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Story by Sophiie93

"Ugh I'm so fed up!" Melissa said, flopping over onto the table as her class notes scattered in the small breeze she created.

“Come on Melissa, we’re almost done,” said Natasha.

Their other friend and roommate Evie chimed in. “No, I get it. The reading is boring, and I can’t say I’m all that interested in this course anyway.”

"I’m done for today. I'm going to go take a bath!" Melissa said and rose from the table.

"Sometimes I think you chose this apartment just because it has a bathtub," Evie said as they both watched Melissa walk down the hall. The three girls were roommates and classmates, and all three were studying law.

“At this rate we won't have time to go to the pool party this weekend,” said Natasha.

Evie sighed, organizing her notes. "We'll manage. I know Melissa won't miss that party for the world."

An hour later Melissa still hadn’t emerged from the bathroom. “She must have fallen asleep…” Evie said as they crept closer to the bathroom.

“Probably wouldn’t hurt to check on her,” Natasha replied, knocking on the bathroom door. “Melissa, are you okay?” There was no response. “Melissa? I’m going to open the door…"

Slowly, Natasha cracked the door until she saw Melissa in the tub. "OH MY GOD!" she yelled, and flung the door open the rest of the way.

Evie walked in right behind her. "Wh-Wha… what’s… oh dear…"

The two were perplexed watching how Melissa was asleep in an empty tub. Melissa's body had mutated, she had a translucent appearance, with small bubbles inside her. The most shocking thing was that Melissa's small body had grown, her curves were much more noticeable now, her thighs were thicker, and her old A cup breasts had nearly tripled in size.

Evie came over quickly, touching Melissa's shoulder. “M-Melissa… are you… ugh” she started to say but pulled her hand back quickly. Tendrils of slime stretched between Evie’s fingers and Melissa’s shoulder, though it eventually snapped back to Melissa.

Melissa slowly opened her eyes and yawned. "Uhhh... I think I fell asleep," she said looking at her friends, who were just staring at her jaws agape. "What? What are you two doing in the bathroom? I can't take a relaxing bath- oh my god…” she said trying to get up when she saw her liquid body. “What the hell… what happened?” she looked at her translucent hands terrified.

“Hey, calm down…” Natasha said, sitting on the side of the tub and taking Melissa's hand tightly. The liquid quickly clung to her skin, but Natasha didn't flinch. "...you mutated while you were sleeping. It seems like you might be a slime girl.”

"A slime girl?" Melissa said, trying to hold Natasha's hand normally but her consistency prevented her from doing so. "Am I made of water?"

“Slime… this looks like slime,” Evie said, touching Melissa's arm with a finger. Her skin was a little resistant at first but right after her finger easily sank inside. Melissa let out a slow breath at the sensation. "S-Stop... don't do that, get your finger out of me!" the liquid around Evie's finger pushed her out as all three watched in surprise.

“That’s what she said,” Natasha muttered, trying to lighten the mood just a tad. Both Melissa and Evie just looked at her.

"Wow... can you control that?" Evie said impressed. Melissa moved her other hand, looking at her.

“I… I don't know, I feel very weird… like I don't have a definite shape and I'm holding this shape only with my mind. Natasha... you know more about mutants, what should I do?"

“If you can keep your shape, it's because your mind already adapted to your mutation even before it happened. Can you change the shape of your hand? Move a finger in a direction it shouldn't?" Natasha asked.

Melissa concentrated, moving her fingers normally until she focused on one of them, moving it back and then moving it like it was just a tentacle of liquid. Quickly her finger returned to normal, and she shook her hand. "Ewww, it feels so weird! Shouldn't that hurt?"

"Why would it hurt? It's not like you have bones,” said Natasha laughing.

"By the way, I see that certain parts of you have grown quite a bit" Evie said pointing to Melissa's breasts.

Melissa quickly folded her arms across her chest, hiding her larger breasts. "W-Wha... where is the water!?"

"It looks like you've absorbed it all," Natasha said.

“I still feel like I'm in the water,” Melissa said moving a hand down to cover her crotch.

“Well, you are the water after all…” Natasha said with a shrug.

“Melissa, it's not the first time we've seen you naked… don't worry about it. We should move you from here, can you stand up?” Evie said offering her shoulder.

Melissa looked at them a little embarrassed, then grabbed Evie and stood up, easier than she expected. The three girls headed to her room, leaving a trail of slime on the way.

“Geez… you're losing fluid everywhere,” Evie said.

“Evie, go get a bottle of water,” Natasha said. Evie nodded, leaving the room while Melissa just stood there waiting still looking at her body in shock.

"Well friend... it's time to practice, you can't keep leaking liquid everywhere..." said Natasha watching the drops that fell to the ground from Melissa's body.

"How do I do that?" Melissa slid her foot into one of the many drops nearby. It quickly got sucked up into her body again.

"Only slime mutants know that. I don’t really know how, just that they do,” Natasha said.

Melissa sighed and closed her eyes, trying to focus on retaining all the moisture she could, not letting it drip from her body. It took a while, but slowly the droplets stopped falling. Her body even seemed to solidify a bit, her natural skin tone replacing the blue aquatic one she’d gotten while mutating.

Melissa opened her eyes and smiled. “Ohh… wow! It's really easy, I just think about it, and it happens,” Melissa said, clapping her hands, which sent some of the liquid flying in various directions.

“Oops! Well, I still have some things to work on,” Melissa said as her friends wiped the slime off her faces.

Evie had returned with a bottle of water. “So, you should be able to create new parts right? Why don't you grow two more arms?"

Melissa pouted. "What am I your guinea pig now?" She decided to try it regardless though. Two bulges began to form on either side of her body, spreading out and forming new arms, though they only grew to her elbows before stopping. Melissa seemed to exert force with her body, even her new arms trembled as she moved them, but they didn't continue to grow. "Ugh... no... I can't take it any further… I feel like my body is tensing up."

Natasha smiled, taking Evie's water bottle. "I see, you've run out of liquid…" she said, throwing some water on Melissa, which was immediately absorbed without Melissa even thinking about it.

“Hey, don't throw water at me like that… it feels really weird when I soak it up,” she said, gesturing with her four perfectly formed hands. “Oh wow! This…feels really good,” she said looking at her lower hands and moving her fingers.

“As long as you have enough water, you should be able to change however you want,” Natasha said. “Do you think you can disguise your liquid state and transparency a bit more?”

Melissa looked down, focusing on solidifying her skin more. Slowly her hue became less transparent. At first glance, she looked like an ordinary four-armed mutant. Evie walked over and put her hand on Melissa's arm, noting how human-like her build was.

“Wow… no difference,” Evie said. “J-Just… don't force your hand, or you'll break the resistance of my skin,” Melissa said, clearly struggling to maintain that form.

"You're going to need practice... and lots of water," Natasha said, moving the bottle with the remaining water toward Melissa. "Can you touch the water without absorbing it?"

Melissa gently touched a few water drops on the bottle. Her body immediately sucked it up. "No, my skin has just absorbs it. And now I feel like my body is bigger, almost bloated. It's hard to describe."

"Well, I think you would be able to hide your slime mutation but this weekend's pool party is probably out of the question," Natasha said.

“Wh-what?? No! I'm not going to miss that!" Melissa said protesting and crossing her four arms.

"Yeah, I want to go, too!" Evie said laughing. "You'd better go."

“But she’ll absorb all the water in the pool!” Natasha said.

"Yeah, but can you imagine how Melissa will look like after that? That would be a quite impressive mutant," Evie said.

Natasha reconsidered and nodded. "You know, you have a good point…"

“Sometimes I wonder if you guys are really my friends…” Melissa said with a sigh.




I am extremely interested to see what happens when she absorbs the pool water!!!!


Love slime girls! This rocks!

Master of Muffin

The pool party would just take place inside Melissa after she absorbs the whole pool