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“Ugh, I hate this,” Andrew grumbled to himself. Algebra made no sense to him and made him go cross eyed. There was an exam coming up though and he wanted to do well, so he was trying to spend the commute home studying despite barely staying awake. He regretted helping his new neighbors move in this past weekend instead of spending the time studying. Though he was glad to have met them to already be on good terms with them.

He'd nearly fallen asleep again when screams from another train car startled him. Passengers ran past him in terror. It didn’t even occur to him that he should possibly run, too. The only thing that did cross his mind was curiosity. What had made everyone run like that? Andrew closed his book and cautiously headed in the direction the other passengers had come from.

A few train cars back he was stunned speechless. In the center of one was a girl who appeared to be in the the process of mutating! Her legs were crossed but her torso had clearly grown, elongated quite a bit. It resembled a snake tail, even partially coiled across a few seats before ending in her legs.

“H-help,” she nearly begged as she choked back a few sobs.

Andrew slowly approached her, not wanting to scare the already terrified girl. “Ok, it’s going to be ok. My name is Andrew. What’s yours?” he said in the kindest voice he could muster. Here he was again. He should be studying but he can never tell someone in need of help no.

Her face was red, and she immediately averted her eyes embarrassed. “May. Th-thank you.”

“You don't have to thank me. Are you mutating?”

“I… Y-yes," May said. Her long serpentine torso shook as snake scales emerged through her skin. There were loud cracks and pops as her arms finished developing, giving her a total of eight functional arms.

“Mutants aren’t really common here, so those idiots aren’t used to seeing anything like this. That’s not an excuse of course.”

“…I recognize that my mutation is a bit…dramatic,” she said.

“Your body looks like a lamia or something similar, except it's still attached to your legs,” Andrew said as he looked over her.

“My legs?” she said in surprise as she turned around to see her legs behind her, still sitting cross-legged. You could even say that she moved one of her feet quite naturally, “I-I don't feel my legs, I thought they had turned into a snake's tail,” she said, scared.

Suddenly, they heard a popping sound like something was ripping apart. May screamed in pain as her torso separated just above her waist, the sound of tearing skin filling the train car. May’s now separate legs shook a bit, and her torso grew just a little more until it came to a tapered tip that was unmistakably a snake tail.

May took a deep breath and contracted her muscles, slowly positioning herself to be “standing” on her snake tail. Her pupils had elongated into slits and her teeth had extended into sharp fangs. Now that she was fully upright Andrew could see that she had gained a new pair of breasts between each of her eight arms.

“Shit, I’m really a lamia now,” she said as her eyes drifted over her own body.

“It seems the mutation has stopped at least,” Andrew said. He gasped when he noticed pink folds beginning to form. His eyes darted around for something she could use as cover but the only thing he could come up with was May’s own scarf that was currently around her neck. Cheeks red as a tomato, he carefully unwrapped it from her then fastened it around the part of her tail where the vagina had formed.

“I'm sorry, I didn't mean to… I didn't mean to see that,” he apologized.

“There was no way we could’ve know that was going to happen. I greatly appreciate your respect and care though,” she said as she kept her eyes averted.

“Just one other thing to handle,” Andrew said as he pointed to the seat where May's legs were still sitting.

“Shit, you’re right,” she said as she approached them. “I admit I'm going to miss wearing shoes. I really liked those sandals.”

As they watched, her legs tightened and twitched, the piece of torso that was still attached to her hips began cracking and slurping, growing upwards.

“Oh shit, what's happening now?” Andrew said.

“I-I have no idea! I can’t feel it!” said May.

They both watched as the flesh on May's legs stretched and took human shape again. Her new torso had four massive breasts and two tentacles in place of each arm. A head formed with the same face as the original girl but instead of her hair four thick tentacles hung from it. The new girl seemed to be fast asleep so Andrew and May slowly approached.

“I can't believe it,” May said. “Is this…also me?”

“It looks like your legs regenerated a torso,” Andrew said as he looked curiously at the new girl, trying not to focus too much on her huge breasts. Suddenly the new girl snapped her eyes open and began to gasp like someone waking up from a nightmare.

“Damn, what a nightmare,” she said as she instinctively brought a tentacle to her face. It took a few seconds for her to realize she was controlling a tentacle and not an arm, then her face contorted in horror. “It wasn’t a dream?!”

“No, it wasn't,” May said. She too was still trying to digest what had happened. “What do you remember?”

“I remember I was traveling and suddenly I started to fall asleep,” she said as she looked up at May. “Are you really me? I mean am I you? Or…oh you know what I mean.”

“I think we had a mitosis mutation between… well, other things,” May said. She used one of her many arms to point to indicate the girl’s chest. “By the way you’re half naked.”

The girl with tentacles looked down and saw her bare breasts. She wrapped her tentacles around her chest as fast as she could, covering as much as possible. “Shit! And this perv enjoyed the view.”

“He's not a perv. He was the only person who came to help me,” May said and moved a little closer to her.

"Oh really? Sorry then. I’m just feeling a little…out of sorts."

“Yeah, I understand that feeling well,” May said as she slowly hugged her sister. “I know this is a shock, but we’re going to get through this together.”

The tentacle girl returned her twin's hug, staying in her embrace for a few minutes. "You're right. We’ll get through this.”

“It's good that you two have each other,” Andrew said and offered his jacket to the tentacle girl, who put it on with pleasure.

"Thanks for helping us.”

"You’re welcome. Although I think you should get checked at a hospital.”

"Oh really? I think we have everything under control,” May said before trying to move her tail and accidentally forcefully whipping Andrew's leg.

“Ouch!!! That really hurt,” Andrew exclaimed.

“Sorry, I just tried to move it towards you. I wasn’t trying to hit you,” she apologized.

“Don’t worry, I understand but I think that proves that you need to get checked. There are people who can help you figure out how to control your new body…er…bodies. Plus they can make sure everything internally is all good. If you want, I’ll go with you.”

“We’d like that,” said both girls at the same time.

“We're about to get to the next station, I'll call us an Uber once we’re there. Oh, by the way my name is Andrew,” he said to the tentacle girl.

“May,” the tentacle girl said then looked at her lamia sister who was also May. “Uh, but maybe we should come up with new names.”

“What if we used June and July? Those are names we used to use as kids when we were playing and doing skits.”

The tentacle girl clapped as best she could with her tentacles. “Yeah, that’d be perfect!”

Andrew took June and July to the hospital, patiently waiting while the doctors did their routine checkups.

“So much for studying,” Andrew chuckled to himself.

It wasn’t too long before June and July were happily approaching Andrew again. “They said that our mutation, although extreme, went well and there were no internal complications to be concerned with!” July said.

“However, we do have to keep an eye on things and be careful with our new limbs. At least for the first week. Nothing to worry about, except obviously we’re two people instead of one,” June added.

"Glad to hear it! How do you think your parents will take it?” Andrew said.

“Mom always wanted more children, so with any luck she’ll be delighted to have another daughter,” June said, and July nodded her agreement.

“May… I mean, Mays,” a woman’s voice echoed down the hallway.

“Mom!” they said in unison.

“We’ve decided to go by June and July now, to make things easier,” June said.

“Wow, I can’t believe it,” their mother said as she got closer. “I knew you had the mutant gene, but I didn't think you would do a full mitosis.”

“If you're surprised, imagine how we feel,” June said.

At that moment, a man approached from down the hallway. Andrew recognized his new neighbor and briefly wondered what he was doing there.

“May, are you okay? Or, I guess, are you two okay?”

“June and July dad,” July said. “I know it's confusing, but you’ll get used to it.”

“I hope so,” said their father. Then he looked at Andrew in surprise. “Andrew? What are you doing here?"

“He helped us dad. He was the only person who helped us when we were mutating,” June said.

“It seems that helping others comes easily to you, boy,” said their father, and clapped Andrew on the back. “It's good to have neighbors like you.”

“Wait, we’re neighbors?” June asked excitedly. “Nice!”

Both girls took Andrew's arm. "Are you going home? We can all go together,” July said.

“That would be great,” Andrew said, blushing. His study plan for that day had been ruined but he couldn't complain. All signs pointed to it being the beginning of a truly great period of his life.




I love this story! We need a followup of June and July please!