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“Like that… give us a little smile,” Walt said as he pressed the shutter. Kora crossed one leg suggestively sitting on a large, elegant planter while the lights and reflectors illuminated her body.

"Hey Walt, it's not that I'm complaining… I like being photographed... even more if it's this professional but don't you think all of this is a bit strange?"

“Strange? What you mean?" Walt asked.

"You know, taking nude photos of a cactus girl... to promote a garden shop"

"Tasteful nudes...", Walt swallowed, trying to find a good excuse, "Garden centers aren’t exactly popular these days. Most people live in the city, miles away from dirt. We figured a plant girl endorsement could be a good publicity hook."

“I'm not sure the standard gardener is interested in seeing my curves,” Kora said as she relaxed her posture, “Admit it, this was just an excuse to see me naked.”

"Of course not! Sure, it’s a bonus and I’m not complaining...” Walt said as he began to go through all the photos he had taken.

"Well… it was a pleasure helping you," Kora said as she jumped down from the pot and stretched. She began to dress, her clothes specially designed to contain her thorns, "Remember to send me the proofs when you are done."

“Yeah… of course,” Walt said, “And hey, I wanted to ask you something…”

"Yes?" Kora said, still naked from the waist down.

"We've known each other for a while now and we get along very... very well… so, I was thinking that maybe… if you want…"

“If you want to ask me if we can go out, the answer is no. I'm sorry,” Kora said trying to sound as nice as possible.

“Ouch...” Walt said a little heartbroken.

“Hey, it's not that I don't like you. You're cute and kind... but the risks aren’t worth it.”

"What risks?"

"Oh, I don’t know, getting impaled?" she said, "I've already sent a few ex-boyfriends to the hospital."

"I am not afraid of your thorns. I’d be careful."

“Even if you are careful, there are complications to having an intimate relationship with me.”

"I don't care! I can handle your thorns."

Kora sighed “…and can you handle this?” she said as she leaned against the planter, spread her legs apart and separated her vagina lips. A conspicuous thorn crowned the top of her vagina, looking… threatening.

"Oh, wow… I didn't know you had one there," said Walt, "Is that your pen…"

“It's my clit,” she said, her face blushing slightly "But yes, the more I get excited, the longer it gets."

“It's pretty already” Walt said.

“That’s not the point!”, she said frustrated, “The point is it’s pretty hard to do… anything… without stabbing you down there.”

Walt was silent for a moment. Then an idea crossed his mind.

“Kora, I have an idea that I think will solve your problem."

He went to a store shelf and pulled out a brick of floral foam that was often used for potted plants. He moved toward Kora and began screwing it down on top of her spine-clit.

Kora reacted in an unexpected way. Her cheeks turned red. Her body shook. She threw back her head and moaned. "Oh SHIT, that felt so... good!" He had to lean against the pot as her legs were trembling with excitement.

“I… didn't expect you to get so excited. Are you sure it's not a penis?”

“I told you it's a clit… don’t you know anything about women?” she said as she held the foam against her.

"Well, not cactus women, but anyway, it seems to work fine,” he said poking at the foam relatively safely. “So, if you want to think about my proposal...”

"Take off your clothes," she said almost like an order.

"Excuse me?" Walt asked surprised.

“I want it, now! It’s been so long since I saw any action." Kora's voice was clearly excited, “Just try to be careful with my other spines. I don't want to poke you."

"Oh, I think I’ll be doing the poking" Walt said as he undressed. Kora chuckled as she finished removing her clothes and thanked whoever it was that had invented potting foam.




Access truly CAN make a cactus sexy.