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Story by Sophiie93

"Hey... what did you put in my rice?!" Selena asked her roommate in an annoyed tone.

"Just a little hot sauce," Kaylin replied laughingly.

"Ugh... give me water!" Selena groaned, taking a jug of water from the table and drinking it. "No wonder why you were smiling at me when I was about to eat..."

"You owed me one from last time… you know, the laxatives on my plate?"

"Oh, come on... it wasn't THAT bad" Selena said teasingly before they both laughed.

Kaylin and Selena are roommates with a habit of constantly pranking each other… sometimes a bit too much. However, the two of them always have fun together regardless of how hectic their pranks become.

One weekend afternoon, as the two of them were relaxing and watching television on the couch, Selena started to feel an uncomfortable sensation. After changing positions repeatedly she finally stood up, turning towards the hallway with an unsure look on her face.

"I don't feel well... I think I need to rest for a while…" Selena said weakly before heading to her room.

Half an hour passed by and Kaylin began to worry, not hearing any noise from Selena’s room. Another quiet fifteen minutes passed before she decided to check if her friend was okay. Upon opening the door Kaylin was greeted by an unconscious Selena, who was lying on the carpet motionless. "Selena! Are you okay?" Kaylin said in a panicked tone.

As she rushed to Selena’s side, Kaylin looked in shock at the condition her friend was in. She was breathing slowly which relieved Kaylin a bit, but her clothes were a mess. Two new pairs of arms pushed their way through her tight blouse, while the neck of it was torn off by the growth of a second head next to her original one. She had mutated.

“Well, this is…definitely something…” Kaylin thought to herself as she sighed, lifting Selena into her arms to carry her to her bed. While holding her Kaylin felt an odd sensation as if Selena was losing weight, followed by the smack of something against the ground. When she looked down she gasped at the sight of her friend’s leg laying by itself on the floor.


Kaylin stood in shock for a small moment before a smile invaded her face, laying her friend gently on her bed before holding one of her arms by the wrist and shoulder. “If I’m right…”

Kaylin began pulling Selena’s arm firmly until it came off with a ‘pop’ noise.

"So, you've also become detachable... interesting!"

As Kaylin laughed to herself, she began working on a prank so devious that Selena could never live it down.

An hour passed as Kaylin just about finished up, letting out a small giggle before rubbing Selena’s shoulder gently. “Selena... Selena, wake up…!”

"Mmmm... what happened?" Selena muttered softly with both heads simultaneously..

“It’s hard to explain…maybe you should see for yourself…” Kaylin gestured as she brought a handheld mirror up to Selena’s faces.

"W-...What the heck?!" Selena exclaimed as she tried sitting up, which caused her torso to move strangely, “Where are my arms... and my legs?!” Her faces turned to look at each other.

"And I have two heads?!! This can not be happening…!"

"But it did. How does it feel though?" Kaylin asked curiously.

"It’s… weird, but it's even stranger that I can feel my limbs despite losing them..." Selena replies from one of her heads with a sigh.

Kaylin tried to hold back her laughter with a cough. "That sounds like a phantom sensation. Your brain-...er, ‘brains’, are so used to your limbs that they think they’re still there."

"Ughh... call the mutant emergencies please! I can't live like this…!" Selena whined as she shook her body around.

"Oh, uhh..." Kaylin scratched her cheek nervously. "Okay I’ll call them… but first you should eat something and take a shower and everything. You don't want the doctors to see you like this, riiight?"

Selena looked down at her body and then sighed. "That’s fair..." she replied with her right head, "...But you'll have to help me then," she finished with her left one.

Kaylin nodded and wrapped her arms around Selena’s back, bringing her to the kitchen and sitting her in one of the chairs. She noticed how Selena tried moving her body and smirked a little behind her hand before grabbing a few utensils. Both of Selena’s heads blinked and looked in different directions and she wiggled her nubs around, doing her best to explore her limbless body as much as she could.

"Do you know what's strange?" Selena said as Kaylin continued cooking. "Even though I’m having phantom sensations... I feel like I have more arms than before…"

"Mmm… maybe both your heads are having phantom sensations? I don't know, I’ve never mutated before," Kaylin replied before gesturing cheekily. "The good thing is that this way you won't be able to play tricks on me anymore..."

"Hey, it's not funny…! If they can’t help me get new limbs then I’ll need help for the rest of my life..." Selena replied frustratedly.

"Don't worry, if they can’t then I'll take care of you... although, don't think you'll be safe from my jokes…" Kaylin said with a playful wink.

"Have some mercy…" Selena replied as she lowered her heads in defeat.

Minutes later Kaylin finished cooking and laid out their meal on the table. As much as Selena resisted, she had no choice but to let Kaylin feed her carefully and even clean her mouths. After eating, Kaylin took a moment to clean the kitchen up before turning back to Selena.

“Alright, now it's time for your shower…” Kaylin said eagerly, lifting Selena's small body up before she could protest.

When they got to the bathroom Kaylin placed a stool on the shower floor and rested Selena on it. As she began taking Selena’s clothes off Selena's faces turned red as tomatoes, unable to cover herself but also knowing that she needed help.

“You're pretty quiet y’know…” Kaylin said teasingly.

“...I don't like this at all. I want my limbs back…” Selena muttered with a pout on her faces.

“Yeah… it's strange that your mutation robbed you of your limbs and gave you a new head,” she said as she began washing Selena’s faces. “But don't worry… I'll always help you.”

“Thank you… I’m glad you’re here for me no matter how hard we prank each other.”

“Heheh, when we’re together the jokes will never stop…"

“For sur- AGHH!”

Selena shook around a little as soap dripped over her right head’s eyes before Kaylin helped her wash it out.

“Sorry, sorry…! Washing two heads isn’t easy…” Kaylin said in an apologetic tone.

“Are you sure you didn't do it on purpose?”

“No, my rule is to only play one joke at a time,” Kaylin said with a slight giggle.

“I see… wait, one joke at a time? …What did you do Kayliiiiin??!!” Selena shouted.

Kaylin couldn't stop laughing from Selena’s reaction as she washed the soap off Selena's body and dried her. “You have limbs… I just took them off…!”

Selena's faces paused before her expressions turned to complete disbelief. “You’ve gotta be kidding me… you made my mutation traumatizing!”

Kaylin's laughter continued as she carried Selena to her room, laying her on her bed without even dressing her. She opened the closet in front of the bed to show Selena's limbs hanging out. “Tadaaa! You had a collection all this time.”

Selena’s eyes widened as she saw her limbs before realizing something and blushing.

“Wait, so…you purposely hid my limbs as a prank, knowing you’d have to be my caretaker for the evening…?” Selena asked in pure embarrassment.

"Yep!" Kaylin said proudly. “It was worth it though, and I know you liked it when I touched you during the bath…”

“Don't bring up how I feel and give me my limbs back already!!”

“Okay, okay…”

Kaylin continued to smile as she brought Selena’s limbs over, helping her put them back in place. Selena took a moment to adjust to her limbs before walking over to a mirror.

“Hmm…I think I like this. Four arms are kinda sexy…” she said as she posed happily.

“You look a lot better than before and you're still not complete,” Kaylin replied as she walked towards the door.

"What do you mean…?" Selena asked curiously. Kaylin stopped and pointed to the bed. “Take a look down there,” she replied before walking away.

As Selena took a look she found another pair of arms waiting for her but still felt like she was missing parts of herself.

“Kaylin! How many parts of me have you hidden?!” she yelled from her room.

Kaylin couldn’t help but chuckle again as she relaxed on their living room couch, watching as Selena came over to her with another pair of arms on her body.

“...This joke will cost you dearly, you know that…?” Selena said in a cheeky tone.

“Oh believe me. I expect nothing less from my future mutant girlfriend,” Kaylin replied before shyly turning her head away with a blush.

The silence between the two of them afterwards confirmed the beautiful tension they shared.



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