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“You want me to do what?” Angela, the beautiful winged mutant of the school, said as she looked at Matt and me on the floor, pleading with her in front of the incredulous gaze of her entourage of friends.

“We need to ask you for some advice… in private,” I said nervously.

“Do you want us to call a teacher… or a cop?” said one of her friends, easily put off by the very idea that we would come to Angela for help.

Angela sighed as she looked up at the ceiling. “No need, I think I can handle it… but not now. Go to the student council room after school. But don’t be late, I have things to do.”

“Yes, thank you very much your highness,” me and Matt groveled as she walked away. Her friends couldn’t stop laughing.

“That was one of the most humiliating things I’ve ever done in my life,” I told Matt as I stood up.

“Ty, our school history is a textbook in humiliation. One more added to thousands wont make a difference.”

“Your motivational speeches are second to none,” I said sarcastically.

“Think what you want, but you know I’m right,” Matt said. “With the exception of Holly the most we have ever talked to girls is in dating sims.”

“...point...” I said sadly.

“But hey, we are moving up in the world. We got advice from the most beautiful girl in school.”

“If feels like you are doing this just to be close to Angela,” I said annoyed.

“It offends me that you think I’d be helping you just to take any opportunity to smell the sweet scent of roses on her feathers,” said Matt. “Ahem… but enough about that. Point is, we’ve made progress. Now we just have to meet with her in the student council room. No way she will refuse!.”


“I flatly refuse,” Angela said dryly as she crossed her arms and leaned against a desk.

“B-but, why?” I said almost on the verge of tears.

“Because she doesn’t want to be near you and you need to respect that boundary,” Angela said angrily. “Besides, why are you asking me for advice on how to talk to Holly?”

“Well, it’s because… you have a lot in common with her,” Matt said.

“Like what?” she asked.

“Well, you are both girls…. and mutants… and you two study here,” he said as he seemed to try to find some more similarities.

“You forgot to mention that we both only have one pair of legs,” Angela said with an annoyed tone.

“You know you are both mutants that’s not necessarily a give-in…” Matt mumbled.

“OK look, I know it’s weird but Holly doesn’t have any friends and you’re the only girl in school she’s ever interacted with… even though she did pluck your feathers,” I said swallowing hard.

“I was over that impasse, thanks for reminding me,” said Angela. “In fact that's when I learned that if she doesn’t want you to go near her, you better not go near her.”

“Yeah, I know… but she’s so much more than just… you know,” I said. “She’s amazing, she’s a very smart and talented girl. And although she would deny it, she is also tender, and affectionate, and funny.”

“Wow, that’s a bit surprising to hear,” Angela said curiously.

It was as if the floodgates of emotions opened. I immediately ended up spilling all the details on what had happened between me and Holly. The time we spent together. The moments we shared.

“Wow, that’s a tale,” she said, surprised. “And she really sings jazz?”

“Yes, although I now remember that she told me that she would kill me if I told anyone. So keep it a secret please. And Matt, stop taking notes!”

“Sorry, I can’t help it,” Matt said as he continued writing. “I can’t be the ultimate ninja detective if I don’t gather as much information as possible.”

“Hmm, that’s an interesting skill,” Angela said, peering at Matt’s notebook. “We could use someone like you on the student council, really keep an eye on the student body.”

“At your command my lady,” Matt said as he bowed to the floor.

"Hah, well I could go for an ice tea.” Angela said. By the time she finished speaking, Matt had disappeared.

“Wow, how efficient! I don’t know why you don’t take advantage of him more Ty? Anyway, the only advice I can give you is to leave Holly alone” she said in a very calm tone.

“B-but, I don't want to give up on her,” I said choking back tears.

“Ty, have you ever stopped to think of what Holly wants?” Angela said as she came closer and put her hand on my shoulder, “It’s clear that you're in love with her and you want to be by her side. But does she feel the same about you? And even if she did, it could complicate her life. She’s trying to figure herself out and putting pressure on her can only backfire.” Angela's tone was so calm and loving and her argument was so solid, I couldn't refute it.

"So, I shouldn't do anything?"

“Certainly nothing romantic. If she doesn’t hate you, you can try to get some closure. Thank her for the time she spent with you, but again be respectful of her boundaries.”, Angela said as she gently flapped her wings, “If Holly really has feelings for you she will come back herself. But now is when you prove you love her for her, not for yourself.”

"It's like that quote 'if you want something let it go...'" I asked.

"Yes, something like that," she said, "But don't worry, after everything you two have been through, I don't think this is the end of your story."

Even though it killed me not to pursue Holly, I somehow knew that what Angela told me was the right thing to do. In the end, whether or not Holly loved me was her decision to make.

Just then Matt rushed back into the room with a can of Iced Tea. Angela graciously accepted.

“Thank you Angela, you have really helped a lot”, I said, “Is there any way I can thank you?”

"There's no need," she said laughing, "Now if you'll excuse me, I have to tidy up the office before I go"

"I make myself available for that, my lady," said Matt, who again bowed exaggeratedly.

“Well, I could use some help,” Angela said.

While Matt stayed behind happily helping Angela, I left the council office thinking about how I could even approach Holly; what kind of “closure” I could possibly get.

Tomorrow would be a hard day.



Power Storm

Any chance you would do a drawing of Angela in a swimsuit?