she looked down to see her nipples looked a little more prominent under her suit. They scratched against her top, but it did nothing to irritate her new body. The fool moaned as her chest started to push out. Seeing her bust growing she started to shake her upper body, almost as if she was dancing out for a crowd. With every shake there was a little more mass there, allowing her to see the growing cleavage well and compare its growth to moment’s ago as if they were buns in the oven. Her breasts finally ceased their growth when they were a large eye-catching D-cup, like ripe apples.

When they ceased their growth, she finally stopped shaking her body, much to her relief. The former boy gulped as she stared at the new round spheres on her chest. She squeezed one of her new breasts and moaned sensually from the pleasure which coursed down her spine like a bolt of electricity. The former boy blushed, and futility tried to cover her chest, but all she did was show how massive she was. With how she squeezed and mushed them together, it made them look like they were ballooning.

“If you would like to keep squeezing them then go right ahead,” the manager chuckled. “I have to admit you turned out better than I thought you would.”

Akira quickly took her hands off her new pleasing mounds and placed her hands down on her side. Her fingers curled and she clutched her new plush thighs to make sure they would stay in place. The palms of her hands begged to be holding something and her fingers pleaded to squeeze something as tightly as they could. Her hands didn’t feel as fulfilled as they did when they held her breasts, but her thighs were still a pleasing substitute. 

“Still despite how eye-catching you already are, let's make some improvements…” the man trailed off. “A little more to the body, and some quick mental changes to get you in the right mindset.”

A cool sensation came over her, as she started to feel happy about what was happening. She shook her head and reminded herself of what was happening to her. The wrongness of the situation and yet it came over her as if someone had used a Marin Karin on her. Still, she couldn’t help but feel happy as the music reverberated from outside into the room, as if she was at a party with her friends celebrating. The grin came easy and more relaxed, much to her dismay. 

“Now what’s your name?” The manager asked, his eyes roaming over the new girl excitedly. 

“My name is Akira Kuresu,” the former boy said with a peppy voice. 

“No, when you’re working for me your name is Kuroko Usagi,” the manager chuckled, and his devious smirk grew when he saw the name register. 

“Of course,” the newly named Kuroko said. 

“Good, now then time to bring in the hooters and ass,” the manager said. 

The new bunny girls gasped as her curves started to grow more pronounced once more. Kuroko’s tits and ass started to grow larger again. The new girl squirmed from feeling the off her outfit cling tighter to her body as her bottom dug deeper into her bottom, making her painfully aware of just how big she was getting. She rubbed her bottom and adored the growing size of her bum. Her breasts, got further mushed by her suit, arousing her further, and yet they continued to grow. She moaned erotically and started to knead her blossoming bosom. They finally stopped their growth when her breasts looked like they reached the size of bowling balls, and her butt had become a beacon to all ass lovers to see and admire.

“Holy hell with these puppies you're going to be one of if not the most popular girls here,” the manager remarked as he squeezed her upgraded breasts. “I don’t know what it is with your body, but damn does it make the changes to you more pronounced.”

“Thank you, boss, I’m glad I can help you so!” Kuroko said with a bright smile. 

“Now then my lovely little black bunny, it's time to put on a show and get to work,” the owner said and gave the former boy a hard smack on her bottom, which made it ripple like a pebble in a lake. 

The new bunny girl giggled as she walked out of the office with her coworker and went backstage to get on stage. She went over to the poll with a sexy swagger and danced for all the eager men and women, moving her body in ways she never would have just a short while ago. She grinned as she enjoyed the looks, she was getting from all the customers who no doubt imagined her dancing for them. The crowd cheered and hollered for her and demanded she continued to dance more erotically

When her dance was over she started walking around to serve the customers when one smacked her ass and roughly grabbed her breasts. 

“I want a private dance with you,” he demanded huskily in her ear. 

“You got it sugar,” she said sensually and took his large hand in hers. She led him to one of the back rooms as he continued to massage her huge ass as if it was a therapy ball. He sat down in the chair as she moved on top of him, her humongous breasts pressed against his face and started to move her body up and down. She was going to make sure her first dance with a person would ensure they would become a regular customer.


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