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The beautiful humantaur mother was cleaning the table after the lunch she had had with her family. They had decided not to cook that day so she went to get fast food, along with her husband and her little daughter, who loved going out and riding her personal pony. Having a relaxing walk was good exercise for the mother, considering the obvious pregnancy that she showed on her lower torso’s belly.

While she was cleaning, her little daughter approached her.

“Mom, why don't I have four legs like you?” she asked, adopting a thoughtful pose.

“Well… it's because I was born a mutant and you weren't,” she said in a clear and kind tone.

“But I want to have four legs too!”

“And why would you want to have four legs?”

“Because I would also be a pony like you”

The mother sighed, a little amused by her daughter's question “It's not that easy to have my shape. I have to spend a lot on shoes and it is also difficult for me to get into most cars. I can't enter in most games at the fair either. Don't you remember that when we go to the amusement park it's dad who has to accompany you to the games?”

Her daughter stared at her as if she had had an epiphany. “That's true! I hadn't thought about that,” she said as she exaggeratedly put her hand to her forehead, “It's a good thing I'm not a mutant”

When the little girl said that, her mother realized that she might be making a mistake. Her daughter had been born normal but there was always the possibility that she would mutate when she reached adulthood, even in adolescence. It wasn't good if she gets a negative idea about mutations.

“I-I mean… mutations have advantages and disadvantages. There are good things and bad things. The important thing is that you learn to love your body and what you can do with it,” said the mother.

“I think I understand,” the girl said as she put on a thinking face. Then she approached her mother's pregnant belly and touched it with her hand, "And will my little sister be a mutant or normal?"

"We do not know yet, you must be patient”

“I was also born from your pony belly?” said her daughter. The mother almost laughed at the question but she was able to contain herself.

“No, you were born from my front belly”

She looked at her strangely before asking, “…and why was I born on the front belly?”

“Eh… well… you see…” Mother said as she regretted giving more details, “It turns out that the stork… no, I mean, the little bee that came with you chose the front belly and the one that came with your sister chose the back belly”

“That’s a strange bee,” said the daughter, reflecting on the strange metaphor. “But does that mean that the little bee can come again and use the front belly and then I will have two little sisters?”

The Mother cleared her throat at the question. “Let's focus on having one little sister for now. You don't want your mother to get tired"

The girl pouted a little, “Fiiiiine,” she said with resignation. “I'm going to go watch my pony show,” she said before running out to the living room.

Just at that moment the young husband came in carrying bags to throw away the food waste.

“Everything okay? You look a little exhausted,” said the husband, “Can I help you with something?”

“…do you want to talk to your daughter about storks and little bees?” said the mother, smiling sarcastically.

“Uh… definitely not yet,” the man said as he laughed and picked up the trash, “Were you guys talking about that?”

“About that… about mutations and other things. Do you know that she suggested that since I have my front ‘belly’ unoccupied that I could have another baby at the same time?”

“Did she really suggested that to you?” the husband said, “….And is it even possible? Do you want t-”

"Do not even dream about it! I love my daughter and the daughter that’s on the way, but I don't want to add 9 more months of pregnancy and everything that comes after. Two children is enough, even for a humantaur”

"Yeah... you're right. I wasn’t trying to sound inconsiderate by suggesting that…"

“Is fine…” the mother said, “Although we could always do a “practice” just in case, you know what I mean?” she affectionately grabbed her husband's shirt.

“…Is it okay if I ask mom if she can babysit tonight?”

The mother approached and gave her husband a tender and deep kiss on the mouth. “We have a date then,” she told him, closing one eye.




Soo adorable. I love it. a mutant mom with a normal kid.

Juniper Skunktaur

This is precious :) I hope the little girl’s dream of becoming a ‘pony’ come true, when she’s old enough