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This was an RP between me and apsm on DeviantArt. 


“This the place?” Richard said. 

“That’s what my phone told me,” Nathan said. 

Richard pulled an ad out of his pocket and saw that it matched. On top of a building was a sign that had a picture of a martini bottle and lights. The outside didn’t look like much but knew that it was what was inside that truly mattered. 

They had heard good things about this place. From everyone that they heard talking about it, from those in their classes, clubs, and even a few of the teachers. It had been opened for a few months, and it had quickly become one of the places that people go too when they want to chill or find a special someone. 

“You nervous?” Nathan asked. 

“Yeah,” Richard said. He was never good at just throwing himself out there and meeting people. He would clam up, find it hard to talk. This was the first club that they both had gone to. One of their friends, Smurf as she was known as told them that they were a good place if they wanted to go and meet people. 

“Don’t worry I’m beside you every step of the way,” Nathan said, patting him on the back. 


They stepped inside and were surprised to see how busy it was. Loud music filled the room and lights shined down on the dance floor. The room was filled with men and women around their age and slightly older. They saw people eating in another room and drinking by a bar. What stood out to them was how clean it was. 

“Hey, I’m going to go out and dance, want to come with?” Nathan asked with an easy-going smile. 

“Nah, I need a minute,” Richard said as he pushed his glasses up and rubbed his eyes. “Go on without me and do your warmup.” 

“Alright, then I’ll see you out on the dance floor when you’re ready.”

Richard watched his friend walk onto the dance floor with a grace that he could never possess. He snaked through the crowd and slowly started to move in rhythm with it. He wasn’t a good dancer but the joy on his face and the energy that he moved more than made up for his sub-par dancing abilities. The light landed on him making his skin shine. It bounced off his hair, making the streaks of his normal crimson hair color poke through his dyed dark blue and light blue hair that made him think of fire out at sea. 

He could only admire his friend more. His friend was tall, handsome, and had natural energy that just attracted people to him. He was built like a track star and had the confidence to do as he pleased, no matter the crowd. 

He thought over his own form. Compared to most guys here he was short, standing at only 5’4 with a lanky from. What people would really be interested in someone like him? Unless they liked mousy guys with plain average features and muddy brown hair. He doubted that anyone would approach him of their own free will. Well, unless Nathan brought them over. 

They made quite the pair. The shining star that reflected the sea and the boring dirt that was underneath. 

Richard sighed. He would have liked to dance with one of the beautiful girls or with Nathan. For a while now, he had developed feelings for his friend, and they were of the romantic sort. He knew that the chance of them getting together was impossible, and even if he could, there was no way that he would say it. He was too much of a coward to say how he felt.

The young man sighed. If he was going to go out there and be social with strangers, he needed something to loosen him up. A drink or two would probably make it so that he could handle a conversation without looking like a complete ass. He went over to the bar hoping that he could get some wine or something that he liked.

In the meantime, a tall man in a Bartender's outfit was standing behind the counter, cleaning a glass. He was quite handsome in a dignified way, his chestnut hair parted neatly to one side and having few imperfections on his face. 

He'd managed to spot Richard sitting by himself, with no one around him. It was a sight far too familiar to him. If he gained twice the money he served from so many lonely saps in the few months he’d been here he would have gained a small fortune. 

He walked up to Richard, gently putting a glass down. “Mind a drink, Sir?” He asked with a slight Irish accent. 

Richard barely registered, “Yeah, just a beer, thanks.” 

The bartender blinked. “Really sir? You need more than a beer I reckon!” 

“You think?” Richard scoffed. 

The Bartender, whose nametag read ‘Arthur' smirked. “Trust me, I can read a soul. Beer is good, but you need more of a pick-me-up.” 

Richard thought it was some strange wording but decided to humor the guy. “What do you think I need?”

“Well, companionship for one thing.” Arthur simply observed “I mean look at you. The slumped body language, the fact no one's around you despite the fact you arrived with a friend. The way you appear to be staring longingly at the dance floor. All classic signs of an introvert who's tired of being alone. Amarite?” 

Richard felt that statement pinch something in his heart. It was painful to hear, and yet the friendly way he spoke meant he couldn't get mad at him. “Yeah.” He sighed. “What do you suggest.” 

“You know, I know a cocktail that will help loosen you up. Its called Succubus and it is guaranteed to open up even the tightest-lipped wallflower.” 

“Sure.” Richard sighed, allowing Arthur to get to work.

Richard watched as the bartender pulled out several bottles. He placed them down and saw that he had pulled out a bottle of green absinthe that seemed to be mixed with a black syrup that rested in the center of the bottle. He pulled out a bottle of brandy and spun it around. 

He placed some ice in the cup and poured some of the brandy inside. He twirled the bottle in his hand as if he was a performer and placed it down on the table as he tossed the bottle in the air and caught it behind his back. He opened the bottle of the absinthe and poured a little dash of it. The syrup rested in the middle of the cup and floated around. 

“W-wow,” Richard muttered. “Weren’t you worried about accidentally breaking that stuff?” 

“With enough time and practice, you get really good at doing little tricks like that. And with that here it is,” Arthur said. He placed the drink in front of Richard. “Hope you like it.” 

Richard warily took the drink and sniffed it and could smell alcohol and blueberry. He wasn’t a big drinker, only doing so for those special occasions like a wedding or a celebration, and even then, he avoided the drafts, preferring wine. 

“Worried you aren’t going to like it?” Arthur asked, looking at him knowingly. 

“Well…” Richard said as he shook the drink. 

“Don’t worry. It’s on the house. You look like you could use a little something.” 

“Thanks,” Richard said. A small smile graced his face. He looked back at his drink and his gratitude died in seconds as the scent of the alcohol hit his nose.

He breathed in and out, hoping that he would like the taste. He closed his eyes and imagined that it was something else and took a swig of his drink.

Immediately the moment the liquid touched his tongue, Richard could feel his taste buds come alive. First came the taste of the syrup, which whilst diluted with the ice, still packed an intense sweetness. It was then undercut with the small anise flavors one would expect from absinthe. But then that was undercut with the melted ice and the burning sensation of alcohol. 

Without thinking he swallowed it, feeling the stuff slide down his throat like a slug made of honey, leaving a friendly warmth all the way down. 

Arthur looked at him expectedly. “Packs a punch, don't it?” 

Richard could only give a hoarse “woo” as he made sense of the flavors and textures of the drink. “Yeah!” Already he could feel the effects of the drink. It almost seemed to have wiped away the depressed funk he was feeling, leaving behind nothing but the phantom memory of that one sip. 

“It's made of a special liqueur. You could call it magical.” Arthur pointed to the bottle of black absinthe. “Scratch that, everything we have here is magical.” 

Richard, however, was distracted by a sort of anesthetic feeling that was spreading through his body. A sort of numb tingling ran through his limbs and extremities. Even the seat under him seemed to have floated away, the heavy bass of the music more of a distant echo. 

“I-I'm feeling numb?” He softly spoke, starting to feel a little worried. 

Arthur leaned against the counter. “Relax,” his words were crisp and still cut through the echoes of Richard's mind, “it's a regular occurrence. Especially if it's your first drink.” 

Richard gave a slow nod, honestly surprised that alcohol could give such a feeling. 

“Now then.” Arthur chimed. “I don't mean to be too personal, but what do you like in a girl?”

Richard hummed. He didn’t find the question too personal. There were a lot of things that he could have asked that would have been a lot more personal. He wasn’t sure where to start, body, hair, personality. He didn’t want to just come out and describe her all at once. 

He took a quick look back at the dance floor and even though his mind was buzzed he could find his friend without issue. He could see his friend dancing without a care. He turned back to the bartender and hummed. They had talked numerous times about their hobbies, and what they liked, and girls had come up a few times. It was funny looking back that he actually remembered Nathan’s dream girl better than his own. Probably because the girl that he wanted, sounded like one that he would have loved to be with as well. 

“You know I have a picture of her in my head, but not sure where to start. If that makes any sense,” Richard said as he played with his drink. Not to mention that there were the people around him. He didn’t want to look like a perv or something to them. The last thing he wanted was to end up on someone’s bad side.

Arthur leaned in. “Relax. Just tell me. I won't tell a soul. Besides, it's not like everyone else will hear with the noise.” 

Richard looked at all the people around them, who all seemed preoccupied with their own conversations. If anything, it was like he and Arthur were isolated in their own little bubble. 

Finally, Richard relented, keeping his voice low just in case as he crept to Arthur's ear. “Well...I wouldn't mind a girl with black hair.” As he was saying this the roots of his brown locks started to bleed a dark raven as if oil was soaking through them. Slowly his hair drank up this strange new color, before consuming his hair into the shade of the night sky. 

Arthur gave an acknowledging glance but didn't mention it. “Just black? It seems a bit boring.” 

“Well, I kinda don't mind if she had some color.” He quickly thought of his favorite color. “Pink. Maybe some pink streaks.” 

As if on cue some parts of his darkening hair blushed a dark scarlet, then magenta, then a rose pink. 

“Ah, sounds very Punky.” Arthur acknowledged. 

“Yeah.” Richard fondly remembered how he and Nathan would go over their punk records as high schoolers. Amongst the Black Flag and Bad Religion stuff his Brother kept, they did share anything new. One was a record with a young female vocalist whose hair was unkempt yet only added to her beauty. He remembered Nathan wanting to make out with her. Richard felt the same yet felt envious as well. “I think she would also have wild hair. None of that straight-laced bullshit. Just something that feels homely, you know?” 

His hair suddenly started to tingle, new hairs starting to sprout from his scalp, making his hair thicker. However, it was also starting to crawl and grow, strands erratically starting to consume his ears. Stray strands started to break out from the neat presence he'd created as if breaking free of the average shackles. True to his word the hair didn't stay uniform. Some strands stopped at his ears, others traveled down his chin and beyond, giving a wild, jagged look. 

“Let me guess, chin-length?” 

Richard shook his head. “No, shoulder-length.” 

On command, the hair crawled down his neck, getting within touching length of his shoulders. He did feel a bit of heaviness, but otherwise assumed it was just the alcohol kicking in.

“But enough about me.” Arthur quickly changed the subject. “I know you're trying to beat around the ol' bush. Are you that embarrassed to tell me more about this girl?” 

Richard was put on the spot at that moment, in disbelief he'd come off as so transparent. “How did-” 

“As I said, I can read a soul,” Arthur said as he pointed to his eyes. “Many say I have good observation skills. If I could, I'd use them to pretend I can communicate with spirits and become one of those tv psychics.” He then gave a scoff. “Not that I can be arsed with that fake-arsed bullshit.” 

Richard just blinked, taking another quick sip as he debated internally if Arthur was just bullshitting or legit. Yet he couldn't help but laugh anyway at the annoyed tone in Arthur's voice as he finished his sentence. As soon as he settled down, he felt a bit sheepish doing so. “Sorry-” 

“No, it's fine.” Arthur grinned. “Nice to know you can laugh. I was worried you were never going to crack a smile.” 

Richard couldn't help but feel a warmth flood through him at such a compliment. “Thanks.” 

“See, we can be good friends.” Arthur leaned closer. “Now, about that dream lass of yours. I bet she has a cute face?” 

Richard finally had to sigh, knowing that it couldn't hurt to tell him. “Yeah,” he spoke in a slightly louder tone. “Though I wouldn't say cute.” 

Arthur raised an eyebrow. “Then what? Adorable? Plain? A Plastic surgeon's wet dream?” 

Richard again had to snicker. “No. I was thinking...I don't know, young, about my age. But not a mousey librarian, or some brain-dead bimbo. Yet she still has a sort of elegant sex appeal, y' know?” 

“Like what?” Arthur butted in, noticing that Richard's skin was already starting to bubble. A couple of barflies did notice, but more observed then said anything. It was as if it was a regular occurrence.

“Fair complexion,” Richard spoke, remembering the punk girl. She looked a little pale, and yet it gave her a gothic look that he found appealing. It almost gave her an ethereal beauty. “But not sickly pale” His skin, as if someone had messed with the brightness setting on a television, paled to a light cream color which stood out in the dark atmosphere. 

Arthur leaned closer. “What else?” 

“I don't know.” Richard struggled to think of more details. “Sharp cheekbones, a refined nose, and softer features. Ruby red lips.” 


As if made from clay, his features warped and reshaped themselves. His chin tapered with the rest of his jaw, as his cheeks hollowed out to give a sort of angular, but mature appearance. His nose crushed inwards, before turning upwards at the end. His lips puffed to a sensual, but not comically large softness, and bled a luscious red against the white canvas. He had to give a moan, thinking he'd gone through a sudden bit of whiplash, even if he hadn't felt anything hurtful. At least one of the other observers gave a small “oh” in appreciation. 

“Looks like this girl is a real looker,” Arthur commented. “A very classy, gothic sort of sexy.” 

Richard felt a light flutter in his chest. He had always found such a look attractive from the various horror films and novels he'd seen. “You could say that.” 

“I reckon she has eyes to match?” Arthur inquired. "Something wild, maybe?" 

Richard nodded, trying to think of a color. Blue and green were nice but didn't settle with the gothic vision now in his mind. This was a girl who oozed seduction after all. Plain, ordinary colors would not be enough to stand out in a crowd. As he thought outside the box, he thought of stranger colors: red was a bit too unsettling, as was black and yellow. But then one color entered his mind palace, begging to be considered.

“Violet.” He said suddenly, just as his vision became blurry. He rubbed them, not noticing the thick eyelashes that had sprouted from his eyelids. A couple of blinks later and his once hazel eyes were now a bright, dazzling violet. 

The moment his vision settled, Richard wondered if the whole room had become brighter.

He looked around the room and saw that the various light sources were brighter. He looked on the dance floor and saw that colors on people’s clothes seemed a little more prominent. With barflies more upbeat tone. The music started to go faster, and the lights grew brighter. It made sense that it would grow brighter if the music was picking up. He rolled his jaw around, alleviating the ache. 

He turned back around. He cupped his face. He had shaved what little stubble that he had this morning in case he had another interview, but just now realized how close he must have cut. 

He looked next to him and couldn’t help but see a few people grinning but paid them little mind. They couldn’t have been for him. They were probably staring at each other or at someone that caught their attention. 

“You alright?” Arthur asked. 

“Yeah,” Richard answered. “You ever get those sudden feelings that go throughout your body that happen for no reason.” 

“Happens to all of us,” Arthur shrugged. “So, what brought you to my humble establishment? Food, wine, companionship?” 

“Just curious about the place,” Richard said. He didn’t see anything special in him coming here. He just did it. 

“At least your willing to go out and try something new. Some people can’t even do that.” 

“Well it was curiosity and because of my friend. He wanted to see what this place was like,” Richard said. “So, he gave you that push that you needed to come out here?” 

“That pal of yours is out on the dance floor, isn’t he?” Arthur said.

“Yup,” Richard answered, looking down. It often felt like this now that he thought about it. He would go along with whatever Nathan had in mind. 

Back on the dance floor, Nathan continued to look around for his pal but hadn’t seen any sign of him. He looked back at the seat that he occupied earlier and wondered if it really was his pal. The clothes looked the same, and the person occupying the seat seemed to be about the same size, but the hair kept throwing him off. Unless he had somehow gotten a wig and was messing with him, then that couldn’t have been it. 

He moved to get closer but stopped when a spry, curvy young woman that looked a little older then he came up to him. She was dressed in a skimpy golden crop top and wore a pair of silver short shorts. He could see multiple tattoos. 

“Want to dance?” She asked. 

“Sorry, but I’m trying to find my friend,” Nathan said. He could go back to dancing and enjoying himself after he was sure that his friend was fine.

Arthur watched Nathan wander in confusion but decided not to say anything yet. He still needed to assist Richard in his final form. “He sounds like a good supportive friend. I’m surprised he's still single.” 

“Well, he's had flings. Nothing permanent.” Richard sighed. “Though look at me. Think I look like the type to turn heads?” Ironically, some barflies were looking at him, whispering to others. 

“Don’t sell yourself short.” Arthur nudged him. “I’ve seen uglier. You just need more confidence. “ 

“Really?” Richard rubbed his ribs. 

“Yeah,” Arthur smirked. “If you spoke up more than that would be a start.” 

Richard tensed. He wasn't much of a public speaker and definitely didn't have the gift of the gab. “I don't like to bring much attent-" 

“And be invisible all your bloody life?” Arthur excitedly spoke. “Sir, that won't fly here. I'm sure your dream girl would be assertive. I'd imagine she'd talk in that authoritarian voice of hers.”

“Woah Woah!” Richard put his hands out. “Where are you getting that idea? I hate people who are too domineering.” He shivered, remembering a teacher in high school who always verbally demeaned him for being a slacker. 

Arthur picked up a glass. “Sorry. Then out of curiosity, what would she sound like? If you could put a voice to her?” 

Richard immediately had a voice in mind. “I see the appeal in a confident sort of voice, but I prefer something gentler.” His throat suddenly seized up, forcing him to cough. Unseen, his Adam’s apple was already retreating. As soon as he took a sip of his drink, the alcohol burned away the disturbance. 

“Go on.” Arthur motioned with his hand. 

Richard started, “And she-" again he coughed. His voice sounded less like a nasally alto and more of a breathier contralto. “She would sound warm too.” 

“Any accent?” 

Richard shook his head. “Not at all. As long as she sounds, she gives a crap about me, then I'm...fine?” He again gave a cough. His voice definitely wasn't reverting. “Am I drunk or my voice sound weird?”

“Might be a bit of both,” Arthur shrugged. “There are times where I’ve spoken and wondered if it was really me speaking or someone else.” 

Richard blinked. Wondering if it really was the alcohol like he said. He wasn’t a big drinker, having only a few cups a year, and had never been drunk. Most he had ever gotten was a headache. The strongest stuff that he had was rum and coke mixed together. 

His throat burned slightly, but the sensations were passing. He thought over the weird things that were happening, like with how he could suddenly see everything better. There was also the weird pain that spread throughout his face. After he rolled his mouth the weird sensations that he had felt on his face stopped. For some reason, he felt like his neck was being tickled by something. 

He would wait and see if any more feelings came over him, or something. He…He wasn’t sure what he would do at the moment, but when he figured it out, he would go from there. 

“You’ve always been a bit of a wallflower, haven’t you?” Arthur said as he moved across the bar. 

“Can tell that from reading my soul?” Richard guessed. 

“Don’t need to,” Arthur said as he made another drink and slid it down to someone at the end of the table. 

Richard watched as the glass slid down as if someone had greased the table. The person managed to catch it and immediately started to drink it. He looked at his own drink and lightly tossed it, and saw it move across the table with just as much ease. “You’re not wrong. Wasn’t always that way. It just happened as I got older you know?”

“I see,” The raven-haired beauty asked as Arthur put the glass under the sink, whilst pouring some gin into another person's martini. When he was done he got back to the conversation at hand. 

“So, this guy you're with. He must be a great friend.” 

“Yeah!” Richard suddenly started to gush. “I met him a long time ago. He was sort of the jock, but he wasn't the douche I thought he would be. He was actually cool, and liked punk records as I did, and could be sensible when he needed to be. He helped comfort me when I had a messy break-up in high school. We played video games all night...” 

Like a waterfall, he started to speak all the good times he had on Nathan, whether it was the cram sessions they spent together, the times at the arcade, or when he attended the hospital after Nathan sprained his ankle in an accident. 

Arthur kept making drinks, his ears keenly listening to what he said. Finally, he interrupted the feminized man. “Alright, I see your point. He does sound like a bangin' bloke.” 

Richard almost felt sheepish he'd been so chatty on his own friend. “S-sorry.” 

“No, if anything, I'm touched how devoted you are.” Arthur wiped the rim of another glass. “I reckon whatever girl finds him will be a lucky duck.” 

Richard almost felt a twinge of pain go through him. “Y-yeah. I guess so.”

Arthur raised an eyebrow. “I reckon it would be nice, having a small dainty thing in his arms. Picking her up like she was Baby at the end of Dirty Dancing.” 

“Actually, I want to be taller.” Richard murmured to himself, picturing himself dancing with Nathan but feeling he'd never go for anyone so short. 

Arthur stopped mid-wipe. “You?” 

“Ugh-I-I mean I reckon he's into tall girls.” Richard covered. “Not taller than him of course. Just tall enough so it's not awkward. And slender too.” 

At that moment, his whole body started to stretch. As if pushing away from his joints, his arms grew past the sleeves of his shirt, whilst his legs started to push past his jean cuffs, showing an inch of calf underneath. Even his spine suddenly seemed to jolt upwards, stretching the slim layer of fat from his stomach into a tauter stomach. However, whilst he was growing taller to something past 5'9, his body also chipped away. His shoulders relaxed, becoming curved whilst remaining the same width. The stretching of his own limbs only made the muscles slimmer. Even his fingers whittled into something more delicate. The sudden motion made Richard feel a bit dizzy as a slither of his midriff poked through the hem of his shrinking shirt. 

“Shit, what was that.” He moaned, feeling like his body had overcome a phantom cramp of sorts. 

Arthur raised an eyebrow. “Hmm, I don't mean to be rude, but are you what they call AC/DC?” 

Richard almost had to do a spit-take. “Huh?” He looked at him wide-eyed, “What do you mean? I-I'm kinda not that big a fan of them?” 

Arthur rolled his eyes. “I mean, are you into both fish and chips?” When Richard still didn't get the picture, he continued with the euphemisms "Do you like to eat the hot dog and the bun? Swing for both teams? Taking the train to 

Richard blinked and puckered his lips. He was Bi, but he didn’t broadcast it for everyone. Only a few people really knew about, Nathan, his mother, and those in his inner circle. He hadn’t told everyone that he knew, feeling uncomfortable. 

He quickly realized that Arthur must have figured out with the way that he was gushing on about Nathan as if he was an old friend that he hadn’t seen in a while. He couldn’t believe that he had just rambled about Nathan to Arthur. The two of them had just met, and he had gotten a little eager with how comfortable he was getting. 

“That blush tells me everything,” Arthur commented. 

Richard shimmied a little in his seat. Everything looked a little smaller. He stared at his fingers and rolled them. He had a habit scratching his nails against each other and chipping away at them. His nails looked a little cleaner, but he wasn’t sure if that was because he hadn't done that in a while. 

There was also the breeze over his stomach. His clothes felt a little tighter as if he was wearing a size or two too small. He had felt dizzy for some reason before that came over him as if he had gotten up to fast. Something had to be wrong or causing this. It couldn't have just been the drink. If it was it would have to be more than one. 

“It’s okay if you are. All kinds of people come through here,” Arthur said. 

“Right,” Richard said, his mind elsewhere. He slowly breathed in and out. He paid attention to his body and he felt healthier, better. As if, he could take on the heavyweight champ of the world. 

“Something wrong?” 

“Just feeling as if something’s wrong, or…different,” Richard said, as he paid more attention to the way that his body was feeling, like the distinct weight on his head. He wasn’t sure if it was the alcohol or something else.

Arthur-who suddenly seemed shorter from Richard's new perspective- glanced at the curious onlookers, then back at Richard. “I'd say a little of both.” 

“Huh?” Richard grabbed his hair and noticed a distinct change in texture. He felt around more and only then realized the strands were a lot longer. “Wait...what?” 

Arthur watched expectedly. “So? Just like you said, right?” 

Richard felt his heart pulse, confused as his hands started searching his body. “W-what kind of drink...”


A random phone camera went off, prompting Arthur to snatch it. “Sorry, mind I borrow that?” He fiddled with some buttons and then showed it to the transformed man. “Here.” 

Richard looked at the photo. It was of a tall, but beautiful woman. However, she was wearing an ill-fitting pair of jeans and a shirt: Richard's. His heart raced, his drunk mind trying to make sense of what it meant. 

“I-is that me?” He gasped. 

“Depends.” Arthur took the phone back to its rightful owner. “Want to go the whole way?”

Richard stared at Arthur, a mixture of emotions swirling. He wanted to be angry at being tricked, and embarrassed. Yet the picture just sparked a new switch inside of him that made his vanity grow. He already looked this beautiful, why stop here? 

“I-I do?” He muttered before he could think. 

“Then what is she- you missing?” 

Richard hadn't expected the question, and simply said “boobs" before cupping his lips. Suddenly the nipples under his shirt tingled, the areola spreading out and his nipples erect. Then, the fat started to bubble away, pushing the nipples out millimeter by millimeter. Soon they had puffed out into a small, but delicate set of A-cups.

The transforming feminine boy stared at his small flat chest. He hesitantly reached out and touched them, playing with his nipples. He shuddered as a small surge of pleasure went through his body. They were sensitive. He had often wondered what he would look like if he was born a woman. 

“I…I thought that they would be bigger?” Richard said. He couldn’t help but feel disappointed. He looked around the room and couldn’t help but feel self-conscious about himself. He quickly noticed that most, if not all the girls were bigger than he was. He felt frustrated, angry wished that they were. 

“If you want them to be bigger then you certainly can make them so,” the bartender said. 

Back with Nathan, he was getting worried. He couldn’t see any sign of Richard and he had been looking ever since he noticed. He had checked the bathroom and the other room where people were eating but still couldn’t find him. Not to mention that he was getting frustrated with how people that had come up to him and asking to dance. 

He looked back at the bar and noticed a tall woman that was wearing clothes that looked a little small on her, but he couldn’t say for sure, with how long her hair was. In the back of his mind, he could hear a small part of him admiring her hair. He narrowed his eyes and wondered why she would be wearing clothes that were too small for her unless it was for style. He never understood fashion, for the most part, preferring to wear what was comfortable.

Meanwhile, Richard was processing Arthur's proposition. “E-excuse me?” 

“You heard me.” Arthur insisted, his smile getting wider. “Around here, if you want large boobs, just saying the word isn't enough. You need to be more specific. I'm sure a pretty young thing like yourself knows what you want, and I'm sure you want something to really catch your friend's eye?” 

Richard felt his skin heat up at the thought. Him? With large breasts? It seemed so absurd. So unmasculine. So...fitting? 

The more he thought about it, the more his new feminine side was whispering sweet nothings in his cranium. He was so close to perfection, but a body this skinny was not going to attract anyone's attention. No. he wanted his beauty to really shine for all the world to see. Make everyone he passed by jealous. 

With butterflies fluttering in his stomach, Richard found new courage within himself to say. “Yes. I want large breasts.” Immediately a tingling emerged from his chest. 

“How big?” Arthur quickly added. “If you're not careful, they'll become the size of beachballs.” 

Richard clasped onto the bench and gave Arthur a carefree smirk. “I think D's are a good fit. Big and full, and nothing too saggy or fake-looking.” 

Immediately a surge ran through his chest, almost forcing Richard's body downwards. He managed to stay up by grasping the counter, but the changes were taking hold. His small, perky buds were quickly filling with fat, stretching the small mounds into rounder and fuller shapes. Soon they started to press into his shirt, tenting them as they threatened to burst it wide open. He cupped them, feeling the growing plushness of the flesh as it spilled into his hands. The witnesses were now starting to make some whistles and cheers at the sight, only giving Richard a small shiver at the acknowledgment, as more of his timid self melted away. With a found jiggle, his breasts settled at juicy mounds the size of a small melon, straining against his shirt.

Arthur whistled in a complimentary way. “And what about the other half of the equation?” Arthur's cheekily leered at Richard's lower half. 

“I was getting to that.” Richard winked, letting his breasts go with a noticeable jiggle, “Pert and-” 

“Excuse me?” A familiar voice piped up behind him, causing Richard to freeze. In all his years of living, he knew that voice when he heard it. Stiffly, he turned around, his heart beating faster when he realized who it was. 

Nathan was standing before him, his eyes already studying his face. “E-excuse me. I-I'm looking for a friend.”

Richard could only stare at his friend with a blush over his face. He wasn’t sure what to think. He couldn’t believe that he heard his friend stutter. He had never once stuttered in all the time that he had known him. When he got nervous, he just took a little longer with his words to make sure that he got them right. 

On the one hand, he was happy that his friend didn’t recognize him, and yet he was slightly disappointed. There was that growing female part of him that wanted to tell him and declare who he was and what he will be. Yet it was the male part of his mind that told him 

His friend didn’t look as large as he used to, but he knew that was because of his new height. It felt nice not having to strain his neck to see his pal’s face. Richard’s mouth went dry in desire. He had always found Nathan handsome, but there was something about him now that looked even better. 

“Y-yes,” Richard stuttered. He hated the way that his voice came out, even if it was his new one. 

“As I said I’m looking for a friend of mine,” Nathan repeated slower, but not in an insulting way. His eyes locked on the raven-haired beauty. He didn’t see the pink streak that ran through her hair, adding more of an exotic look to her. She looked almost like an anime character come to life. He had to force himself not to look lower. He could see her shirt tented with large breasts, and the fact that he could see her nipples poking through like darts did little to help. 

Richard gulped. He wasn’t sure whether to tell Nathan that it was him or not. Sure, he could probably get the surrounding patrons and Arthur to agree with him, but he wasn’t sure how he would break it. He enjoyed the way that he focused intently on his face, and how he had to force himself to look up. The fact that he found his attractive made him happy.

“Oh well… What did he look like?” Richard asked. He tried to think over how he could say what he could say, or how this was happening. He needed a little time to organize his words. Hopefully, Nathan would talk long enough so he could figure out to say it. 

“He’s on the shorter side with brown hair. He…wore clothes just like yours,” Nathan said, his voice starting to trail off as he focused on her intently. His eyes went lower and studied the girl's shirt. It looked to be aged and had small holes on her shoulder, in the same place as Richard's.

Richard felt a shiver at the way Nathan examined him. It both terrified, but also exhilarated him. “L-like the new look?” He asked in anticipation. 

“Hmmm?” Nathan blinked. “What?” 

Richard sighed. “Yeah, I'll admit I'm not well balanced enough. But I can fix that.” Then, clearing his throat, he said. “I really was thinking my ass would pop out of these jeans, with hips to match.” 

“Excuse me?” Nathan called over the music. After all, that girl did not just imply what he thought she implied. But then a shift from under Richard's navel alerted his attention. 

As if a pump had been inserted, the bony flesh around Richards pelvis started to inflate. First, his hips gave a small ‘pop' motion, the bone opening the space of his birth canal. But then the muscle and fat around it expanded. The flesh slowly dug into the sides of his belt, with any excess further seeping into his ass. Like a balloon, his ass cheeks blew up, virtually popping out of the seat of his jeans until they resembled the bubble butt of a woman who liked to work out a lot. For a final touch, any excess fat seeped into his already toned thighs. Whilst his jeans now felt more like latex that was barely keeping his fertile hips in, Richard admired how they gave his body a meaty, seductive look, whilst not looking out of proportion with the rest of his body. Just the thought made the front of his pants bulge in arousal. 

Nathan blinked again at the sudden change. “D-damn.” He then realized what he was saying and blinked. “Ah, I-I mean, I'm sorry! I-I didn't mean to Miss.” 

But Richard gave out a relieved laugh. “No, look all you want, Nath. I'm quite glad you like my new body.”

“New?” Nathan gaped, confused what this woman was on about. Yet he couldn't help but shrug how the woman was wearing Nathan's clothes and how she seemed to look different each time he saw her. The only logical answer was too farfetched, but the way her hips grew before his eyes all but confirmed his suspicions. 

Richard gave a pout. “You really don't recognize your old friend?”

“Richard?” Nathan said, looking the transformed boy over again. He could see a few frayed marks on his clothes and some small holes on the shoulders of the shirt in the same spot that his friend’s own had. 

“Yup,” Richard gulped and waited nervously to see what would happen next. He was happy that his friend liked the new him, but that was before he had learned it really was him. On one hand, he wanted his best friend to see everything when he was done, but now he wasn’t sure what do to and scrambled to find the right words to say just like when he was a scrawny boy. “Took me by surprise as well, but I look good at least.” 

“How did this happen!” Nathan said, raising his voice to be heard over the music. 

“I just had a drink and then all of this started to happen,” Richard answered sheepishly. 

“Do you feel okay and all? Has it changed your mind?” Nathan asked and froze. Now that he thought about it, the changes could make his pal think that nothing was wrong. 

“I just feel…better, healthier, more confident,” Richard said. He shook his chest and enjoyed the way that his new sweater puppies moved around. He watched them move from side to side and studied his friend's face as he continued to do so. He smiled happily when he saw his friend’s face flush. “I feel like I could go do anything now.” 

Nathan wasn’t sure what to feel. His friend still seemed like him, if a little more confident. He turned to the bartender and glared at him. “What did you do?”

“Just had a conversation with him,” Arthur said as he cleaned a glass. 

“You expect me to believe just that when my male friend now has a large set of breasts!” Nathan said. 

“They’re nice, aren’t they?” Arthur said with a smile, throwing Nathan off.

“I think so,” Richard said, pushing the sides of his new melons together. There were a few hoots and hollers from the nearby patrons that were enjoying the show. She grinned at the attention that he was getting, and his heart swelled when he saw that Nathan was having a hard time keeping his eyes off her. He knew that his buddy was a breast man and he was going to take full advantage of that.

Nathan, sure enough, was flustered but was still conflicted. “T-this isn't you!” He asked, even as he felt hot staring at the attractive female. “I-I mean are you sure you want this?” 

Richard felt a little taken aback. “I-It's okay Nath. I feel really sexy like this. Speaking of which...” He then patted his crotch. “I guess this would be a major turn-off to you. I'll fix it.” Then, raising her voice she started, “I would like to be-” 

“Wait!” Nathan tried to stop his friend, concerned he was making a mistake, but it was too late. 

“-a woman!” Richard yelled at the top of his lungs, to the cheers of a few guests who seemed in on the joke. 

Suddenly, a giant surge went through his abdomen. Inside his pelvis, various parts shifted. A particular larger organ shoved itself closer to his groin, swelling and pushing the other parts away. Outside, his testicles and penis receded further and further towards him, his scrotum especially hugging his balls tightly. It was like wearing a tight pair of underwear, only arousing his member more. Then- 


One testicle slipped inwards. 


Then the other one, worming into his womb.

Instantaneously the action felt like a weight had been taken off of him as it created a domino effect within himself. What was left of his scrotum tightened inside of him, pulling the rest of his genitals inwards toward a developing chasm. As new nerves connected within the place, Richard gave a squeal. No longer was the weight of masculinity tied to his very being. He was never a big, macho man anyway, so why did he need that pathetic excuse of manhood attached to 'her' rather feminine body. She needed something that was delicate, neat, much more fitting for Nathan's own desires. 

All the while her body heated up as the last twitches to her crotch finished themselves off, as the sensitivity of her clitoris rubbed against the new folds of her labia. She gave a gasp as she felt the chasm open, sending a buzzing through her spine. Ecstatically, she put a hand around her crotch, unable to feel any unsightly bulge that was there before. 

Nathan only stood there, stunned at his friend's reaction. “R-rich?” He put a hand on the woman's shoulder, already suspecting what had happened. “A-are you a-” 

“Woman?” Richard spoke before an excited nod gave it away. A small tear ran down her cheek as she fell into her friend's arms, the sound of applause and cheers surrounding them.

Richard enjoyed just how perfect it felt to be in his friend’s arms. There had been a hug a few times, but those didn’t feel right, especially because of how small she was at the time. She wondered if he enjoyed the way her breasts were pushed against him. 

Nathan looked around at the surrounding people, who seemed genuinely happy for Richard. As the clapping died down, he wondered how many people really knew about this place, or if they all did. Were they all people who were unsatisfied with themselves and wanted to change themselves? Were they former patrons that came again? 

“Rich? You can move away now?” Nathan said urgently. He could feel her nipples pressed against his body and he could feel ‘Nathan Junior’ rising. He didn’t want to make things awkward and feel that pressed up against him. 

Richard rubbed her face against his body, adoring the way that her face rubbed against his muscles. “Don’t want to I like it here.”

The former boy giggled as she could feel her body heat up and easily imagine her flushed face. She looked up and smiled when he saw his face was a bright scarlet. She moved further up and tickled his nose with her own. She giggled as his face somehow grew darker, his ears looking like chili peppers and his neck look like the flames of a rocket. She wanted to steal a kiss but thought that might have been a little much now. Later, when he was a little more settled. 

“Look could you please explain how you did this?” Nathan said desperately, looking at Arthur. 

“I would like to know how you did it too,” Richard said, placing her head against his chest as she looked at the bartender. She could feel his heart pound in his chest and bounced her head up and down as if she was moving in tune to the music. “I’m not mad about it but wonder how you pulled this off.” She looked down and frowned as she realized how indecent she looked. The moment she left this bar, she wouldn’t be surprised if a cop pulled her over for indecency. “Don’t suppose you could do something about my clothes?”

Arthur moved to a part of the counter and pushed it outwards, revealing a hidden door. “Follow me.” He called, beckoning them with his finger. 

Both Richard and Nathan followed him, but Richard refused to leave Nathan's side. Nathan wanted to say something, but he couldn't find it in his heart. 

Arthur led them to a door, which he readily opened. He called to another Bartender. “Ally, I git to take care of these two, you take my spot!” 

The three then entered. It was an ordinary room, with a table and chairs. What was striking was the suspicious curtain at the edge of the room. Arthur sat at the chair and leaned back with all the cockiness he could muster. “Have a seat.” He smirked.

The two obliged, with Richard picking a seat right next to Nathan. “What’s going on here?” Nathan asked. 

Arthur gave a light chuckle. “Right to the point. Alright, as I suspect it’s your first time here, I'll let you know our secret. We're using magic.” 

“I think that’s obvious.” Richard loomed at her breasts. “But why haven't we heard of this? People were watching me change. Am I going to be on the news?” 

“Seen Men In Black?” Arthur pointed to his forehead. “The bar is surrounded with a magic barrier that alters the memories of all who leave, even altering any photo or film footage that could expose us.” 

“You going to erase us too?” Nathan remarked, a sickening thought coming to him. 

“Relax. Not you guys.” Arthur pointed to them both, handing them some shot glasses. He then poured a clear substance from the bottle. “Drinking this should make ya immune.”

The two stared at the shots, then at Arthur. “You sure?” 

“Hey, if I wanted you guys to forget me, then I would've by now. I think you make a cute couple. I let anyone I like keep their memories of this place.” 

The two friends turned red at the offer. Immediately Richard reached for her shot and drank it before Nathan could do anything. “Huh. I don't feel any different. Tastes good though.” 

Seeing no harm was done, Nathan sipped his too. It tasted like mild brandy at best, with some spicy aftertaste. Yet he only glared at Arthur. 

“You still don't trust me do ya?” Arthur asked Nathan, to the latter’s surprise. 


Arthur pointed to his eyes. “My mum was a telepath and my Dad a Leprechaun. I think you can guess where I inherited my powers from.” 

“Did you say-" 

“Yeah.” Arthur sheepishly tugged at his hair. “Let’s just say blond isn't my natural color. But that’s beside the point. I have you know I mean no harm. I was simply helping your friend come to terms with herself.”

“Terms with herself?” Nathan said. “What do you mean?” 

Richard went quiet. All the confidence that she had not too long ago felt as if it had left her. 

“Sometimes we can’t talk to people about problems, especially if they are a core part of the problem,” 

“Richard?” Nathan said. “What is he talking about?” 

“I…I didn’t like myself much,” Richard said quietly. She wanted to look away, anywhere but his face. She was afraid that any moment she would see him understand and he would look at her in disgust. “I wanted things that I knew I wouldn’t be able to get as a boy.” 

“You know that I would have been there for you right?” Nathan said, feeling a little insulted that his best friend had thought so low of him. 

“…Even if I wanted to be with you?” Richard said quietly. Quieter then she had spoken ever since her transformation. 

“Wh-What?” Nathan stuttered. “By with me…Do you mean as…more than friends?” 

Richard’s face darkened and her mouth kept opening and closing. She knew that this was it. This was the leap. The words kept coming and forming on the edge of her mouth but disappeared as quickly as they came. Her eyes went over to Arthur, who have her a thumbs up. 

“Y-Yes,” Richard stuttered, loathing how nervous she sounded. She couldn’t help but close her eyes. She didn’t want to look and see how the man that she wanted to be with react. 

Nathan’s mouth dropped. He couldn’t believe that his best friend felt that way for him. He wondered how he never noticed it. He wasn’t disgusted by the idea. Hell, he never thought of his friend in that light before either. He was comfortable around his friend, but taking steps like that was big and could ruin everything. He didn't want to lose what they had.

Nathan could barely swallow thinking of what he would say. He didn't want to let her down after she had bared her soul to him. But could he date someone who was once a man? On the other hand, he didn't expect his friend to become such a beautiful woman and had all the features he desired. 

He thought back to all the times they hung out and how much they enjoyed each other's company. No other person he knew understood him as intimately. 

He looked at Arthur, hoping for advice, only to get an encouraging nod and a thumbs up. Then, he took a breath and spoke.

“Richard, you have been my friend for a long time.” He began, Richard's eyes refusing to pry open. “I'm not lying when I say this is weird for me.” 

Richard felt herself tense up, expecting the worst. 

Suddenly, two strong arms wrapped around her waist, causing her to gasp. 

“But I cannot deny that you are the most beautiful girl I have met. I just wish I'd known it sooner.” He softly spoke with all the genuine emotion he could muster. 

Richard's heart missed a beat. Make that two. “Y-you really mean that?” She gasped. 

Nathan pulled away, a warm smile on his lips. “Yes.” He leaned in, his lips pursed. 


Richard didn't even hesitate and forced her lips onto his, surprised by how soft they were.

She wasn’t sure what to expect when they actually kissed. She expected it to be sloppy, messy, but one thing that she hoped was true and was happy that it was. That would be wonderful. 

He opened his mouth to get some air in and she used the opportunity to slip her tongue inside like she had read about in stories. She was clumsy, lacked any real experience. Nathan’s tongue moved with a skill that she lacked and was able to corral her tongue. In the end, her tongue moved as he wanted, but she didn’t care. She didn’t want this moment to end but sadly could feel her lungs calling out for air.

When they finally separated there was a thin trail of saliva. They breathed heavily, trying to fill their lungs. They stared at each other, almost refusing to look away. 

“So did the two of you enjoy that?” Arthur asked, smirking. 

“Yes,” Richard said immediately and wiped the trail. She had to stop herself from going for another round. 

“Yeah, it was nice,” Nathan said, blushing brightly as he rubbed the back of his head. 

Richard felt herself glow from what he said. If he thought that it was nice then he better get ready to do it more often, because if things went her way they were going to do it far more often. She wondered how long it would take before he decided that it was okay to go a step further and have his hands explore her body. The thought of Nathan’s hands roaming reminded her of her current attire. She looked down at her breasts, which were perfectly on display. She didn’t mind showing her new girls off, but she couldn’t walk around in this fashion disaster. Probably get in trouble for it. 

“So, what happens now?” Richard asked, turning to the owner. “Am I going to have to look for new clothes to wear and going to have to get some new identification or something, or do you got me covered thereto with your magic?”

Arthur snapped his fingers, which pointed at the curtain at the far end. “We tend to come prepared. There's a wardrobe back there. Go crazy if yer want.” 

Richard almost leaped out of her seat in glee. “Be right back Nath.” She giggled, already taking her shirt off before she reached the curtain. 

As soon as she vanished, Nathan turned to Arthur, “Look, I'm sorry if I didn't trust you.” 

“Eh, all’s forgiven.” Arthur swiped his hand in the air dismissively. “You're one of the more civil customers I ‘ve had.” 

“How often do you do this?” 

“Tonnes of times.” He smirked. “Lots of people want a change in perspective. We had a particularly gruff douchey business type threatening to shut our bar down the other day and turn it into a fast-food chain. You heard of Fergursons? Claimed to be from Fergursons.” 

Nathan's eyes bulged. “Fergursons? Never heard- " 

Arthur interrupted him. “Precisely. Let’s just say that she is now selling her body at a sidewalk somewhere.” 

After a considerable amount of time, a rustling emerged from behind the curtain. “Ok Nath, are you ready for the new me?” 

Nathan gulped, anxious but excited. “Sure, thing Rich.”

Suddenly, a sexy stocking leg peeked from behind the curtain, highlighted by a small red pump. Then the rest of Richard emerged. 

A shiny, black leather skirt sashayed into view, followed by a red sleeved shirt that reached her waist. Underneath was a dark black tank top, with a very low neckline, revealing the vast cleavage of her bust. 

Spreading her arms out, Richard declared, “Ta-dah!” 

Arthur gave a heart clap, enjoying her improved theatrics. However, Nathan was stunned. It was exactly the outfit he imagined her to be wearing. It was seductive but striking, and whilst being restrained in how much skin it should show. All he could stammer was, “Great outfit!” 

Richard gave a squeal, sauntering to her new boyfriend. “Thank you.” She laughed in relief. “I was thinking slutty, but not too slutty.” She clung to his arm, admiring the firm bulge of his bicep. 

“I think you'd look great in anything, Rich,” Nathan spoke. 

“Actually, could you call me something different? I think Richard is an off-putting name.” 

Nathan then realized something. “Wait, is this permanent?” 

Arthur chuckled. “Surprised you didn't ask me before. But yes. It is.” 

Richard stared at Arthur. “You mean to tell me you were willing to change me like this forever?”

Arthur smirked. “Well, normally the potions have a temporary effect, but I knew from the moment you read your mind that you wanted Nathan to notice you. I may have added an extra dash of magic to lock it in.” 

Richard felt a well of joy form but also dread. “But what about my-" 

“Folks?” Arthur interrupted. “The moment you step outside reality will correct itself. Come with me.” 

He lured them to another room, which had an exit sign at the back. “Now, you still have your wallet, right?” 

Richard showed hers. 

“Now, will the madam step outside first?” Arthur opened the door to the dark alleyway outside. “Your ID and life will change, but your memories will remain intact. Otherwise, it will be as if you were always a girl.” 

The woman turned to Nathan. “I guess this is it.” She insisted. 

“Yeah.” Nathan felt his breathing quicken. The last vestiges of his friend were about to go. “You were a good friend. But now, we can be something more.” 

Richard giggled. “I can't wait. And by the way, it's Rose now.” She gave him a quick peck on the cheek and strode to the entrance. Then, she stopped. Just a few inches separated her old and new lives. She needed a step forward. 


She turned. Nathan was there. “I'm not leaving you alone. Let’s do this together.” His large arm snaked around hers, taking a step through the door. The momentum forced her through the doorframe as the air cooly fell around them.

Both lovers stopped outside. They had expected something, but it felt like nothing happened. “Feel different?” Nathan asked. 

“No, you?” Rose asked, only to be met with confusion. Quickly she examined her wallet- 


It was now a sleek, leather handbag. Desperately she looked inside, finding a ruby sequined purse. Opening it, a false memory came to her: her mother had bought this as a going away gift before she left for college. 

Except she also remembered being a boy on that birthday too. However, the more she thought, the more memories she had of being a girl. Shopping for dresses with Mum, discussing punk records with her high school crush, and the many dates they took. 

Fumbling she found her driver’s license and put it up to the outdoor lamp. A sexy mature woman's photo was on the license, along with her new height, and more importantly a big ‘F' next to her gender. 

“It’s worked!” She gaped, hugging Nathan lovingly. Her boyfriend accepted it back, as the many embraces they previously never shared came into their new existence. 

“What did I tell ya,” Arthur called from the doorframe. “Welcome to your new lives, Nathan and Rose. I hope to see you two again someday.” 

“Thank you!” Rose ran up to Arthur and hugged him too, before running back to her friend. “Cya later!” They waved, walking off to their new life. 

Arthur watched them go, giving a wry smile. “Another satisfied customer.” He clapped his hands, before retreating back to his bar.


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