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Naruto let out a loud yawn as he woke up and stretched his arms in exhaustion from the training the other day. He had another day ahead of him if he was going to get strong enough to become Hokage. The first thing he needed to do was get ready for his day and have something to eat. 

However, the blond heard his tenant growling in annoyance from within the seal. Ever since his encounter with the Snake Sannin when he messed with the seal, he had been able to hear the demon beast growl and move around his cage. It had surprised him the first time that he heard it, but now he was able to put up with it and not flinch whenever he heard his tenant. Even now, when Ero-sennin had undone his work he still could. He didn’t think much of it and not worth talking about.

Inside the seal, the Nine-Tailed Fox quickly moved around as it studied the seal, trying to find a way that he could escape his current predicament. However, also wanted more than just escaping. He wanted to experience life and all the joys it could offer him. For years he had been used by the damned Ningen as a weapon and wished to experience life like he did before they captured him. 

Naruto got out of bed and jumped into his shower. His mind was still a daze but could hear the fox moving around in his head like a caged animal. It made his headache, and the fox’s movement grew more erratic when he stripped off his clothes and stepped into the warm shower. The fox groaned at being forced to see what laid between the boy’s legs. Naruto sighed at having to hear the growling every day now. He muttered in annoyance. “Jeez you damn fox, do you really gotta growl some much?” 

“...,” The Kyūbi growled in defiance while looking at the fracturing seal. It seemed like no matter how much he studied it; he couldn’t find any points that he could to escape. He swore in annoyance while slamming his fist against one of the bars. “Dammit....break already...” 


The fox stopped as his eyes widened. He slowly pulled his arm back and saw one of the bars had cracked under his might. He looked around. He looked around, waiting for something to happen, such as the seal repairing itself, or anything. The safeguards that the thrice-damned Yondaime had set implemented should have been alerted those shadows he was breaking the seal, and yet there was no sign of them. It was as if it was still intact to them.

He looked back at a copy of the seal and his eyes widened even further when he saw that there was a crack in the seal, specifically in a part that would have made them go in effect. With that part of the seal broken, he could break out of here now and emerge in the world unhindered. There was still a connection between them, but the security system in it was gone. He moved to charge out of the cage in the mindscape but stopped as a thought crossed his mind. Without the safeguards he could do what he wants with the seal, even make it suit his desires. 

“Desires....my desires...” He muttered as he imagined what he wanted most came to mind, and with his power it would be simple as an image came to mind, causing him to grin, “I could do anything I want with it.” 

“Finally, you stopped growling,” Naruto meanwhile muttered in relief as he finished drying off and went to pull out fresh clothes. 

"Anything I want," The Kyūbi said in a darker tone than usual.

"Huh?" Naruto said in an annoyed tone as he started putting on a fresh set of clothes. “What are you going on about?” 

"Anything I want, and what I desire most..." The Kyūbi suddenly declared as a crimson gleam appeared in his eyes. "I WILL HAVE IT! AND YOU’RE GOING TO BECOME HER!” 

“What the hell are you going on about you crazy fox?” Naruto grumbled as he grabbed a shirt. As this was said, his hair darkened to a midnight black with a dark purple undertone. He casually shrugged his shoulders. “Whatever you stupid fox.” 

“Eh?” Naruto said in confusion as his new hair entered his vision. He pulled at it, thinking it was something like a piece of cloth or something. He felt a tug on ton his hair and saw strands of his new hair enter his field of vision. Naruto’s eyes soon bulged, and he quickly ran to the bathroom. To his horror, he saw his hair had changed color and now grew down his body. He grabbed the long locks of hair and was horrified by how soft they were. They finished growing when they reached down to his midback. He yelled, “WHAT THE HELL DATTEBAYO!?”

“Surprised?” The Kyūbi suddenly asked, amused by the reaction his container was giving, “This is only the start of the changes to come.” 

“You’re behind this? I ain’t letting you do what you want to me!” Naruto yelled and quickly ran to the front door. Just as his hand touched the handle, his body froze. He tried to force his hand to throw open the door, but they stayed put. “W-What the!?” 

“Ah ah ah,” The Kyūbi got out from within the boy’s head. “No leaving. This is staying right here in this room, and no else gets to see this.” 

“H-How are you doing this?!” Naruto spat, his voice normal levels struggling for control while he also tried to raise his voice higher. He had been trying to yell, but it came out as if he was talking to someone right in front of him. It was as if he was under the effects of Shikamaru’s Shadow Possession Jutsu. 

“I have been studying the seal for years and finally gained a chance to escape. Before I did, I had an epiphany. I found a....loophole so to speak. Now I wonder which should alter first. That face of yours just needs to go, but you desperately lack the curves,” He chuckled menacingly before smirking. “On second thought, I shouldn’t do something like that for the moment. I need a little more to work with.” 

“What are you- Ahhh!?” Naruto started before he quietly cried as he could feel his spine start to ache along with his limbs. He looked down and he noticed that he was getting farther away from the ground. His arms and legs cracked as they continued to grow longer. 

“Ahh, 5’6. The perfect height, for a perfect mate.” The Kyūbi casually praised. In reality, the boy’s body had been getting older, but he controlled how tall he made him, and stopped aging him when he became 24.

“W-What the!? I’m as tall as my Sexy Jutsu form!?” Naruto mentally exclaimed.

“It is an excellent base to use.” The Kyūbi admitted with an amused smirk on his face. “You only have yourself to blame for that. After all, you made such a Jutsu.” 

Naruto growled, “Guess you can’t be original.” 

“I can certainly be original. I just didn’t want to deal with any reminders of you when I’m done,” The Kyūbi replied. “Now before we begin, I need to clean you up a little and really make you a hairless ape, well hairless to a point. You can keep what hair you have on top of your head.”

Naruto’s body started to feel hot. He felt as if someone was pinching his body. He looked at his arm and saw that what little hair that he had on them was starting to fall off. He had little doubt that what little hair that he had on his legs was going away as well, the same with his chest. His skin felt a little more sensitive, and the air and his clothes made him twitch a little at the new level of feeling he wasn’t used to.

“Now then, we can truly begin.” The Kyūbi declared calmly. “So, let’s continue with your head. You have such a youthful face, but it looks awful.” 

His cheeks felt warm, and the sides of his head ached painfully. He could feel his face changing. His lips felt as if someone was biting them. He puckered his lips and they felt larger than moments ago. His cheeks ached as they rose higher and his chin felt like somebody was rubbing a stone against it. The pain on the sides of his head continued to grow and then in one quick moment, the main ended and was replaced with a comforting sensation, like water had been poured over his head. When his face stopped aching, he felt something on top of his head twitch, making him blink.

“I’ll let you feel what is atop your head and look towards the mirror,” The Kyūbi informed.

The ninja reached up and felt something fluffy. Naruto went to the mirror, this time of his own accord and he gasped when he saw a small set of fox ears that matched his new hair. They twitched in his grasp and his mouth opened as quiet weak moan left her mouth. 

“You look absolutely stunning my dear, and what an adorable set of ears don’t you think?” The Kyūbi asked in amusement.

Naruto’s mouth dropped. He was stunning, beautiful much to his dismay. He had a cute little, nose, and plump lips that many would wonder what felt like pressed against their own. He would have been the fantasies of men everywhere. Some might say the whisker marks on her face detracted from her beauty, but others would say it added an exotic appeal to her. 

“No, no, no!” Naruto cried as his voice rose higher and more seductive, as his Adam’s apple shrank into nothing. He grabbed his throat and could it shrinking as his vocal cords shifted and rose to a delightful tenor. 

“Yes, yes yes,” The Kyūbi countered, chuckling all the while. “Now let’s get started bringing in some nice curves.” 

Naruto gulped as he wondered what the fox was going to change now before he gasped as his waist suddenly started curving inward while the reverse started happening with his hips. He groaned as he could feel the fat in his stomach start traveling down his body, smoothing down until he was left with a strong, slim core. 

He could feel the bones in his hips shifting, as more cushion appeared on them, adding more to the sensual curves that his lower body was receiving. they grew wider apart as the Kyuubi's chakra continued to push them out wider. After several pleasing and yet agonizing moments the changing boy felt his hips stop changing when they wide womanly hips, fitting for a fully developed woman.

The fat didn’t stop at his hips but continued past them. It settled on his thighs, which grew larger, making his pants strain tightly against their growth. He groaned as his pants, started to ride up his crotch and butt. The boy desperately wanted to pull at his pants and try to pull them up to make things more comfortable. Much to his relief, his pants stopped getting tighter when he had large sexy thighs and wide hips that would sway no matter how he walked. 

“Excellent, my mate is coming along well,” The Kyūbi stated with a vile grin. He laughed as he forced his host to start groping his now larger thighs. He could feel the blonde’s face heat up and pleasure course in her mind from how her sexy thighs made her feel. 

Panicking to hearing this statement, Naruto tried to think of something that he could do. He needed to alert someone, anyone of what was happening. He didn’t have a kunai and the Bijū made it so he couldn’t even talk. Maybe if he moved fast enough, he would be able to break the glass. 

Risking it, Naruto ran toward the window and brought his hand up to smash braced himself to jump through the window. The few seconds before he would have hit the window, his body suddenly slowed down. His heart trembled in terror as he started to slow down and walk toward the window and gently knocked his knuckle against the window. 

“Did you really think that just by running to the window that you would be able to get help?” The fox demon sneered and forced Naruto to stark walking back. “Looks like a punishment is in order, and I know just the one.” 

“What the hell are you-!? AHH!” Naruto declared as it suddenly felt like he had been kicked in the balls followed by something then being sucked in, causing him to pale. He squealed as the other one was sucked inside his body. He muttered fearfully, “Oh no...” 

“Oh yes,” The Kyūbi responded with a vile grin, enjoying the distress that Naruto felt. The boy moaned pitifully and could only shiver at his shrinking equipment. He could feel his masculinity shrinking against his thigh and wanted to reach down and grab it. At the thought, he suddenly had control over his body again.

“Little Naruto!” Naruto exclaimed in a panic. The former boy reached down between her legs and her fingers brushed against her new entrance.  She wanted to pull her hand away, and them much to her dismay they started to brush against them again. She didn’t need to be told it was the damn fox messing with her again. 

“I was going to save that for last, so that would be the last thing you would see, but oh well. Now that little smirch is gone, we can get to the fun parts. Now top or bottom.” The Kitsune remarked as he licked his lips. “Both are so tempting and fun in their way, but do I want to spoil myself just yet? Let's go with the bottom set for now.”

She gasped when she felt a sharp pain from her butt. She felt something starting to poke through right above her butt. She reached above and felt what seemed to be bone poking through. It started to feel warm as if she had placed it next to a fire and grabbed her asscheeks. She blushed as she could feel it rumble. She tried to remove her hands, but instead, her fingers started to cup and play with her behind. Her butt swelled with feminine fat that grew much too large for her slim fingers. It continued to grow until it reached the size of a large ripe apple, perfect to be grasped. 

“Just from touching it, I can tell that your new butt is quite the wonderful ass.” The kitsune smirked in his mind. “I’m going to enjoy watching you bounce it up and down for me. And play with that shapely ass of yours as much as I want.” 

As much as Naruto wanted to vocally curse him, the pain in her back and the conflicting pleasure from her rump made it so that her mouth could only let out moans as it opened and closed. Her face twitched and the feeling of something trying to break out of her body continued to grow


“Whew...,” Naruto sighed in relief as the feeling faded, and as replaced with one reminiscent to a delightful warmth from a fire. 

“I’ll let you look at your succulent behind for your new additions.” The Kyūbi playfully decided as he motioned his paw.

“Additions?” Naruto questioned as she turned her head. She paled immediately when she saw nine white fluffy tails. She stared at the appendages as they moved up and down, seemingly of their own accord. “W-What the!?” 

“Don’t forget to look at your ass, it’s all yours now.” The Kyūbi reminded.

Naruto was then forced to look past her new tails and her eyes bulged as a dark blush appeared on her face. Her butt was simply huge, massive even. She had stared at a lot of girl’s behinds and her ass would have been on perfect display in any tight, form-fitting apparel. If it was on anyone else, he would have used it for his Sexy Jutsu. 

“And now....for my favorite part.” The Kitsune demon chuckled, and the ravenette swore that she could hear him lick his lips eagerly. 

Naruto’s chest started to feel odd as she felt her heart pounding. She wasn’t the sharpest kunai, but even she could tell what was about to come. After all, that damned fox had already taken away her manhood. There was only one more thing that he could add to make things worse, or rather two things actually. She could feel her nipples ache as they grew more prominent. They slowly grew and poked through her black shirt. They became the size of erasers and she moaned at their increased sensitivity. Her shirt felt like rough wool, irritating and oddly pleasing her tits. She tried not to move, but she couldn’t help but shake. 

“So, tell me, how big do you want your breasts to be? Flat as a board? Hearty handfuls? Big as your head? Watermelons? Pumpkins?” The fox listed off as he laughed at the new girl’s increasing fear and indignation. 

Naruto growled, her mind focused on how she would get back at that stupid fox when this was fixed so that it wouldn’t stray to other ideas. She didn’t want to give him any ideas. All it would take was one stray thought and suddenly her body would be putty in grasp and rub the transformation in her face like a bully would their victory. 

“C’mon now, I’m sure that you have a size in mind, and I would just love to hear what you think would be good,” Kurama amusingly remarked. “It's not every day that someone gets to help make their new selves.” 

“Shut up,” Naruto spat, still angry with everything that was happening.

“Well then, if you won’t tell me how big you want them, then I guess that I’ll just choose for myself,” The kitsune sighed playfully. “Remember, I gave you a choice.” 

Naruto shook as the image of her with a pair of tits that were even bigger than large pumpkins came to her mind. She shivered at the thought of having something like that pulling her down. She had some experience with when she used her Sexy Jutsu, but she always had sense semblance of control when she used it and made it to a point where it wasn’t too bad. If the fox chose her bust size it would only end with her looking like a model’s at least and putting Tsunade’s prodigious bust to shame at most.

“Wait stop!” Naruto cried more of a panic and rationalization. “I’ll...I’ll choose.” 

“Oh there we go, was that so hard?” The Kyūbi teasingly asked. “So, how large do you want to be?” 

“I...I want to be flat,” Naruto gritted out. She couldn’t believe that she just said that. 

“Ahh, I should have expected that with the number of times you asked out that pink-haired banshee.” The demon remarked, getting an angry growl from the budding female. “Some would say that flat is justice. Unfortunately for you, I’m not one of them.” 

“N-No!” Naruto gasped. “P-Please, I told you I want to be flat!” 

“True, but I didn’t like that answer.” The Kyūbi soon revealed.

“But you said it was my choice?!” Naruto countered.

“It was, so long as I liked your answer.” The Kyūbi then declared. “And since I didn’t like that choice, it means I get to choose your new breast size.” 

“D-Don’t!” Naruto exclaimed fearfully her heart started pounding. She soon gasped as a new wave of heat took over her body. She felt hot in between her legs and her head moved against her own accord, looking down at her flat chest as it slowly ballooned outward. Her body shivered as pleasure coursed through her being and made her quiver. 

“Hehe, yes. Big and busty, just how I desire.” The Kyūbi remarked in a satisfied tone to witnessing this. “And just like so many will. You’ll be a being desired by all, but one only I can have.” 

“Pl-Please...This is...the perfect size!” Naruto panted as her chest swelled to the size of apples, but all she received in return was a menacing laugh as her growing bazongas continued to grow. The former young man looked down at her best and shivered in delight and terror as they continued to grow larger. She wasn’t sure what to do, or even if there was anything she could do to get out of here. Even if she wasn’t the sharpest kunai of the bunch she knew trying to push her breasts down wouldn’t do anything.

“I think not.” The kitsune answered. “They’re nowhere near large enough. Honestly, they are around the same size as that red-eyed woman. You however must be larger than any of the humans here.” 

“Y-You pervert!” Naruto struggled out as her arms moved of their own accord and started groping her chest. Just like when her butt was growing, her fingers massaged her breasts and played with her nipples. She couldn’t help herself and wanted to see how they actually felt, and make sure they were real. Pleasing sensations rocked her body and forced herself to stop. 

“I know, and you will be as well my dear, but for a different thing.” The Kyūbi countered with a grin. “For now, just enjoy yourself as your jugs continue to grow.” 

Naruto whimpered and desperately tried to keep her mouth shut, but no matter how hard she tried. She moaned and whimpered as she wondered how much of it was because of the fox, or if she just couldn’t control herself as her breasts grew too large for her feminine hands to contain while the front of her shirt torn slightly from the strain of her bust. Eventually, her breasts finally stopped when they were the size of large coconuts, the two massive spheres were mushed together. The former boy stared at them, from her time peeping and examining bras for inspiration for her Sexy Jutsu, she could tell that her breasts were now a large E-cup. 

“There we go Ahri, you look even more beautiful and radiant than I imagined,” the giant demon fox mocked as the grin on his face grew even larger and with more excitement.

“Ahri!? Who the hell are you callin’ Ahri you perverted fox!” Naruto yelled countered in anger, her tails also standing on end as well while her breasts bounced and jiggled.

“Why you of course. After all, Naruto is no name for such a lovely kitsune like you,” the Kyūbi complimented lustfully.

“You might have changed me into a fox girl, but I’m still Naruto Uzumaki you overgrown fluffball!” Naruto declared. Despite all the changes he was still mentally herself. She still had the same desires she had, the same dreams, and would continue to strive for them no matter how much the fox changed her body to his will. 

The fox simply looked on from within the leaking seal at her with a patronizing smile. his eyes flashed crimson once more. “We’ll see about that in a minute my dear. Now my dear, why don’t you remember all the time we’ve spent together my love.” 

Before Naruto could demand what he meant, her head suddenly felt as if someone had punched her in the nose as her eyes flashed yellow. The new kitsune held her head and groaned as new memories filled her mind. 

Images came of her of a crimson-haired male kitsune, and how they first met in a city, and a variety of dates together. They soon changed and led to more perverted one of them lying down on a bed, in a forest, in a variety of places naked in each other’s embrace. 

“W-What are you-!? AAAAAAAAAAH!” Naruto began to ask before screaming from sharp and intense pain. She tightly gripped her hurting head. It continued to get worse, suddenly it ceased, and she felt as if someone had dumped a jug of cool water over her. A small faint sigh of relief came out of her mouth as her eyes glowed yellow. Her arms dropped to her sides and hanged, not even twitching. After a moment the glow vanished from her now yellow fox-like eyes.

“Awaken Ahri, my one true mate,” the demonic fox soon ordered. “Now, release this accused seal.” 

The ravenette unconsciously brought her hand to where the seal was on her stomach and poured her power into it, burning the seal away instantly. For a moment, a shadow of the seal remained, before it vanished. 

“Yes,” The trapped kitsune demon exclaimed. A red aura formed around the kitsune woman and then zoomed across from her. “Finally! Freedom, after all these years!” 

Meanwhile, the glazed look soon left the kitsune woman’s eyes. She blinked and looked around, wondering where she was. She didn’t remember entering this apartment, and why she was wearing clothes too small for her. 

“Ahri-chan, did you sleep well?” A familiar, deep-toned man asked, causing her to jump slightly and regaining her focus as a result.

Ahri turned around and immediately felt herself blushing as she looked at a long crimson-haired man that had no shirt on, showing his muscular chest. He also was only wearing a pair of red pants as her eyes then landed on a more than noticeable bulge. She could feel her mouth water as vivid memories of the time they spent together in the bedroom, and various other places making out. She had to restrain herself from ripping her pants off and doing what she desperately wanted to do as she licked her lips. 

“Ahri-chan?” The man called out once more, smirking at the kitsune woman’s actions.

“Y-Yes?” Ahri stammered as she shook off the blush. 

“I asked if you slept well?” The man chuckled. 

“Y-Yes, I slept great… I’m sorry sweetie, but for some reason, I think your name is Kyūbi,” Ahri giggled out. She felt silly for thinking so. There was no way that was his name, after all, if that was the case than that her name would be Kyūbi too with all the tails she had.

“Kurama my dear,” the Kyūbi, now revealed to be Kurama corrected in a suave and alluring tone, with a just as charming smile. 

“Of course, Kurama-kun,” Ahri replied with another giggle escaping her lips. She suddenly felt her underwear ride up her body and frowned as she pulled at it but couldn’t make it sit right between her cheeks. “Do you know why I’m wearing these?”

“Does it really matter my dear,” Kurama laughed, and lifted her by her butt. 

K-Kurama-kun,” She stammered in a flustered manner with a faint blush. “Also, w-where are we?” 

“You know that you love it, my dear,” Kurama countered as he started to shower her collarbone and neck with kisses. “As for where we are, again, does it really matter?” 

“Kurama-kun, please answer me,” Ahri chided as she pouted with puffed up cheeks. She slightly pushed her fellow kitsune’s head back a bit.

Kurama in turn chuckled to his mate’s personality. He answered with a smirk, “It’s just an abandoned apartment I found.” 

“Really?” Ahri asked as she looked around again and sniffed the air. “It doesn’t look abandoned. It might not be the cleanest, but it looks like it has been taken care of at least. It also has the smell of that human food, ramen I believe it is called.” 

“I guess the human that lived here was a slob,” he remarked as he shrugged his shoulders without a care, though was laughing his ass off on the inside. Oh yes, that human was a slob, but he turned out so well. He knew Ahri wouldn’t accidentally drink expired milk and would certainly take care of herself and their home. “Why don’t we find somewhere more comfortable?” 

“For another date Kurama-kun?” Ahri then asked, smiling at the thought.


He snapped his fingers and in a red haze, a black and red kimono top formed. His red pants changed into a dark black and became baggier as they went down to his feet. A pair of simple black shinobi sandals formed on his feet, which exposed his sharper than normal feet, completing, Kurama’s new outfit. He replied, “Of course, Ahri-chan.” 


An elegant red and white kimono soon wrapped around Ahri’s body after she snapped her fingers, that left little of her body to hide. It exposed the top of her breasts and had a slit down the side to make it easier for her to walk around. She replied, “Then let’s go Kurama-kun. I wanna have some fun.” 

“As you wish my dear,” Kurama said. The two of them vanished from the room in an orange-red blaze, both happy to be leaving such a place behind. They had to find much better accommodations for being like them, especially if they were going to have fun tonight. 

Later in the dead of night. . .

Darkness had taken hold as two naked kitsunes were in each other's embrace on the bed of their current honeymoon suite. After they had left the old apartment, they used a genjutsu to make the humans think they had paid for some new clothes and a high-class hotel within Konoha. 

“This is so much better Kurama-kun.” Ahri giggled out playfully as she laid on the king-size bed.

“I know my dear,” Kurama replied as he looked at his mate.

“This is perfect Kurama-kun,” Ahri praised as she pushed crotch against his hardening wood. Her hands and tails roaming over his muscles and licking her lips in anticipation. 

“Perfection is what you are my dear Ahri-chan,” Kurama suavely complimented as he cupped his fellow kitsune’s cheek. The crimson-haired male kitsune smirked as he studied his mate. She was perfect, everything he could have hoped for when he started changing her. The shape of her face, her body, it was all a perfect dream made real. He could and would spend the rest of their eternal lives together if he had anything to say about it, and would make sure they enjoyed every minute of it. 

“Mmm. Kurama-kuuuun~” Ahri moaned out as a lustful smile graced her face. She got out in a love and lust-filled manner while panting heavily. She informed in even more anticipation and excitement. “I feel sooooo horny~ I really need it now my love.” 

“As you wish my love,” Kurama replied in a suave tone. He smirked as he leaned closer and begun to play with her breasts and teased her body, as he peppered her with kisses. 

“M-More Kurama-kun~” Ahri whispered, her tone full of desire. “Stick it in me~ I want it in me~ I need it in me~” 

“Now now my dear. We can’t just rush into it. We have to build up first.” Kurama responded enticingly as he slowly explored her body, squeezing her body and kissing her more.

Ahri continued to mewl and beg more pleadingly as he grabbed her behind and teased her breasts. She grunted out her desires in satisfaction. “Oh~! Oh~! Oh~! More~! More~! MORE~!” 

“You are my mate,” The crimson-haired male kitsune smirked and decided that it was time. He positioned himself over her and eagerly gave in to her wishes as he passionately kissed her on the lips. 

One week later. . .

“This is the life,” Kurama muttered as he lounged in a chair as the summer sun shined its rays upon his human form. He thought as he adjusted his sunglasses while looking at the island scenery around him. “This was the perfect place to go.”

He had thought long and hard about where he would after he was free, especially now that Ahri was with him. He didn’t want to spend his time in Suna, with no place to truly relax and go on vacation. Kumo would be nice for a little while, but after a time would be boring. Kusa, plains, and fields of grass, something that the Konoha had plenty of. Iwa, as if he wanted to stay in a place with a bunch of rocks. It wasn’t until later he remembered the Crescent Moon Kingdom, and it quickly proved it had been an excellent choice after getting out of Konoha. 

He heard about the country while he was imprisoned in that red-haired bitch when she was off on a mission. He wondered what that whore would think if she learned about what he had done to her precious baby. No doubt she would be filled with a fury if she had seen what he had done and told her of all the time they spent together. The thought made him chuckle as he imagined what it would have been like rubbing it in her face and her husband’s. Their psychic imprints were still in the seal, perhaps he still could one day.

“Payback can really be a bitch in the end,” Kurama thought to himself with a smirk. Oh well, he had won in the end, and that was all that truly mattered. 


The disguised fox demon looked and saw his mate step out of the pool, wrapped in a tight one-piece swimsuit that did nothing to hide her curves. It pushed up her large breasts, making them look even larger as she grabbed a towel to dry herself off. The curve of her butt was emphasized as it lovingly held up her backside, to make it look even perkier. The true wonder of it all was how it didn’t do anything to diminish her figure in view.

He chuckled at how the humans wanted to be with her. Not that he could blame them as he was watched her breasts bounce. None of them could see her fox ears or her many beautiful foxtails that moved with her thanks to the genjutsu that they were using made them look like any other of the humans. Her tails moved behind her and swayed without care. He wondered if the humans would have cared about their extra appendages considering what they have done for them.

When they first got there, the nation itself was under the forced control of a tyrant, though they easily took care of him and his subordinates with ease. This in turn made the two kitsunes heroes to the civilians of the nation and allowed them to request anything they desired. Something which satisfied the two disguised kitsunes greatly. They had asked for a permanent residence in the kingdom and could come and go as they pleased. Not that they would want to since they have been honored and praised as heroes to the people. Why would they leave when they could have anything they ever want right here.

“Hehe, demons praised as heroes,” Kurama muttered in amusement as he thought back to everything that happened. He smirked, “Who would have thought that would happen.” 

The female kitsune soon stood in front of him, and he admired her semi-dry form. He watched as trails of water went down her body and rested between her breasts. Ahri asked, “Enjoying your time in the sun Kurama-kun?” 

“Of course, Ahri-chan,” Kurama replied as he smirked. “And you’re looking as radiant as always.” 

“Thank you. Oh, what’s this~” Ahri asked playfully and curiously as she bent over, her full round rump on display.

Kurama chuckled watching her butt up and down as she continued to look at the ground, knowing without a shadow of a doubt that nothing was there. He reached out and squeezed his mate’s plump buttocks. “You’re such a tease, and I love it. You ready to go for another round?” 

“Oh, but what about all the people Kurama-kun?” Ahri asked as she sat down on his lap, his rising member between her ripe ass cheeks.

The disguised male kitsune licked his lips to this question. Kurama said with a witty grin as he lifted her. “It's not as if they can see us, unless we want them to, something we both know for sure. Besides, I meant in our mansion, you naughty girl.” 

“O-Oh.” Ahri got out, blushing in realization to what her love meant.

Then in one quick flash, the two kitsune were back at their mansion. He threw her on the bed and she giggled as she bent over. The male kitsune chuckled as he used his tails to lower his swimming trunks. He spanked her and pulled the swimsuit part over her butt away and prepared to have his way with her.

“I love it here Kurama-kun.” Ahri softly confessed, her breasts bouncing out as a result of his action. She got warm between her legs, her fingers curling against the sheets of the bed. Eagerly waiting for him to have his way with her. 

“Yes, we are. This will be a perfect place to raise our future kits,” Kurama stated with a soft smile of his own. It was only a matter of time with the way that they have been going that they would have children. He might have been imprisoned for two human lives, but with his new mate in his life, he couldn’t help but feel that it was worth it. Soon he would have a true, happy family with his children and loving wife, something he would no doubt enjoy.

“Yes Kurama-kun, our future children will live long happy lives here when the time comes,” Ahri replied softly with a happy love-filled tone. She then moaned lustfully as her lover took her from behind. 


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