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All questions for Ask Ms. Jessica are asked by real fans and patrons. If you have a question for Ms. Jessica, please send it to AskMsJessica@gmail.com

Dear Ms. Jessica,
I noticed that you and Leena share similar mutations. Five eyes. Multiple arms. Are you two related?

Oh my god, my long lost sister!

No. No. I’m just kidding. We aren’t related in any way. What you are noticing is called convergent evolution.

You see, in science and biology certain types of patterns tend to reappear over and over again. For example, most life on earth tends to evolve a crab-like shape, even if they aren’t related to crabs in any way! That’s just because it’s an evolution pattern that comes up naturally over and over again.

Similarly, the genetic patterns that create mutations also exhibit convergent evolution. For example, many mutant girls have multiple arms and legs. Why? Well it’s because the patterns of “junk DNA” that get read to produce the mutation simply often fall into that pattern. There are just lots of random strings of DNA that, when interpreted by the body’s genetic machinery, equate to multiple limbs, even if the genetic sequence that was read was totally different. Hence, convergent evolution.

This is why you see some similarity between mutants and not just random body parts attached every which way. Several different genetic strains can all lead to the same mutation. I think if you were to examine me and Leena on a genetic level, you would find that we are quite different.

Or at least… I would hope so. Otherwise my parents have a lot of explaining to do!



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