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Ichika Orimura sighed as he started walking around the city. He had gotten permission to leave IS Academy and needed some time to clear his head. It had taken a bit of work to make sure he could leave without any of the girls following him. As much as he liked to spend time with them, there were times where he needed some time to himself. Considering how popular he was at the academy and how every girl tried to spend more time with him it was hard to get some alone time and it was headache-inducing. Especially how some of the girls, like Houki, would hit him at times. 

On that thought, he decided it wouldn’t hurt to get some gifts for the girls, especially since he was already in the city. It would probably stop whatever hurt and rage they felt by him ditching them. He went to the mall, wondering what he would find there. As he slowly walked around the mall, he spied what was inside, and the possibilities came to him. He put them down on a mental list as he continued to look around, wondering what would be best and hoping to find something which he knew for certain the girls would like. 

After over an hour of walking around, and still no clue of what to get the girls, Ichika sighed as he sat down on a nearby bench. He didn’t think it would be this hard to get the girls a gift. He had spent plenty of time getting to know them, and knew their interests, but couldn’t decide on anything. The moment something looked promising, he would second guess himself and question if it really was what he should get. He wanted to make sure he got the perfect gift for them.

“Can I help you, young man?” A woman asked. Ichika turned saw a beautiful woman who looked to be around his sister’s age with long blonde hair. She had red eyes and a mole under her left one. She had a voluptuous body and a large chest, which was exposed. 

“I’m looking for gifts for some friends of mine, and not quite sure what to get them,” Ichika explained. 

“Oh, I can help you with that. Can you describe them a little and tell me what they like?” The woman said. “A second opinion could help.”

Ichika started telling her everything he could about them, how they looked, what they liked, and how they acted. The more he talked about them, the more he felt a smile form on his face as he fondly recalled all of the stuff they had done together. The woman nodded and asked for clarifications on things at times, but aside from that, she didn’t say much. 

Ichika opened his mouth to speak but stopped when he realized he didn’t know her name. He chuckled sheepishly. “I’m sorry, you listened to me for so long, and yet I never got your name.” 

“My name is Squall,” the blonde said respectfully.

“Nice to meet you Squall,” Ichika said, and shook her hand. 

“After listening to you tell me all about your friends, I think I have a pretty good idea about them. Follow me, and I’ll show what I think would be perfect gifts for them,” Squall said as she stood up.

Ichika let her lead him around the mall and showing him what he thought would be perfect gifts for them. The moment he saw them he knew they would be perfect for the girls, though some didn’t sound good at first. He questioned her on them, and she explained her reasoning for them, and then he understood why she had chosen them. Soon he had gifts for all the girls. He blinked when he looked outside and saw it was dark outside and the streetlights were on.

“Thank you for all the help you have given me today,” Ichika smiled. “I could only imagine how long it would have taken me to get everything if it wasn’t for you.”

“It was no problem Orimura-san,” the older woman laughed. “I had a good time with you. Are you going to be heading back to the academy now?”

“Yeah, if I don’t head back soon, I’m going to be late. The last thing I want to do is get in trouble,” Ichika replied good naturally. He shivered at the thought of how angry his sister would be with him if he was. The thought of what his sister might do to him if he failed to arrive before the curfew terrified him. 

“I’ll be heading in the same direction as well,” Squall answered. “And don’t worry about making it back to the academy on time.”

Ichika opened his mouth to question but felt something prick his arm and looked down to see a needle and the person holding it was Squall. She was still smiling just as serenely as she had the whole time. He opened his mouth to speak again, but no words come out. His eyes suddenly started to feel very heavy and his limbs felt like something was weighing them down. He moved his hand and was surprised by how quickly it had moved and how he couldn’t feel anything. The young man’s vision started to darken as he lost all feeling in his body. The last thing he saw before darkness took him was the woman smiling serenely at him, but her red eyes held a cruel glee in them. 

Ichika groaned as he woke up. His body felt as if sandbags were wrapped around his limbs and his back was aching as if he had slept on an uncomfortable bed of rocks. Suddenly he remembered what happened and jerked awake but could only get so far. He saw his arms were restrained and looked down as best he could and saw his ankles were as well. The trapped young man looked around and saw he was in a cell of some kind. 

“What the, where am I?” Ichika questioned aloud groggily. 

He saw a window in the room and could see a head of long blonde hair and a man in the corner of the room, who was also working on a computer. He could see various monitors and could quickly tell this was a lab of some sort. He looked at his wrist and saw his IS was gone. 

“Oh, you are awake,” Squall said, her voice still as soft and at ease as when they first met. “I was starting to wonder if you would be asleep for the whole procedure or not.”

“Squall where am I? What are you doing!” Ichika demanded, glaring at the woman. 

“We need you for a special experiment we are performing and think you or your sister are the best candidates to try it,” Squall said. 

Ichika froze the moment they said experiment, before the rage of what they planned to do to him, and his sister took over. The rage in his eyes grew, as he growled, “As if I’m going to help you! Are you with Phantom Task?” 

“Your consent is not required for this procedure. If all goes well then, you will be more than willing to help us of your own free will, and you will know soon enough,” Squall said. She took her hands off the intercom and turned to the male in the room. He slowly nodded and went back to typing on the keyboard. 

Ichika saw a slide open and a container holding a metallic liquid enter the room. His heart pounded in his chest as he eyed the container move as it got closer to him. He jumped when the container of the lid let out a hiss as it opened. For a moment nothing happened and hoped it was just a bluff. Suddenly he saw a silver trail the size of a large snake peak out. It moved out of the container, like a large silver snake.

It took him a moment to realize they were nanites. He froze when he saw the goo start moving to him.  He felt like he was in the middle of some sort of horror movie, and he was the newest victim. The young man jerked in his restraints and tried to break out of them with a new effort.  He tried to keep a straight face as it got closer to him, but it got harder to do the closer it got. His body started to shake the closer it got.

Ichika panicked as the metallic goo slipped on his feet and started crawling up his body. He could feel his shoes starting to melt as if the goo was melting them. He closed his eyes and braced himself for pain as the metal touched his feet. Instead, he felt a cold soft feeling, almost as if it was water instead of metal. He could feel the bottom of his pants start to be absorbed as it was converted by the small machines. He waited to feel pain and the metal to attack him, but after several moments it didn’t. His mind started to wonder what it was going to do, and if it would do something to him after it fully covered his form. Would it then start to assimilate him, or would it do something else to him? 

The restraints on him loosened and he fell onto the ground. The young man tried to shake it off, but it stayed on his body, no matter how he moved. He tried to scrape it off his body with his hands, but all he did was make it crawl up his arms. It absorbed the sleeves of his shirt as it continued crawling up his body. 

He stared at his limbs, trying to think of something he could do. He wasn’t sure what he could do, or even if there was anything he could do. He might be free now, but the door was shut, and there was no way he could pry those doors open. There wasn’t anything he could use in the room. The table would only slow down the nanites, or maybe not at all.

The bottom of his pants was absorbed into the machine, and he shivered as it crawled over his balls and the bottom of his cheeks. He shivered and bucked his erratically, trying to feebly force the unknown substance off him. 

“Ahhh!” Ichika cried as he felt the metallic goo slip into his ass. He fell onto the ground as he felt more of the unknown substance crawled into his body. Tears welled up in his eyes as the substance continued into his body and could feel it touching his insides and mess with them. 

The young man felt his stomach twist and turn and feel as if it wanted to barf. Stars entered his vision and he started to feel his heart pound against his chest and hear it in his ears. He started to feel lighted headed and couldn’t feel the rest of his lower body. The young man growled as he forced himself to stay awake, despite his body trying to pass out. He couldn’t fall unconscious yet. Maybe when this was finished the doors would open, and he would be able to rush through them and get out of here. 

Behind the glass, Squall smiled as the transformation continued. She was pleased with how it was going and hoped it would continue to go the way it was. This was the greatest success they were having so far. Everyone else that had been used on it so far was a mixed success at best and didn’t make it this far into the procedure. The blonde asked, “How goes the conversion progress?” 

“Everything is going well so far. His body is accepting it better than anyone else seen previously. There is no sign of any malfunction coming from the nanites,” the scientist said, doing his best to keep voice even. He had seen and heard this happen enough times, but it still filled him with bile every time. He couldn’t try to stop this, or else they would have killed him, just like they did to the rest of the people they coerced into working for them and tried to stop them. 

The substance started to cover his crotch and pushed down on his junk, making Ichika desperately wish there was something he could do about the pain. He brought his hands down and tried to brush it off, despite the failures earlier, but it was no to vail. The substance continued to press down on his body, making the pain increase. He held his junk as it started to shrink. He whimpered as he held his boys afraid of what would happen to them next. He felt the shaft of his penis started to slip inside of his body and some of the nanites start to as well. He could feel his balls start to rise and slither into the new opening he had in his body. 

“N-No!” Ichika cried as tears crawled down his cheeks from the desperation he felt, the pain, and this whole situation in general. He grabbed his balls tighter as they continued to rise. The pain between his cheeks grew and he let go of them and grabbed his butt trying to close them to stop the nanites. Without anything holding his balls, they quickly rose unimpeded and squirmed into his body, along with the nanites. The sudden change made Ichika scream in pleasure from the sudden change.

“Welcome to womanhood, Ichiko,” Squall said over the speaker, her voice having a hint of amusement. 

Ichika couldn’t respond, to lost in the daze from the sudden change in gender to properly reply. A buzz went through his mind, but the woman’s words bounced in her head like a pinball bouncing across the machine. It pained him to admit, but he was a girl now because of this strange substance. It filled her with rage and a mix of other emotions about this whole situation and Squall. 

She looked over her shoulders and saw the nanites which had fully covered her arms were starting to spread over her shoulders. It went down them and convened with the ones which were crawling up her back. She shivered as she felt it crawl up her body and tighten around her throat. She reached and pulled at the nanites around her neck trying to ease how tight they held her throat. She felt something crawling up her body inside of her to her throat and touch her Adam’s apple. Her throat burned as the nanites destroyed her Adam’s apple and changed it into something else.

Her scream was muffled as the metallic substance fully encompassed her face and went inside her open mouth and nose. Ichika closed her eyes and braced herself for pain as she could feel her face starting to shift. She could feel her cheeks rounding out as they were pulled farther out by the mysterious technology. Her nose was forcibly shrunk by the nanites and forced into a smaller appearance. Her chin felt like something was forcibly grinding against it, smoothing it down to better suit her new face. 

Her vision started to change, and she saw strange monitors and reading enter her vision. For a single moment, she had trouble breathing and shut her eyes. She hesitantly opened her eyes, surprised it had finished changing. She touched her face and could feel the difference from its normal structure. It unnerved her how different it felt and knew it would be a picture of feminine beauty. 

At once the nanites which encompassed her lower body started to harden and form a skintight black and red futuristic looking suit. The sudden sensation made her weak in the knees and they gave out underneath him. 

“Ohhh!” Ichika squealed in a higher voice at how tight the suit suddenly got and how it dug into her body. She looked herself over and gently pulled the suit and felt something pinching her. She pulled at a part of the suit between her butt cheeks and flinched from how soft it felt. 

Suddenly her butt started to grow out as if an air pump had been turned on. The new woman blushed and stared at her swelling behind, unsure of what to do. She reached down and tried to stop their growth, but it was feeble as her buttocks simply swelled in her hands. Ichiko squealed from a sudden burst of pleasure and her fingers moved erratically and continued to squeeze her bottom. Her bottom finally finished growing when she had a large sexy rear which was further pronounced and looked almost like a large ripe peach. 

She had no doubt it would have caught the attention of many of the girls back at the academy. The way they watched his sister and how some of the girls acted, he had no doubt some would be more than curious to see what they felt. She had already caught more then a few girls peeping on her, and her sister and would no doubt make attempts to see if they were as soft as they thought.

She blinked and suddenly started seeing other things in his vision. A small full-body view of what had to be his body entered her vision and vanished. It flashed in her vision again, this time brighter and it continued to grow in brightness until she could see it easily. There were several gauges, which showed her heart rate, her body, and many other statistics which she couldn’t quite place.

Suddenly she saw one of the numbers on the screen start to change. The number started to rise higher, centimeter by centimeter. She looked down at her chest a puffiness started to appear there. She turned herself over and watched as her chest started to grow more pronounced. She couldn’t do anything except stare as they swelled out. Her mind forced her to acknowledge the truth of what they were and could only gulp. Her chest finally finished growing when they were a large DD-cup which looked to be the same size of full apples ready to be plucked. 

Ichika laid there, feeling strange. Her entire body felt off as if it wasn’t her own, and yet it was. She paled at the sight of the large breasts she had. The sight of her new mounds forced her to acknowledge the truth. She slowly flexed her fingers and pointed them as if making sure every digit was working.  It felt off to her like her fingers weren’t skin and bone anymore, but something else entirely. Her toes felt the same as they moved around in their prison. 

Ichika shakily stood up, her legs feeling off. She took a cautious step forward and almost toppled over from the change in gravity. She took another, and it took all her concentration not to fall over. The moment she made it to the window she saw her reflection in it and gasped. She looked so much like her sister, the only difference between them would have been there hair color and length. 

She looked down her body and gulped at her slim waist, and wide hips. She placed her hands on her chest and squeezed them. She was surprised by how soft they felt with the metal over them. She squeezed harder on them and suddenly the cold soft feeling changed immediately and became stronger than steel. She tried to push her fingers deeper into her flesh, but the suit remained strong. She tried to squeeze or move it, but it didn’t even twitch from her attempts. She stopped pushing and gently tried to move the material, and this time it gave in to her attempts. It was as if it was a suit of armor, just like an IS.

“The physical aspects of the transformation are complete, and show no signs of failure,” the male scientist said.

“Good, move on to the next step of the conversion process,” Squall said. 

Ichika gasped as her head started to feel as if someone was using it like a drum, her voice far higher than previously. She rushed over to the glass and started to pound on it. Words formed in her vision, that made her heart freeze. 


“No, stop this please!” Ichika cried fearfully as her panic grew, which swelled when she saw a percent bar underneath starting at one. She pounded harder on the window, trying to break it down. She kept slamming her new robotic arms on it. Small, almost impossible to view cracks for a normal human started to form in the glass. Hope formed in her eye as she continued to pound harder, as the idea of breaking through the glass and stopping the transformation seemed possible. 

The panic she felt started to lessen, which worried her even more as she saw the mental adjustment bar start to get over a third of the way done. The fear in her heart started to ease almost as if she was being drugged again by whatever force was doing this to her. Her mind started to go blank, as memories of her past grew foggier. She thought of everyone important to her. Her big sister Chifuyu, her friends Houki, Charlotte, Cecil, Laura, Dan, Ran, and everyone else. All the good times they spent together, from their first meetings to the academy to all the things they did together. They might have gotten a little too violent at times, but the time they spent together far outweighed the bad. She gritted her teeth and found a new surge of strength go through her being.

The more she pounded on the glass, the harder it was to think straight. She couldn’t quite remember what her friends looked like. She wasn’t sure about the shade of their hair, and she couldn’t quite place the color of their eyes. It was almost as if she hadn’t seen them in years and didn’t have anything to properly remember him. 

The bar got over halfway done, and she couldn’t remember her early childhood. The earliest memories of spending time with…Houki…and Lin…were almost impossible to recall properly. It was like an image that had been painted over and little more than a blurry mess. Other childhood memories were starting to get harder to remember, the more she focused on them. The closer it got to completion and she could only remember things from a few years ago. The memory of how she attended IS academy and the discovery of her ability to use the IS, her reunion with her friends, and the new ones she had made. However, they were getting harder by the second as they continued. She gulped and couldn’t remember more than the past few days. 

Soon her banging against the window was nothing more than a tired slow series of light slaps, almost as if she was putting her hands on the window and bringing them down. Through the growing haze her mind she continued to think about them, but it was getting harder by the second. Her mind became so clouded she almost couldn’t think straight. Her hands touched the glass again as a blank empty look entered her eyes. Her hands slowly slid down the glass, until they rested on her side. She stood there, lifeless, and if not for the slow steady heartbeat on the monitor indicating she was alive, or the color of her skin they would have thought she was dead. 

“The conversion is complete,” the male said tiredly. “She’s currently offline.”

“Perfect, she looks like a normal woman,” Squall admired, smiling. She went over to the microphone and pressed down. She spoke. “Ichiko, awaken.”

The command registered in the cybernetic human’s mind. She looked up as her eyes gained a bright light in them. A quick system checks appeared in her mind, telling her, her body’s condition, weapons, and everything else were optimal. All systems were green, and that the weapons system was currently offline. She stood there, waiting to hear her orders from her superiors, or what her next mission would be. She could see through the glass her superior Squall and felt something in the back of her mind she couldn’t quite place. 

Squall moved to the door on the other side of the room, the scientist watching her. The blonde stepped into the room, and Ichiko felt herself standing up a little straighter as her database told her who she was. She waited for her to say what she wanted, and knew whatever wish she had, she had to answer. 

“Ichiko change your hair color into blonde and make your eyes blue,” Squall asked. 

“Acknowledged,” the former human said. Specks of bright golden blonde appeared in the base of her hair. Golden patches appeared around the base of her hair and traveled down her hair like a waterfall. Her hair quickly changed from its dark blue color into a bright golden blonde, which looked to be the same shade as Squall’s. The cyborg blinked and her eyes quickly changed into a bright baby blue. 

“Excellent, you can return your hair and eyes to their previous color. Now, why don’t we see how curvy you can get,” Squall remarked as a particularly naughty thought came to her. “Enhance your curves as much as you can, or until I say stop.”

“Acknowledged,” Ichiko said. After a second her hips started to grow wider, her butt grew larger, and her breasts started to expand. Her already prodigious body started to change and grow. In the corner of her vision, she saw her three sizes, telling her how large she was getting. Her face darkened from the arousal she was feeling, but aside from that she wasn’t at all bothered. Her bust started to enter the hundreds and continued to rise as her butt swelled to the size it was starting to affect her thighs. Her hips looked like they were starting to match her shoulders in width as they continued to push out father. They just continued to grow larger, more ridiculous looking as they grew to sizes which could never happen naturally. 

“Stop,” Squall commanded, and Ichiko’s expansion immediately ceased. The blonde hummed as she looked over the expanded women. She would have looked like any ordinary woman, if not for the cartoonishly large curves she had. She didn’t think the former boy’s body could grow to such proportions as it did. She gave them the new woman’s breasts a squeeze and marveled at how soft they were. They would have felt like any other breasts, if not for the metallic suit. “You can turn your body back to its base state.”

The moment the order was received, Ichiko’s body started to return to its normal proportions. After a minute, her body returned to its naturally curvy state. She stood there, waiting for the next command with calm patience. 

“Come with me Ichiko,” Squall smiled as various outfits ran through her mind. “I believe we need a more in-depth examination of your morphing capability.”

The scientist glanced at the new cyborg, and his heart pounded a little faster. He watched them leave, feeling an immense wave of guilt and disgust come over him. He might not be the best of men, but this…this was monstrous. 

He never thought his life would have turned out like this. He had always been good at math and science, so much so he knew he wanted to go into the field. He had studied hard and passed his class with top honors. After he graduated, Phantom Task contacted him and talked about his research and how close they had been following it lately. They wanted him to work for them and offered him a large income, but he refused. They came back later and tried to recruit him again and again he refused. Despite how many times he had turned down the job offers from they just kept coming, which made him more reluctant to join their company, especially since he had a bad feeling about them. Then they pulled out a gun and forced him to go with them. The next thing he knew he was in this facility with others like him. Those who showed such talent when it came to technology and development were taken here.

When he had met the rest of the prisoners, he learned he wasn’t the only one who had forcibly recruited in such a way. He knew he needed to get out and get whoever the cyborg was before the transformation was done as well out of here. It would take some time, especially with the rest of the scientists forced here they could get out. They had learned quite a few guards wanted out as well, but with their numbers, they never would have been able to get out of here together. All of them could get out of here, but it would take some time and some effort and they needed to talk about the newest victim. 

Ichiko gasped as she suddenly felt a surge go through her system waking her up. She looked around, her system quickly performing checks. She saw everything was optimal but was still restrained to what was keeping her in place. She looked around the room and blinked when she saw a scientist over the main computer attached to her system. Her superior Squall wasn’t in the room, which made her suspicious. The only time others could work on her was when she was here. 

“What are you doing?” Ichiko questioned. 

“I’m getting you out of here. This is going to hurt for a moment, but everything will be better afterward,” the man promised as he continued to type on the computer.

Ichiko was about to break out of the restraints placed on her. Her programming dictated any who seemed to be turning traitor or actions which would harm Phantom Task should be dealt with immediately. Restrained was preferable, but if necessary, then kill. Before she could try, a stabbing headache suddenly came over her which made her eyes widen and a scream escape her mouth. The various monitors which told her how she was doing, her systems, and everything else suddenly went haywire. The restraints on her body released and allowed her to move freely. She fell onto the ground.

“What did you do?” She demanded, wincing slightly from the pain in her hed. 

“I’m giving you freedom,” he answered resolutely. “Don’t you feel as if you have a choice, that you no longer need to follow whatever programming they gave you.”

Ichiko opened her mouth to speak as her system started to reboot and the pain she felt started to cease. She started looking through her programming to see what restraints she had. She saw her systems were. Her mouth dropped when she saw whatever restraints on her programming and mind were gone. She had complete autonomy from Phantom Task. Any of the former higher-ups could come right now and tell her to do something, but she wouldn’t have to follow it.

“I know you don’t have any real reason to leave. We need to get out of here,” he said. “My name is Takumi Asakura.”

Ichiko gulped as she looked at him, uncaring for the explosion she heard. In her database, she found he was a scientist who had been forced to join Phantom Task. He was one who was designated under watch and needed to be wary of. She had found it odd, her organization would take such measures if it was as great as they deemed. If he was truly loyal to Phantom Task then why would steps be needed to ensure he stayed loyal. Her stomach felt heavy and her throat felt as if it was being constricted by something. She didn’t know what this feeling was. She didn’t know where he would take her, but she had a feeling she could trust him. There was just something in her gut, which told her she should. She took his hand and he helped her up. 

It took a moment for her to gain her balance and she found the strength needed to follow him. He went to the door and checked the hallways, making sure people weren’t coming as another explosion went off. They moved through the facility as fast as they could as sirens flashed and told them sections of the building were on fire. Whenever they saw a large group of guards, the scientist would force her into a different hallway, and they would wait for them to pass. The moment they did, they continued through the facility. 

As they moved throughout the facility, Ichiko hacked into the cameras to see what was going on inside the sections they talked about it. Before her programming had been botched, she would have moved to assist them however she could, but now she felt as if it was the worst move she could make. It was times like these where Squall had told her to trust her instincts on a mission. It hadn’t failed her when she was on a mission and until it would, she would continue to listen to it.

When they finally made their way out of the facility, Ichiko stared at the setting sun. She had seen it plenty of times when she was on a mission, like when she was waiting for extraction. There was something different, something familiar about it she couldn’t quite place. She shook it off and focused on the task at hand. She still needed to know why he helped her and wiped the programs which would keep her loyal to Phantom Task and follow their orders. 

“How much farther before we can properly talk?” Ichiko asked.

“It’s not much farther. Once we’re there we can talk in peace with the rest of the group,” Takumi said tired, but joy clear in his voice. 

The moment the word group crossed her mind, she wondered how large they would be. It had to be large enough where it could cause the devastation needed to put the base in such a state, while small enough to go unnoticed. They went deeper into the forested area and stopped when they stumbled upon a small camp made of about ten people at most. The group eyed her warily and some even took a step back, while others remained on guard, but stood their ground. The moment they saw Takumi they relaxed slightly. 

“Asakura-san it is good to see you,” a female scientist said. She was covered in soot, but aside from that lacked any injured. She was cute with short black hair done in a bob and blue eyes. 

“It’s good to see you too, Madoka-san. Will we be ready to move out soon?” Takumi questioned. 

“Almost we just need to finish packing everything up and then we can head out to the plane,” Madoka said.

“Great, let’s get done as fast as we can, I’ll start helping after I talk with Ichiko,” Takumi said, looking meaningfully at Ichiko. 

Madoka looked at the cyborg and then back at him. After a moment she nodded and quickly ran off to get back to work.

Takumi looked at Ichiko and thought over what he would say. Ichiko watched him patiently as if he was her superior officer. When he finally seemed to have found the words he said, “I’ll be blunt with you since there isn’t any easy way to say it. You weren’t just a cyborg or robot built by Phantom Task. You were a normal human before Phantom Task kidnapped you. They had used you for an experiment using their new experimental nanites to see if they could combine flesh and machine.”

Ichiko felt the same heavy feeling return. It would make sense with how some of the parts inside of her body were shaped like an ordinary human’s. She had expressed curiosity to her sup…Squall about why her parts were designed the way they were, and how they seemed impractical. The moment she did, Squall ordered to stop those lines of questions.

“I tried to see if I could find any information about who you were originally, but I couldn’t no matter where I looked. Do you remember anything from before the transformation?” Takumi said.  

Ichiko was quiet as she tried to remember anything from before her first awakening. She easily recalled her first memories of being awakened in a room. She remembered her reflection and the events which followed afterward, like how Squall dressed her up in various outfits, due to her ability to change her appearance it is quite likely; this isn’t even her original form. Still, it was her base, so maybe there was some similarity between her looks. It was a start at least and could lead to other things. 

“I do not,” Ichiko sighed. It was strange to have such freedom and be disconnected from Phantom Task headquarters. She was so used to being on a tight schedule, between missions, upgraded, and even toyed with by her minder when she wasn’t out on a mission. She didn’t particularly mind, the clothes she had been forced to wear, seeing them only as temporary clothes, or orders. She had done far worse things during her time and had seduced some of her targets to get them where she wanted. 

Her stomach felt heavy as if a great weight had been placed on it and her throat felt off. She ran an internal scan and didn’t see any sign of any internal malfunctions. Her breathing picked up and she saw her heart rate increasing. Who was she? What had she done before all of this before? Did she have any family? What were they like? All these questions and more ran through her, filling her with terror.

Takumi noticed her discomfort and quickly grabbed her shoulder and squeezed, making her look at him. He said softly, “We’ll find out who you are and remember your past together.”

The terror Ichiko felt eased slightly from her words, and a new feeling swelled in her chest which surprised her. She ran a quick diagnostics check, wondering if there was something wrong internally with her body. To her surprise, she saw everything was coming back normal. Her mind started going through dozens of possibilities of what it could be, and how it might be an error with some of her biological functions.

Her lips quirked of their own accord. She brought her finger up and traced them, wondering what shape they were making. After a moment she realized they were in the same position as his were in. She wasn’t used to feeling like this but had to admit it felt…nice. She wondered what she would feel like as more of her emotions came to be.


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