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Fleur sighed after a very long and stressful day of fighting her multiple erections. Luckily, she was too exhausted to be horny right now. She changed into her pajamas and fell into her bed.

“Today wasn’t so bad I guess. I guess it’s because I didn’t go out with rick. He can get me hard just by holding my hand,” she paused as she felt a familiar rush of blood through her breasts. “Hey! Don’t start you!” she scolded, calming herself down.

She laid in bed, somewhat stuck in her own mind, before reaching a hand over to open the drawer of her nightstand and take out a small diary. “Wow it’s been so long,” she said running another hand over the worn cover and opening it up to it’s first time yellowed pages. Five years ago. Wow. That was before she mutated, before her multiple arms, before her… peculiar condition of phallic breasts. She was a totally different person back then.

Curious, Fleur decided to take a trip down memory lane. She flopped on her belly and lazily kicked her feet back and forth in the air, as she turned to one of the first pages, back to her 20s.

April 4, 2018

Today ‘s a sad day. I broke up with Scott, I found the idiot with another girl… a mutant with four breasts and futanari like me but with three legs! He’s such a pig. He probably only liked her because she had more dicks to fool around with. I went out with my coworkers to distract myself. Ate and drank to the point of regret. I feel sick.

“Wow, I forgot about Scott,” Fleur thought. “Well if dicks were his think he’d pass out if he saw me now.

April 5, 2018

I’m in the hospital… Turns out drinking enough alcohol to kill a deer was probably a bad idea. Life is not smiling on me right now. The good news? Enough saline solution and vomiting will sober me up eventually with minimal liver damage. The bad news? Apparently I’m not finished mutating.

The doctors say the level of genetic activity in my body is very high and my night of binge drinking didn’t do me any favors. I will probably mutate in the following days. I’m used to being a bit different, I’ve always had a dick after all. However, not knowing how I’m going to change now is somewhat scary. I hope whatever it is it’s super sexy. That way the next time Scott and his stupid tripod girlfriend see me they will know what a huge mistake they made.

“Wow I was… uh… temperamental back then.”

April 6, 2018

I’m back home, although I still feel strange. The doctors say that’s just a hangover but I feel like I could mutant any second. My body feels hot. My head feels woozy. I'd be lying if I said I'm not afraid. I wish Scott was by my side. I’d even forgive him…

“OK, my obsession with Scott was unhealthy…”

April 7, 2018

I have mutated overnight! I woke up with a new pair of arms and my nipples feel strange. I can’t tell if I'm sexier, but I definitely feel better. My body isn’t hot anymore and the anxiety has calmed down. I went to the hospital in the afternoon and they did a lot of tests. They said the genetic activity has calmed down and at least for not it doesn’t appear as if I’ll mutate any further. That’s a relief.

I still can't move my new arms but I can feel them. And my nipples are sensitive too. I know that your body can be ultra sensitive after a mutation but this is a little intense. I hope it dies down.

"Pffft... if I had known what was happening," Fleur said.

April 8, 2018

I woke up this morning to a… peculiar surprise. My usual morning boner has multiplied. My nipples were fully erect. They even look like tiny penises and they feel like them too!

I have decided to take a quick shower. I can tell that these… breast erections are effecting my libido. I had a stray sexy thought and my heart was pounding for at least an hour.

Disappointingly, my extra hands are still useless. It's frustrating to carry this dead weight all the time but the thought of eventually having extra functional hands is… encouraging. I’m sure they could help me with my… situation.

“Heh, it’s strange how used to this I have gotten.”

April 9, 2018

It happened again! I woke up with five of the most erect penises I have ever seen. I had to take an extra long shower just to calm me down. I jacked off like five times in the shower and my heart was still racing, and I have to go to work! I hate Mondays.

I’ve tucked my extra hands underneath my clothes and held them in place with a sling the doctor gave me. I can feel tingles in my fingers a bit. If I try really really hard I can twitch them. That’s something… right?

“The morning routine hasn’t changed much…”

April 10, 2018

I made more progress today! Sure, I had the morning wood again, but more importantly I managed to lift my arms a bit. I’ve been doing these physical therapy exercises after work and little by little I feel like I’m gaining control. It hurts a little and they are VERY sore afterward, but eventually I’ll get it! Right now all I can do it lift them a bit. Turning them, or bending the elbows still seems like a long way off.

Honestly, I’m feeling more comfortable in this body by the day. Maybe later tonight I’ll play with my breasts and their… new additions. There’s nothing wrong with that, right?

“Nothing wrong at all,” Fleur said with a smile.

April 11, 2018

I have realized that if someone reads my diary they will know about my sexual, er, awakening with my new penises. I can’t say that makes me feel good, but it’s too late to erase everything. So let me be honest…

It's been amazing! The orgasms from jerking off my penis nipples have been so intense. I have never felt sexual pleasure like this before in my life. I feel like I could melt after masturbating! I’m really starting to like this.

The training went well today too. I could lift my arms a little higher. I still can’t quite bend or turn them, but all in due time. All in due time.

“How the heck did I masturbate all five of my dicks with just two hands back then!?”

April 12, 2018

I’vw run into a problem. I masturbated in the shower like normal and that should have been enough to get me through the day, but I just saw a co-worker today and suddenly I had five raging hard-ons again! She always seemed sexy to me but I used to be able to control myself. I had to run to the bathroom to wash my face and relax. The doctors told me my libido would drop after mutating but I feel like it has only gotten higher.

Heh, I wonder how much of my sex drive is the mutation and how much is me?”

April 13, 2018

It's almost the weekend. Today my custom work uniform came in. I can finally show off my four arms to everyone! I'm very happy! My co-workers were certainly surprised, to see my arms but I still can’t do much. I can move them alright, but the fingers still don’t move very well. If I concentrate I can hold something for a few seconds. It’s OK. It’s a marathon, not a sprint. I’ll get there eventually.

Fleur looked at her arms and slowly opened and closed her fists. How far she had come.

April 14, 2018

It was a very fruitful Saturday today. I spent the day half naked so I didn’t have to worry about my erections. The whole day was devoted to practicing with my new arms. I challenged myself by not using my original arms at all. It’s been hard but I can finally use them for most things, though they are still weaker than my original pair.

By the way, using my hands wasn’t the only hard thing during all the day. I wonder if I used my new hands to masturbate if I’d get the “stranger” effect.

“I certainly had spunk in me… well… not that kind of spunk.”

April 15, 2018

Today for the first time I woke up and stretched with all four arms. I looked at them for several minutes, moving my fingers, touching my own hands. They feel great. They don't shake anymore. They feel strong. Honestly I feel stronger than I was before.

I was even able to ignore my boners to make myself breakfast today, and I used all four hands to do it.

After breakfast, I went to relax on my sofa, where for the first time I began to explore myself with all my arms. Feeling so many hands on my body made me go wild. I didn’t even have to touch my penises to make me want to cum.

I gave in, eventually. I ended up using all four hands at the same time to masturbate four of my breast penises at the same time. This mutation may cause some troubles, but it’s entirely worth it. I feel sexy! I'm sure Scott would regret cheating on me if he saw me now. Bah! Who needs him anyway.

Fleur couldn't help but smile and skip to the last page. She had some writing to do.

April 25, 2023

It’s been a while, but after reading my old entries I want to say that I still don't regret anything. The public erections are still a bit hard to handle. Luckily, my friends have gotten used to it and my boyfriend Rick finds it charming. Overall, I’m happy with my breasts and my penises… which, by the way are calling for attention. So I think I’m going to practice some self love. I’m sure I’ll check back in in another few years.




She's really pretty, nipples and all.