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Story by: Sophiie93
Edition by: Leena

The sound of the keyboard was the only noise in Violet's room. Her eyes were fixed on the monitor and her four hands on the keyboard and mouse until she finally relaxed in her chair.

“Phew… that boss is a pain… I need a break,” she said with a sigh, taking off her headphones and picking up a soda with one of her hands as she checked her phone.

Checking her social media, she came across the selfie that she had taken with Leena the day they’d gone out. The memory brought a smile to her face. “That wasn't a bad day at all… for an antisocial mutant like me. We should do that again sometime.” She chugged some soda.

Looking at her monitor again, she saw her friends interacting with each other in game. A few of them had gotten comfortable with each other to show their actual appearances. She was still too nervous to do that.

Leena had helped a lot in making her feel comfortable going out. At least now she was able to watch a movie and have dinner out. As scary as the thought was, she wanted to keep doing that. She’d felt so free that day and she wanted to feel that again. Violet couldn’t fathom going out on her own yet though.

All day she pondered how to best overcome her social anxiety, at least enough to let her go out. She thought about her friends in the group chat and remembered that some of the streamed. “That seems fun,” Violet mused aloud. “And I could still interact with people without having to see them in person. A perfect way to ease into things!” It wasn't a bad idea, she’d undoubtedly be able to relax a bit more.

She mentioned the idea to her friends, and they all immediately chimed in with support and encouragement. They told her how to set everything up and helped her order a good webcam. The whole thing gave her the motivation she needed to clean up her room, too.

A few days later Violet sat in front of her computer ready to go live for the very first time. She was antsy and anxious. Her friends had said they’d raid her and bring their communities over, so she knew she’d have familiar people to chat with which brought her a measure of comfort.

“Ugh… what am I doing? This is a crazy idea” she asked herself, seeing herself on the monitor through her webcam. She adjusted her webcam again, trying to get the angle just right and making sure it wasn’t pointed too low. Eventually she made herself quit fidgeting, take a deep breath, and hit go live. It wasn’t five minutes into stream until her friends raided in with their communities.

"H-Hello... welcome everyone..." Violet said in a shaky voice. She knew her friend would bring some people with them, but she did not expect her viewer count to exceed 100. Immediately the panic started to rise when she thought about the number of people in her chat. Then she remembered some of the advice one of her friends had given her. “Act like you’re just playing games on your couch.”

<<Wow! A bunny mutant! How pretty!”>>

<<I didn't expect to see a mutant today. Those ears look cute!>>

<<Her hair looks very similar to her haircut in game, don't you think? Is she cosplaying?>>

Those comments were the confidence boost she needed to help calm her. She focused mostly on the game, only occasionally looking at chat, and as she played, she noticed several friend requests coming in from all over the world! This went on for the few hours she streamed, and when she felt her stamina all drained out she ended stream. Her viewer count was still up around 80 which really surprised her.

“Wow Violet! Excellent work!" Emilia said after stream. They’d been friends for awhile and always enjoyed playing together.

“Thank you! Did everyone seem to have a good time?” Violet replied.

"Weren't you reading chat?"

"No, I was too nervous for that..."

“Wow, okay then… you missed a party. They were very excited and accepting. In fact, most of them stayed to see you. At first, they thought you were cosplaying your character, until your ears moved, and everyone was shocked, including me. I knew you were a mutant, but I didn't know you were identical to your character!"

“Hehe well, not so identical. I'm a bit more mutant than in game Violet."

“What, really? You should show more.”

"You think so? I'm not such a flashy mutant…”

“Any mutant nowadays attracts more looks. We all know that. Besides, knowing you you’re probably super sexy and just don’t want to admit it.”

“Pfft… not hardly. I guess I could try showing more though,” Violet replied. Her cheeks had to be bright red with how hot they were feeling.

“Point your camera lower next time. The more they see of you, the better. I gotta go though. Catch ya later!" Emilia said.

Violet went and stood in front of her closet. “The more they see of me the better, huh? Well, if that's what they want, I guess that’s what they’ll get," she said as she pulled out a few outfits.

Two days later Violet had set up a starting soon screen, a break screen, and had even made herself some emotes. When she mentioned to her friends that she planned to do another stream, this time with a small surprise for everyone, they all cheered just as enthusiastically as they had last time.

It only took a few minutes for her chat to be filled with people again, all of them awaiting her appearance. “H-Hello everyone and welcome!" Violet still sounded just as embarrassed as she was on the first stream. When she transitioned from her starting soon screen, she was sitting in her gaming chair wearing nothing but a bikini that left little to the imagination.

Her front arms were hugging her abdomen and she was holding a controller with the other pair. Her cheeks were flushed, and she couldn't bring herself to look at the camera. She could barely believe she was doing this.

“Today we’ll try some new games…” she said as she took a deep breath, trying to control her nerves. The chat immediately exploded in front of her eyes, and she couldn’t help reading some of it.

<<What a beauty>>

<<Is this even allowed?>>

<<Mutants are the best!>>

<<This version is much better than the game one!>>

Violet could only giggle. "T-Thank you. You’re too kind," she stuttered. Then noticed she had a text from Emilia: "VIOLET OH MY GOD!! When I told you to show more, I didn't mean something so literal!”

“Oh, one moment please,” she said and immediately transitioned to her brb screen. “What do you mean?” she hastily replied to Emilia.

“I meant that you should aim the camera to see your body better! Not that you should wear a bikini! Are you okay doing this?"

“It's… very difficult, really. I am very embarrassed."

“Anyone would be embarrassed, silly! I just meant that you should let your viewers see your mutation.”

“But I have seen streamers who do very well wearing a bikini…”

“Yes, but they are constantly on the verge of being banned.”

“I can get banned for this!?” Violet asked, now scared.

“It’s very close to breaking ToS.”

“Okay okay… thanks for letting me know. I’m stopping stream now. God I’m so embarrassed…”

“Calm down and try to relax. No harm has been done,” Emilia said.

“Maybe I could try vtubing?” Violet asked.

“That is always an option, yes,” Emilia said.

“I could make myself in 2d,” Violet giggled.

"I suppose that would work. Though you could be a little more creative, couldn't you?"

“I've been told that before,” Violet said, scratching her head as ideas started pouring in.



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