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The days after Holly ‘let go of the leash’ were the hardest in my life, harder than when Billy Corrigan dunked me shoulder deep in a mop bucket, harder than when I humiliated myself by asking Heather Dale out in front of the whole class only to be rejected (and I even bought a fancy bouquet for the occasion.) It was even harder than when Holly was threatening to kick my ass on a regular basis. Nothing compared to the pain of being ghosted.

“So what’s your plan?’ Matt asked, practically materializing out of thin air during recess.

Even his tricks didn’t surprise me now.

“I really don’t know,” I said. “At one point I thought I’d just keep trying until Holly took pity on me.”

“Ah yes, the basic loser’s plan,” Matt said, sipping a juice. “You know I remember proposing to Vicky Hoffman every day for a week straight in elementary school.”

“Yeah… I remember that. She got so angry she pulled your pants down in public.”

“Yep. I don’t hate her for that. Despite the ridicule I got pretty good at hiding as a result. Besides, it was basically my fault,” Matt said casually. “The thing is, if you push Holly like that, she is probably going to do a whole lot more than just pants you. It wouldn’t be advisable for your long term health.”

I sighed heavily and looked at the sky, as if I was waiting for an answer for the heavens. “so is this it? Is this how it ends?”

“Not the worst ending,” Matt said. “You certainly got a few good stories from the whole experience.”

“But I have to think of something! I mean I’ve been the Dungeon Master years, it’s my job to come up with interesting ideas.”

“Your campaigns have been a bit lacking Ty,” Matt said. “Why do you think it’s so hard to get people to play.”

“Matt,” I grumbled. “You can try to be at least a little supporting, you know?”

“Oh sure, I mean, yeah, go for it, woohoo my man, true love or whatever…”

The day passed uneventfully. I kept trying to think of ways to approach Holly, to get her to change her mind, but I didn’t even see her. Maybe she was avoiding me.

There had to be a better place to talk about this than school.

I decided to go to Holly’s improvised ‘gym’ where we had many a training session. Maybe she would be more receptive to me there.

Unfortunately, a thick metal bar was bent over the entrance to the old shed. This was obviously Holly’s doing. It didn’t matter how strong I was, no one was getting in here without mutant strength.

Luckily, I learned a trick or two from my friend Matt. There was an old rusted out ventilation ducked that you could get into from the back. As long as I was very, VERY quiet, I should be able to get in without her noticing.

… I wasn’t very quiet. The vent creaked and cracked as I crawled through it and I could only hope that Holly wouldn’t notice. Luckily, she was too preoccupied pummeling a gigantic heavy bag that was barely holding together. She struck it with such power and ferocity, the blows landing harder than I have ever seen land before. She was mad…

“Shit,” Holly said. “Stupid Ty…” she grunted as she landed an uppercut that sent the bag flying through the air. She stood there, fists clenched for a while before wiping her eyes.

Was… she crying?

She picked up the bag and landed a kick so hard that it slammed into the wall.

… OK it wasn’t safe here. If she knew I was spying on her I would meet the same fate as the bag. I attempted to sneak out, deep sorrow in my chest. I loved this woman and I was to afraid to even approach her.

I didn’t know what to do.

The next day I felt my general enthusiasm for “not giving up” wearing off. There was no way to get Holly to change her mind without talking to her and no way to talk to her without her simply walking away, or worse. I began leaving messages in her locker, then gifts, the little notes for her at lunch, only to watch in the distance as Holy tossed each and every one in the trash.

Watching her from a distance had become… a bit of a past-time for me. I felt like Matt…

“She just dumped em without even reading em eh?” Matt said, watching from beside me through a pair of binoculars.

“Do you have to use the spy gear?” I said. “You can tell she isn’t reading them from here.”

“Standards, Ty, standards,” Matt said. “Good tracking requires good equipment.

“You look like a stalker…”

“News flash,” Matt said. “I basically am a stalker and so are you. I’m just not lying to myself about it. Anyway you are going to want to see this.”

“What?” I asked. Matt shoved the binoculars in front of my face and turned my head to look. It was Billy Corrigan and his thugs approaching Holly from across the yard. “Shit I have to help her,” I said, but Matt pulled my shirt and held me back.

“Trust me Ty, your cheers are just going to make things worse. I suggest handling this in a more subtle way,” Matt said.

“Like what?”

“Surveillance,” Matt said as he pulled out what looked like a small microphone with a big metal dish on it, and a pair of headphones. “Long range mic, we can hear what they are saying.”

“Where do you get all this stuff!?” I asked.

“Do you want to ask disturbing questions you don’t want to know the answers to? Or do you want to know what’s happening between Billy and Holly?”

“Fair point,” I said, putting on the headphone and looking through the binoculars.

“Hey, I heard you dumped your pet,” Billy said with a disgusting sneer. “I think that’s wonderful news. He was dead weight anyway. Besides, I’m not a heartless guy. You tell me you’re sorry for everything that happened in the past and we could have another chance.”

“Another chance?” Holly said giving Billy a blank look. Several students were starting to gather around them.

“Yeah… I mean, I’m the hottest man in school and you’re a hot Amazon bombshell. The scars, green skin and extra mutanty bits might make you a freak, but I can get down with a freak. Plus, I’m feminist enough to be with a girl that’s as strong as me. Doesn’t bother me. I mean hey look, I just admitted you were strong. That’s pretty feminist right?” Billy said with a sick grin. “So what do you say? Care to get with a man now that you are done with that scrawny child?”

Holly growled under her breath like a beast. “First of all, I’m not ‘as strong’ as you, I’m much, MUCH stronger,” she said, denting a nearby dumpster to make a point. “Second, Ty could already wipe the floor with you if he put his mind to it. And third, you aren’t worth enough to be my errand boy let alone by boyfriend, which is good, because I’m not in the market, so piss off!”

Billy’s face turned red with rage. “Who do you think you are! You are just a monster! A repulsive giant! And I’m here telling you I’d look over all your deformities-”

“Stop it, Billy,” Holly interrupted. “I know what you are doing and it’s not going to work. I’m not going to start a fight no matter what you say. I’ve heard it all before.”

“Then maybe you just need to know a man’s touch,” Billy said reaching forward to squeeze at one of Holly’s lower breasts. The anger and outrage I felt nearly made me rush out to sucker punch him, but Matt held me back.

“Well,” Holly said with a small smile. “Everyone here is a witness, you touched me first. That makes this…” she said leaning over to meet his eyes ominously, “self defense.”

Immediately after she sucker punched Billy in the cut with one of her lower arms while one of her upper arms grabbed his head and forced him down on to his knees. With another free hand she reached into Billy’s waistline and grabbed his underwear, lifting him off the ground with the most severe wedgie I have seen in my life. Billy opened his mouth to scream but Holly just covered it with a hand.

“No no, let’s not make a scene,” Holly said before tossing him out into the middle of the yard.

“Oh fuck, it hurts!” Billy whined.

“Well,” Holly said looking to Billy’s thugs. “Aren’t you going to help your boss?”

The other bullies looked at each other awkwardly until one spoke up.

“You know what, this isn’t worth it,” one said.

“Yeah, I don’t want to catch this smoke,” the other said.

And they simply turned around and walked away.

“God for a moment I felt a little sorry for the guy,” Matt said. “Not sorry enough to not record the whole thing… but sorry nonetheless.”

“That settles it,” I said. “I’ve never been more in love with Holly than I am now. I’m going to make her take me back!”

“You fell in love with her because she beat up your school bully?” Matt said. “God you are pathetic.”

“Shut up!” I snapped.

“Listen listen, it’s as good a reason as ever to pursue a relationship. I just don’t think you are going to get anywhere with these little messages of yours. Luckily… I have an idea.”

The one thing I knew is that when Matt had an idea, it’s either a stroke of genius, or a one way ticket to ruining my life. But what other option did I have…?



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