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"What do you have in your hand, eh?" Sarah told me with obvious anger when she saw one of her panties in my hand, "Choose your words carefully because you are on very dangerous ground right now."

"I-I just found them on the floor," I said, swallowing hard, "And I was just about to give them back to you."

"Shit... I knew sharing a bedroom with you would be a problem," she fumed. We were working in another city and by mistake they had put us both in the same room, a pretty lucky mistake for me.

"Look... I'm sorry, but don't think anything strange. I was seriously just thinking about giving them back to you since yesterday"

Sarah looked at me the way a predator looks at its prey as she took a breath.

"You mean you found my panties... YESTERDAY?"

"...oops," I said with a stupid smile on my face as Sarah walked over to me.




Whew what a sight!