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The delicate sound of birdsong filtered through the half-closed curtains. Mary One stretched both of her arms straight up delicately. She looked to her left to see her second head, Mary Two, snoring loudly as a splotch of drool the size of Texas adorned her pillow. Mary One sighed in disappointment.

"Sometimes I wonder how we were just one woman in the past."

She pulled back the sheets to cool off a bit, looked down and saw their two pairs of legs resting peacefully and the noticeable bulge in their rear crotch. She was not only a woman with two heads, four breasts and four arms. She was also a humantaur with considerable sized equipment between her hind legs.

“I don't know what will make it harder to get a boyfriend, this huge penis or…her,” she thought. Mary One rolled her eyes and pat Mary Two’s cheek trying to wake her. When her twin didn’t respond she patted a bit harder and tried rocking their shared body a bit. Finally, the girl began to stir.

“Wh-what's wrong?” she said with narrowed eyes.

"It’s 10am and we need to pee," said Mary One.

“Ok, ok, I give you permission to control our body. Just let me sleep,” Mary Two closed her eyes again, already on her way back to slumberland.

Mary One slapped her angrily again. "None of that. Managing a body like ours with one of us sleeping is like having a giant cramp. Wake up and let's go,"

With Mary Two grumbling the two sisters walked to the bathroom and stumbled into the shower. Against her wishes Mary One did most of the washing while Mary Two couldn’t stop yawning. They managed to get clean and when they stepped out, they dressed in a soft robe designed specifically for their taur body.

"Well, it's time for breakfast. What do you want to drink? We have almond milk, coffee, and orange juice,” Mary One rattled off as they stood in front of the open fridge.

“I think I could use a beer,” replied Mary Two.

"No alcohol, especially so early in the morning," Mary One said angrily.

“But today is my day and I get to do what I want,” protested Mary Two. “Yesterday we did everything you wanted, we went to listen to that woman screaming, we saw that film without colors and that boring exhibition.”

“We went to the opera, to see a classic film, and an exhibition of a leading contemporary artist,” Mary One said with a huff. "But you're right, today we'll do whatever activity you want but that doesn't include drinking alcohol before noon."

“Ok, no alcohol before noon," Mary Two rolled her eyes. She was at least a bit more awake now. “Give me coffee.”

“So, what activity do you want to do today?” asked Mary One as she set about making Mary Two’s drink.

"Sex," replied Mary Two shortly.

"Sex? Again? I mean… that's the same thing we did on your day last weekend,” said Mary One annoyed.

"What can I tell you? It is my favorite activity and not everyone is lucky enough to be able to turn their masturbation into amazing sex like us,” said her sister, “And you can’t deny you enjoy it, too.”

Mary One blushed at that. "Yeah, well… it is nice."

"That's what I wanted to hear," Mary Two said and sipped her coffee. "Drink your juice quickly, it's time for action."

Mary One barely managed to finish her juice before she felt all four of her legs begin to walk seductively towards the bed. In a single gesture, they threw their rode aside revealing their conjoined body with all its multiple limbs. The girls jumped onto the bed where Mary Two wasted no time fondling their many breasts. It didn’t take long for they felt the familiar signs of arousal. Their vagina was wet, and their penis was hard, both expectant and knowing what was coming.

“Looks like we're ready now,” said Mary Two, licking her lips.

"W-we shouldn't be in such a hurry," Mary One said, already panting a little. "You know, a little foreplay wouldn’t be bad every once in a while."

Mary Two placed a hand on Mary One's cheek to turn her head and began to kiss her deeply. She started softly, feeling the warmth of her twin's lips then deepened it, intertwining their tongues. Two of her hands began to play with her many breasts and her hard nipples. They moved a hand to their front crotch and rubbed their double clit. The two girls began to moan as they continued their deep kiss. Their already hard penis was practically begging for attention.

“Do you think we're aroused enough now?” Mary Two asked in a sultry voice.

“Yeah… come on, I want to feel it come inside us,” said Mary One already on the verge of climax.

They lifted their hind legs until their lower arms could grasp them and pull their hard penis into their shared vagina. Mary One couldn't contain a cry of pleasure as Mary Two gasped at their arousal. The sisters contorted their body to pleasure themselves, ever grateful for their flexibility. Breasts pressing against other breasts. One hand was playing with their nipples, another fondled their double clit, and two other hands were pushing on their hind legs driving their huge penis in and out of their shared vagina. They kissed frantically, pressing their lips together as if they wanted to become one woman again. It wasn't long before they climaxed, and a veritable torrent of cum poured out of their penis to fill their own vagina. Little trickles of milk peeked from their breasts as the two girls arched their backs with the powerful orgasm.

Several seconds passed with the two Mary’s lying on the bed trying to recover from their escapades.

“That was… WOW… I think it was the best we've ever had,” said Mary Two.

“Foreplay helps a lot,” Mary One said.

Mary Two just smiled as she turned her head to kiss her sister. “See, who needs a guy when we can just satisfy ourselves. We might even have a child,” said Mary Two stroking her belly.

“Silly, we can't get pregnant. We are the same person. Well, the two aspects of a person's personality," said Mary One.

"One way or the other. I think we complement each other well."

"Yes, that is true," said Mary One. "What do you want to do now?"

"Well, I was just buying some time," Mary Two said as she pointed down. Their penis was already hardening again.

“You really are insatiable,” said Mary One, smiling.

"Come on, just about three more times," Mary Two said as she began to passionately kiss her sister. A day as exhausting as it would be satisfying awaited them.




You hit right into my strongest fetish for that one. Amazing ^^