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Chapter 01 

Chapter 02 

“Chris? Hey Chris! Ground control calling Chris,” Robert all but yelled.

"Huh? What’s wrong?” Chris asked as he snapped out of his daydream.

“Where were you just now? Looked like you were about to doze off. Did you not get any sleep last night?”

"Not really, no," Chris said sheepishly.

“Dude, you look like a zombie,” Robert said. “And when you’re tired, you’re cranky. Tell me you at least got up to some wild stuff last night."

Chris nearly choked on his own saliva. “Not in the middle of the week! It's just… I've been working out on my elliptical trainer, and I didn’t realize how much time had passed and now my back hurts… and my butt…” He hoped Robert didn’t question him further.

“You exercised all night?!” Robert said with a laugh. “Someone you’re trying to impress?”

“Maybe,” Chris said as he rose painfully from his seat. "I think I'll go get a cup of coffee."

“You might wanna get an extra shot of espresso in that. Oh, and some Vaseline probably wouldn’t hurt either.”

"Vaseline, and why would I buy Vaseline?" Chris asked nervously, thinking that Robert had discovered his secret.

“Obviously so you don’t chafe a much from the elliptical,” Robert said as he went to his office.

Chris walked to the cafeteria, his body aching ad creaking from the night before. It had indeed been a wild night, but he didn’t want to tell Robert that he and their futanari coworker Vanesa had competed in a night of wild sex to determine who would be a partner to their other coworker, Jennifer. They’d both gotten so drunk they’d completely lost track of time, and Chris could barely remember any of it. Though the aches in his body were certainly giving him some clues to what had happened.

Vanessa was hunched over the coffee pot when Chris entered the cafeteria. She nearly jumped when she saw him approaching. They’d been trying to avoid each other in the office ever since their escapades had started. “Ah I see you’re as much of a racoon in need of coffee as I am,” he said.

“What I need is a caffeine IV,” Vanessa replied as she chased a couple pain killers down with her coffee. “Want some?” she held up the bottle of painkillers and dumped a few in Chris’s hand when he nodded.

“So… do you remember anything from last night?” Chris asked.

"The last thing I remember is 69ing on my couch," Vanessa said. "If I remember correctly that was a point for me."

“We can't even trust that scale. We were too drunk," Chris replied. "And dammit, my ass still hurts. I curse myself for agreeing to that particular event.”

"You’re as competitive as I am. How do you know it wasn’t your idea?"

"Well, even if it was the pain doesn't justify it," he said as he adjusted his pants. “Looks like you’re in pain too.”

“It hurt a little in the morning, but it’s mostly gone now. I think I was lucky it was you,” she said with a small chuckle.

“What do you mean?” Chris asked.

“Nothing, really… although I obviously want to apologize for your sore ass. It's not my fault that I'm so big but I can't help but feel responsible," Vanessa finished her coffee. “And I really like you, Chris. You're probably my only friend right now and I really appreciate our talks. But I think it's a given that Jennifer and I will end up together,” she said with a smirk. “I wonder what her boobs taste like,” Vanessa’s lipples said in complete unison.

Chris blushed at the thought and a bulge immediately formed in his pants.

Vanessa smiled. “Looks like your little friend is more awake than you.”

"Remember this 'little friend' gave you an orgasm yesterday," Chris protested.

"It was just luck. I told you that was a good angle,” Vanessa said as she looked away with a pout.

"Just luck? I bet your 'big guy' woke up down there too," Chris said.

“Don't be an idiot,” Vanessa said. Though when she left the cafeteria a moment later she was tugging her skirt down further as if trying to cover up the evidence.

The rest of the day passed quickly and smoothly. On the way home he stopped by the drugstore for some of his own painkillers as well as the recommended Vaseline. He remembered he’d used up all his condoms the night before so decided to pick some more up while he was there. When he rounded the corner into that aisle, he stopped dead in his tracks. There stood Vanessa also looking at condoms.

“What are you doing here?” Chris asked and wiped his suddenly sweaty palms on his pants.

"Isn’t it obvious? I’m buying condoms,” Vanessa said dryly. “I used up my last one last night.”

Chris relaxed a small bit. “Yeah, same. That was a wild night.”

“Yeah, we got really out of control,” Vanessa said smiling. “Ew don’t get those.” Vanessa nearly smacked the box of textured condoms out of his hands.

“Why? They’re supposed to increase pleasure,” Chris said as he looked over the box.

“If you have a sensitive vagina those hurt. Get these instead,” Vanessa slid a different kind into his hands. “These don't hurt as much.”

"Oh ok. Uh thank you. It's good to get the opinion of someone with a vagina," Chris couldn’t help but blush.

“And see this why I have the upper hand with Jennifer,” Vanessa said, winking at him before heading up to the register. Christ just stared after her before finally forcing his feet forward.

He nearly bumped into Vanessa on his way out. She was standing right in front of the doors almost as if she were deliberately blocking his path.

“Thought you’d already gone home,” Chris said.

"You know it’s weird. All day all I could think about was getting off work and going home to sleep. But for some reason my body wanted to wait for you.”

“I see,” Chris said and swallowed hard. “Would you like to get something to drink?”

"Normally yes. But this hangover is killing me already.”

"Let's go to my place then. I make a mean cup of coffee.”

Vanessa looked at him surprised. “Ok, let’s go,” her lipples said as her surprise turned to a smile.



Максим Петюшка

I like story about them. The story about friendship that is growing in something more.