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Story by Leena

“What up mutant fam it’s ya girl, Mutagen Maya here with another mutagen stream! You know the deal. You donate to the channel and I take another dose of mutagen! As always know that I’m a professional and for legal reasons I cannot suggest doing this yourself. I can’t tell you where I’m casting from but know that it’s a place where mutagen laws are much more lax than standard. You don’t ask, I don’t tell.”

Mutagen Maya had been taking the world by storm, much to the chagrin of mutant advocates everywhere. By far the world’s leading mutant rights advocates had always put on a strong public face against the recreational use of mutagen, but here was Maya, one of the world’s most popular streamers, using mutagen on stream for donations!

It was an incredibly successful formula. Anyone with a mutation kink out there could watch an adult streamer mutate right in front of their eyes, as long as they were willing to part with their hard earned money. Meanwhile, Maya was making money hand over fist, as people slammed on the donate button to see what crazy things she was willing to do with mutagen next.

“Ooooooh the donations are already coming in,” she said sitting in front of her webcam. She was wearing a fluffy robe with a bikini beneath, showing as much skin as people were willing to pay money for. Tiny little meters filled on her screen as people donated for her to perform different actions. “Of course, you all want to see me rub it on my tits first. You are nothing if not predictable,” she said with a smile.

She giggled a bit and took off her bra, showing her breasts to the stream before putting on a pair of latex gloves and taking out a gel that was bright purple. “Got this batch in fresh, I was warned that it might be a little intense. Shall we give it a shot?”

She dipped her gloved fingers into the gel and slathered it on her breasts, massaging it in right before the webcam. “Oh god, I always loooove it when I do this. Mmmmmmmm the tingles, the pressure… ooooh I feel it coming!” She said, hamming up her performance for the horn dogs in the audience.

Within a matter of moments deep slurping sounds could be heard coming from her breasts. As she massaged them, she felt pressure begin to grow, and push at her flesh, as her breasts began to balloon outward. They visibly began to grow, from her modest C cups up several sizes. Soon they were almost as big as basketballs, hanging heavy off her chest.

“Mmmmmmmmm better than a boob job eh boys?” she said continuing to massage her breasts. “Mmmmmmm but you wouldn’t be happy if it was just a size increase right? Let’s slather on a little more.”

Dipping her fingers into the mutagenic gel she began to rub it all over her breasts and chest, as more and more stretching and slurping sounds began to get picked up by her mic. Her breasts began to pulse, and slowly pull apart, like a cell undergoing mitosis, splitting from two into four, then into six, then into eight all lining her chest, progressively smaller pairs. She even felt her torso lengthen ever so slightly to accommodate her breasts. She licked her lips and smiled.

“Well my lovely lovely fans. How about eight breasts? That enough for you? A bulk pack of biddies for the Mutagen Maya community. Now what do we have next here? Taste some? Well… I guess if that’s what you weirdos want.”

Maya dipped her fingers into the ooze again and wrapped her lips around them, licking up the mutagen. “Hmmmm, it tastes, like grape soda? Like you know those little nerds candies? It’s a little like that… oooh…. Ooooooh boy.”

The hue of Maya’s skin began to change. What was a normal flesh color started to change to a bright pink, with tiny spots everywhere. She stumbled back from her webcam and poked and prodded at her skin. “Wooooooah” she said, tugging it and stretching it as if it were elastic. “I’m like taffy! Hehehe that’s a neat one. I haven’t really been an elastic girl before. Think I could make it as a superhero.”

The whole time her stream was absolutely lighting up with donations. Tiny little dollar sign icons were lighting up her stream as people began asking for her to play with her new elastic body. “Slow down guys slow down,” she begged. “What are all of these? Stretch you r neck? Blow up your boobs? Guys I don’t know how elastic I cam, I’ve gotta take it easy.”

Just then huge donation came in. “Woah! Five thousand dollars to hold on to the edge of my bed and pull as hard as I can? Well… I guess we can try it.”

Maya walked to her bed frame and wrapped her hands around the bed post. She then began pulling and immediately felt her spine start to crack. She let loose several low and sensual moans as her spine began to lengthen, her torso lengthening with it. As it did more and more breasts began to pop out, lining her torso each time there was a room for another pair.

“Ooooooh god it feels so goooooood. I’ve never felt this loooooose.” She said as she continued to pull, stretching herself out into a writhing snakey form, covered with breasts from her arms down to her waist. She just kept pulling and pulling and then…

POP! With a sudden snap her arms simply came off at the shoulders.

“Oh…. Oh dear! Looks like I have a little NBM in me too,” she said, her long torso wriggling around, boobs bouncing as it did.

“Well, you know the rules stream. If I lose the use of my arms I take a break until I get them back, or until I find another way to use the computer,” she said with a wink looking over her smooth shoulders. “I know there are probably some of you out there who like armless slithery taffy girls with a lot of boobs, but it’s time for some self maintenance. As always, if you hit my donation total though, I’ll turn the camera back on before I turn back. You want to see that right? See Mutgen Maya get used to life without arms.”

She gave another giggle and a wink before walking back her lower half back to her computer, her upper half and head still laying on her bed. “So, what do you say? Don’t stop donating boys! This is Mutagen Maya signing out!”

She lifted up her leg and used her big toe to hit the space bar, shutting down her stream and her camera. Now she was alone. No audience. Just time to enjoy her wonderful mutations as the donations rolled in.

This was the easiest job she ever had. It’s a wonder more streamers don’t do the same.




AHH! Such a fun set of mutations. Great story!