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"Okay, I have to go home," I told Darla after we met up to talk in the park.

"Really? What a shame you have to leave so early," she said.

"Believe me that I want to stay so bad... but I have a family commitment, you know... one of those that you are obliged to fulfill"

"Okaaay... I understand," she said, "But let me give you a souvenir to entertain you tonight" Darla looked around to make sure no one was watching us. After that she put her hand in her shorts while she seemed to be digging for something. A few seconds later she took out something and offered it to me by stretching out her hand.

"Just try to take care of it, okay?" she told me as she showed me her vagina, freshly removed from her crotch.

I looked at her in amazement and then smiled and put it in my pocket. "I'll give it back to you tomorrow, properly cleaned"

"I hope so," she said, winking at me.



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