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"HAHAHAHAHA," the mighty dragon laughed as she approached the castle, "Poor, foolish humans who think they can oppose me. I'm Tiamat! The goddess of chaos" and saying this, she moved her tail, knocking down one of the towers. 

"Tina! Damn, it took me hours to finish that!" shouted a girl running up behind her, visibly angry. 

"Oh come on, why are you angry? What's the point of making a sand castle without some roleplay. You should be grateful that you have a dragon girl so we can play with it a little".

 "It's not for playing. The sandcastle contest starts in 15 minutes!" the girl yelled angrily. 

"Oh... well, I'm sorry. Don't worry, I'll help you," Tina said, but when she tried to fix the tower she ended up collapsing an entire wall of the castle. 

"I think I'm only good for destruction," she said, flashing a smile with her pointy teeth. 

"Why don't you go to the beach? I saw that there were some handsome guys, some real 'Knight' that you might want to devour".

"Yeah... I think that's more tempting," Tina said before turning around and running away but not before involuntarily knocking over another tower with her tail.



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