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Makena yawned. Her head was pounding, and her words were still slightly slurred. Hangovers sucked. "What? Geez don't yell like that, my head is killing me. And..ugh…my body feels all weird.”

"THAT'S THE PROBLEM! There's no body for neither of us," Lois continued yelling.

Makena turned to look at her friend and found herself directly next to Lois. “Why are you so close to me?”

“…can you look down a bit?” Lois said annoyed.

Makena looked down and her mouth fell open. Both she and Lois shared the same shoulders… or rather, hips, because there was no torso or arms. They were now a SWB sharing the same set of legs. The same pair of sexy, incredibly toned legs with a gorgeous Latina tan, perfect pedicure and a tight thong that couldn't hide the presence of a penis above their vagina.

“I think we went a bit overboard yesterday at the Swap Party,” Makena said as she tried to process everything. Both she and Lois were NBM girls who shared a dorm room at the University. Despite being very different from each other, sharing a body part here and there made them good friends. However, being this "close" now was a bit excessive.

The two girls twisted their shared legs to sit on the bed. “You think this is just a bit overboard?” Lois said. “These aren't even our legs. Either of ours! They look like a stripper’s legs.”

“Well, it appears as if they actually are,” Makena said, pointing with their right foot at a very short latex skirt lying on the floor next to impressive transparent 15-inch mule heels.

“Great… we swapped parts with a stripper,” Lois said annoyed. “But I don't get it, why do we only have one set of legs?”

“Maybe we can find a clue,” Makena said as she used one foot to reach for her phone on the nightstand. Surprisingly, she found her foot was just as dexterous as a hand and didn’t have any issues gripping the phone.

“Well aren’t you skilled,” Lois said.

"Thank you. Though it seems like it’s a sort of muscle memory for these legs," she replied.

Lois tried to see how she fared. She reached for glasses on the nightstand, and to her amazement she had no issue picking them up and even putting them on. "Well, at least we can still do things ourselves.”

Makena dialed their friend, Carol. She was the one who had thrown the party and would likely know who these legs actually belonged to.

“Hi Mak, what's up?” Carol answered. Makena put the call on speaker phone.

“Carol, we have a problem. You see… Lois and I…well we now share a body though it’s not really a body it’s just a pair of legs. But neither of us can remember exactly what happened last night. Do you?"

"Well, the party was great. DJ, pole dancers, alcohol, lots of girls dancing and swapping parts. You were a little nervous, especially Lois… so you both started drinking to take the edge off a bit."

“Yeah, that much I remember. It’s everything after that we’re fuzzy on,” Lois said.

"Well, you drank a LOT. After a while you were both dancing half-naked on the table and you kinda started selling your body parts."

“WHAT?!” Makena screamed.

“Yeah, y’all were really enthusiastic about it, too. You would’ve sold your heads if someone hadn’t stopped you,” Carol said. “At the end of the party you were just a couple of heads on a counter. One of the Amazon pole dancers who apparently bought Makena's legs felt pity and gave you her old legs. She winked at me while she told me that her legs came with… a surprise.”

"We already noticed the surprise," Makena said as she looked at the penis clearly visible under their skirt. "Look, we need to know how to get our parts back.”

“Get them back? Well, it's a bit complicated now. I don't know who all you sold your parts to. Many girls aren’t even from the area and came exclusively for the party. I'm sorry girls. If I get any clue of any of your parts I will let you know though, okay?”

"Thank you Carol…" Makena said dejectedly. “We’ll talk later.”

"Can you believe it? We lost our bodies,” Lois said in shock.

“We were fools,” Makena said. What on earth had they done. “Alright let’s review our situation and take stock of everything.” They stood up and walked over to the full length mirror. Their hips swayed as they took each step, and both were just automatically naturally in sync with one another making walking rather easy.

“Wow, these legs are HOT,” Makena said as she looked at their body in the mirror. They were long with well defined muscles.

"Don't get so excited, it's not a good situation," Lois said. She brought one of their feet up to pull their thong down.

The image in front of the mirror was very strange. Makena's perfectly dark skin and curly black hair contrasted sharply with Lois's pale skin and braided blonde hair. Meanwhile, their shared legs showed off a beautiful Latina tan, which matched their toned figure perfectly.

“We look… weird,” Lois said.

“Weird? I think we look sexy,” Makena said, blushing a little. They both immediately felt a bit of swelling in their penis.

“HEY, DON'T DO THAT,” Lois said terrified.

“I can't help it!” Makena said apologetically.

Lois sighed, “Well, at least it's easy to solve the problem with our modularity,” Lois said as she raised one leg with perfect balance and used her foot to try to pull their shared penis off. But it didn’t budge.

"Shit... it won't... detach," Lois said, feeling more and more excited.

"It doesn't detach, but... if you keep doing that…" Makena said, unable to keep from moaning a little.

The girls backed away and sat on a small sofa. They were just trying to remove their penis, but it had turned into so much more. Makena twisted the other leg just enough to begin rubbing their shared vagina. Lois began to moan loudly, lost in the pleasure of the double stimulation. She turned her face and began to kiss Makena passionately. The two trembled and moaned as they increased the pace of the stroking and the rubbing, pleasure rising rapidly and strongly inside them. It wasn't long before a powerful climax almost made them pass out.

“Wow… that was… WOW,” Lois said gasping for breath.

“I could actually get used to this,” Makena said as she sighed happily. “Let's try something.”

Makena used both of their feet to grab Lois's head and pull it.

“Ouch, hey, you're going to break my neck,” Lois said annoyed.

“Huh. Apparently, we can’t disconnect our parts anymore,” Makena said. “I’ve heard that it happens sometimes, although it is very rare.”

"So that was it? We stopped being NBM and now we're some weird conjoined SWB futanari?”

"Apparently... but I don't think it's all that bad,” Makena said giving Lois another kiss.

"You know, you’re right. I think I'm starting to enjoy it," she replied.

“Look at it in this way. We are a wealthy conjoined SWB futanari now,” Makena said as she pointed with one foot at her purse on the floor, from which many bills were sticking out.

“Holy Crap! We really sold everything yesterday,” Lois said.

“How about we go buy some clothes for our new body?” Makena said. The girls stood up, dressed in the sexy stripper clothes and got ready to leave. Makena saw Lois eyeing the miniskirt and sky-high heels curiously.

“Everything okay?” she asked.

“Yeah… all right, it's just… I think I'd like to buy sexy clothes and heels like these,” Lois said as she used one of her feet to untie her hair.

"Oh of course! I like that sexy twist,” Makena said as she gave Lois a kiss before heading out to show off their new shared figure to the world.



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