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 Well, these beautiful girls also like to take a walk. 




so here is a question. who controles what pair of legs?


These two have always been some of my favourites, and it's always really nice to see them. I love their outfit in this picture!


I always like it, when you expand on certain characters, especially interesting ones like this girl or B & J :) Please do more of that.


If you think of two bodies kind of layered above each other the lower head would control the upper legs and vice versa ^^

Dr. Mercurious

Each girl has primary control of whatever limbs happen to be closest to her head and secondary control of the further limbs; however, they may relinquish primary control to her sister head at any time.

Dr. Mercurious

(cont) These two are Anphy and Sabina. Born identical twins, their mutation triggered on their eighteenth birthday when away skiing in Canada. They were checked out by the family physician, given a clean bill of health and have continued on with their lives. They refuse to live in a 'mutant girl zone' and enjoy mingling with normal folks. However, the girls have a secret -- their mutation ISN'T conjoinment, but a subset of NMB! They can merge objects with their body and said object is considered nothing more than an exotic body part. They discovered they could do this when on vacation and then tried to do it on each other - which as you can see, worked. Although quite capable of splitting up, Anphy and Sabina refuse to, enjoying their combined bodies and all the, ahem, pleasures it affords them. That's not to say their abilties are locked; there's a reason they walk in high-heeled shoes liek they were born wearing them...


I have a question: how do they do to decide who gets on top and who gets on bottom? Do they fight for this? Do they regulary switch positions?


It's hard not to favourite all your artwork, Access, but this one really is my new favourite.