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Story by Sophiie93

“Are you sure this is a good idea? I'm a little concerned about how he’ll react,” Leah said as she put on her makeup.

“Of course, it is! You know how romantic David is. He won't be able to say no, especially on Valentine's Day,” Kate said, helping her sister.

"Have you told him about me?"

“Don't pretend you don't read the chats! I have told him that I am a mutant and he said that he likes mutants… so the rest is just small details.”

“You having a conjoined sister is not a LITTLE detail, you know. Besides, it's not my fault that you read the chats when I'm trying to sleep. I can't stop seeing through your eyes even if I want to!” Leah said, walking to the closet to pick out some clothes for her and David’s first real date. They’d been talking online for months but had never had a chance to meet yet.

They’d agreed to meet in front of the restaurant to make things easy. David was already there waiting, looking at his phone and kicking the ground, when Kate and Leah got there. “Hello!” she greeted.

The double voice startled David and he shoved his phone into his pocket as he looked over the mutant before him. “H-hello,” he managed to stammer out. His date was nothing like he’d expected her to be. It was like a smaller person had grown right on top of her. A smaller pair of breasts sat atop her normal ones, a small pair of arms extended from the top of her shoulders, and a fully formed face smiled on Kate’s forehead. “K-Kate?”

The upper face smiled. "In the flesh!" she said in a cheerful tone.

“Wow… you look… you look beautiful, I thought your face was very pretty in the selfies… you could have told me you had two!” David said looking her up and down.

“Well, that's because I don't HAVE two… this is my sister, Leah,” Kate said, pointing to the face below hers.

"Hi!" Leah said, waving her hand as she admired how handsome David was. "I hope my presence doesn't bother you. I promise not to interfere!"

"Your sister? Wow… I-I had no idea. It doesn't bother me at all, nice to meet you, Leah!" David said laughing nervously.

Leah smiled. "The pleasure is mine!"

The three of them looked at each other, every face a different shade of pink. "So... what's it like living with Kate?" David asked.

Leah just laughed covering her mouth. “It's super funny, you know how she is. She has a very peculiar sense of humor.”

Kate pouted and gestured with her little hands. "Yeah, yeah. Anyway, should we go inside?”

The three of them went into the restaurant and sat at a table near the back. It was fairly crowded, but none of them paid much mind to the other guests. Kate and David spoke nonstop for hours as they ate. Leah kept mostly to herself but would nod or smile or gesture when Kate needed her to.

"By the way Leah, you don't eat?" David asked.

"Nope! My sister does it for me! But don’t worry, I can still taste everything.”

"Really? That is quite curious and unique,” David said. “Do you two just share senses?”

The girls nodded their heads. "Yeah, we share all of our senses. We only have one brain, it’s just structured to house our separate consciousness’s," both of the girls' right hands went up and moved as Kate continued. "But in terms of control and sensations, we share everything, including our sight.”

“Wow that's amazing!” David said smiling. His eyes fell to Leah who hadn’t said anything the entire dinner and he felt bad.

Kate noticed this and moved their shared legs to stand up. "If you'll excuse us, we need to go to the bathroom for a moment."

"B-But... we don’t..." before Leah could protest, Kate took control of their body, leading them towards the bathroom.

"What’s wrong? We don't really need to use the restroom,” Leah said, as she looked at her sister in the mirror.

"What's the matter, sis?" Kate asked. "You've been quiet all through dinner and I know David likes you, too."

Leah sighed. “Yeah, I know. It’s just… he's your boyfriend, not mine. You met him and it's the first date we've ever had. I don't want to meddle or ruin-ouch ouuuch”

Her small right hand was pinching Leah's cheek, though both wound up winking. “Don't be silly! Do you think I would have a boyfriend without sharing him with you?! It seems like you don't even know your own sister!"

Leah was quiet for a second then smiled shyly as she looked at Kate in the mirror. "Destined to share everything huh?"

"Of course!" Kate responded. “Now please, join in our conversations when we return.”

Another woman walked into the bathroom and the girls took that as their queue to return to their date. “Sorry for the wait…” Leah said as they slid back into their chair.

“No problem,” David said. He blushed a bit when he noticed Leah looking into his eyes, but a smile brightened his face. He was glad to see her more engaged in the conversation. Another hour passed in the blink of an eye as all three of them sat talking and not paying a lick of attention to the time.

“I think it's time for us to go home. The restaurant looks like it’s wanting to close,” Kate said.

David looked down sadly. "Yeah, I think it's time. I had a blast with you two though. You are really incredible!"

"Well, you know…" Leah looked around to make sure no one was watching then unbuttoned her blouse just enough to exposure a small naked vagina beneath their large breasts. "If you want, we can go somewhere more private."

Both Kate and David gaped at the offer. "W-Wha...?! Leah! It's our first date. Why are you showing him that?" Kate said, red as a tomato.

Leah buttoned it up again and shrugged. "It doesn’t seem like he was upset with what he saw.”

“Well, I certainly didn’t expect it,” he said with a laugh. “But it's honestly, the sexiest thing I've ever seen. Your body is really wonderful. I’d be happy to go somewhere more private with you. That is, if Kate is also ok with it?”

“Well, I’m certainly not going to say no,” Kate said.

David just laughed as he asked for the check. "Tell me Leah, is your sister perhaps excited?"

“You… don-”

“Absolutely,” Leah interrupted before Kate could deny it. David looked at Kate's flushed face and leaned in to kiss her on her lips, then kissed Leah just as hard.

As soon as the check was paid, they trio got up and left, heading straight to Kate and Leah’s apartment. The moment the door was closed, they all started kissing. Kate and Leah worked quickly at removing David’s clothes, even as he pushed them back towards the bedroom and onto their bed.

"Have you had sex with mutants before?" Kate asked. She and Leah were sitting on David’s lap as he took turns kissing each of them.

"No, but the thought itself is very exciting to me," he said in between kisses. His already hard penis rubbed against the girls’ groin as they kissed deeply.

Leah looked down and blushed heavily. “Uh…er…Kate I don’t think that’s going to fit in your vagina…”

"Why do you always assume it's my vagina just because it's smaller?" Kate scoffed.

David and Leah both laughed. “Point is, we should use the lower one, right?” Leah asked.

“Yeah… sounds like a good idea to me,” Kate said. She and Leah wrapped all four of their arms around David, pulling him closer, smashing all four of their breasts against his chest. “He can always use his mouth with OUR upper vagina anyway.”

“Always so creative…” Leah said. Both girls moaned as David slid into their lower vagina. Their legs trembled and both sisters closed their eyes enjoying every moment of pleasure.

David's hands circled the girls' back as he kissed and licked their second vagina below their breasts. The girls screamed in pleasure and tightened their arms around him as they moved their hips. The double moans aroused David even more as his pace increased.

It didn’t take long at all for all three to reach an intense org asm, clinging to each other as pleasure swept through their body.

“That was amazing,” David said, licking his lips. “You two are amazing!”

The three of them lay on the bed beside each other, panting and trying to catch their breath. But Kate couldn’t help noticing how aroused David still was. "You know, we haven't had any Valentine's candy this year. I think I'd like to have some dessert in my 'other' mouth."

“I am not your other mouth! Though I can’t deny I agree,” Leah said and leaned down to lick David’s penis.

“Mmmm. I definitely have the best sister in the world,” Kate said, looking into David's eyes watching him enjoy what Leah was doing to him.

"Happy Valentine's Day," David said, panting.

"Happy Valentine's Day," Kate replied.

"Very romantic, both of you. But Kate, please don't forget to breathe for me,” Leah said.

Kate laughed mischievously. "Sorry sis... you can continue."

This was definitely a Valentine’s Day none of them would ever forget.




Great story!