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Janice was so excited that her bakery had really taken off, and she found herself having no trouble getting up early every morning to tend to it. She took her time getting ready, making herself look just right each day even though she knew she was just going to end up covered in flour. It didn’t matter. She wanted everything to be perfect. Her phone ringing started her out of her reverie while she was getting dressed for the day. “Hello?”

"Hi Janice! How are you?" a friendly, cheerful voice responded.

“Hello Mary! I’m doing good, just getting ready for the work day,” Janice replied.

"Great! Are you still at home? I have something to show you and it really can’t wait. You’re going to be so stoked!”

"Oh? Well, call me intrigued!”

“I’ll be right over,” Mary said and hung up before Janice could respond.

Janice was very intrigued. She’d known Mary since they were in elementary school, and they’d become the best of friends despite being polar opposites.

When Mary showed up a little while later, she was wearing a coat. It was even a little chilly outside so this was very surprising. Still there was a huge smile plastered on her face. Mary was always very carefree and went wherever the wind took her.

"Okay then, what's going on?" Janice asked.

“THIS happened,” Mary said, dropping her trench coat. She was wearing a very tight strapless dress that highlighted her curves, specifically her breasts. Her huge, round, and firm breasts that until last week barely passed a B cup. Now they easily surpassed an E cup.

“WTF!? Mary… did you…. did you have surgery?” Janice exclaimed. She couldn’t stop staring at her friend’s breasts.

"That’s the secret. It's not a surgery. I MUTATED!” Mary yelled as she jumped with excitement despite being in heels. Her breasts jiggled quite a bit whenever she moved.

"Wait, your mutation was just bigger breasts?"

“No, my mutation is that when I eat my breasts grow. It's temporary, after a few days they go back to their natural size, but I can always make them grow back,” Mary said as she squeezed her arms together to accentuate her massive cleavage.

"Wait... are you telling me that everything you eat, instead of making you fat, only makes your boobs bigger?"

“Yeah! No extras or any other mutations that make me look weird. I haven't even had to go to the bathroom these days because EVERYTHING is consumed. I think I was very lucky,” Mary said as she continued to dance.

“I hate you…”

"Aww don’t be jealous,” Mary said as she continued to do her little happy dance.

"Keep dreaming, Barbie. You must have eaten a GOOD breakfast today though,” said Janice. She was still unable to tear her eyes away from Mary’s breasts.

“Lots of bacon and waffles. You can feel them if you want,” she said with a mischievous smile.

Janice was trying to hide how envious she was but failing to do so. Mary was already a lucky girl, and this mutation was just way too convenient. “Well, I think you really hit the jackpot,” Janice said then decided to try to change the subject. “Why don’t you stay for lunch?”

"I would, because I adore all your food, but there’s a hot dog eating contest at the carnival today and your super-hot friend is on her way to winning it,” Mary said and winked.

“That… doesn't sound good for your health,” Janice said.

“It’ll be fine! Besides, you can’t tell me you don’t want to see these get bigger,” Mary stuck out her chest a bit. She always had been a bit of a flirt and tease. Janice couldn’t stop the blush that crept into her cheeks. “Anyway, I’m out. See ya after the contest!” And with that Mary bounded happily out of the door.

Janice just stood dumbfounded staring after her friend for a few minutes. “There are people who really seem to have been born with all the luck in the world,” she muttered.

After lunch, Janice spent the afternoon making her signature cupcakes. She tried to keep her mind focused on work and to forget about Mary’s mutation, but she found her mind wandering back to her friend time and time again. She couldn’t get over how absurdly convenient her mutation was. Janice had never wanted to mutate herself, but if she ever did, she couldn’t even hope to be half as lucky as Mary was. It didn’t take long for Janice to get a good collection of desserts made and on display. She may not have Mary’s luck, but she could still bake and decorate desserts like no one else at least.

She was getting ready to take a picture of her desserts for her business’s Instagram when there was a loud banging on the back door. It startled her so much she nearly dropped her phone into a tray of desserts. Annoyed, she went to look through the peephole and found a very distraught Mary standing on the other side.

"Mary, are you okay? Did something bad happen?” she said as she quickly opened the door.

Mary pushed her way in, clutching her trench coat as tight as she could around herself. It looked like it barely fit anymore. Janice looked over at her friend. This looked like more than just large breasts. Mary looked inflated all over.

“I… I think I went a bit too far,” said Mary, panicking. “I won the contest easily, but I wanted to go for the world record.”

Janice’s eyes widened. “Oh, no. What happened?”

Mary loosened her grip on her trench coat, and it immediately burst open and a large cluster of very large breasts emerged. There were so many of them that Mary looked like a raspberry made of boobs.

“OH MY GOD!” Janice said.

“First my boobs were growing just like they had this morning. But at some point they started just popping out everywhere!”

"Oh geez. Here, sit down,” Janice grabbed a stool and pulled it over to them.

“Honestly, I prefer to stand,” Mary blushed a bit. “It's a bit uncomfortable with these,” she lifted her skirt and exposed two large breasts hanging on her butt.

“What the… BWHAHAHAHAHAHA,” Janice couldn't help but laugh at that sight.

"Don't be mean!" Mary said angrily.

"Sorry, I couldn't help it. I’m sorry” Janice said and quieted her laughter. “How long do you think it will take for these to disappear?”

“I’m unsure. This is a relatively new mutation after all. Maybe a week?” Mary said sadly.

“Oh damn.”

“Yeah, and the problem is… I think I'm still a little hungry,” Mary said as she gazed longingly at Janice's desserts. “I guess I saved room for dessert.”

"Don’t you dare! Look how your body is already!" Janice said, scolding her. "I'll go find a nightgown or something baggy so you don’t have hundreds of tits exposed.”

“There aren’t hundreds! Just 43…” said Mary.

“Holy shit! Well, whatever. Just wait for me here quietly. And don’t touch anything!"

She was only gone a few minutes but when she returned she dropped the nightgown she’d just retrieved. All her beautiful desserts were gone. The table they’d been covering was completely empty. On the ground beside it was a completely shredded dress, a pair of heels that no longer fit their owner, and a plump human raspberry made up of more H size boobs than Janice could even count.

“I… only wanted to try one of them,” Mary said between sobs.

"Great, now even your limbs have turned into boobs."

“The good thing is that I'm not hungry anymore,” Mary said, trying to offer a weak smile.

"Oh, really? You don't know how glad I am," Janice said sarcastically as she looked sadly at her empty table. "Is there a way to speed up your… recovery?"

“Maybe if you milk me?” said Mary.

Janice reached over and gave one of Mary's tits a squeeze. A stream of milk instantly shot out. “Well, I guess I'll have to look up some mutant milk recipes," she said exasperated.

“Are you going to use my milk to make desserts?”

“Well, you have to pay somehow for all the desserts you just ate. Besides, if I’m going to have to milk you then might as well put that milk to good use.”

“That's fair," said Mary.

Janice stood next to Mary and began to roll her towards the bedroom. She no longer felt so jealous, after all.




Still need to see the end result, post-dessert!

Master of Muffin

Don't they need to get the milk tested before it's legal to sell items made with it? Anyway, I can't recall Access ever doing a mutation so close to blueberryism like this.

Oni Destiny

After the dessert would be great. But seen her boobs on her butt would be great too :)