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“Look for the hundredth time, there is nothing with RWBY,” Dustin said, glaring at Henry.  “It has been improving since the start. The animation has gone up, the voice acting, and the characters and writing have gotten better.”

“Oh please you should have a little more faith in the creator’s. There is no way that they would ruin the show.

“Maybe, but I have my doubts,” Henry said. “Considering the way last season ended and how they offed their only still good villain left I have no reason to hold out hope.”

He wasn’t sure what he should expect from the next season, but he hoped that it would focus less on politics and more on the story and world building, which still needed as much help as it could. If they didn’t improve the world building and focused more on the characters and making sure that things made sense and properly build things up. 

Henry held back a sigh. Unlike him, Dustin refused to acknowledge the show’s flaws at all. He was okay with his friend enjoying what he did, but every time they had a discussion like this about the show, Dustin seemed to take it as a personal offense. Almost as if he had kicked his dog and broke his stuff. 

“Look Dustin you can’t deny that the show’s writing has gone down the drain,” Henry sighed. Most of the problems that he had with the show stemmed from the writing of the show and how they told the story, and the worldbuilding. It shouldn’t feel like he was doing homework to learn more about a show. “They just keep adding more and more stuff seemingly without reason or clarifying any of it.”

It was like this every time they would go back and forth, until eventually one of them decided to just drop it. With the new season just around the corner, Dustin’s excitement grew as well. H

“Is it cool that they are adding more to the world yes, and it makes me curious but what is the point if I don’t know the difference between them and how they operate. The storytelling and worldbuilding has taken a dive since the beginning,” Henry said. “Along with the characters.”

Yang was just one character that he felt had been shafted by the storytelling of the show.  He felt that most of the characters were getting butchered as the seasons passed. He felt that Weiss and Ruby were getting better, but the rest seemed to be setting themselves on fire, or acting more sporadic in his opinion. 

“Hey! The characters are just fine, and just as entertaining as when the show first started. The show has a lot of interesting side characters and show just how imaginative the world is! Blake and Yang have gone through great character arcs that have changed them!”

“Blake, and Yang,” Henry answered. “She was fine in the first three volumes and I like how active she was and how she wanted to search for answers about why Raven had abandoned her, but the later volumes messed up her characterization. They should have handled the PTSD sooner. The little touches that they had in the later seasons were a nice touch and showed that she was still recovering.”

Henry stared at Dustin, whose face had gone blank. Instead of blowing up and immediately jumping to the defense of his waifu, like he thought he would. Instead he went silent. Henry turned away to drink. 

Henry heard a hiss and turned toward the sound. He saw Dustin holding a metal thermos in his hand as he tossed the lid to the side. While Henry wondered where Dustin pulled it from, his friend suddenly splashed the contents of the container over him. He gasped as he could feel it the slimy substance seep through his clothes and bite at his skin.

“Dude, what the fuck?!” Henry exclaimed, glaring at Dustin as he waved his hands with a mischievous smile crawling on his face. He pulled at his wet shirt and pants, hating the damp gooey feel of his attire, twisting it in the effort of wringing out the slime, but to no avail. He ran his hand through his short hair, grimacing at how it clumped together, felt heavier, and left a sticky trail to his hand when he pulled it away.

After a few moments of annoyance, Henry paused as his body started to feel strange, a chill running down his spine. This was then followed by a sudden hot flash despite having had a lukewarm liquid just thrown at him. It was like the goo was a slow burning acid that was finally melting away at his skin. The thick substance hung from his body as it ever so slowly traveled down it at a speed that was slightly faster than tar.“What is this stuff?!” Henry demanded as he pulled at the collar of his shirt. Whatever the crap was, it moved extremely slowly, yet also dampened his clothes with relative ease. The heat flash that he felt was getting worse, body starting to cover up in a layer of sweat that added to the stickiness of the already syrupy texture. 

“Found something the other day and couldn’t resist buying, even if it was a scam which I now believe isn’t the case,” Dustin answered as he tossed the bottle to the ground having no more use for it. “Besides filled my head with some lovely fantasies, and you’re gonna get to experience every single second of it!”

“What… are you… talking… about…?” Henry panted, wondering what the hell his so called friend was going on about. Unexpectedly, the goop that clung to his body percolated its way through his skin, causing an immediate weight to drop in the pit of his stomach, inducing him to hunch over.

He looked at his hand and it looked fairer then it did previously. He looked Glancing at his other hand, he saw that it had the same lighter tone. He wondered if he was seeing things. He blinked a few times and raised his arm, but saw that it was still in the same changed tone.

“What the hell?” Henry said queitly, as a heavy feeling settled in his stomach.

His short red hair began to feel as if he was back at the barbershop getting it lathered in shampoo. 1he could feel it grow down and tickle the back of his neck. He reached around and grabbed the growing locks of hair. He saw the rusty red shade of his hair shine into a bright golden blonde. His hair stopped growing when it rested on his butt.   

“What the fuck!” Henry swore as he could feel his much longer and softer hair tickle the back of his neck. “What the hell is that stuff!”

His face burned causing Henry to claw at it. He could feel his nose crunch in on itself. The poor boy moaned pitifully as his face felt felt like someone had slapped him. He moaned as his cheekbones rose higher. He patted his changing face and screamed at his changing appearance. His chin grew rounder, giving him a more heart-shaped appearance. His lips felt like jelly was spread over them. When he opened his mouth he could feel an unnatural thickness that they had. 

Before Henry could swear and demand more answers, his clothes started to stick tighter to him. His shirt snuggly fit against his loose frame and continued to get tighter. He pulled at the collar of his shirt and his pants to try and alleviate some of the strain, but it continued to get worse. His clothes started to feel like a corset as his It soon reached the point that he had trouble breathing. He groaned as his spine cracked. Arching his back to push out his flat chest and butt. It grew tighter against his waist and the transforming boy moaned as he felt like a professional wrestler was giving him a tight bear hug. His waist curved inward as if he was a tube of toothpaste. It stopped when he was left with a slim curvy waist with a strong core that would have had men fight themselves.

He suddenly felt his clothes cling to his hips. As the clothing got heavier it felt as if the bones in his hips were being pulled out. His hips started to ache as they rolled farther out, the more the weight grew.  Popping noise started to come out. He placed his hands on his hips and marveled at how wide they were. With every pop his hips grew a little wider, stretching farther out. When they were finished growing he had wide fuckabale hips that someone could have easily grabbed and held onto.

His arms started to feel weighed down, as if he was wearing dozens of long-sleeved shirts at once. His arms suddenly felt as if they were drenched in water. They itched and he moved his arms to scratch them. 

His clothes felt like they were made out of rubber, until a loud ripping sound filled the room. The top of his shirt split down the middle, alleviating the strain around his throat and breathing normally again. More rips filled the room as the sleeves of his shirt started ripping apart and fell on the ground.

Henry gasped as it felt easier to breathe. He looked at his arms and was slack jawed when he saw that his arms were slimmer, the hair that lined them was gone, so much so, that there wasn't even a speck. The small little brown moles that were on his biceps and forearms were gone. 

He could feel his legs start changing. His feet grew smaller as his toes curled in on themselves. His legs slimmed down and took a feminine appearance. His thighs growing larger with fat, swelling until there was a sensual curve that wasn’t there before. He had thick thighs that were filled with a perfect mix of fat and muscle that 

The pants legs on Henry shot off as if they had been cut down the sides, exposing his legs to Dustin. The fabric of his clothing began to change. His polyester shirt felt like it was becoming rubber, and his pants felt the same. When they were finished changing what remained of his clothing had changed into a yellow and white sports bikini. He blushed and growled as he tried to cover the outline of his equipment.

“I could have gone my whole life without seeing that image,” Dustin flippantly remarked as he turned away.  

“Then maybe you shouldn’t have done whatever you did!” Henry said. He moaned as the bikini tightening across his lower body, pushing his junk tighter against his body. He moaned as his penis and balls felt like they were being mashed up against a concrete wall as someone behind him kept pressing down on him.

He groaned as the weight continued to increase. He tried to pry it off, but it was if it was hot glued against his body. It continued to push against his body, and he tried desperately to pull it off. He tried to slipping his fingers underneath it, pushing his fingers as much as he could against his body, but couldn’t even get his nails underneath the bottom. His penis was sucked inside him and he screamed as he felt something else take its place. She pushed the front of her crotch and didn’t feel anything there, except for a pair of lips. 

“Much better,” Dustin remarked cheerfully. 

Henry growled as her legs shook and she struggled to remain standing, but was able to stop herself from falling. She could feel the bikini grow tighter against her body again as her butt felt like it was dunked in cold water. She gasped as her butt started to grow larger. The twin cheeks grew against the back of her bikini bottom, making her swimsuit squeak slightly as it started to dig between her cheeks. When it was finished growing the bikini bottom snuggly fit over her full buttocks in a way that showed off the curve of her bum. 

Henry moaned lowly as she rubbed her behind and couldn’t believe how well it showed off her ass with how tight it was, and yet how comfortable it was. 

She felt her chest rumble and quickly turned. She gasped as her flat pectorals started to inflate like a pair of balloons being filled. She twitched and moaned as it felt like her expanding chest was being massaged, licked, and sucked on all at once. They continued to grow until they were a massive E-cup that were far too large for someone to fully grasp. The bikini top tightly hugged her huge breasts, so much so that it made them look like beach balls. 

Her legs gave out underneath her. She managed to place her hands on the ground to stop herself from hitting the floor. Her body felt weak, as if she had just gone through an intense workout routine without a break, or any refreshments to keep her going.

Dustin walked around her, admiring Henry’s new form. He leaned over and roughly started to play with her behind. He felt his crotch getting hard as he played with her full doughy behind. He wanted to see if her breasts were just as wonderful.

“You…bastard,” she spat out breathing heavily as she glared at him. Her mind buzzed and felt her attraction to him grow. She shook her head, trying to get rid of these false emotions and desires. She reminded herself that she was straight but heard her mind answer that everything was perfect then now that she was a curvaceous young woman and he was a strapping young man. She reminded herself that she was originally a man, and her mind countered by saying that she wasn’t anymore.

“Now that’s a lovely ass Yang!” Dustin said, admiring the wonderful round buttocks in front of him. “I figured if you had such a rocking rack, then you must have had an ass to match!”

“That’s not my name you bastard! My name is...The fuck!” The former boy panicked. What Dustin called her sounded like it was her real name to her. It was getting harder for her to remember her background or even her original appearance. New memories of her meeting Dustin, and her falling hard. She shakily turned her head and saw the ecstatic grin that Dustin, that made her feel like a piece of meat at the supermarket. 

Dustin laughed eagerly as he pulled her up by her breasts. The moment he touched her, Yang felt as if her body had been shocked. She gulped and felt her nipples go rock-hard and her body warm up between her legs as he pulled her close. She turned around and unconsciously wrapped her arms around him and quickly let go of him. She gulped as Dustin rested his chin on top of her head and his arms snake around her waist and massage her full behind.

“Let me go asshole!” Yang cried as she pushed against him. She could feel his scrotum getting hard behind his pants and push against her aching honeypot. The more her hands clamored over his chest the more her mouth watered and the strength that she had left in favor of feeling more of his broad chest. 

“Like what you’re feeling?” 

“Fuck you!” Yang cried as she forced her hands off. She scrambled wondering what she should do. She could 

“Don’t worry, you’ll be doing plenty of that. Along with sucking, licking, and more,” Dustin said and fiercely kissed her.

She blinked, and her green eyes were replaced by bright lilac eyes. She pulled him tighter against her body, pressing her crotch and breasts as hard as she could as she returned the kiss with all the passion and lust that Dustin had.

“You liked that, because I know I certainly did,” Dustin said.

“Yeah,” She panted. She tried to fight her desire, to see what he was packing, but the fact that his penis was pressing up against her crotch was like a neon sign reminding her off her situation. She begged. “Stop please!”

“Let me think,” Dustin said sarcastically, and hummed, pretending to think it over. “Nope!”

Yang opened her mouth to scream, but Dustin’s lips collided with her own. Yang moaned and tried to push him away at first, but after a moment she started feeling his muscles. Yang’s hips wiggled back and forth and she pushed her crotch against his own. When they broke apart, Yang was smiling happily and licked her lips.

“Just as good as the first time babe. You want to take this to the next level?” Dustin asked eagerly. 

“You read my mind,” Yang giggled and saucily licked her lips with a hungry grin. “I got an ache that needs to be filled and I feel quite...hungry.”

“Don’t worry babe. I’m sure that I can fix that,” Dustin chuckled as he picked the blonde up by her curvy ass, playing with it. Yang landed kiss after kiss against his neck.

Dustin walked to his room, and when they arrived, he threw her on the bed. Yang giggled eagerly as she spread her legs and massaged her breasts. 

“Just like I said earlier, we’ll be doing this a lot more,” Dustin said.

“Can’t wait!” Yang said eagerly.

Dustin slipped his fingers underneath her swimsuit without issue and pulled them off. He planted a kiss on her chest as his arm snaked around her chest and unclipped her top. He threw it to the side and loved the way that his new lover felt in his arms. Yes, they would be doing more of this, and the two of them were going to enjoy this till the rest of their days.


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