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Judy was happily cleaning up her tattoo station in her shop. She had been quickly gaining popularity among the city's mutant community and is probably because is always more comfortable for a girl to have another girl tattooing you, even more if both are mutants.

At the moment Judy was getting ready to change the needle on her machine, she felt particular footsteps approaching. They sounded like horse hooves but with an extremely graceful and delicate walk. Judy's jaw hit the floor when a beautiful equine mutant woman appeared on her doorstep. Her skin was pink and her hair was multicolored.

“Excuse me, is this Colorful Tattoo Studio?” she asked in a certainly elegant tone.

“Y-yeah, it is, welcome…” Judy said awkwardly, “Oh my God, you're so beautiful! You look like a character from My Littl…”

“Stop right there,” the girl said, surprising Judy, “I don't want to know anything about that children's cartoon. I'm tired of that"

“Oh, I… I'm really sorry,” Judy said sadly, “I got carried away, I didn't want to bother you”

The horse girl sighed deeply and the look on her face softened. “I'm sorry, I didn't mean to be so rude but I'm tired of people repeating that to me… especially certain men. You wouldn't believe how many marriage requests I get a week”

“I think I can imagine,” Judy said, not wanting to mention the Brownies, die-hard MLP fans.

“Hundreds… seriously hundreds from different parts of the country,” said the girl as she looked at the ceiling with some helplessness, “And you know what's the dumbest thing? I don't know anything about My Little Pony, except that I look like one"

"Oh really? It's a very popular show"

“It may be, but it has generated many antibodies in me”

“Ok… no problem, let's not talk about MLP anymore,” Judy said, “Let's focus on your tattoo. I've been working on the design…” she paused as she searched the girl's email to see her name, “…Laila Blossom?”

“Exactly, that's me,” Laila said without even flinching. Judy did not want to mention that her name was very similar to the one used by MLP characters.

“Ok… well, I have it ready. Tell what you think”

Laila came over to see the drawing. There was a large multicolored Bow with a rosebud in the center.

“Yes, I like it. Is almost perfect,” said Laila, “Can changes be made?”

“Of course, let me know what you would like to change,” Judy said as she sat at her drawing table to make corrections. Laila approached and gave some slight instructions.

“And so… there’s a reason for wanting this tattoo? Or you just…?”

“It is something that represents me. The rosebud is a personal brand because of my last name, while the bow represents my femininity. I am a professional stylist”

“So… it's a tattoo that represents your talent?” Judy asked.

“Yes, you could say so,” Laila said nonchalantly.

“And… have you thought about the location of this tattoo,” Judy asked again, now a little nervous.

“I had some doubts, but I think the best location is on my side, below, almost on the butt”

Judy was somewhat perplexed by the situation. This was practically asking for a CutieMark, a distinctive element of every pony in MLP. She took out her phone, did a little search on her phone and showed it to the girl.

“CutieMark!?”, Laila said as she began reading from Karen's phone,

“I… I'm really sorry,” Judy said, “I'll understand if you don't want to get the tattoo or if you want to get it in another location”

“You know… let's do it anyway. Now that I see the designs, I think they are kind of cute”

“Right? My favorites are Rarity and Flutershy,” Judy said enthusiastically.

“Seems that you're a fan too,” Laila said, laughing.

“…I've seen a couple of episodes,” Judy responded, blushing.

“Well… let's do it. Give me my CutieMark,” Laila said a little more relaxed as she let Judy place the pattern of her design on her side.

“I think it will look very nice,” commented Judy, proud of her design.

“I think so too,” said Laila, looking in the mirror, “You know? I was thinking that maybe I could make a little profit out of my 'situation'. Do you think I would do well with an Onlyfans?”

“Oh, girl. I think you’d bust the net,” Judy said, laughing as she prepared her machine to tattoo her beautiful client.




Nice, I really like these stories where there's a tie-in to the "real world". Let's me keep the fantasy of moving to Port Solei alive

El Deaf-o with Hearing Aid-o

Glad she warms up to it eventually. Maybe she'll enjoy breaking mens hearts when she reveals that she's never watched an episode!