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"Seriously? You must be kidding,” Amber said angrily as involuntary snorts came from her hybrid muzzle.

"I'm sorry but it’s for the best. This is more for prevention anyway,” said the doctor.

"I think it's humiliating enough to have to come to a vet and then have to buy heartworm medication," Amber said angrily.

"Well, I'm a general medicine doctor with a vet specialization," said the doctor. "In most cases, when mutant girls have animal traits, the treatments are very similar to how they would be for humans. But in cases where a fusion with an animal occurs it’s more complex because the animal component is stronger. Fortunately, I don't think it affects your life expectancy, but you may have certain issues only found in dogs.”

“Ok, I… I get it,” Amber said with a sig. “Are heartworm preventatives really expensive? Because it's really hard to find a job when you're 50% dog.”

“It is more like 32%. And don't worry, heartworm preventatives are a little expensive, but each box comes with doses for multiple months. And don't worry, you can write it off as a medical expense," said the doctor.

Shortly after, Amber walked out of the office with heartworm prevention in hand. The wind whipped up and rustled her fur. There was a short layer of it all over her body, and its perfect golden color matched the long hair on her head. Her new golden retriever ears blended in perfectly with it. Heads turned and watched her as her tail hung behind her. At least her specially made shoes were extra comfy. Her shirt was comfy too and helped to hide the multiple pairs of breasts she had. "Ugh I wish people would stop staring," she told herself. "At least no one has tried to whistle to call me yet….”

When she passed a pet store she paused nervously. Her fusion had occurred in a pet store. Shed gone and pet a friendly, and not realizing she had the mutant gene began mutating. Everything was black after that until she woke up completely naked on the floor of the store with people running around everywhere panicking and screaming. They made her pay for the absorbed pet and then permanently banned her from entering.

Hesitantly, she entered the new store. It was like a small supermarket, clean and tidy. She found an employee and tried to ask for assistance. But he was cute, which made doing anything a little more nerve wracking for her. “E-excuse me”, she stuttered. “Do you have any long flea medication? For dogs… b-big ones.”

"Yes, I think I do. How big is the dog?" asked the young man as kindly as possible.

“…I think around 120 pounds,” Amber replied, her face obviously flushed red even under her fur.

"Oh, I see. I'll be right back,” said the young man as he went to the back of the store.

As the young man disappeared out of sight through the door, Amber let out a frustrated sigh.

"I have to talk to a cute boy to ask him for flea medication and even tell him my weight," she murmured to herself, frustrated. She passed by the toy shelf and was immediately drawn to some stuffed animals and balls. She surprised just how much she loved them. “No. I’m not buying dog toys,” she told herself firmly and walked away only to be enchanted by harnesses and leashes. Without thinking she picked up a pink sparkly one and tried it on over her blouse. The harness fit perfect, but it accentuated her upper pair of breasts. 

"Ahem... miss," the young man's voice made her jump in place and she blushed heavily. The young man also had to look away, ashamed of seeing Amber's breasts shown off by the harness.

“I…um… was just trying it on,” Amber said. "Look, I merged with a dog a few weeks ago and obviously it’s changed me in more than just physical ways and I…”

"Did you merge with a Golden Retriever?" asked the young man.

"Yes, her name was Cocoa,” Amber replied.

“I thought you were a golden retriever. You definitely look like one. Your fur is gorgeous. My family has a golden retriever, and we love her dearly,” the store attendant said. Amber had to stop herself from wagging her tail.

"Thank you! Well, see the thing is that now I have several dog…er…issues. I have to take certain preventatives and I also have a silly fascination with stuffed animals, balls and… harnesses.”

"It may be that Cocoa loved to go for walks," said the helpful young man.

“Yes…YES! She probably did,” she didn’t want to admit how excited she herself got at the word “walk” so instead just removed the harness.

"Don't worry, it’s not silly. You are the most exciting person that has come to this store, although of course this is our first week.”

“Are you the owner?” Amber asked.

“Owner, cashier, cleaning staff and whatever else is needed. My name is Josh,” the young man said, stretching out his hand.

“Amber,” she said before holding out her hand as if someone had said “shake”.

“Wow, I see Cocoa was trained,” Josh said with a laugh.

“Yeah, it does seem that way,” Amber said with a laugh. “Hey, would you need any help around the shop? I’m kind of in the market for a job right now.”

“Now that you mention it, I think it would be pretty fun for you to work here,” Josh said with a smile.

Josh led Amber around the store, showing her where to find the cat and dog food, pet beds, cash register, and even the grooming portion of the store at the back. “I installed this bath table myself! It’s even big enough for a full grown St Bernard!” he said, beaming with pride.

Amber was looking at the table and at one point she visualized herself, on the table, naked, as Josh bathed and groomed her. She turned completely red and her tail wagged vigorously.

“I see you really like the store,” Josh said with a smile.

“Yes, very much,” Amber said, trying to hide just how much.

They agreed that Amber would start the next day and she started to head out the front door.

“Oh hey, Amber wait,” Josh said, running over with the flea medication. 

Amber, almost instinctively, sat on the floor waiting for Josh to give it to her. He played along and squeezed the plastic vial behind her shoulder blades. When he was done, she sprang to her feet with a smile on her small muzzle. “Sorry, I should’ve paid for it before you did that.”

"Don't worry, it's important as a boss that my only employee is in good health. Besides, now you can let the customers know how good it works!"

Amber just laughed. She took a step towards Josh and gave him a little lick on the cheek, before walking out the door.

“See you tomorrow,” she said before scampering off as quickly as she could on high heels.

A huge smile spread across Amber's face as she walked home. Maybe everything was going to get better from now on. “I wonder if Josh would dare to give me a bath,” Amber wondered as her tail flicked excitedly behind her.




That's cute as heck!


I think Amber is my most favorite mutant now

Juniper Skunktaur

This is so wholesome and I really want to see where this goes!