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Jane was ready to go out to the party. Miniskirt, heels and a top that barely hid her breasts, complemented by a "cute" hairstyle and makeup. "Today I'm going to have fun," she said mischievously.

Suddenly, a strange drowsiness invaded her. Stunned, she sat in an armchair as she waited for the effect to pass but the sensation only increased. Her eyes began to close and she only saw darkness.

Then suddenly opened her eyes and she that a cloth covered her eyes. She felt her whole body numb and a strange thin cloth gag over her mouth. Her face was surrounded by what appeared to be two cushions and there was a strange taste in her mouth.

"Shit... Was I kidnapped?" The terrifying thought flashed through her mind. Suddenly the cushions began to move. It was weird, they felt like they were made of... skin?

"Help!" she yelled, "Please let me go." Strangely, every word she said made her shudder with pleasure.

Behind her, she heard a voice identical to her own yelling "OH HELL NO!"

Jane froze with fear. She suddenly felt the cloth covering her head being lifted and she could see the truth. The cloth on her was her skirt, the gag was her panties and the cushions around her were her thighs… or rather the real Jane's thighs.

"This can’t be happening, I mutated?" said Jane as she looked at the head that protruded from her groin.

“Does that mean I'm… I'm a vagina?” said the head between her thighs, “OH CRAP!”

“We fell asleep because we were mutating. We're a kind of conjoined mutants… I think,” Jane said.

"That explains why I have all your memories," said Vagina-Jane sadly.

“Well… I was planning on going out today and we're going out anyway,” she said. She went to her room and put on the smallest thong she had, so as not to get in the way of her second head. She made a slit in her skirt so she could poke that head through it and then took out her makeup case and began applying makeup to her new head.

"Shit... this is exciting", said the Jane-Vagina feeling how she was being caressed. When the original Jane applied her lipstick they almost fainted.

"It seems that I'm going to do your makeup quite often"

Satisfied with Jane-Vagina's makeup, the original Jane gently caressed her face and together they went out to rule the night.




Wait, you mean that's her natural hair color?


Fun little story!


Remember, masking is important!