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Story by Sophiie

Edited by Leena

“Man, it’s good to be home,” Melany said as she walked into the house and dropped her bags. She flopped on her couch and stretched out her six arms. Vacations were nice, but this one had felt extra long and she was glad to be back amidst all her familiar things.

James followed right behind her, placing his luggage neatly beside the door before closing it. “Yeah, but it was absolutely worth it. I’ve wanted to visit Port Solei for a long time.”

“Yeah! I want to go back someday. A week wasn’t long enough, honestly,” Melany said.

James just laughed. “Well, we can go back over the holidays.”

"Yessss! This has been one of the best vacations of my life!” Melany said, a huge smile on her face.

James arched an eyebrow. "Wasn’t this the first vacation you’ve ever been on?”

“As an adult, yes,” Melany said. “My parents took me on vacations as a kid, but they weren’t nearly as special or memorable as this. Besides, going on vacation as an adult is very different than going on vacation as a kid. Besides, back then I wasn’t a mutant.”

James smiled and unzipped one of his suitcases. “That’s why I decided to record everything and take as many pictures as possible.”

Melany immediately sat up, excited. “Oh, did you already print all the photos we took?”

“Yep! I printed them all out and organized them into this book. Even added some captions so it reads like a storybook,” he sat on the couch beside Melany who immediately rested one of her heads on his shoulder as they began to flip through the book.

Day 1:

We arrived at the Port Solei station! The place is packed with people, and it seems that most of them are tourists right now. It’s very clear how popular the mutant capital is.

This is the first time I’ve seen Melany go unnoticed, at least in part. She draws some stares just because of how beautiful she is, but no one seems surprised by her mutation. She looks happy and comfortable here already. There’s a glow about her now, and she’s more cuddly than usual. I don’t think we could have chosen a better vacation spot.

Port Solei has mutants of every variety, and they almost always move in groups. Even the culture feels different here. I hope Melany one day makes mutant friends. We should check if there are more mutants in our city.

Our hotel room is beautiful, very spacious and comfortable. Melany jumped on the bed and immediately fell asleep for a nap. I decided to join her. It has been a long journey and we are exhausted.

Day 2:

We got up early and took a shower together. Melany didn't want it to be any other way. She said it conserves water. I love how eco-conscious she is. I won't go into detail, but it was a shower that was more intense than relaxing. Afterwards, we decided the first place we’d visit was the beach!

Apparently, mutants love the beach. We saw some mutations neither of us had even imagined before. Melany looked gorgeous in her new bikini, and I caught more than one person staring at her a little too long. I also discovered that she is a very good swimmer and that somehow she knew innately how to use her tail as a method of propulsion. Even she seemed surprised about it.

Later, we relaxed under an umbrella. Melany got upset with me when she saw me staring at another girl. Her bikini had come undone exposing her six breasts and caused a bit of a commotion on the beach. It was hard not to look. I swear she looked familiar, too. Darling if you’re reading this, I’m sorry. You were the most beautiful girl on that beach.

Day 3:

On our walk today, we came across a group of mutant students. Their uniform was sexier than what I’m used to seeing for school uniforms. They were headed towards the Accessland High School campus. It's bigger in person than it looks on the internet. I wish Mel had been able to get into a school like that, I bet she would have been popular. Now I can't stop picturing her in that uniform.

After visiting various tourist spots, we ended up getting ice cream near the port. The further you go outside the main streets of the city the fewer mutants you see. But it’s impressive to see just how everywhere is designed to accommodate a variety of mutant bodies, even if it’s not considered a mutant “hot spot”.

We spent the evening relaxing in the hotel room, watching tv together. Melany decided to wear one of my shirts. It was way too big on her but the way it draped off one of her shoulders was incredibly sexy, and the fact that she left it unbuttoned so she could use all six of her arms only made it sexier.

Day 4:

We slept in today. Yesterday was fun but also exhausting. In the afternoon, we went to the mall and bought a few souvenirs. Melany bought a fancy hair clip for her hair and an “I Became a Samurai in my Own Game” figurine.

To our surprise, one of the stores had a miniature figure of Shize. I had to have it. It was funny to see the manager's expression when she saw a girl nearly identical to Shize buying it. Melany couldn't help but brag that she was dating me and that I was one of the game developers.

Day 5:

Today we went to an anime convention that was held in one of the big convention centers. The amount of people there was overwhelming, but we had a great time regardless. My favorite part had to be all the mutant cosplayers. It was so fun seeing how they were able to adapt their costumes to fit their bodies.

Melany was sad she didn't bring her Shize costume with her. She would have been the star of the convention if she had. Though I was secretly glad she hadn’t brought it so that we could just enjoy the convention in peace without people coming up asking for photos.

By the time we got back to the hotel that night we were both tired, but my mind was racing with several lewd thoughts. I was in the mood for something special. I was shocked when Melany admitted her mind was in a similar place. I think I discovered a new side of her that night. We passed out hard afterwards and slept much longer than usual the next morning.

Day 6:

We went back to the mall today. This time we stopped by Undine's shop, where Melany modeled several different pieces of underwear. We both loved several of them. There’s no way a store like this could exist outside of Port Solei.

When we passed a mutant-themed fashion salon, Melany squealed. It was our first time seeing flyers and posters with multi headed models. Melany insisted on getting a makeover, and I couldn’t say no. For a moment I worried we were spending too much money, but Melany’s smiles made it all worth it.

Finally, we ended the day with a reservation at the Multi Tastes bar. The food was exquisite, and the service was top notch. A pair of conjoined mutants with three legs served us. They were shy but very sweet and kind. The entire wait staff was mutants, actually. After six days in Port Solei, this hardly surprised me.

It was a little unnerving having one of Melany’s heads looking at me the entire time while her other head tried to discreetly look at the mutant girls passing by. If she can look, why can’t I? Mutants can be unfair sometimes…

Day 7:

Today is our last day in Port Solei. We decided to go see a movie since we were so tired. To our delight the theater had seats to fit every size and shape of mutant possible. Melany can fit in pretty much any seat, so it was pretty easy for us to find a suitable spot. Though I did learn just how much she likes popcorn. I barely got to have any!

After the movie we headed back to the hotel to pack up for the trip home the next day. Melany took a long steamy shower, and when she came out in nothing but a towel with still dripping hair, I couldn’t help but snap a picture of her. She looked so sexy! When she noticed what I was doing she tried to swat my phone out of my hand, but it was too late.

That night we did everything except sleep. Thankfully, we were able to sleep on the journey home. This was the best vacation and I’d ever been on, and it was largely because I had Melany at my side. Port Solei is amazing, we will definitely be back next year!

"You seriously put that half naked photo of me in here?!" Melany said, slamming her hand over the photo.

I swallowed hard. “I-I’m sorry, I’ll remove it. It's just one of my favorite photos of you,” I said, a little disappointed.

She frowned. “Well, you won't show this to anyone, right? It’s just for us?”

“Of course, I wouldn't share it, I promise you."

“Then the photo can stay,” she said, both of her heads smiling. “Though I doubt you need it.”

"What do you mean?" I asked. She responded by taking one of my hands and guiding it towards one of her many breasts.

"Because if you want to see me naked, all you have to do is ask," she said in a rather teasing tone.

"My love, we just got back from the trip. I barely have the energy to move," I said with a small sigh. The smile on my face betrayed my words though.

Melany lowered one of her heads and laughed when she saw my erection. "Your friend down there says otherwise," then she leaned towards me and whispered in both of my ears. "Don't worry, you can just relax and let me do the work."

There was no way I could say no to her. It seems that Port Solei had an aphrodisiac effect on Melany. Maybe we should just move there.




So, any chance on a complete photo album?

Juniper Skunktaur

Oh this is wonderful! I wonder what the regular tourist attractions are in Port Solei. You know, beside the mutants themselves ;)