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Josephine walked to the pool in the backyard of her house, flirtatiously swaying her curvaceous hips. She was wearing a yellow micro bikini that barely contained her. After taking off her sandals she dove into the water with a grace that contradicted her sheer size.

She arched her back, cresting the surface in the middle of the pool, blowing a spray of water that from her blowhole. With a smile and flirtatious tone, she said, "I am the mighty white whale," as she flipped backward and made her four breasts sway, "I am terrifying, and no one can stop me!"

"That's what you think, whale," Hermann said from the side of the pool, wearing a bathing suit and brown bandages on his left leg as if simulating a prosthesis. He was brandishing a Foam Floating Noodle in his hand as if it were a harpoon, “I will…” he managed to say before falling silent for a moment.

“You will?” Josephine repeated, waiting for Hermann's answer.

"Honestly, I'm a little confused. I mean… is Captain Ahab really like… sexy?”

“Hermann, honey… we are role-playing! You just have to lose yourself in the fiction,” said Josephine, turning around and lifting her tail to show her big round butt.

"Yeah, right.... YOU DAMN WHITE WHALE! I'll make you pay for everything you've done!"

"Ohhhh… so scary. Do you really think you can harpoon me, sailor?" Josephine said as she defiantly floated close to 'Ahab'.

Hermann jumped into the pool and chased Josephine, who was far faster and graceful than him in the water. She swam around him a couple of times, flirtatiously teasing him. Hermann, in his role as Ahab, threw the Foam Float but it only bounced off Josephine's back.

"That weak weapon is useless against me," she said mockingly, "There is only one harpoon that can harm me".

"Yeah? What harpoon is that, Whale?" Hermann said in a gruff voice that sounded more like a sleezy porn actor than Ahab.

Josephine hoisted herself up on the edge of the pool, brushing her tail aside as she removed her bikini bottom, spreading her legs and exposing her soft wet pussy lips to Hermann.

"A captain's meat harpoon," she said licking her lips.

Hermann was paralyzed for a few seconds. Then he smiled, took off his bathing suit and got closer to 'harpoon' Josephine.

Their afternoon roleplay may not have been a triumph of literature, but Hermann and Josephine certainly thought it was the most captivating tale they could tell.,



