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By Leena and SeaSaltAlchemist

It was the first Valentine’s Day Amy was going to spend with her new girlfriend, Lydia. They’d known each other and been friends for year, but only a few months ago started dating. If she was honest Amy had been crushing on Lydia for quite some time though, she just hadn’t admitted it – to herself or Amy. But one night they’d gotten to talking, and Lydia confessed her feelings, and well that was that.

Both of them were hopeless romantics and loved love, so of course they both loved Valentine’s Day. Amy wanted to go all out and make Lydia a great steak dinner, get her roses and chocolates, and just do everything Right.

The morning of Valentine’s Day though, Amy woke up feeling not so great. Her whole body felt heavy and just off. She was determined to have this be a great day for the two of them though, so pushed through it and started making preparations. Before running out to buy last minute gifts she tossed the steak in a her sous vide so it would cook for a few hours while she made the rest of the preparations. She took some pain relievers as well to try to rid herself of the unsettling feeling, but nothing relieved it.

Over the course of the day the strange feelings only got worse, and a strange ache developed in her lower body. Still, she kept pushing on. She hadn’t had a happy Valentine’s Day in years, and as much as she wanted Lydia to have a good day she herself needed a good day as well.

When she got home she set up the table with a red table cloth, a bouquet of red and pink roses in the center, and tall taper candles on either side. It may be cliché, but a beautiful candlelit dinner was the vibe she was going for tonight. The heart shaped box of chocolates she left beside where Lydia would be sitting then turned to making the rest of dinner.

She had just grabbed a few potatoes to peel when a sharp pain and sudden pressure rushed into her lower back, down low just above her ass. It made her drop everything as she leaned on her kitchen counter trying to steady herself as her lower back pulsed. It hurt so much she could hardly move from her spot as she felt a long thick tail grow out from beneath her skirt. “MMMMMM,” she moaned. Something about the whole thing felt good.

Panting and in a bit of a daze from all the sensations Amy tried to slow her racing heart but her feet and heels started cracking, and before she could do anything long sharp spikes were bursting from her heels and ripping through her stockings giving her permanent high heels. She nearly screamed just from the pain.

“Nnnng god it hurts,” she said as she tried to stumble to one of the dining room chairs. She needed to sit down and calm down. She needed to sit down, this was all so much. Halfway there though she doubled over in pain, cracks and snaps spreading through her body as bulges pushed at her skin beneath her arms. Pressure built up rapidly inside her and soon her skin was ripping apart and a new set of arms was exploding from her sides. She screamed as she flopped into one of her chairs, her heart racing. She gasped for breath as she tried to calm herself. At least the pain and everything was finally subsiding. The changes seemed to finally be done.

For a bit all she could do was sit there and catch her breath as she looked over her new body. Four strong arms, a long thick lizard like tail, and permanent high heels. Not a bad look, and the extra arms would certainly help in cooking.

Cooking! Amidst all the changes she’d entirely forgotten about dinner. There was just under an hour left before Lydia was supposed to arrive. She should be able to get everything done in time if she got right to it.

Amy hurried through making the rest of dinner as much as she could while still paying careful attention to taste and how everything came out. Thankfully her brain worked fast making the necessary connections so that she could easily use her second pair of hands to peel and mash potatoes while her top set work on sauteing some asparagus. Once cooking was finished and she had everything on the table ready to go she lit the two taper candles while her other set of arms shot Lydia a text message, “You have a key, please just let yourself in when you get here.”

She didn’t have anything to wear that was made for a four armed mutant, so she did the best she could in cutting extra arm holes in one of her favorite tops. Thankfully a skirt didn’t hinder her tail at all so she didn’t really need to change that, and even though her heels had ripped through her thigh highs she decided to leave them, liking the way they looked with the skirt.

“Hello?” Lydia said as she walked into the apartment.

“Hey there!” Amy called from the bedroom. Her heart was racing. She hoped Lydia would be ok with her new form.

Lydia dropped her bag on Amy’s couch and sniffed the air, following her nose to the dining room. “Amy this is gorgeous! Are these flowers for me? You know no one has ever gotten me flowers before, right?”

Good. She liked the flowers. “Yeah, that’s why I wanted to be extra sure to get you some,” she said. “Hey, um. So, I have something to show you but…I need you to not freak out, okay?”

Lydia’s head snapped up at that. “Oh do you now?”

“No, no not like that. Just…” Amy took a deep breath and opened the bedroom door, stepping out into the dimly lit hallway. She tried to keep herself from blushing and fidgeting, but she was so nervous she couldn’t help doing both despite her best efforts.

“OH! Wow!” Lydia said when she saw her girlfriend. “I…when…when did that happen?”

“Just a little bit ago. A-as I was making dinner actually,” Amy couldn’t meet Lydia’s eyes. “I…I understand if it’s too much and you can’t-“

Lydia laid a finger on Amy’s lips, stopping her from finishing that sentence. “Hey,” she said softly then leaned over to gently kiss her girlfriend. “It’s not too much. You’re beautiful. I love you, no matter what you look like.”

Now there was no stopping the blush. “R-really?” Amy asked with a smile.

“Yes, really.” Lydia kissed her girlfriend again and soon no clothes were needed at all. Dinner was going to have to wait a little bit.




Almost thought that was the snake girl from one of your other stories at first


Cute story!