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Context: A few days ago the MMA fighter, Jake Shield, posted a photo on twitter making fun of a girl showing a bikini. That inspired me to this little story.

"I’m home, darling! I brought a cake to share with you,” Lois said as she happily entered the apartment looking for her girlfriend.

She found Mary Ann sitting on the sofa kissing herself. She released her kiss surprised, still leaving a small thread of saliva between her two heads.

“Oh…. Lois…I just…” she said her left head

"I was relaxing a bit" she finished with her right one.

“Relaxing? I admit it's hot but I also noticed that you have been doing that a lot to relax. Everything is alright?"

Mary Ann lowered both heads and gave herself a sideway glance as if she was hesitating to bring up the subject.

“It's just… I'm fat,” she said as she pulled her shirt down to cover her abdomen.

"My love, you have always been chubby and it hasn't bothered you," Lois said, approaching her affectionately, "What happened?"

"Well, it was because of the photo from the other day… when I went to the pool…" she said with one head before continuing with the other, "…they asked me if I could pose with a yellow bikini and I did it very happy"

“Yes, I remember you told me about it,” Lois replied.

“The photo was posted online and a guy called me fat and told me to go to the gym,” Mary Ann said as she showed the post to her girlfriend. Lois's anger was evident but she tried to control herself.

"Mary Ann, the guy is an MMA fighter. He must be a jerk gym rat and he must also have brain damage after so many punches", Lois leaned over and gave each head of Mary Ann a small kiss, "You are beautiful"

“You really think so?” Mary Ann said with both of her heads in unison.

“Yes… although I did not like that they cut the photo. They can't tell you're a mutant and you know, “Pride of Diversity” always”

"Yes, the school motto," said Mary Ann, blushing.

“And I confess that that tummy really turns me on,” Lois said with flirtatious eyes.

"You're just trying to make me feel better"

"My friend between my legs doesn't lie," Lois said as she pointed to the obvious bulge in her crotch, "Is it okay to eat the cake and then let's do some delicious exercise?"

Mary Ann smiled flirtatiously “Sounds like a plan”



J. Jenny Jameson

Honestly, I like both of those pictures