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I had fun with the onomatopoeia in this story. 

If you want to know what Silena looks like when the transformation is finished then check out my favorites, commissioned, Winnings section and you'll find a girl in a American flag one piece swimsuit named Kaitlyn. 

Hope you all enjoy the cleaned up story. 


Sean felt his heart pound a little faster in his chest, and his stomach twisted and turn in his chest as his car’s muffler let out a noise as he drove to the party. Despite the bad news of his car needing some work done, he couldn’t help but be a little excited. This was the first real party he had heard about and was invited ever since he had started college. The college life hadn’t been like what he saw on TV with parties every week and quickly got over it.

They didn’t start on the best of terms when they first met. Malcolm had been a bit of an asshole. They had been seated next to each other, and he had done, small things whispered insults which would get him in trouble for talking. Flick him numerous times behind the ears, and even tripped him at once. He moved his seat afterward and made sure the surrounding seats were occupied by someone else. 

After that, Malcolm hadn’t done anything to him afterward, despite what he expected. He just went about his own thing as if he didn’t care about what had happened. Weeks passed and Sean kept his distance more for his safety and making sure he didn’t end up on the receiving end of some joke or something. As time passed, he slowly started to let down his guard as the comeback he expected to come never did. 

Eventually, they ended up working together on a project and didn’t have the option of choosing their partner. Sean considered asking for a different partner, because of their history but he wanted to see where it went, for the first few days at least. To his surprise, Malcolm didn’t give him any hassle when they were working together, and the football player actually pulled his weight. He gave input and handled making the PowerPoint for their presentation. Malcolm had been quick to communicate and clarify any questions he might have had about certain aspects and where he would like to go.

After they got the score for their project, they seemed to hit it off better and actually talk and hangout. Because of how he acted during their time on the project he wanted to give Malcolm the benefit of the doubt and they started hanging out. 

Sean’s trail of thought ended when Malcolm's home entered his sight. There were a couple of cars parked out in front of his yard. He couldn’t see the silver corolla Malcolm's parents used but paid it little mind. He figured they must have gone off to a friend’s place for another party to spend time with their friends. 

He parked his car and sat there for a moment, trying to fight the nervous build of worry in his chest. His heart pounded a little harder and his stomach felt like he had just come off a roller coaster after having a huge meal. He reminded himself he could leave whenever he wanted to and didn’t have to worry about hurting anyone’s feelings. 

The anxious young man got out of the car and stepped through the open doorway to see what was happening and heard loud rock music playing inside. No one greeted him when he entered the house, but he didn’t mind too much and started looking around. The place didn’t look any different since there weren’t any decorations. The couch still had the same black and red blanket hanging over it and the coffee table by it had the same mat and coasters there. There were a few grey metallic party chairs with black cushions out that weren’t normally there. Next to the tv in the living room was a large white bowl, he moved forward and saw it was filled with a variety of keys and phone, no doubt belonging to the guests. He pulled his keys out of his pants and dropped them into the bowl but kept his phone for now.

Sean looked around and compared himself to the rest of the men here. Most of the male guests he recognized were part of the sports teams like football, baseball, and soccer. He wasn’t unhealthy by any means, but all of them had a bulk and muscle he lacked. His arms were thin and looked like twigs in comparison to the football players. His stomach was flat but lacked the hard-earned abs the other male guests had. Seeing all of them and what he looked like, made him want to head back to his car and grab his jacket to hide his build. 

He looked at all the beautiful girls and saw all of them were wearing swimsuits based on the American flag. Some of them were wearing bikinis, and others were wearing one-piece swimsuits. One of the girls he saw wore a bikini bottom with red and white stripes, along with one of the cups, while the other cup of her top was blue with white stars. One of the girl’s wearing a one-piece swimsuit was designed with the top half being blue with white stars, while everything below breasts was striped red and white. He never thought he would find so many swimsuits with a common theme looking so different from each other. It was enticing and made his mouth dry and his eyes wander around to see the rest of the swimsuits and what they were like.

Compared to all of them, he couldn’t help but feel out of place and wondered again if he should just head home. Especially since he never really talked to anyone here. He felt no reason to try and talk to them before because he wasn’t familiar with them and the fact, they were in a different league from his in looks. The only person he felt some sense of comfort talking to would be Malcolm. He looked around, instinctively trying to find his friend and someone to talk to but couldn’t find him. 

Sean saw the snack and drink table and went over it, feeling some food would be good for him. Before he could make it someone else got there first and when they turned slightly as they placed some food on their plate, and saw it was Malcolm. He walked faster to the table as he cleared his throat and said, “Hey Malcolm.”

“Oh, Sean you made it. I wondered if you would actually show up,” Malcolm said. “You didn’t seem particularly enthused about coming here when I first brought it up to you the other day.”

Sean compared himself to Malcolm was handsome, tall, athletic, and built like a weightlifter. He had a hard set of abs and strong muscles. He was wearing a set of American flag swim trunks as well, like most of the guests. He had a sharp Grecian nose. Bright blue eyes the same shade of a clear sky, and sun-kissed blonde hair which made his eyes look even brighter. He looked like he could have played a Greek god with how he was built and how handsome he was. 

“I said I would, and just now made it,” Sean said.

“Well glad to see you’re here. I’ve been enjoying myself, the drinks, and the wonderful sights,” Malcolm said as he nodded his head at a girl passing by. 

Sean followed his gaze and quickly realized he was talking about the girls. The girl he was staring at wore a skimpy blue bikini with white stars on the cups of her bra, and the front of her swimsuit. He stared at her for a moment and quickly looked elsewhere to see a big bottom girl pulling at her bikini bottom, exposing more of her cheeks, and unintentionally giving him a tasteful look of her sideboob. They were alike in that regard. If there were pretty girls around, they would both look at them without getting caught. 

“So, have you already eaten then?” Malcolm asked.

“No, I brought my appetite with me,” Sean remarked. As if to emphasize his point his stomach growled, making him smile sheepishly.

“Well since you really did bring your appetite why don’t you focus on making your plate, while I get you a drink,” Malcolm said.

“Thanks,” Sean said as he grabbed an empty plate and started looking at the food on the table to see what he should eat. There were multiple pizzas on the table, cheese, pepperoni, Hawaiian, and sausage. There was a cheese platter with crackers of various types of meat. There was a fruit platter nearby as well. He grabbed a slice of the pepperoni pizza and loaded some of the crackers and cheese onto his plate as well. There were trays filled with barbecue chicken, potato salad and he took some of it. He filled his plate with as much food as possible and was almost forced to use both of his hands to keep it steady. 

When he was finished making his plate, he turned to Malcolm, who held a red solo cup in his hand filled with soda. He said, “Here I got you some Dr. Pepper since I know you love the stuff.”

“Thanks,” Sean said as he took the drink and gulped of it. He enjoyed the bubbly fizzy drink as it went down his throat. When he finally broke away, he let out a long breath of air and moved to drink it again, only to find out he had drunk all of it in one go. “I needed that more than I thought I did.”

“I’ll fill it up for you,” Malcolm said and filled Sean’s cup again. When he was finished filling it up, he gave it back to Sean. “Well, I left a group of people I was talking to make a quick plate. Get comfortable how you can and enjoy the party.”

Sean looked for a nice place he could eat without being in the public eye. He saw an empty chair outside by the pool by an empty section of a large foldable table and quickly went over to it. Much to his glee, he was able to get there before anyone else. He sat down and started to eat his food as he browsed the web on his phone. He took more sips of his drinks, enjoying the flavor of his food and how well it mixed with his meal. 

When he finished his meal, he sat there for a few minutes, wondering what he should do. He watched people get in and out of the pool at their leisure. The more he looked at it, the more inviting it seemed. He stood up and dipped his toes inside and was surprised by how warm it was. He had thought it would have been cold and if it was, he would have been disappointed. He hated swimming in cold water, but this was perfect, just like a warm bath.

He quickly ran back into the house and placed his phone inside the bowl and took off his jacket ran back to the pool, placing his jacket on his seat. The warm water felt good and he quickly started moving faster in as a delighted moan left his mouth. It felt more like a warm sauna or bath with how pleasant it was. He dived underneath the water and swam to the other side of the pool. With every stroke, he felt the nervousness and anxiety in his stomach cease. He stayed underneath to see how long he could hold his breath and enjoyed the warm water.  

When his need for air was getting too great for him, he burst out of the water and swam to the other size, away from everyone. He lounged in the pool and wondered how much longer it would be before the first fireworks of the night went. It was the perfect time with how dark the night was and the full moon lighting up the sky. 

A loud bang went off and he saw a faint light zoom up into the sky and watched it explode into a bright yellow pattern that lit up the night sky. He smiled, as he heard some of the other nearby guests let out sounds of awe. He waited to see what would happen next and saw a few more go off in a splendid array of red, pink, green, and gold. They fell to the earth as more flew up to the sky and formed the images of different colored flowers. 

Sean stared up at the fireworks and couldn’t help but admire the colors and patterns of every bang. It wasn’t often he got to see fireworks, and he wanted to make sure he got to see them all. The bright lights were captivating and the noises strangely entrancing in a way. So much so he couldn’t think to look away and feared he would miss something if he blinked. 




As he watched the fireworks, his swimsuit started to change. It started to get tighter, the back of his trunks started to feel like they were digging between his cheeks like a wedgie. It was like that for the rest of his swimsuit as they cupped his junk. The moment they were done tightening, the legs of his trunks started to crawl up his body, shrinking. The legs continued to get smaller, exposing more of his pale hairy thighs. The last remnants of the legs of his swim pants reached the section of his swimsuit around his crotch, and melded into them, leaving not even a trace they had been there before. 

Sean frowned and wondered if someone was messing with him and looked down. His eyes bulged when he saw he was suddenly wearing a speedo. He gulped as he leaned closer to the edge of the pool. He looked around again to see if anyone noticed him and saw people were staring up at the sky, entranced by what they were seeing. The nervous young man gulped and looked to see if anyone was nearby and saw no one nearby.

“How did this happen?” Sean wondered quietly. In his head, he tried to make sense of just how he could suddenly be wearing this swimsuit. There was no way someone could have just swapped out his swimsuit for another one, especially one as tight as a speedo. He hadn’t passed out at all as far as he knew, his boy wouldn’t have remained upward if it did. He liked to think people would notice if his body was suddenly in an awkward position or floated to the top and panic. Still, there had to be some sort of logical explanation for why he was wearing one now. 

Whatever the case was he couldn’t deny for some reason, he couldn’t think of he liked wearing it. It felt almost natural for him to wear a swimsuit like this, but he knew he would never wear one like this under normal circumstances. It was just asking to be made fun of by everyone else around him. 

Sean gulped and looked back down at his pants and gasped when he saw they were starting to change. The black color of his swimsuit started to brighten as if someone was pouring a bottle of bleach over them. Red and white stripes started to appear and become more prominent. They started as thin, almost minuscule lines, and started to grow larger and thicker. They finished changing when they became bright white and red lines, which made it easier to see the outline of his equipment.

“What the fuck,” he hissed sharply. “Is this some sort of joke swimsuit or something?” 

It was the only thing he could think, which made any sort of sense. He had heard of a few joke items being one or the other, but never both at the same time. He had no idea about the cost, and why no one called him out or started laughing. It was arguably more fun to see someone squirm from being naked then going to the trouble of changing their trunks. Still, he could think about it later when he didn’t have to worry about his social standing coming to an end. 

“How am I going to get out of here without anyone seeing me?” Sean gulped as he slowly made his way back to the end of the pool to get out. He needed to get out of here before anyone saw him. If anyone saw him here in a speedo, he wouldn’t hear the end of it. It was one thing to wear if you were part of the swim team, but if you were out at a party wearing one then you were almost asking to be made fun of. 




Sean heard more bangs of the fireworks and turned over his back and watched the fireworks go off as he swam on his back to the steps. He couldn’t help but stare and be awed by the colorful explosions and the bangs they made. 

With every swing of his arms, they lost a little more hair on them, as if a razor was passing over his body. The hair on the back of his hands vanished as they went under the water. It continued up his arm and eroded all the hair on them and his shoulders. The same thing was happening on the rest of his body. His chest and stomach lost what hair they had on them as the water brushed them off. The more he swam, the cleaner his lower body got. The hair above his crotch and on his buttocks was gone as the water moved over it as if it had been erased. His legs lost streaks of hair as if someone was taking a razor to them and then waxing off what remained. After several more strokes, the hair on his face below his eyebrows gone as well, getting rid of every speck of hair below his eyebrows and leaving it as soft and smooth to the touch like a baby’s skin.

A lull in the fireworks allowed Sean to think clearly and remember what he was doing. He forced himself to look over his shoulder and quickly placed his hands against the wall before he banged his head into it. The moment his hands came into view he froze, his body started to shake as he took his hands off the wall and looked at them. He looked at the rest of his arms and saw the dark black hair which had been on them mere minutes ago was gone. 

“What the hell?” Sean hissed as his heart started to pound a little faster in his chest. He looked down his chest and paled when he saw it was clean of any hair. He dived underneath the water and saw his legs were just as hairless. He ran his hands over them and shivered at the soft smooth flesh.

“This can’t be happening,” Sean muttered as he looked back in the water. He didn’t see any trace of the body hair he lost in the water and wondered where it all went. It couldn’t have gotten far, especially since he was still in the water, 

The young man gulped and took a careful step out of the pool. He expected people to stop and point at him, laughing at him and make jokes. Instead, no one made fun of his choice of apparel. It was odd, especially since these people no doubt had seen him enter the pool. As much as he would like to believe the people were a little more mature than that, he couldn’t. Not with how the simplest of jokes and the way people dressed got a laugh or two from people at times. He took a deep breath and forced himself to continue.




As Sean stepped out of the pool, his waist started to curve inward, his flabby stomach hardening as it did so. The young man’s waist moved inward as if was being crushed on both sides. All the fat he had in his stomach changed into tight firm muscle as the roundness of it started to fade. It started to slow down after a few moments and left him with a slim sexy waist. His gut finished changing when it became a hard and smooth flat stomach which had no place on a male body.

When his stomach finished changing, the top of his swimsuit started to rise, as if it was being stretched. He shivered as he felt the soft latex fabric crawl up his body, catching his attention. He looked down and his eyes bulged when he saw the top of the swimsuit stretching up his body and covered the bottom of his hairless stomach. 

“Oh no,” Sean whimpered. He mewled when he saw his swim trunks now covered the bottom half of his stomach. Now that he thought about it, his growing swimsuit seemed almost like it was one piece that had been cut in half. He grabbed the top of the swimsuit and tried to pry it off, but it remained put much to his horror and dismay. He tried to slip his fingers through the top, but still, he couldn’t slip his fingers underneath. He did the same and tried to pull it from the bottom, but his fingers couldn’t slip under it, no matter where he tried to slip his fingers.

Still, it was inconsequential when he saw his new stomach, which seemingly demanded his attention. Sean placed his hand on his gut and flinched from the feeling of the fabric and how smooth his stomach felt. He poked his finger against it, and it barely went in, a far cry from how it was before the change happened. He looked at his reflection in the window and saw he now had a thin tapered waist which looked like it belonged on one of the cheerleaders.

“This can’t be real,” Sean said quietly, panic entering his voice. He opened the door and moved to step into the house to get help but bumped into someone. He stumbled back and looked up to see it was Malcolm.

“Oh, uh sorry,” Sean said and looked up to see it was Malcolm, who was holding a large package in his hands. Another explosion went off behind him and he quickly turned to see it and his mouth dropped in awe as a white shimmer filled the sky. When it ended, he turned back and tried to gather his words and what he would say. 

“It's no problem, Sean,” Malcolm smiled warmly. “Hey, we were going to fire off some fireworks, would you like to fire some of them off?”

Sean wanted to say what was bothering him, but the fireworks in Malcolm's hands drew his eye. The idea of lighting the fuse and seeing the explosions he created filled him with glee. The worry he felt about his transforming body started to ease the more he looked at it and stood up a little straighter as he smiled happily. “That sounds great. H-hey do you notice anything different about me?”

Malcolm looked him over, “You don’t look any different to me, do you think you do?”

“Well,” Sean trailed off and gulped as he snuck a look down at his slim stomach and gulped. He wasn’t sure how he should broach it now, that apparently, no one else could see the change. Thinking about it now, it would explain why no one laughed at him when he stepped out of the pool, or panic about his transformation. 

“Do you want to fire the biggest one?”

“Yes!” Sean replied gleefully, the panic and despair he felt forgotten. In his mind, he could already see the beautiful explosion of color it would make and the loud bang.

“Alright, then follow me, and we’ll get it set up,” Malcolm said.

Sean followed Malcolm and the small group behind him further in the backyard to a flat empty area with dirt and concrete set up. His hands impatiently balled in and out, wanting to just grab the box from Malcolm and run over there and set them up. 




Sean looked up and stared at the explosions, as he did, it got harder for Sean to walk as his legs started to change starting with his feet. His toes got smaller with every step he took and after a few more steps, he was left with small delicate toes, as the rest of his feet started to change, which perfectly matched his new toes. His legs grew longer, with the muscles in them tightening and becoming stronger, sleeker than normal. His calf lost the loose sway and movement as it tightened. Unlike his lower legs and feet, his thighs expanded and grew larger, His legs finished getting toned and shapely, with large thighs which would be admired by many for how toned and sexy they were. 

Sean was thrown off balance by the sudden change to his legs and tripped. He closed his eyes and expected to fall and hit the ground. Before he did, he heard something hit the ground and felt something wrap around his waist and pull him back and stand him on his feet. The changing young man opened his eyes and saw the person holding him was Malcolm.

“Whoa, watch where you step, the last thing you need is to hit your head on a rock or eat dirt,” Malcolm said. 

“Thanks,” Sean said quietly and watched as the blonde slowly moved his hands away from him. He forced himself to look down and saw his new sexy legs and whimpered like a scared child. 

Even now, he couldn’t deny he was aroused by them, but the fact they were his legs overwhelmed him. He imagined them on a model or one of the many girls and could feel the blood rushing down below.

After a few more feet they stopped and opened the package. The placed the contents down and opened the package. The placed the plastic underneath, as they started to take out the fireworks inside. They bunched them together by pairs as Malcolm placed the larger rockets down away from the group. When he finished he waved Sean over, and the changing young man walked over. 

“Here you said you wanted to fire some off,” Malcolm said, holding a lighter for Sean to take.

Sean took the offered lighter and brought it closer to fuse. He used his hand to protect the flame from the wind and gulped as he waited for the fuse to start burning. After a moment, the fuse caught to light.


Sean smiled as he watched the fuse light and travel further up to reach its destination. 

He forced himself to step back as the eagerness he felt within build inside of him. He gulped and felt the nervous anticipation as he balled his hands again and waited eagerly to see it fly off into the night sky. 

As he intently watched it, his arms started to change, starting with his hands. His messy uneven fingernails from his habit of biting them when he was nervous started to clean up as they grew longer and evened out. Leaving them neatly trimmed and cared for nails that looked like they had just finished being worked on by a beauty salon. His fingers started to slim down and get smaller, the calluses on them getting smaller as they traveled down the rest of his hands. His palms got smaller to fit his changed digits as the roughness they had started to diminish. When they finished changing, he was left with dainty womanly hands which greatly contracts his thick arms. 


His head quickly looked up when he saw the rocket zoom up into the night sky and explode, seeing out a beautiful red array. The rest of his arms started to slim down and change as well. They thinned down as the amount of flab on them started to diminish as well and become sleek muscles. The changes continued up his biceps which started to shrink and become well-toned biceps, completing his arms transformation. His shoulders rounded out and started to move inward as the sound reverberated in the night sky. They quickly became narrow feminine shoulders which made him look like a girl from behind. 

He shivered when he felt the feeling of soft latex crawling up his body again and reluctantly looked down but couldn’t bring himself to look away. He wanted to see the image he had helped set off as two more rockets flew in the air.




“Wow,” Sean muttered as he watched the explosion, he made become part of a canvas, unaware of his height diminishing. With every loud bang that went off in the night sky, he lost another inch in height. He stopped shrinking when he became 5’6. 

“Enjoying the show?” Malcolm asked Sean, bringing him out of his amazement. 

“Yeah, I’m...What the hell,” Sean said, as he noticed he was now eye level with Malcolm’s chest. He felt the swimsuit crawl higher up his body and looked down to see it stretching higher and now rested underneath his pecs. 

“Are you okay?” Malcolm asked and placed the back of his hand on Sean’s forehead. 

Sean blushed from him being so close and Malcolm’s honest action. His face burned and he wasn’t quite sure what he should say. Something was endearing and charming about him which drew to him, almost like a crush. It was hard to believe this was the same person who had messed with him for weeks ago. He gulped and fumbled with his words until he finally managed to get out, “I’m okay, I just need a drink or something.”

“Alright then, but be careful as you're heading to the table,” Malcolm said. “If you want I can walk with you there.”

“N-No thank you, I’ll be fine,” Sean said and quickly walked away with a blush before he could make more of a fool of himself.

As he walked away, his heart started to pound a little slower in his chest and he felt like he could think clearer the farther away he was from the group. He looked down at his transformed limbs and gulped as he ran his hands over them. His mind pondered various possibilities that would have seemed outlandish not too long ago.

“Maybe someone else is changing,” Sean muttered. It was a feeble idea but considering what was happening to him it was a possibility, but since no one else noticed his changes it was a possibility. If he couldn’t notice the transformation before, then he might be able to now since they were suffering from the same effect. It was a hope he prayed would pay off. 

He looked at the people by the pool but couldn’t see anyone changing. They all looked happy and he couldn’t see any sign of their clothes changing or rising higher like his. None of their features seemed to change as well, no matter how the light they had made it look. A few of the guys and gals were making out, lustfully groping each other’s body. The feminizing young man couldn’t help but stare and blush at how excited the people were playing with each other. Seeing the people like this made his face darken further as he imagined someone holding him like how the girls were being held. 

The idea of leaving and trying to get away from here, before it finished came to him, but he couldn’t bring himself to do it. He didn’t want to leave in case there was a cure or something around here to stop it. Not to mention he still wasn’t sure what was causing this at all. For all he knew, if he ran, he would make the changes go faster. 

He moved closer to the tables and looked at the people around him. As far as he could tell no one was changing. He stepped inside the house and looked at the people sitting around and just like the ones outside he couldn’t see anything wrong with them. If he was going to see if someone was changing, then maybe he needed to be close. The feminine boy moved closer to a group by the table, trying to look natural, however, he wasn’t paying too much attention where he was going and hit the table. 


“Oww!” Sean said and gently massaged his aching hip as a container of silverware fell and landed on the floor. He flustered at the mess he made and looked around to see he was the center of attention. He quickly got down and started picking them up and placing them back into the container they fell from. 




Sean could feel his hips suddenly snap wider with every bang of the fireworks and had to hold back an irate groan. He unconsciously rolled his hips and blushed as the triangle which kept him decent was getting smaller. With every bang, they suddenly snapped wider, and let out a faint pop. When they finished changing, he was left with large striking hips that complimented his luscious thighs. He placed his hands on his hips, almost as if he was posing for a photo. 

The changing young man looked down and saw his swimsuit was rising higher again. He breathed deeply in to keep calm and blinked when he saw instead of the red and white pattern he was expecting, it was a bright blue color. There was a part of it that broke down the middle and made what seemed to be half of a diamond-shaped pattern. As it got further up he saw bright white segments inside the blue portion, and form small stars. His swimsuit continued farther up and stopped when it was underneath his nipples. 

Sean quickly looked around and saw the bathroom and ran inside. He flinched when he saw himself in the mirror and the strong smell of lavender hit him. Someone must have used the toilet and let out such a bad smell they probably tried to cover it up. He paid it little mind for the moment and forced himself to see his reflection. He hardly looked anything like his old self. His face remained untouched, and he mostly lacked the developed curves of the girls here, but it wouldn’t be long now. Everything else about him was different, his arms, legs, stomach. If this wasn’t a mirror, he would have thought someone had photoshopped his face and put it on a photo.

He didn’t know what he wanted to change, his face, or his curves. The thought of actually having a set of breasts and a delectable butt made him gulp and place his hands on his flat chest and butt. He wondered if he would compete with the girls outside and their magnificent curves. If his curves were determined by his family’s genetics, then he wouldn’t have to worry much about being dragged down by any extra weight. Though he doubted his genes would determine what he would look like if his hips were anything to go by.

Now that he thought about it, the swimsuit was supposed to be some sort of measurement for how close the transformation was to finishing. Looking back on when the transformation started, it wouldn’t be much longer, before something was gained, or something was lost. 

The smell of lavender assaulted his nose again and started to get too much for him to bear. He flicked on the switch to what he hoped was the fan to help alleviate some of the stench. 


The suit suddenly started to get tighter as it hugged his body. He grabbed the part of his swimsuit around his lower body and tried to pry it off, but his fingers still couldn’t get underneath it. A pull on his junk happened as the swimsuit continued to press harder on his masculinity, making his male being shrink into his body. He let out a large sensual gasp when the head of his penis was fully sucked into his body and felt like he creamed in his swimsuit. He quickly grabbed the sink to stay standing as his body swayed. He barely had a moment to get his bearings when one of his balls quickly slurped into his body and felt the other one follow. They changed inside and formed into a set of ovaries, causing the most prominent vestige of his old gender to form into a new set of lower lips.

Sean gasped as her body shuddered from the pleasurable explosion addled her mind as the swimsuit rose higher and covered her nipples from view, almost as if it was a low-cut dress. She leaned against the wall hitting the switch for the lights and fans and turning them both off. She stood there, waiting for her to gain her bearings before she committed herself to do anything. 

Vague new memories filled her mind of a life she never lived. A new name stuck in her mind like a neon sign at night, Silena. A sense of certainty surrounded it as if it was her original name. The more recent memories came to her easily, but the ones from her earliest years as a child were just as clear, along with the ones of her boyhood.

When the pleasure started to die down, she realized where she was, and shook her head to get rid of the daze clouding her mind. She slowly stood straight and let go of the sink. She rubbed her face, feeling as if she had just woken up from a long nap and turned on the lights. The new woman paled when she remembered what happened before the change and looked down to see the hill which was there previously was gone now. She gulped as she touched the front of her swimsuit and saw the faint outline of her new camel toe.

There were only a few things left before she was truly a girl. Her face, breasts, and butt were all that remained of her old self. There was still the matter of what would happen after her body was done changing. Would her mind be fully warped by whatever power was affecting her? If so, what would her life be like when it was done. It was already doing so with how eager she wanted to see the fireworks go off and how relaxed she was at times.

Silena stumbled out of the bathroom almost as if she had drunk an entire bottle of wine in one go. She took more cautious steps and stood up straight as she took a deep breath of air. After doing so, she felt like she had more control over herself.

“I need to get out of here,” Silena said and breathed heavily. It could end badly since she didn’t know anything, but she had to take that chance. She couldn’t just stay here waiting to change. 

She looked for Malcolm. He was the only person she needed to say goodbye to. After she said her goodbye she could leave without any guilt. She stepped outside and saw him standing by the pool, holding a large bright blue and yellow beach ball in his hands. 

“Oh hey, Silena. Are you enjoying the party?” Malcolm asked.

“Yeah I’m having fun,” Silena smiled, the words coming out of their own will. The goodbye she had so ready on her lips, gone for the moment. 

“That’s good, do you want to join in a game?” Malcolm asked.

Silena gulped as two different answers formed in her mind, waiting to escape. The one which wanted to leave right now and head back to her home, and the other which wanted to stay here and play with him before she left. She tried to calm her mind down so she could think clearly and say what she needed to, but she couldn’t. 

“S-sure it sounds fun,” Silena said, frowning inside by how she just gave in.

If he noticed her reluctance, he made no visible sign as he took her hand and gently pulled her into the pool, and she couldn’t bring herself to fight him. Silena blushed as she rubbed his rough hand, as she stepped into the pool, enjoying the warm water going over her body. He led her over to a point in the deep end of the pool. He let go of her, and the latter couldn’t help but frown, wanting to grab his hand again and squeeze it. She gulped as she stood there, waiting for the game to begin. 

“Alright game on,” Malcolm said as he clapped his hands eagerly.

Silena watched the other team send the ball flying over the net toward them. Malcolm moved and sent the ball back. Her eyes were locked on his back and saw the trails of water go down it, making his muscles look like they were glistening. She blushed as her crotch grew warmer the more she stared and gulped as the desire to run her hands over them and squeeze those delightful looking muscles. The more she looked at the more inviting or enticing they looked, almost as if they were a prize in a contest. 

The new girl forced herself to look away and focus on the match. One of her opponents sent the ball over the fence, and she saw it coming toward her. A thrill of excitement went through her, which clouded her mind. She stepped back, leaning to give herself a better angle. She didn’t want to disappoint her team and wanted to show how in shape she was. She managed to send the ball back over to the other side and score a point for her team. Their side cheered in joy at the success. 

This continued several more times with the ball being sent back and forth between the two of them. They would continue to play, the former young man seeing explosions go off which would make her mind buzzing with joy. It momentarily messed with her concentration, and yet she did not miss the ball and would send it back over. 

“Sorry, but I have to go for a moment,” Silena managed to spit out after scoring another point. 

She climbed out of the pool breathing heavily with a grin about her success, but it didn’t last long. It had been a while since she had played volleyball and had been more fun then she expected and worried how much longer she would be able to hold out before her mind was changed completely. 

She heard someone getting out of the water and turned to see it as Malcolm. He stepped out, his hard stomach glistening, as water trailer down it. She gulped and imagined her fingers rolling down them and tasting those strong muscles. Images filled her mind doing so, along with one’s of her slowly rubbing her face against them.

“Hey, good job out there!” Malcolm complimented as he slapped her on the butt. 


“Ohh!” Silena squealed and rubbed her butt. Her rump stung from the hard and fast slap he used, but a part of her enjoyed it. Her massaging slowed when she noticed her butt was tighter. She looked over her shoulder and paled at the slight of her slightly larger rump. It had a natural perkiness it didn’t have before. She wiggled her hips and saw it jiggle a little less.

She looked up at the sky half-hoping and half terrified. She heard rockets flying up into the air, and her heart swelled in joy as a smile blossomed on her face. In her mind, however, the terror grew, as if she was watching a horror scene buildup to the climax. 




Her butt gained a little more padding after every bang as if it was a signal to whatever force was changing her to continue. She squeezed her rump as her ass filled more of her dainty hands. It continued to push farther out, as more flesh escaped out between her fingers. She bit her lips to stop herself from letting out a delighted moan as she massaged it. The powerful erotic feelings coursed through her being from her hands work. Her butt finally stopped swelling when she had a delicious round bubble butt which would bounce with her every move. Her buttocks looked like a pair of small beach balls with how her swimsuit hugged her bottom cheeks. 

“Well that’s a lovely show,” Malcolm coughed, bringing Silena out of her thoughts. 

Silena’s face turned into a dark red which matched the red stripes of her swimsuit as her swimsuit rose higher. It went further up her chest and completed the diamond shape on her chest. It almost completely covered her torso but stopped before it could cover the top portion of her chest and the bottom of her shoulders. 

“Um excuse me,” Silena said and quickly walked away, blushing in embarrassment, but happy. 

She walked around the pool, her mind thought over her changes and tried to find some similarity between them. She already knew her swimsuit showed how far along her transformation was. Suddenly it hit her what all the transformations had in common. She muttered, “It’s the noise. It’s what’s causing this.”

As happy as she was to find out the cause of the trigger, it still did nothing considering how far along she was. How was she supposed to not hear anything on arguably one of the loudest nights of the whole year? She didn’t have her headphones to block it out, and with music, it would probably just change her as well. Not to mention where was she going to hide until the night was over and everyone was asleep?

An idea came to her, maybe if she stayed hidden somewhere in a quiet place then she would start changing back to her old self. Admittedly it was a long shot, but it was all the information she had right now. Especially since she could feel a mix of emotions come over her for everything. The party, the fireworks, and everything else. Idle thoughts ran through her of letting this power continue changing her until she was fully changed, and she quickly shot them down, only to come back moments later. 

“Hey look out!” Someone cried. 

Silena turned to the pool and her eyes widened at the sight of a volleyball flying toward her. She raised her arms to block the ball but wasn’t fast enough and the ball nailed her in the chest hard. 


“Ouch!” Silena cried as the ball hit the ground and rolled away. She rubbed her chest and blinked when she noticed there was a little more puff there then there was moments ago. It was as if the top of her swimsuit had been stuffed with tissues. She muttered in fear as she continued to prod her swollen chest, “No, no, no.”

“Are you alright?” The guy who warned her said.

“Y-Yeah I’m fine,” Silena said, and the guy smiled in relief. She stopped poking her chest and gulped as she tried to look calm. 

“Hey, could you pass the ball?” a girl in the pool said.

“S-sure,” Silena said and picked up the volleyball and tossed it to her. 

She quickly walked away and looked for a place away from everyone, her eyes looking down at her chest, waiting for the moment her breasts would continue their growth. It was only a matter of time before another loud noise went off, and the only question would be how they would get. The seconds without noise made her whimper as she waited for something to happen. She heard a loud zoom and gasped. She closed her eyes and brought her hands over her ears as tightly as she could.




Much to her dismay, she could still hear the rockets flying into the air and explode. With every bang of the fireworks, she could feel her breasts expanding, pushing against her arms. She slowly opened her eyes and groaned when she saw her chest was no longer reminiscent of flat pancakes and now pushed her swimsuit as they became the size of small B-cup breasts that looked to be the size of oranges and could easily fit in the palm of someone’s hand. 

Realizing the futility of her attempt to not hear the noises, she put her arms down as she ran to the bowl where she put her wallet and keys. She searched through the bowl as her chest went up another cup size and became the size of a full cantaloupe. Right now, she didn’t care if there was a cure here she didn’t know about. She wanted to get away from here as fast as possible so she could have some semblance of herself. She smiled when she found her belongings and ran outside, keeping her head down to avoid any bright flashes.




As she ran outside her chest started to ache as they grew into the size of honeydew which would be too much for anyone to fully hold. She whimpered as she saw the large mounds on her chest now give her a perfect view of her cleavage. The diamond-shaped hole under her breasts was pushed out and would allow something to slip inside. Her mind imagined a certain body part slipping in there and she blushed from the image as her crotch started to heat up. 

She opened her car door and quickly slammed it shut, causing her breasts to jump in size. She growled in anger at her idiocy as she put her keys in the ignition and turned it to start, but it didn’t. She turned it again, and this time her car started as another loud noise escaped the muffler of her care. 


Silena gasped as her chest suddenly swelled up another cup size and large honeydew, which would have attracted the eye of anyone even remotely interested in the female anatomy. Her nipples grew erect from the sudden growth and rubbed her against her swimsuit in a pleasing way. Another series of bangs went off as the top of the swimsuit reached around her shoulders and connected with the back of her swimsuit, completing the change as her breasts finished growing and became an impressive DD-cup bust. 

It wasn’t just her breasts which changed, but her face and hair changed. In one quick motion, her face lost all the masculinity it had before. Her cheekbones grew higher and took on a more feminine appeal, her chin rounded out to better suit them, giving her face a heart-shaped appearance. Her lips grew and became plump kissable mounds perfect for kissing and for various other naughty activities. The inverse happened with her nose as it became a smaller sharp roman nose, completing the facial changes. She had a face worthy of a model and would have gotten attention from everyone even slightly attracted to women. Her hair billowed out behind her and became long beautiful black hair that reached the base of her neck.

Silena sat there in a daze, moaning. The pleasing feeling from her crotch and breasts overwhelmed her mind. Her hands unconsciously rubbed the front of her new aching organ through the front of her swimsuit as her other rubbed her bust. Her mouth hanged open, as she locked her lips. She wanted more, no needed more. She squeezed her new breasts as if she was trying to find some hidden secret.

The car door was gently opened, and she lethargically turned to see it was Malcolm, who smiled at her. He looked over her form and licked his lips excitedly. He reached out and gently pulled her out of the car. She slowly moved out of the car and leaned against him, her huge bust pressed against his chest. She stared up at him with a clouded gaze as his arm snaked around his waist and rubbed her butt. 

“You turned out wonderfully,” Malcolm smiled. He gently kissed her forehead.

Silena smiled, finding comfort in the action and yet for some reason felt a faint sense of disgust and horror. In the back of her mind, she could tell this was wrong, and placed her hands against his sculpted chest to push him away but couldn’t help but admire his hard muscles. They were enticing, and so hypnotizing it made the lewd thought come to her and the desire to explore them in-depth as if she was a doctor looking for something.

He pulled out his phone, and for a reason, she couldn’t identify now, her stomach started to fall. Something told her it was a bad thing as if it was like she was standing in front of the barrel of a gun. Through the heavy haze, she was barely able to see him open the camera on his phone and change it, so they were the target.

“Smile for the camera,” Malcolm smiled as he placed his head against her’s. She smiled, the panic in the back of her mind continuing to grow. He pressed the button and a loud flash went off, which momentarily blinded the two of them. 

Silena blinked repeatedly as whatever remnants of her old self were completely morphed. All the reservations and desperation she had to get away disappeared. The memories of her old life changed into ones with her new body and identity. She looked at Malcolm and felt her heart skip a beat and smiled as she remembered her boyfriend was hosting a party and invited her. Which he should have done in the first place. It would be rude if he invited everyone but her after all. 

“Sorry I think I blinked there,” Silena said. 

“No problem, we can just take another one sweetie,” Malcolm said as he raised his phone again. This time the photo was angled a little lower so it would take a better picture of her cleavage. He took the picture and pulled it closer for them to see.

“Oh, looks like this one was a little too low,” Silena remarked cheekily as she stared at her breasts in the photo. 

“Do you want me to delete it?” Malcolm asked with a smirk.

“Not at all,” Silena remarked naughtily and then kissed him on the lips. She looked around and frowned when she saw they were outside. “What are we doing outside? I don’t remember coming out here. And why is my car on?”

“When we were inside the house, you said you couldn’t find your keys and thought you might have left them in the car,” Malcolm answered. “Looks like you were right. Also, from the sounds of it. Something seems wrong with your muffler. I think it would be best if you stayed here for the night and call a mechanic to pick it up in the morning. We wouldn’t want anything bad to happen to you.” 

“You’re right there let me just turn this off, and then we can head back inside,” Silena said. She slowly leaned over the driver’s seat, pushing out her butt, making her swimsuit ride between her cheeks. She moved slowly as if she was performing a bit of delicate work, she turned off her car, but still didn’t move to get up. 

Malcolm licked his lips and could see the invitation for what it was. With no hesitation, he reached down and grabbed her large rump. He moaned lustfully as he could feel her plump cheeks had a delightful firmness belonging to a peach. It made him want to keep squeezing and playing with her butt as if it was a new toy. Silena squealed from his hands' movements but made no motion to try and break away. Instead, she bounced her hips and pushed but bottom against his hands. She looked over her shoulder at him with a saucy look as she held the seat. He groaned, “You have the perfect ass babe.” 

“Th-Thanks!” Silena moaned. “Y-You know m-my breasts are j-just as good!”

“Oh yeah,” Malcolm replied as he let go of her delicious rump. He leaned over her as one of his hands wrapped around her stomach as the other grabbed one of her breasts and gently squeezed it. He had been wanting to get a hand on these puppies the moment he saw them. A growing light on the street made him stop as a car was getting closer. He sighed as he stopped his groping and romantically pulled her up and turned her around, so they were face to face. “We better head back inside before we do anything else. The last thing either of us want is to be caught for public indecency.”

“You’re right,” Silena said, sounding a little disappointed. 

They went back inside the house, holding each other's hands. They stopped by the bowl so she could place her keys and phone inside it. They looked for an empty place they could sit and found an open seat on the couch. Malcolm sat down in it and Silena sat down on his lap and leaned against him, pushing her chest out. The young man didn’t mind at all and wrapped his arm around her stomach as she leaned against him. 

“What do you say after the party I give you a private show later,” Silena whispered lustfully into his ear. She could feel his hardening member digging between her cheeks and smiled happily. She wiggled her hips and could feel it get harder as it pushed between her cheeks, arousing her further.

“That sounds great babe, and I’m sure I can give you something nice later as well as thanks. Happy fourth of July babe,” Malcolm smiled at all the stuff they would be getting up to later. 

“Happy fourth of July!” Silena said and then passionately kissed him on the lips. 


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