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Joel had never liked double dates. It's not that he didn't like socializing or hanging out with friends, but the unpredictability of meeting new people always made him a little uneasy. However, he let his friend Xander talk him into a double date. What made this particular double date extra interesting is that Xander’s girlfriend was a mutant.

Moon was a mutant with four arms. Her extra limbs extended gracefully from her shoulders and ended in only four fingers. Furthermore, she had three breasts arranged in a row. Her long legs ended in hooves, and she had a furry tail and extra ears. However, what was truly remarkable was her beauty. Her radiant smile and sparkling eyes outshone her unique features, making her stand out from the crowd. Xander had always had a crush on Moon, and it wasn’t exactly a secret. No one could miss the way he looked at her. So, when Xander practically begged Joel to go on a double date with them, he couldn’t say no.

"Thanks for doing this, Joel," Xander said as they got ready for the night. "I know it's not your thing, but Moon has a friend in town and didn’t want to leave her alone. Her name is Bella, and she sounds pretty cool."

Joel shrugged, trying to hide his apprehension. "Don't worry. I guess it'll be an… interesting experience."

“It really will be. I know you see it as a sacrifice because you don't like mutants, but I really appreciate this."

“Well, it's not that I don't like them, it's just that… well, they make me a little nervous with all that extra stuff and seeing so many appendages moving at the same time. I've gotten used to it with Moon, but it still seems strange to me with others."

"I know. But if you give them a chance, you’ll see they’re just like any other girl. Besides those extra appendages can mean extra fun, if you know what I mean,” Xander said with a chuckle.

“I’m trying. And don’t worry. I’ll try to be a good date for Bella tonight, even if I’m not looking for anything serious right now.”

They arrived at the bar before the girls had and chose a table near the door so they wouldn’t miss them when they got there. Joel scanned the place, trying to distract himself from his nervousness. There seemed to be mutants everywhere. Were they normally this common here? He had to admit that he found their bodies a little interesting, even if he didn’t fully understand how they managed to handle so many limbs.

Xander was about to call Moon to see what was keeping her and Bella when the bar door swung open. Crisp air wafted into the smoky atmosphere as Moon and Bella walked in.

“Hey guys, sorry we’re late,” Moon said as she slid into a seat next to Xander. “This is my friend Bella.”

Moon was looking as radiant as ever with a beautiful smile and cheerful demeanor. But next to her stood Bella. A mutant clad in a black latex jumpsuit that barely covered her ample cleavage. Her high heels were higher than most and both men found themselves looking up at her with mouths agape. Bella’s most noticeable feature though was that she didn’t have any arms nor even a head. Her neck was covered in the same latex fabric, and her shoulders ended in soft rounded skin. Both Xander and Joel jumped in surprise when Bella actually spoke.

“What's up guys! Moon has told me a lot about you!” Bella's voice was pleasant, although she sounded like the voice of someone speaking through a mask. Hearing Bella speak snapped the boys out of their trance.

“Uh… hello! It’s so good to see you two!” Joel managed to squeak out as Bella took the chair beside him.

The waiter came over and Joel hastily ordered a whiskey sour, needing something to help take the edge off. He was shocked when Bella ordered a Daquiri. He’d seen no sign of a mouth anywhere on her gorgeous body.

They four friends got lost in conversation and barely noticed that their drinks took a little longer than normal to arrive. It wasn’t that much of a surprise though as the place was absolutely packed tonight.

Just as the waiter was walking away the DJ put on one of the most popular dance numbers and without missing a beat Moon clapped with all four of her hands, squealing in delight. “This song is my favorite! Come on Xander, let’s dance. You don’t mind do you, Bella?”

“Of course not. Go have fun!” Bella said. That was all the encouragement Moon needed. She grabbed Xander’s hand and pulled him onto the dance floor before he could even register what was happening.

Joel just sipped his whiskey sour. Without Xander and Moon there his nerves were getting the best of him, and he wasn’t sure how to keep the conversation going. He had mentally prepared himself for a girl with extras but not for a girl with “less,” especially one without a head. He stole glances at her from the corner of his eye, trying not to make it look like he was staring. Though admittedly he couldn’t stop looking at her neckline and the curve of her supple breasts.

“You know most girls would tell you that ‘my eyes are up here,’ but I can’t exactly do that now can I,” Bella said jokingly.

“What? I don't… sorry, I just…”

"Calm down, it’s ok. There’s not much else to look at when I don’t have a head.”

“…And how is that? N-not having a head I mean,” asked Joel.

“Well… I don't know, it's hard for me to say. I was born this way, so I don't have any other perspective. For me this is normal.”

“I see… but how can you survive? I mean, you don't have a head. Or hands!”

“Well, my brain is centered at the base of my neck. And I breathe through my shoulders. I have some sight, but I can't distinguish very many colors. Oh! And I am very skilled with my feet too. I can use them almost like hands!”

"Up until now I’d only met mutants that had extra limbs. Never had seen a mutant that was missing parts.”

“Would you help me with something?” Bella asked, her voice sounding almost doubled, like she was somehow speaking from two different places. “Pull my clothes down below my breasts.”

“Excuse me?!” Joel said, surprised.

“I would do it, but I don't want to take off my shoes yet,” Bella said and pushed her chest forward.

Joel gently brushed Bella's neckline. As he touched her skin she shivered. He slowly peeled her top down just as she’d requested. Joel's eyes grew big as he saw a pair of full lips placed on each of her breasts, replacing her nipples.

“TADA,” the two mouths said in unison. “See? I have extras too!”

“Wow,” Joel said admiring her beautiful mouths. “I never thought you had two mouths.”

“I actually have three,” Bella said, laughing.

"Three? You mean…?"

“Yes, exactly where you are thinking. But I don't use it to talk too much because it gets... very wet,” Bella said. Joel didn’t fail to notice the way her breasts and even shoulders turned a slightly brighter shade of pink as if she were blushing. “Bring me my Daiquiri, please?”

Joel once again did as she’d asked and tried his best not to spill any of her daquiri as he raised it to one set of her lips. They continued talking and as they did Joel’s nerves settled down quite a bit. By the time she finished her daquiri he was feeling entirely relaxed. It might have had something to do with the whiskey sour he’d polished off as they’d continued talking.

When they last of her daquiri was gone, Bella used her feet to pull her shirt back up over her breasts and lipples. “Sorry Joel, the show is over for today,” she said, laughing.

“What a shame, I was enjoying it,” he said. He’d been surprised just how much he was enjoying the show. In the span of one night, he’d gone from being apprehensive and nervous around mutants to being unable to take his eyes off of one.

“Well, maybe we could have an encore sometime,” Bella said in a flirtatious tone of voice.

“Wow, I haven't danced that much in a while,” Moon said as she sat down, interrupting Joel before he could respond to Bella’s suggestion.

“How’s it going with you two?” Xander asked as he looked at Joel.

“Great, it's been a lot of fun,” Joel said with a big smile.

“That's true but now it's our turn to dance,” Bella said as she bumped Joel with her hip.

“Okay but I'm not a good dancer,” Joel said.

“Easy, just follow these hips,” she said as she walked onto the dance floor, hips swaying.

Most people were surprised to see a mutant as peculiar as Bella, although she didn't seem to notice. When they found an empty spot near the center of the dance floor Bella didn’t’ waste a second and started moving her body in perfect rhythm with the music. “I can't hold your hand, so you're going to have to hold my hips,” she told Joel as she pressed her hips against his.

She didn't have to ask twice. Joel took Bella by her hips and tried to follow her rhythm as best he could. When Bella spun around and pressed her butt against his crotch, he swore he felt a small vibration as if the mouth between her legs was laughing.

"You're a fantastic dancer," Joel said as they swayed to the music.

She smiled and replied. "Well, I may not have a head to move but I have a lot of rhythm in my... chest.”

Joel couldn't help but laugh at her witty response. The more he got to know Bella, the more he appreciated her unique personality.

After a while, they returned to the table with Moon and Xander. The four of them chatted for a while longer before paying the bill and leaving.

“I guess you two are going home together,” Bella said, noticing the way Xander and Moon refused to let go of each other’s hands.

“Yeah well, what can I say? I might like him. Oh, but I should see that you get home safe first,” Moon said.

“That’s ok. I have Joel to keep me company,” Bella said. You could hear the smile in her voice when she spoke.

Joe’s face turned a deep crimson. “Huh? Oh uh. Yeah, yeah, I can do that.”

“Ok, if that's the case, then I'll see you tomorrow,” Moon said as she winked to Bella.

Joel and Bella watched as Xander and Moon rode away in a taxi. “Did you say that just so Moon could have more time with Xander?”

“Well, there is that. But also, I thought you might like to see my third mouth,” Bella said.

“Yes, yes I would,” Joel said as he took Bella by the hip and together they headed to her apartment.




I think we would all love to see her 3rd mouth :D


So does she have smooth skin up top or was there a switcheroo with mouth #3?