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Story by Leena

“Do we have to?” Molly wined as Ellie dragged her through the mall.

“Yes, we have to,” Ellie said. “You haven't gotten new clothes in three years!”

“But I like this. I like the way I dress,” Molly said.

“You have literally been wearing the same few outfits since we got out of the hospital.”

“That's because they fit,” Molly said. “There aren't a whole lot of outfits that fit a body like mine.”

“Did you ever think you haven't found outfits that fit your body because you haven't been looking?” Ellie asked. “I literally never see you shop. You never go to a mall. You never even browse online stores. I mean, heck, even I spend time on Amazon looking for clothes I can't afford.”

“It's just too much of a hassle,” said Molly. “Even the best mutant boutiques end up asking for your measurements. And when was the last time you measured yourself? I don't exactly have Taylor's tape just lying around.”

Ellie laughed to herself, petting the breasts on her girlfriend's back. “You know that's not the reason,” she said. “You're just afraid that you've gained weight.”

“No, I'm not!” Molly snapped. “How dare you. I look just as good as I did when I got out of the hospital!”

“Oh, really?” Ellie said, quirking an eyebrow. “Well, no arguments there. You are one of the most beautiful mutants I have ever met. But remind me why I'm here again. Why we're here again?”

Molly sighed heavily and blushed bashfully. “Because my old dress doesn't fit anymore.”

“That's right,” Ellie said. “You haven't been getting much exercise, and your diet has consisted mostly of twinkies these days. You're lucky that your mutant metabolism doesn't make that all go to your thighs and that it's mostly gone to your breasts.”

“It's not my fault! I just don't feel very good about leaving the house right now…”

Molly and Ellie had been in a wonderful relationship for quite a few years now. They began dating as soon as they got out of the hospital, and six months later they ended up moving in with each other. The only problem was that Molly grew up in and around a mutant community, and a very accepting one at that. Ellie, on the other hand, lived in a community without a whole lot of mutants in it. She was at least 45 minutes away from the biggest mutant population center.

And Molly and Ellie weren't exactly normal mutants. Ellie's gigantic two headed slug body and Molly's weird multi-legged form with breasts on her back were a lot for the general populace. Molly felt like she was always getting stared at any time she left the house. She thought she would be able to deal with it since Ellie, who by far had the more severe mutation of the two, seemed to get along just fine. Frankly, she didn't know how she did it. She simply slithered on her slug tail in public and didn't pay attention to any of the weird gazes. Meanwhile, Molly was blushing every three seconds as someone stared at her and pointed. It wasn't fun.

“I know this is difficult for you,” Ellie said. “I know you don’t like walking in public. I know that this town isn't that great when it comes to mutant acceptance. And I told you, I'm trying to find a way to move to a greater mutant community. I just don't have the money right now. Maybe if I get that new job in Port Solei.”

“You don't have to keep explaining yourself. It's not like we're getting hate crimes out here. It's just the stares get a little bit much.”

“Do you want to know my secret?” Ellie said.

“Secret to what?” Molly asked.

“My secret to not being ashamed to go out in public.”

“Yes, please!” Molly said, basically pleading. “If there's any way to make this easier, I need to know it.”

Ellie laughed to herself and brought a green claw down to one of Molly's cheeks. “It's you silly.”

“Me?” Molly said with a slight blush to her cheeks.

“Yeah! You don't you remember our time in the hospital? I felt like my life was over the second I started mutating, even when my ears grew pointed. I started feeling like no one would ever look at me as anything but a monster ever again. And then I met you, and you were sweet and kind, and you told me that there was a lot to look forward to in life. What was that you said about surgery? It sucks a little bit now to be a lot better later. Well, I took that to heart. I knew that any hardship I'm experiencing now was just so that things could get better later. And so, it was difficult going out in public with this body of mine. But I got used to it. I just accepted some people were always going to stare, but not everyone. And some people would react quite well. There's even this one time when kids thought that I was some monster from a Saturday morning cartoon show. It was really cute actually,” Ellie chuckled.

“You think being called the monster is cute?” Molly said.

“Yeah, why not?” Ellie said. “I guess I've taken to treating the word monster as a bit of a compliment. It means I'm different. And what makes us different makes us special.”

Molly stopped, deep in thought. “I guess that is one way to look at it.”

“Tell you what,” Ellie said. “If you go and get this new dress, not only will I buy it for you, but I’ll also treat you to ice cream afterward.”

Molly laughed. “You know, that's a dangerous proposition. I'm just going to order the biggest Sunday the shop has.”

“And this is how we got here in the first place,” Ellie laughed.

Ellie snickered back. “Well, maybe I like having bigger breasts. You always said that they were my best feature.”

“Ohh, I don't know. I kinda like your legs too, really. Every part of you is gorgeous.”

Molly blushed fiercely. “Ok now you're just flattering me.”

“But I mean it. If you get a new dress, I’ll get you ice cream. Oh, but none of this frumpy sun dress stuff. We're going to get you a banger. We're even get you a dress that really shows off your body!”

“I'm not entirely sure we're going to find something like that at a mall,” Molly said.

“You'd think that, but I have another secret. Apparently, there's this big name fashion designer called Annamaria, who frequents this mall. She stops by the mutant clothing outlet every so often. I'm hoping we can catch her, and she might take you on as a project.”

“A project?” Molly said, raising an eyebrow.

“Yeah, apparently the fashion designer she works for really loves making new fashion for new bodies. And so sometimes they'll make new clothes pro bono. That is, if your body is exotic enough.”

“This feels a little exploitative,” Molly said.

“It's not exploitative. It's prudent. Mutant clothes are expensive. And if we really want you looking your best, we need to get a professional to make some clothes specifically for your body.”

“I'm just not sure I like the idea of someone measuring me and putting their hands on me.”

“Why? Because you think you’ve gained weight?”

“Oh, shut up.” Molly said, shoving Ellie playfully with one of her hand feet. “You keep that up, and I'm gonna start making comments about how thick your tail has grown.”

“I make this tail look good at any size and you know it! And you my love look good in any size, too.”




Great story! They are so cute together! I love extreme mutations like these.