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“That was impressive!” Joel yelled above the music as Ariel slammed her mug down on the table. It was so loud in the bar between the live band and the endless conversations that the only way to be heard was to scream.

“It was so good!” Ariel said, gasping for breath after chugging the last of her beer. “You know, it’s been an entire year since I’ve been here. Now that I’m here it’s hitting how much I missed it.”

Flashing lights lit up the dancers in all different colors. “I’ve never been but this place is pretty amazing. How come you haven’t been recently?”

“Well, you see, I…kind of had an affair with a waiter. Or two. It didn’t end all that well,” Ariel motioned for the waitress to bring them another round.

Joel blinked. “You dated the bartenders? Like multiple of them?”

The waitress dropped off their drinks then sashayed away. Ariel couldn’t help but watch her go. “Mmm it wasn’t so much dating. It was more sexual than anything. But neither of them work here anymore so I don’t feel so bad coming around again.”

“Wow, so the four of you had an orgy?” Joel’s eyes grew wide.

“No fool! I told you I am one person!” Ariel threw a balled up napkin at him. “It was a threesome.”

“Yeah… yeah, I'm sorry,” Joel apologized. “Don't worry, I won't ask you for details.”

“Oh, I fucked her, and he fucked me from behind,” Ariel said as if she were discussing nothing more than the weather. “It was SO GOOD. I love being fucked while I fuck someone else. The feeling is unmatched.”

Joel almost spit out his beer. “Wow ok. Was not expecting that.”

“It was great but then it got really awkward. That’s why I decided to keep my distance,” Ariel said. “Last I heard, they had gotten together and moved to another city. I guess at least I can say I make a good cupid?”

“Have you had any other threesomes?”

“Nah. I enjoyed it but after all the awkwardness and problems I decided it was probably better if I didn’t. Trying to control my sex drive is proving harder than I thought though.”

“One of you was actually addicted to sex, right?”

“Yeah, Eric was very addicted. He spent a lot of time looking at porn and cheated on more than one of his exes,” Ariel said as she slammed her mug on the table again, this time the contents sloshing a bit and almost spilling over. “Oops, sorry! My Danielle side is still furious with Eric. Danielle was always more modest, though she also enjoyed sex from time to time.”

“So, your Eric side is where your sex drive really comes from?”

"Not only that, but what those involved in the fusion feel at the time the fusion occurs determines a lot of the personality of the fused person. If your components were scared, there is a good chance that you are a somewhat nervous fusion. If the fusion occurs while the parts are calm or at peace, then the fusion is calm or loving. With fusions like me, who are born during sex, well… you can imagine, right?”

“Wow, that makes sense, yeah,” Joel said as he played with a peanut between his fingers. “All the partner fusions must be kind of lewd then.”

“I guess so, although as I say, my type of fusion is rare. Also, some people truly are asexual. I personally don’t understand that, but to each their own,” said Ariel while she rested her front hands on her chin while one of her back hands lifted her mug so she could continue to drink her beer.

“And are you used to it? Being fused I mean. It's been two years, right?” Joel asked.

“Yeah, I have no choice. It's still weird sometimes when I go back through my memories and see Danielle's 15th birthday and then the next memory is when Eric saw his parents fight and break up. Then I remember how the two met and from both perspectives. Danielle found Eric to be fun and handsome, while Eric, well… the first thing he saw was Danielle's tits.” Ariel couldn’t help but roll her eyes a bit. “Sometimes I hate myself a little, what can I say,” Ariel said, laughing.

“And don't your memories get confused, I mean…” Joel asked.

“Oh yes, of course. The first three months were terrible. Eric had recently started working for a good company, Danielle was finishing her university studies. I couldn’t keep up with either and so many things fell through the cracks,” Ariel said. She took a big sip of beer. “One day I still hope to retake Danielle's last semester and finally have a college degree.”

“I knew fusions existed, but I never imagined everything they had to go through.”

"Of course! And I’m a fusion of two humans. Imagine everything those women who fused with animals go through,” Ariel could feel the alcohol starting to take effect. “So, is there anything else you want to ask?”

“Mmm, no… not really,” Joel averted his eyes as he tried to keep the redness from creeping into his cheeks.

“Liar,” Ariel said with a mocking smile.


“I can smell your curiosity from here. Come on. Out with it!"

Joel’s cheeks burned hotter than a campfire. "Okay. You said you have… both… down there?”

“A dick and a pussy, yes. You can say it,” Ariel giggled.

“I know, but I don't usually talk directly about penises and vaginas with my female friends,” Joel justified.

“Hahahahaha, I understand. So just treat me like one of the guys.”

“It’s…er…kind of hard to do that.”

“Oh? Is that because of these?” Ariel said as she used her back hands to fondle her own boobs.

Joel watched her, mesmerized. He took a long drink of his beer without taking his eyes off her hands. “Y-yeah.”

“Okay, I understand. I do present mostly female after all,” Ariel said and lowered her hands.

The two continued talking and laughing for quite a while longer, empty mugs piling up on their table as they did. Neither were sober by the time the night was coming to a close.

“So, are you curious?” Ariel said and dragged a suggestive finger down her chest right between her boobs.

“Absolutely,” his eyes followed that finger until it disappeared beneath the table.

Ariel stood up, grabbed Joel with one of her strong hands, and dragged him to the back room of the bar and locked the door behind them. “This is one of the staff bathrooms. Lots of memories here. But I think it’s time to make a new one. Get on your knees,” she said in a flirtatious tone.

Almost without thinking, Joel did as he was commanded. He almost fell over but caught himself on the wall. Ariel had a nervous laugh as she unbuttoned her shorts and bodysuit and pulled down her panties. Joel’s eyes went wide at the sight of her already hard dick.

“Wow, -so you really have a pe- dick,” Joel said, swallowing hard.

“Bigger or smaller than yours?” Ariel asked slyly.

“Uh…same size…I think?” Joel responded, making Ariel laugh.

“Well, there’s another part remember,” Ariel said as she used one of her many hands to lift her penis, revealing a rather wet vagina behind her balls. Joel licked his lips. “Hahahaha, you look like you've never seen a pussy before.”

“Of course, I've seen vaginas,” Joel said annoyed.

“Ok, ok, sorry,” she laughed, then asked. “Do you want to touch it?”

“Can I?" Joel asked. His eyes had glazed over with lust.

“Yeah, you can. But only if you suck me off first,” Ariel said with a devious smile. The alcohol had made her much more confident and commanding than normal.

He took a deep breath and licked his lips before licking up Ariel’s dick then sucking it into his mouth.

“HOLY SHIT,” Ariel said, immediately lost in pleasure.

Joel had no idea what he was doing, really. He’d never given anyone a blow job and until tonight hadn’t planned on doing so either. He just tried to do what he would want someone to do to him. Ariel went from the deepest surprise to intense pleasure. She used her front hands to massage her breasts, while her back hands grabbed Joel’s head.

“Oh, my god, this is amazing…” she said between moans. Just before she came, Ariel pushed Joel away so it hit the wall and not him.

“Holy fuck that was intense,” Ariel said, panting. “I didn't think you’d actually do it!”

“Can’t say I ever expected to,” Joel admitted.

Ariel stripped the rest of the way, then started removing Joel’s clothes. He didn’t stop her. When both were completely naked, she sat on the toilet and spread her legs. “Are you curious what a fusion’s pussy feels like?”

Joel smiled. He was more than a little ready to satisfy that curiosity.




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