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“Is everything okay?” I asked Faith as I brought her lunch. She seemed to be a bit off these past few days.

"Yeah, everything is fine," she replied. "Or at least I suppose it is."

“Is it because of the economics exam? It seems so complicated."

"That test is a piece of cake," Faith said smugly. "But if you want, we can study together tonight."

“That would be great!” I replied. “But then if that’s not the problem, what is? Doesn’t have anything to do with Prudy does it?”

"Nope. She’s still the same cute girl as always and she always makes time for me, even though she's dating Dave,” she said, annoyance thick in her voice.

"I've been watching him, too. He always raves about Prudy. I'm really thinking he’s falling in love with her.”

"You think?" Faith asked.

“Honestly, although he’s a jerk sometimes, he never did anything maliciously. What can I tell you? I fell completely in love with an animal-girl, too. I can't really blame him."

Faith blushed a little, then she rose to her feet with all the feline agility she possessed and perched on my lap as she hugged me. “I love you too, Oliver,” she said, giving me a kiss on the ear before getting down and sitting next to me.

“We can keep an eye on Prudy and Dave, though we shouldn’t be meddlesome. They’re adults after all,” I told her.

"Yeah, I guess so. Prudy’s just like a little sister to me and I’m a bit protective of her,” Faith said and drank some water. “Which brings us to my other problem.”

"Let me guess. Hope?"

Faith stretched out in her seat as she thought for a moment as if carefully choosing her words. “I’ve known her since elementary school. She was bullied a lot just like me and Prudy, but she was a little more…uh… assertive about it. We became friends rather quickly, but it was a bit more than that sometimes. Sometimes she’d be our bodyguard and other times she was like a personal trainer."

“Apparently she made your lives easier.”

“Heh that’s one way to put it, I guess. Hope is very intense, and we honestly had a hard time playing with her at times,” Faith said scratching her head. “Don't get me wrong, I adore her like a sister too, but sometimes she's a little…” she trailed off unable to think of the right word.


“Yeah, that,” Faith said before taking a bite of her sandwich.

"So, you think she'll show up any minute?" I asked.

“To be honest, it's unlikely,” Faith said. “Hope is intense and impulsive, but she also loses motivation quickly."

We continued to talking about college and other random memories. Faith snuggled into me as we talked, neither of us paying attention to the time or anything else. In the midst of one of her stories, Faith sat straight up as if on high alert. Her nose was twitching a little as she smelled the air. “Oh crap, she's here!” Faith jumped on me then into a tree.

I looked around trying to see whatever Faith was smelling. It didn't take me long to find her. Hope. She was a rather impressive dog-woman, and everyone turned to watch her walk across the courtyard. She was easily six feet tall, had four breasts that were barely covered by a pair of bikini tops, and four very toned arms. Her long tail matched her long hair. exuded confidence, sensuality, and fierceness.

I buried myself in the book I was reading, hoping she wouldn’t see us. It didn’t work. She walked over and stood in front of me as I pretended to study. I could hear her sniffing the air just as Faith had done.

"Can I sit here?" she asked and sat down before I could answer. Her voice had an unexpected sensual tone.

“Yes, of course you can. Though it seems my answer wasn’t necessary,” I replied dryly.

"Thank you, pretty boy," she winked at me. "Do you go to school here?"

"That’s why I’m studying," I held up my book. “Don’t you?”

“I enrolled in the university of life,” she said with a laugh. “I came here looking for a couple of friends that I haven't seen in a long time. Perhaps you’ve seen them. One is a skinny white cat and the other is a mouse-girl no bigger than a small child.”

"I haven't seen any girls like that," I lied through my teeth.

“Too bad, I thought you could help me,” she said as she crowded in close so she was right up in my face. I could feel her breasts pressing into my side. “Hey, could you give me a little tour of campus? I'm a bit lost."

“W-well, I’m kind of busy,” I said as I felt her breath on my ear. Though if I agreed to show her around, I could get her away from Faith at least. "But maybe just a few places. I could show you the cafeteria and the library at least.”

Hope smiled showing her sharp teeth. In the blink of an eye, she was sitting on my lap, her four large breasts nearly bursting out of her shirt. It was impossible not to look at them. "I don't know, I was thinking somewhere a little more private…even intimate. If you get the drift."

At that moment, Faith dropped from the tree and wrapped her arms around me from behind. “Leave Oli alone!” she said angrily.

Hope lept out of my lap faster than I could blink. “AHA! I knew he was your boyfriend, little kitty. He reeks of your scent,” she said. “I had to make you come out of hiding somehow. And he is rather cute.”

"I know he is but keep your paws off," Faith said. It was unusual for her to be so jealous.

"Calm down, kitty. Your boy is cute but he’s not my type. No offense of course.”

“N-no problem,” I said. My cheeks felt as hot as the sun and Faith was nearly strangling me, she was hugging me so tight.

“What do you want anyway?” Faith hissed.

"Ouch. We haven’t seen each other in almost a year and that’s how you greet me?" Hope complained.

Faith softened a little when she saw Hope back away from her boyfriend. “Sorry, I got a little nervous. I am happy to see you, Hope.”

Hope smiled and picked Faith up, hugging her tightly. “That's better, kitty. I missed you a lot, too. Where is the little rat?”

“She's with her boyfriend now,” Faith said.

“Oh! Is he cute?” Hope asked.

“He's not my type and I don't think he's yours either. He's a jock,” Faith said.

"Oh. Well, in that case neither of you will have to have to worry about these four babies taking your boyfriends," she hopped a bit, deliberately making her breasts bounce. I couldn’t help but watch them.

“Ugh can you not? You may not go to school here, but we do,” Faith rolled her eyes.

"Ok, ok, I'll stop being so charming," said Hope. "But I don't like that you and the little mouse have boyfriends and I don't, so you two gotta set me up.”

“Fine, whatever,” Faith said. “How long will you be in town anyway?”

"Until I get bored of the place," Hope said and shrugged.

"But what about your job?"

“They fired me a month ago. Turns out you can't bite a customer, no matter how mutaphobic they are. I start a new job tomorrow though. Buuuuut since I haven’t been paid yet I'll have to stay at your place.”

"A-at my house? But today I have to study with Oli," Faith protested.

"Great! So, we'll have a sleepover," Hope said then whispered something in Faith’s ear that made her blush. “Well, I won't bother you anymore. Just text me your address. See you tonight, Oli,” Hope said in a singsong voice as she walked away. There was a sway to her hips that I couldn’t ignore. That is until Faith elbowed me in the ribs.

“You like Hope,” Faith said as she made the most adorable pout in the world.

“Of course not,” I said. “She may be cute, but I love you, and you're the only person I want to be with."

Faith melted. “I love you, too.”

"So, it looks like we'll have an interesting night," I said.

Faith just sighed before sitting down next to me and resting her head on my shoulder. “No doubt about it.”



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