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(Part One)

Minerva woke up a little late Saturday morning. She often liked to sleep in on the weekends and get a bit of extra rest. Blankets fell around her as she stretched out her curvaceous, massive body on the bed trying to wake up. Then she remembered she could collect on the debt Rachel owed her and was wide awake instantly, even springing out of bed.

Rachel, her roommate with extraordinary stretchy powers, had foolishly bet with her that she could make herself taller than Port Solei's new lookout spire, only to fail miserably. Now Minerva could do with her what she wanted.

"What all should I make her do?" she wondered as she brought one of her many hands to her chin. "I’m sure most people would immediately think of sex but eh. I think I’d rather use her as an exercise band or dribble her like a basketball," Minerva mused. She was a giant mutant, and she had a large penis, even by giant mutant standards. But sex was not something she thought much about, much to other mutants’ chagrin. Instead, she liked to focus on her strength training.

She let her mind wander while she took a shower. It was so hard to choose. She usually didn't win many bets against Rachel so she wanted to make sure she used this chance well. As the water seeped between all four of her breasts, she finally sighed at the lack of ideas.

"Well, I'm not very good at math and I do have to do my taxes. I think I'll ask her to help me with that…" She hated the idea the moment she said it. Though taxes were a thing she needed to do, the idea of using a stretchy girl to do math was not really how she wanted to use this opportunity. Minerva walked to the living room only wearing a towel that barely covered her massive body.

“Rachel? Where are you?” she asked.

"Hello! Down here!" A strangely familiar voice, though higher pitched than she remembered, came from the dining room table. Minerva's jaw dropped to the floor when she saw a miniature about 10 inches tall of Rachel standing on the table. She was waving her hand at her trying to catch her attention. “Rachel went out to the beach with Rick, a cute boy she met yesterday. She doesn’t know when she will be back though.”

“S-Seriously, today? Wait, who are you?” Minerva asked, confused.

“I am a part of Rachel. She discovered that she could create clones of her by separating parts of her mass. Amazing, right? Now she's a few inches smaller but Rick won't notice. She left me here because she knew you wanted to collect on your reward.”

"B-but... you're so tiny," Minerva said.

"But I have all the intellect and skills of the original Rachel," the mini-Rachel said.

Minerva crossed all four arms, annoyed with her roommate. “Rachel, I see what you’re doing. Trying to get out of paying up.”

"Oh, come on. Rachel figured you'd most likely need her for something boring like writing a letter or doing your taxes. So, she assumed you would be fine with little ole me."

Minerva just stared at her for a moment. Rachel assumed that she was so boring that she wouldn't ask her for anything more than letter writing. And the worst part was, she was right. Minerva clenched all four of her fists. “I want to have sex. Lots of sex,” she told her as she untied her towel revealing her huge penis.

The mini-Rachel stared in terror at the huge penis, which was bigger than her whole body. "W-Wait, you want what?!"

"You heard me. I want to have a lot of sex,” said Minerva, two fists planted on her hips.

“Ok, well… that's going to be a little tricky, you know, because of my size and…uh…your size,” said the mini-Rachel as she looked pointedly at Minerva’s massive penis.

“That's weird, you said you were just like Rachel, in skills and all,” said Minerva. “But it looks like you're just a miniature doll.”

Little Rachel quickly changed her attitude. After all, she was just as proud and stubborn as the original Rachel. “I do have all of her abilities,” she said angrily.

Minerva grabbed her delicately with one of her hands and went to the chair where she leaned back suggestively. The mini-Rachel walked over Minerva's toned stomach until she reached the huge monolith that was her penis.

"So? I'm waiting," said Minerva. "Although I doubt a dwarf like you could give me an orgasm."

“Of course, I can!” mini Rachel yelled defiantly in her tiny, squeaky voice. She stretched her arms around Minerva's penis as she craned her neck to position herself over it. Then she lowered her lips to Minerva's penis and forced it down until her head extended dramatically, completely covering Minerva's penis tip. The mini Rachel began to flex her legs as she stimulated Minerva with her arms and mouth.

Minerva blushed wildly. “O-oh, damn,” Minerva exclaimed. She was pleasantly surprised at how much little Rachel could actually do. As mini Rachel worked at her penis, Minerva began to play with all four of her own breasts. Her moans got louder as mini Rachel sucked her and she kneaded her own breasts. It wasn’t long before she had to quickly pluck mini Rachel away as her penis turned into a milky geyser.

“Oh shit,” the mini-Rachel said as she coughed a bit. “That was close.”

"Okay now I need you to help me clean up. And by help me I mean you need to clean that up,” Minerva pointed to the huge cum stain that now graced the floor.

"Fine," mini-Rachel said, going back to her usual form. She didn’t fail to notice how Minerva’s penis never softened.

“What? Don't you remember that I’m multi-orgasmic?” Minerva said with a wicked smile. "Besides, I'm still not satisfied."

"O-okay, well… what else do you want me to do?" asked the mini-Rachel.

Minerva didn't answer and put Rachel's clone's vagina over her penis. "I wonder if your powers are enough to contain me. Or maybe it was a bluff."

"Of course, it wasn't a bluff!” the clone said angrily. "Come on, slide it in as deep as you want."

“Will you be able to keep all my cum inside you, too? I think you might burst."

"Of course, I can! Come on, go ahead!" said the little clone defiantly.

Minerva pushed the mini-Rachel onto her shaft. The body of her friend's clone expanded like a condom until she had sheathed the entire length of Minerva’s penis.

“Oh… g-god,” the mini-Rachel gasped as Minerva completely filled her.

“Am I too much for you?” Minerva asked mockingly.

“O-Of course not! I'm just getting started,” Rachel said as she began to use her arms and legs a leverage to rub her own body up and down Minerva's penis. Minerva immediately began to moan and reached down to take control of the mini Rachel. She rubbed her up and down her massive penis like some kind of sex toy. Both of them moaned loudly, and once again it wasn’t long before Minerva was cumming right into the mini Rachel who closed her mouth tightly while her body began to inflate like a balloon.

She looked down and saw little Rachel exhausted and swollen. She took her carefully off like someone taking off a recently used condom and left it on the living room table. Mini Rachel was so inflated that she could barely stand up.

"I-I hope you're satisfied now," the clone said, still trying not to open her mouth very wide.

“Yes, I'm quite satisfied now,” Minerva said with a smile.

A second later the door opened and the original Rachel walked in. She was dressed in a little top, a miniskirt, and heeled mule sandals.

"Hi Minerva, I'm back earlier than expected," she said as she nonchalantly entered. She suddenly saw the mini clone of her inflated like a balloon on the table and Minerva with her penis still dripping. "What the hell happened here?"

"I did it, boss," said the little clone. "I accomplished my mission."

“I asked her to have sex, that was my wish for today,” Minerva said with a smirk.

Rachel took the mini clone and led her to the bathroom as Minerva followed. She put the clone on the sink and squeezed it, a huge amount of cum gushing out of her. When Rachel was sure the clone was empty she squeezed it between her hands, absorbing it back into her body.

“Brrrr… I think there was some cum left. Now I feel it inside of me,” said Rachel annoyed.

"Well, it wouldn't be the first time," Minerva said with a wink.

"...well, I guess I learned not to underestimate you so much."

"Good," Minerva said. There was a deep satisfaction inside her that made her smile. "Wait why did you come back so early?"

“My date was really boring,” Rachel said.

"I see. Hey, this new ability of yours is amazing. I wonder what else you could do with it."

“Maybe I'll experiment with it. I have the rest of the day free. Do you want to do anything?” Rachel said flirtatiously as she looked Minerva up and down.

"Do you want to help me with my taxes?" she asked, blushing a little.

Rachel gave her a slightly surprised look before they both burst out laughing.




Great story! I love Rachel's mutation!