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 Nothing like a sorceress who can recite three spells at once. 




I love it. I like that their hair is different too. Maybe she summoned her ancestors and their arcane knowledge to her side...literally.


I love this character.


Three heads for triple the power. I bet they are the best Sorceresses ever. And just noticed, it's them right? <a href="https://www.patreon.com/posts/color-three-girl-7042874">https://www.patreon.com/posts/color-three-girl-7042874</a>


It sure does look like them. The hairstyles are the same.

Dr. Mercurious

Yes, Andreas, it is indeed them. Just got off of a monster-long shift, so I'll write something up for them when I'm awake.


Are you a writer good sir!? XD Would you happen to have a link to your finished work?


If a comic was ever made of this girl, imagine she wanted to cast a spell that increases intelligence and reduces cast time by 3x, but the spell was too good to be true!

Dr. Mercurious

You know, I had an awesome origin for these three mapped out -- only to rediscover that, once upon a time, they were PCs I was playing in a D &amp; D game! Ladies and gentlemen, meet one of my oldest D &amp; D Characters. I started her in 1st Edition, translated her into 2nd, and only got to play her for three sessions of 3rd edition. Normally I wouldn't have had any information about her beyond a picture, but I was cleaning a closet at home yesterday and FOUND her and almost all her character notes! Meet Mystique. Mystique started her career as a first level Wizard in First Edition and when she started out, she had only one head. Her Strength and Intelligence scores matched -- 17 in each, I remember that -- and the rest of her stats were more-or-less average. When she ran out of spells, she'd run to the front lines and smack enemies over the head with her staff. Anyway, the DM at the time came up with a mega-dungeon which he called 'The Shadowed Halls of Forgotten Lore'. Among the things we found was something called an Infusion Circle, which we determined would enhance magical items, if we were willing to spend XP on it. At the time, Mystique was level 5. She had acquired a Potion of Hydra's Health which would give her 24 hours of regeneration. being only 13 at a time, I wondered what would happen if I spent a lot of XP boosting this, so when it came to my turn, I spend FOUR LEVELS worth, figuring I'd get it back quick. The GM was so impressed that when he rolled on his random dice table, he added a whopping 80% since I spent so much. Basically, Mystique got the ability to regenerate at *checks notes* 4 hp per round. Unfortunately, there was a sliiiight side effect; whenever she reached zero, something weird would happen to her and provided the damage wasn't fire she'd regenerate. And one of those weird things was 'grow an extra head' Hey, every extra head added one extra spell per level so I was happy. Another near-death and she grew a second head. A third death...and each head got its own personality. Worse, they didn't always get along. According to my notes, by the time I stopped playing her in 3rd Edition she had seven head, a lewd tail (you heard me; it would poke and prod other characters against her wishes) and a pair of wings. Then I stopped playing D &amp; D entirely and started playing Champions. And the rest...is history.